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It’s not like it was a mutually exclusive option. I have an S9 and I swamp between wireless and wired audio all the time depending on the setting. These newer phones have only one option. Bluetooth does not work well everywhere. Frankly forcing more things into the same radio frequency just makes it worse.

What shenanigans have you gotten up to in your play throughs?

I played an evil run on my second play through. In act 3 I randomly walked into a fireworks shop and it didn’t take long for me to realize what must be done. I managed to clear the building and scavenge every firework, loose or boxed, into my stash. After finishing up all my loose ends in act 3, I hauled as much as I could...


I collect ever explosive I find along the way. At this point it’s more about “How much can the game engine and my PC handle…”. Even got a bunch of hirelings and used the vendor reset on level up to really milk some of the vendors. (This is also a great way to get some of those nastier fights in honor mode completed too…)

Just to see what would happen, in one of my evil runs, Arabella dies and for some extra spicy evil, I brought her dead body to her parents and dropped it in front of them. To my surprise… they react.

One play through I went minion master. ALL THE MINIONS. Terrible idea… each turn takes 5 years and things get clogged up real quick.

  1. The original vision for the game would have been better. EA was more interesting.
  2. Pacing and toes of gear is done poorly. There’s swords for days but only 2 interesting tridents, war picks, or hand axe for example. There’s barely any usable druid gear (anything that actually matters if you wild shape). And the most useful stuff for monks is found only in act 3.
  3. A lot of people are nitpicky only because it won so many awards and it’s not their own perfect game (if such a thing exists).

I still give this game a 10/10 for what it is. Despite knowing if it baked another year it might have been so much more.


tl;dr, the story and motivation for everything was far more fleshed out

Here’s just some of the things. Not even going into mechanics that are removed (like Wyll’s eye). Or my personal opinion some of their starting looks were a bit more interesting/better (you get a bit of an idea or from the CohhCarnage videos I link later)

There used to be way more dialog options for one. Your class/subclass/god/etc actually got reflected in more options. There was a great video of a cleric giving some unhinged prayer to the tiefling that opens the gate. It’s not major, but it adds to a lot to the game. (with all the BG3 videos now, it’s harder to find some of the classics). Also, Shadowheart had a much more interesting conversation if you were also a cleric if you were a Cleric of Shar too.

The camp was way more interesting. There’s a ton of story ripped out of the game from the camps. This, was the thing that hooked me in EA. Daisy (the in-game code name for what would be replaced by your dream visitor) would entice you with power, encourage you to use the illithid powers. And when you finally do, and the narrator says “you’ve lost something you can never get back” probably makes more sense now. Once you did that, you got a class specific illithid power. There was no weird illithid skill tree, it was based around how often you used the powers. But going back to the camp, the companions would comment more about each other. Shadowheart and Lae’Zel’s hatred for each other was shown way better, even commenting if you talked to one or the other first. Here’s a couple of examples and but overall, the camp at the end of the day was 1000x more interesting and really fleshed out the characters more and I’d say in important ways.

I’d even say the starting area (Nautiloid) was better. The current one is sufficient I guess. But the original showed you more about the fight the Illithids have with the Gith, you got to see more of the ship, what the Illithid did to people, what it meant to become a thrall (to really sell it that this is a terrifying process). But it showed you a few more mechanics too. starts at EP2, but you’ll want to go to EP 3 as well. But you can see the differences.

Tav used to talk.

For me, the story around “Daisy” was way more compelling. The song “Down by the river” is in reference to these encounters. Here’s a video on that

… So these are just some of the things, lol. There’s more like when you got down to the Underdark and some serious changes that happened there. And I haven’t even touched on the stuff that never made it in (like the extra companion that was to be a werewolf… or the original Nightsong) (you can see some of it cataloged here ) and I’m fairly certain all the companions were originally supposed to show up in Act 1 instead of 1, 2, and 3. There’s a lot of dialog from characters for places they’re not “supposed to be” like the eagles (can’t find video, but its out there). But none of that is EA stuff, just cut stuff… but if the game had baked longer… I’m just saying… it might not have been cut sutff.


I have not found a way yet to play EA again. I’ve legit e-mailed Larian asking for it too.

I can only guess as to why there was such a drastic change. Because one day (in EA) I’m playing the last EA patched version and the following day on release… a bunch of stuff blinked out of existence. My guess, is they ran out of time. Various zones (like Upper Baldur’s Gate) are just removed (said zone is just a stage now). Various story lines are incomplete. There’s story threads that stop cold (there’s supposed to be more Hags if the various letters/notes/and NPC conversations are to be believed). The whole end sequence were the capture dragon shows up… how they got that dragon is never shown… etc. So, that’s my guess, they had more ambition than time.

