

Yes, I’m screaming all that. Capslock is still cruise control for cool, y’all.


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I love this so much. No notes. I have nothing to add. I want this to be a thing.


If anyone can tolerate full-contact Klingon nookie, it’s a former Borg.

We all know she only goes halfway to full force with Tom, and he still probably gets all kinds of contusions and cuts. And he can’t just step into an alcove and regenerate that shit. Dermal regenerators and hyposprays will only get you so far.


“Gee, where you been, Commander? The entire uridium industry’s gay. Starship design, too. And the interstellar freighters.”


I don’t think you understand the degree to which I can hear this in his voice.


I heard that in Quark’s voice.


“Double strong, double sweet.”


In this case, the gold brick might also be filled with latinum.


Apart from my telepathically unreadable brain, they’re my best feature.

Hmm. Now that I think about it, the brain parts are also lobes.


Goddammit, I knew I shouldn’t have looked on eBay, just to see how much that poster is.

I am NOT spending 130 goddamn dollars on that fucking poster.

But I need you all to understand that I desperately WANT to do exactly that.


The size of this image is making it a little weird. This one was clearly designed to be a full-sized poster, and unless you’re viewing the image on a very large display, it kinda pushes the amount of convergence that your eyes have to do into the slightly-too-small range.

That means you’re likely adjusting your eyes to a point that doubles the correct convergence distance, and you’re getting a garbled image.

Even when you do get it to appear correctly, the too-small size will make the illusion of depth somewhat less effective than it would be if you were looking at it, in the intended scale.

EDIT: The source for this knowledge = every book about stereograms that I could ever find. Which was weirdly only a couple that actually discussed how they work, rather than just having a bunch of them printed. But I was legit OBSESSED with stereograms, back in the 90s. I read about them the way a kid who suddenly grows past 6’4" suddenly starts reading about basketball.


That’s how I’d want them to dispose of me, if I died in the Star Trek universe. I mean, they already launch some of their dead people into space, in torpedo-casings. Just pack as much gunpowder as you can, around my corpse, and set that shit to detonate.


If you reverse the polarity on that sucker, it become bechnotabble.


I feel like this line of reasoning is how Chakotay’s people wound up with that electric ball-tripping machine.


It’s probably useful in fps or with ultrawide/span monitor setups.

That might be the case, but I still think it would just give me motion sickness. That’s what has happened, every time I’ve accidentally had one axis set to a larger value than the other. It just makes me feel like my hands and eyes are disconnected.

But if some people dig it, that’s cool.


I’ve never tried it deliberately, but every time I’ve accidentally set the X and Y to different values, it has just destroyed my accuracy and made me motion-sick, into the bargain.

But I guess you could get used to it, and then it could give some kind of objective advantage.


I’ve been playing FPS games since Wolfenstein 3D (and most people didn’t even use the mouse for those very early FPSes), and I have never considered trying that. As I said to a couple other people, I’ve accidentally set the X and Y to different values, and it just destroys my ability to aim.

But, ya know, I haven’t practiced it. It could offer an objective advantage, of some kind.

At any rate, I’m just glad there are people using it. It would be weird if it was a very common option in modern games, with nobody putting it to use, at all.


I’ve definitely seen people use different X and Y settings, on all kinds of different joystick-style deices. I’ve even occasionally set different X and Y values on those, myself.

I’m specifically talking about the mouse situation.

Would be nice if you could lock them together, but that is a little more complex and requires more thought to do

I think the reverse is true. Up until a few years ago, it was VERY rare to see any games (or any other apps) give users separated control over each axis, for the mouse. Back in the day, there wasn’t ALWAYS even a GUI-enabled setting for sensitivity, at all. You’d just type a console command, and it would adjust the overall mouse sensitivity, which would be applied to both the X and Y.

I’m sure there were some of those games, where you could indeed use a different console command to change each axis, separately.

At any rate, once you’ve implemented a setting in the graphical user interface menu system for changing the X and Y, it technically would involve a bit more effort to provide an option to lock them together, so I don’t mind just adjusting X and Y to the same values, myself.

I was just curious whether anyone out there actually is setting their horizontal and vertical mouse movement to different values, at all, or if it’s just an option with nobody making use of it.


The more people mention this, the more I’m almost starting to continue trying it. If you really get used to it, it probably does make it easier to adjust the Y axis for headshots, while you’re turning through the X axis. Basically, if you have to cover more Y axis space on the mousepad to adjust the same amount of Y pixels on the screen, you’d theoretically be less likely to move too much in that axis, and overshoot where you want to place the crosshairs.

On the other hand, I’ve been using the same values for X and Y for decades. There’s a lot of accumulated muscle memory to reprogram.

Now I wonder how many pro FPS players play with different X and Y settings…


As I’ve said to a couple of people, I definitely have seen people set different X and Y settings on joysticks/thumbsticks/tilt-controls. I’m specifically talking about the mouse version, which I’ve never actually encountered anybody using, up until the testimony of these people, in this thread.

And yeah, my experience is the same as yours. It’s only been in the last six or seven years that I’ve really started to see games include options to set individual axis controls for the mouse.

