@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar




Bit of a mess, kinda depressed, and going through a gender identity crisis :3

(Ongoing issues, brain pls fix)

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@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Since I primarily use English despite being a native German speaker I always get those jumbled up and it bugs me so much. People dictate long numbers in sets of two or three digits, but instead of saying the digits, they say them as numbers. Then it’s like “3 & 40” and I write 34 because my brain goes “first number, first digit” until I notice that I made this error again and have to correct it. It takes way more mental effort than it should and it annoys me that so many people say these as numbers instead of as actual sets of digits, which wouldn’t be a problem in most other languages, but nooooo of course we need to add a good ol’ switcheroo right at the end there

Is the Proton (Mail, VPN, Password Manager) ecosystem any good?

Due to the recent announcement of Proton moving to a non-profit structure (although not becoming fully non-profit) I’ve decided to take another look at them and really, Proton Unlimited is an enticing offer. However, the fact of everything from mail, to accounts, to storage being in one place is somewhat disconcerting. Also I...

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Wait, it doesn’t support caldav? That really kills the appeal of the convenience they provide as a one-stop-shop, as I’d have to deal with hosting my calendars in another way. I guess at that point I could just get SimpleLogin and use the rest as I have it, even if that gets close to proton unlimited price-wise…

Your beginner keyboard and regret buying that?

What was your beginner keyboard and which keyboard are you using now? It seems, that a lot of people tend to prefer smaller keyboards with layers. I myself am a bit intimidated by them, and would much prefer a somewhat more traditional number of keys, like the Lili58 or the Sofel has (as for now, I think I will get a Lili58)....

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I use my computer normally, but importantly for ergo keyboards, I also play video games. Due to that, initially I looked into ZSA with their Moonlander, as it seemed to fulfill the role of being ergonomic, while having enough keys to let me comfortably game. As usual, a compromise solved neither issue. Due to neither being overly comfortable, nor being satisfactory for gaming, I ended up selling it. I’m now on a Piantor Pro and so far it’s pretty decent, while keeping my old traditional keyboard around for games. It’s not perfect, but if you play games and want an ergo keyboard there doesn’t seem to be anything that truly is.

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Speaking of seamless, I heard Plasma 6 is gonna come with Wayland as a default now. Do you think it’ll automatically switch you over or is it just for fresh installs?

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am on EndeavourOS and install packages via the command line and on top of that I primarily use Neovim, so I spend a decent amount of time in the terminal

CatLikeLemming, (edited )
@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Understandable and fair. I enjoy trying different stuff though. I’m not saying other people need to switch to another terminal emulator, I’m just here to ask what everyone else is using and then try it out myself, for fun :3

Edit: To add onto that, if I didn’t wanna try new stuff, I’d still be on Windows. I never had any major problems with it until I discovered the things Linux does better, and so if I just went with what seems fine I’d still be using Windows now. There’s not an inherent problem with that, of course, but overall the switch has benefited me. I like trying new things, you know?

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Most people here suggested meme names, but that’s actually a really great idea! And the names are pretty beautiful on top of that. I hope OP chooses this despite it being far from the top comment.

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I feel severely called out by section 3, especially the last four (¬_¬;)

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

After reading all this, and generally being predisposed towards Arch since my experience with EndeavourOS has been rather comfortable so far^1^, I’d say I’ve less been rationally convinced of using it, but rather not deterred enough. So I think I’ll just go with Arch, but make sure to keep my home folder in a separate partition, so I can bail if needed, with Fedora as my preferred backup.

1: Well, I say it’s been comfortable for me, and that’s true, but a friend of mine who installed EndeavourOS at the same time as me recently booted his pc up to find a terminal staring back at him. He says he didn’t do anything weird, and didn’t even update, but who knows. If I understood him correctly, reinstalling (one of) the Kernel(s) (I think he has two installed, one as a backup) fixed the issue. Problem is that this takes time, and when you’re not home, with shitty or possibly no wifi, that’s gonna be a big problem.