Oh another idea that wasn’t completed. Karlach (the last character added/worked on) is the only origin character you play that you can hear the inner thoughts/monolog. Everyone else is silent.

How are you parsing JSON on the command line?

I want to extract and process the metadata from PNG images and the first line of .safetensors files for LLM’s and LoRA’s. I could spend ages farting around with sed or awk but formats of files are constantly changing. I’d like a faster way to see a summary of training and a few other details when they are available.


Probably not popular opinion, but pwsh (powershell). It’s got a lot of tooling built in and means I don’t have to learn a different tool just because I’m in a different system.


They had a turd. They polished it up a little. It’s still the same turd.

Their ‘modern’ engine is only modern to them, but it’s pathetically behind everyone else. I can only imagine the spaghetti code that thing is at this point.


I think we’re only ever see a new engine once Todd is no longer part of the company. Because the quote him out of context ‘it just works’


I would guess man hours.

Because it’s going to take time to put those servers back in production. Depending what they did it might have causing outage to external facing customers, which will have a higher impact than internal facing. But with that amount of money, it actually seems fairly low to me so I’m guessing they weren’t public facing servers.

So it was probably the time that it takes to recreate all those servers get everything back up and running, and delayed work caused by the outage.

That’s just my guess though


Honestly, that really didn’t impress me much. Not a hard no, more of a wait and see sort of game.

Perfect Dark on the N64 was my favorite game on that console. Combat was great and the story kept me engaged. For me, it was the best N64 game.

From what they decided to show, outside the name this didn’t have any elements I would expect. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad game right out of the gate.


This exactly. Guns have way more of a kick than people think and way less ammo. Too many people believe what they see in action movies. The gun range I go to you always hear about someone who wanted to live out something the saw in a movie… Only to end up shooting the ceiling, missing the target, and finding it the mag doesn’t last minutes (for guns with an auto setting).

CaptPretentious, (edited )

The more something costs the more I expect from it. Baldur’s Gate 3, was $60 on release. If you want that or more from me, my personal expectation is your game is if the same quality or better.

I’m not even going to wait for a sale. Because by the time a decent sale comes around an indie developer has made a better game for cheaper, and I’ve already bought it, and I’m playing it. Your old, overpriced game means nothing to me. There is no shortage of entertainment and the hype for these games often dies so fast you’re really not missing out.

If you fail to pull Gale through the portal, can you recruit him later?

I failed the strength check despite being a paladin and using inspiration. I never saw him again even after getting through nearly all of act 2. I’ve asked this before, maybe even in this community, but no one gave a concrete answer, likely because the game was still new.


I think only Lae’zel and Shadowheart really have multiple chances.

Gale, Karlach, and Astarian only show up in a single place.

Wyll has a couple of places, depending. If you don’t recruit right away, he’ll show up at camp if you recruit Karlach.


It’s got good cinematics.

But remember folks do not pre-order.


I did honor mode with 4 paladins. 2 full pallys, 1 warlock/paladin, one cleric/paladin. With a dip into barrelmancey for a few fights. It was a divine slaughter.

Barbarian is great if for nothing else, the dialog options.

For my 6th run, I’ll probably let the dice decide my team.

Is say my last favorite had been … druid. Without some tpo rope cheese tactics… Your either a worse caster or your a shape changer and your great is extremely boring. Monk same realm but to a less extent. At a point probably in act 2 or starts to get better. But again the item selection for monks early on is dull and then come act 3 you have so many options. Didn’t get me wrong you can do some fun stuff with druids and monks, it just feels dull because you will go a long time with no gear change.


Dragons Dogma 2 sure did. I think they had about $40 of DLC ready day one. Same for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League


Clocks and calendars must give you nightmares…


So when they said 17,000 endings you took that as a personal challenge. Noice.


I almost can promise that “feature” Will probably have a $5 price tag, per slot.


I never played the first game. But I loved BG3 so much (having never played BG1 or BG2) and it was suggested I’d probably like this game too. I worry because I keep seeing it compared to Dark Souls, which isn’t a game I liked.


Oh, thanks for the suggestion! Never heard of that game before, I’ll have to check it out. How would you rate the story?


I can’t tell if this idea is genius or lazy. But I can say that video was entertaining.


Could be what caused the Borg to have such an interest in the federation.


I watched some episode of his YouTube series. His childish tantrum because the guest was winning was all I needed to know. The dude is emotionally immature and an asshole.