In those most current years, though, it has been a very common option. The majority of medium-to-AAA budgeted games include the option. I did figure that meant some people were using it. I just wondered how common it really was. I’d never considered trying it myself, deliberately, until now.




I think I would actually lose my mind, trying to switch to inverted Y. Have you always rolled like that?


That’s a really good point. I’m a full-palm-grip sort of mouse user, where I only use the fingers to click, and all the movement come from the arm itself. I suspect that means I’d get less utility out of changing the axis values.



Why do so many people keep responding with comments about controllers???

I am exclusively talking about mouse settings. Was that somehow not clear? I mean, I never said anything about controllers.

I’m not mad, I’m just really REALLY confused.



And another response about controllers. I just checked my post again, and I literally didn’t mention ANYTHING about controllers.

I don’t mind talking about controllers, but I’m genuinely curious. Why are so many people mentioning controllers, when I was only talking about mouse controls?


Yep. Beverly dumped a surprising amount of points into Conjuration.


What if I go pick you up a couple 12-packs of Coors Light and a big grip of Slim Jims? Then we’re cool?


Yeah, I guess. And then he gets to bang that weird alien, inside the body of that woman. I guess it’s technically a threesome, every time they do it.


EXACTLY. Uncle Zef never would have been an annoying square, like that.


Spot on.


That just means it’s a truly special occasion, when Riker gets to stick his rod of diplomacy into a quadruped. Or an amorphous blob. Or a cluster of colonial organisms, who have to be pushed around in a large bucket on wheels. Or an energy field.


That’s gonna give me actual nightmares.


Okay, I’m just now noticing something that I realize I had been seeing on a whole bunch of the male actors, in the original series, and other shows form that general era:

Was there something in the water, back in the 60s and 70s that made dudes’ arms hairier? Because these motherfuckers have sweater levels of hair, on the ol’ forearms.

I don’t even think Shatner has it anymore. Is age-related arm baldness a thing? I guess, now that I think about it, my legs might be a bit less hairy in middle age than they were, when I was 19. But that could be my imagination. And I don’t think my arms are any less hairy.

But thing is, my arms aren’t NEARLY as hairy as actors you’d see in the 60s through the early 80s. And yet, now, there is basically no visible arm hair on male actors. And I routinely see grown men with basically zero arm hair, out in the world. Are people shaving that shit? IS there something happening to make people grow less body hair?

I’m confused.


I guess. But, now that I think about it, I know people in old family photos and other amateur media all seem hairier.

So ARE people shaving their arms? I have never talked to any guy who does that. I’ve never seen any advertising for razors that refers to shaving arm hair. If a whole bunch of people are doing it, I don’t think they’d all be keeping it a secret, right?

So are people totally getting less hairy?


All good points, of which I was at least somewhat aware. You are helping me to refine my actual questions, to a much greater degree of specificity. So, this is what we’ve got:

  1. Are current-day leading men (or really, any actors who will be displaying their bodies) shaving their arms and/or chests? I guess they might be. Ryan Reynolds might be just as naturally hairy as the late Burt Reynolds, but he just shaves it? Or lasers it? Or gets Blake Lively to help him wax that shit? I can see them making some truly weird social media posts about that, now that I think about it.

1(b). Or are today’s actors actually less hairy, because the whole population is less hairy? See the next question.

  1. What about how I’ve noticed less hairy regular folks, outside of any acting or on-screen context? As I said, flipping through photo albums from the 60s, 70s, and 80s really seems to show more hairy people, in those decades, compared to the present day. Now, I didn’t just go and make any kind of survey, but I have a pretty good visual memory, and I know I have noticed a lot more hairy people, in those albums. I suppose it absolutely could be confirmation bias, but I don’t think so.

And I’m CERTAIN that there are very few hairy people that I’m encountering, out “in the wild,” so to speak. Whether or not they were everywhere 40-60 years ago, I know they seem to be thin on the ground, now. But is that my imagination? Can someone prove that there are just as many hairy individuals as ever, and I’m just not seeing them? If it’s true that there are less hairy people in the population, what could possibly be causing it? Estrogen (or other hormones, etc) in the water? Seriously? I mean, conspiracy nuts like to talk about that shit, so I’m hesitant to even bring it up…but could that be a thing?

2(b). As in 1(b), are the hairy people still out there, but they are shaving and waxing and lasering their hair off, just like Ryan Reynolds might be? Is anyone out there reading this, while they’re dipilating, for the sake of modern fashion?


Younger still doesn’t mean less hairy, though, so I’m still confused.

I mean, people are still going through puberty. Less exposure to toxic tobacco smoke shouldn’t be delaying puberty and suppressing body hair growth.


Oh god. The first thing that came to mind was how many “feline supplement” variants Data had programmed into the replicator. The way they’re numbered implies that there were at least 221 of them.

Maybe some of them were WAY TOO EXPERIMENTAL.


Oh, I like that. That’s fully in my head-canon, now. Scotty is blasting out waves of full-on Scots lingo, and the computer is barely able to chew through it.

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