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No no, you don’t get it. Windows has problems, but switching to Linux would be like leaving your home country because you don’t like its political trends. Where’s your OS patriotism? There’s no need for Linux, because you can just keep using Windows and hope Microsoft ends up doing what’s best for their customers products :)

I’m paraphrasing here, but that’s an actual thing the CEO and founder of Epic Games posted on Twitter: nitter.net/timsweeneyepic/…/964284402741149698

CatLikeLemming, (edited )
@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

As much as I theoretically agree, I can immediately think of two problems:

  1. The storefronts would have to communicate

It’s against their own interest to do this. Imagine you buy all your games on Steam because of the sales (although the creators of the game of course decide the prices, but still) and then play them on your Xbox. No profit at all for Microsoft, yet they’re the ones providing all the additional services like the actual game hosting, friends system, etc. It’s not much by any means, but it does add up. The money all goes to Valve. You could even buy the games via the Steam mobile app if you don’t even own a PC. Also, even if they were theoretically fine with this, even coordinating it would be a pain. Since you could put a game on the Google Play Store, the App Store, hell maybe even F-Droid, Epic Games, GoG, Steam, the Xbox Store, and the Play Station store, and I am absolutely certain I forgot multiple other options, all of them would need to be able to communicate and decide on if you actually own the game. This would be a logistical and technical nightmare.

  1. Companies would just sell mildly different versions and claim it’s a new game

You know how for example Undertale has a slightly special Nintendo Switch version where there’s… I can’t even remember, but I think it’s an additional boss. That’s just something small and cute, but let’s go with the GTA example. I have played about five hours of 5 and dropped it, so excuse me if this isn’t the best theoretical example, but let’s say the PS5 and Series X/S get the base game. Then the PS6 and new Xbox get maybe five additional cars and the game they’re selling is GTA 6 Expanded. Afterwards on switch (although by that time Nintendo’s new console would’ve released) you get blue and red weapon skins or whatever and it’s GTA 6 Switched Up. And then finally on PC you get the GTA 6 Ultimate Edition with expanded settings, better graphics, and maybe five more cars on top of those from GTA 6 Expanded. These are all technically not the same game, so you would not be able to claim them. Sure, you could argue they’re similar, but where is the exact line? That’s quite impossible to figure out - is it a cheated rehash or a mediocre remaster? Who knows

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I bought an HP Envy, one of these convertible laptop thingies, when I didn’t know any better. The hinge broke about a month after the warranty expired. Repair costs (at a local repair shop, but still) were like 200€ because apparently I had to buy a whole new top cover for the damn repair to work

Anyways, I’m gonna buy a Framework laptop next because fuck going through that again

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yes and no. I’ve seen people roughly port smaller games over in a single weekend. I’d probably take a guess of about 1-2 weeks, not multiple months. Godot is surprisingly similar. Obviously it’s not all gonna be best practice, but since it also supports c#, you can more or less just copy and paste the code and slowly sift through compiler errors, replacing old Unity stuff with new Godot stuff. It’s a pain, but not quite as much as you’d expect

Take a read for yourself: Brian Bucklew porting Caves of Qud from Unity to Godot

How do you choose a right ergo keyboard for you?

I’ve slowly been going down the rabbit hole of ergo keyboards and want to replace my current “normal” full-size keyboard, but the sheer amount of variation there is, even disregarding the usual differences like rgb or some extra macro keys or whatever, is kind of giving me decision paralysis, so I’d like some help....

@CatLikeLemming@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thank you to all of you for the great advice <3

I think for now I’ll get a Moonlander, or at least something similar, and in the (very) long run, if I’m not satisfied or it doesn’t suit all my needs, invest in a soldering kit and a 3D printer to start testing out more and more smaller diy style keyboards (depending on how many I’ll test that’s probably cheaper, tinkering is fun, and I’ll probably find other uses for those as well) to see what fits me best, or what I could use as a secondary option.

But for now, I’ll just get a nice base that will certainly work. Experimentation comes later. Thank you all. I’ll be sure to at least have a good look at all the keyboards recommended here, and make a list of my favorite ones for long-term experimentation, but at the time I just don’t quite have the money for more than one keyboard, even if many of them seem very cool (;・∀・)

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