I find it unfortunate it’s not on PC. But that developer seems to not like PC’s.


Before you leave, how about you take some of the leftover hotdish home eh.

Oh, did I tell you what the Johnson’s down the road did the other day! ?

Oh you’re heading out… That’s fine, but hey take home some of these lemon bars too. Oh and tell your folks I says hi!


They won’t. Nintendo has gone on record many times they didn’t care about competing at all in hardware. They think that if a game is fun, that’s all that matters. Ignoring the fact that if the game runs poorly or looks poorly then it will directly affect the fun factor, which makes ports at risk.

It’ll probably be an updated Nvidia SoC, but still bottlenecked my Nintendo (like the current switch is) because mobile battery life is all they really care about.


That’s good to hear! I’ve held off checking it out until the queue got better.

What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?

My girlfriend has never really gamed. But she’s now forced to move less than she would like to (health problem) and she’s getting bored. I was thinking of introducing her to a game or two that we could play together. She’s not the real action game type, and seeing as she has no experience with controller/mouse and keyboard...


I liked some of the ideas of the game. But found the story and gameplay loop uninspiring and dull. And the sound design, awful. Before you get to the first hub I’d already turned off the music.

Got some great designs and some great sets. Certain ideas somewhat reminds me of chrono trigger.


That is beyond optimistic for consoles. Maybe three or four more generations worth.


Except you definitely make up for it and probably pay more (depending on what hardware cost your comparing to of course) on the consoles. All three consoles have subscription-based services that are more or less required. Some of the controllers for the consoles are as much or more than a keyboard or mouse. You rarely see a price decline of any of the games (especially Nintendo), and certainly nothing as near as what you’ll find on PC.

So consoles are a cheap upfront cost that’s recouped overtime. I’m not saying that consoles are definitely more expensive, but the true cost of ownership is somewhat muddled.


Well, it’s hard to say. Player count still exists, but appears to be trending down. This is likely due to the season model they’re going for. Blizzard isn’t very forthcoming with numbers, so everyone’s looking towards this 3rd party for numbers


It would never happen. Because then they’ll lawyer up to fight “what does reasonable mean”.

And I predict that they’d say well if a whale is going to pay for it, they would imply that the assumption is that that person works 40 hours a week thus does not have time to play. Does a reasonable amount of time to play the game to earn something is then a full-time job.

Which is absolutely absurd. But the name of shareholder profits that’s exactly where they’ll go.


I find it hard to believe McDonald’s was losing money on the dollar menu items. Considering they owned the entire process from factory, shipping, to restaurant. Back in the 90’s even I know the fountain drinks alone were insanely profitable.


I mean, I worked there. I was there when the beany baby craze was in full effect. The profit margins even back then were huge since they control the entire supply line. Never thought I’d see the day people come out to be apologists for McDonalds.

Their revenue from 2002 when they introduced the dollar menu meal was $15.40 B. Then climbed to 20 billion by 2005 and has bounced between 20 to 28 billion every year since except for 2020 where they dipped to 19 billion. They are far ahead of…/gross-profit

Why I’m getting downvoted because a video (that wasn’t linked) had someone talking about a Yum! branded company (Taco Bell) whos profits tanked in 2016 (from $13B to $1.89B) mentioned McDonalds… who’s not seen any sort of comparable problems as based on the links I provided… is beyond me.


The IP was my only interest. Games like this I get bored with so I generally avoid. But the views of the school looked great and I’ve always wanted to walk around it, like the fantasy version of it. I’ve been to the real set and walked around that which is cool. My only complaint is I bought it on PC so I didn’t get to see Azkaban.


I thought that was a PlayStation exclusive


Since Land O’Lakes is a Minnesota company it should be a Minnesota crypted. Minnesota shares mini cryptids with many other locations mothman, Bigfoot, etc.

But if you want to really place it, brand and cryptid… Then Duluth Dogman is perhaps your best option that I am aware of.


Can you do a second one with Land O’Lakes but use the prompt ‘Duluth dogman’


Appreciate you doing that! Not even remotely what I thought was going to come back, lol. But instead of creepy we got wholesome. 👍


I tried Last Epoch. 10 hours in and it’s the most boring thing.

Been having fun in PalWorld though


I’m actively trying not to start up my 4th run. I beat it three times back to back. And I have a multiplayer game going. I also have a slew of partially started games. But I have to give it a break because there’s a point where it’s a hobby and there’s a point where it’s an addiction for me


No Minthara! This omission will not go unnoticed or unpunished.

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