

Yes, I’m screaming all that. Capslock is still cruise control for cool, y’all.


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Bob’s Gagh.

ChillDude69, (edited )

Yeah, fair enough. But there were still a bunch of humans on that dirt-farming planet, right? I guess maybe they weren’t allowed to have cats, for some reason. But I dunno. I know what would happen in the United States right now, if someone tried to ban cats. It would get real ugly, real fast, for whoever tried to pull that shit.

So I still say, if Worf hung out with humans for any chunk of time, he should have seen cats. Or at least, like, a shitload of vintage cat memes and videos. Those would still be going around on all the Earth communications networks, for sure. It’s a huge part of human culture.


Well, this motherfucker DID switch sexes, turn into an iguana, and suspiciously look like four or five very different orange cats, over the years. So, ya know, you might be onto something.


Yeah. But humans and cats do. A little nuclear war and political rearranging won’t make anyone willing to give up cats.


Not to keep arguing, but he understood that pet targs were a thing. Although, now that I think about it, I don’t know if they eventually eat those, too.


Yeah, I guess so. I was wondering how long a pet targ might be kept, and now I recall that Martok said he’d had his old targ “since [he] was a boy,” up until the point when his wife was moving into his house, and deliberately let him wander out into the woods, or whatever.

So I guess the Klingons who do have pet targs are definitely keeping them as full pets, and not some weird halfway situation, where they’re a pet until they get fat enough to eat.


You make some excellent points. I mean, who was the one person who instantly got along with Spot and had zero problems catsitting? Fuckin’ Barclay. Broccoli himself. The weirdest motherfucker in space.


I don’t understand how y’all Scandinavian motherfuckers can eat licorice like this. Do you really like that shit, or are you just trying to mess with everyone else’s heads?


Also imminently possible. But people really do want to leap to that “they have two thick, meaty, ridged, bony Klingon shafts” conclusion.


Probably. But I enjoy throwing cold water on everyone’s boner parade.


Exactly. I’m suggesting it’s more that they’re shooting both barrels into the same target.

I mean, yeah, it also could be a situation where there are two separate vaginas, two separate birth canals, and two separate uteruses. But does that mean the Klingon female can get double-pregnant? Like, you could have identical twins that come out of the same womb, but also fraternal twins that come from the same womb…but ALSO, you could have twins where one develops in the dorsal womb and the other develops in the ventral womb?

Or even quadruplets, where it’s one set of twins and another set of twins.

Either way, when that water breaks, get ready to ride the wave. Also, Klingon placentae would be some crazy shit. Ya gotta know that.

ChillDude69, (edited )

Maybe Klingon twins always kill each other, in the womb. Maybe there are ALWAYS twins, and one always emerges victorious.

EDIT: they LITERALLY emerge victorious. And maybe that’s the original basis for the ritual, where they scream to the gods, after someone dies. The very first thing a Klingon does in his whole life is commemorate his first bloody victory by screaming, as a newborn.


Yup. Probably because that fetus took after the human side. And the deeply buried, primal memory of slaughtering and absorbing her weak human equivalent is the root of her problems. Ya know, how she is perpetually horrified by her violent and predatory Klingon side, but equally disgusted by her weak and vulnerable human side. Makes sense.


the pee streams are parallel.

See, this is what I must have been seeing, without realizing it on a conscious level.


Or, as they call it, a Chancellor A’Gagh.

(yes, I just put an A with an apostrophe, before “gagh”)


Klingon dicks.



That’s the final boss of this line of discussion.


I think Rom just needs to walk into this conversation, clear his throat and raise one eyebrow, and everyone will realize he won the whole goddamn game.

I’m not even talking about him becoming Nagus. That’s probably more hassle than it’s worth. Leeta is where it’s at.


Word. At the very least, it was obvious that Rom was more than happy with his domestic situation. I’m not sure Admiral Ross has EVER actually been happy.


They especially won’t, since 2024 generative-AI panic will make everyone root against the droids.

I’m not saying there aren’t valid concerns, but people act as if ChatGPT’s existence suddenly made the Terminator movies into a fucking documentary.

Motherfuckers remind me of the weirdos hunting down robots to kill in that redneck carnival, in the second act of Steven Spielberg’s A.I. : Artificial Intelligence.

ChillDude69, (edited )

I want a traditional, multi-camera 1980s-90s sitcom, following the lives of a completely ordinary and typical Klingon family.

Like, nobody’s actually currently serving in the Klingon Defense Forces, they’re not a noble house, the adults have normal jobs, the kids have problems in school, etc. The writers just break out unashamedly cliché-ridden scripts, like it’s Family Matters or Full House or Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper.

Just a few episode premises, off the top of my head:

The teenage son gets waaaaay into human metal music, but nobody else in the household can stand it.

The father of the family has his relaxing weekend ruined, when his highly religiously observant in-laws take the Day of Honor far too seriously.

A crafty Ferengi catfishes the eldest daughter, using a holo-generator to create a whole fake boyfriend who’s too good to be true. He’s not a dashing war hero, he’s just there to steal the family’s financial access codes. The tech-savvy middle brother figures out what’s going on and reverse-catfishes the Ferengi, with a hologram of his own. But it’s a little creepy, because it’s a fake Klingon woman who convinces the scammer that she wants to adopt a Ferengi lifestyle, including the submissive servitude and constant nudity.

Feral targs keep raiding the mother’s gagh breeding tub, which she tends in the backyard. The father and eldest son take turns watching over the area with a disruptor at the ready, but they end up shooting the neighbor’s prize show-targ instead. They only wound the beast, but the mother reveals that there’s a huge targ-breeder show the next day, and they have to scramble to take the animal to the vet and get him fixed up, before the neighbor comes home to get him.


Heeeeeey, now. I wouldn’t call myself a moron. More like…ummm…a neurodivergent?


Word. Also, fun fact: when I made that video edit, I was initially soooooo annoyed that the only image of a fleshlight that I could find that was even close to the right foreshortened angle was, like, weirdly at a 45 degree angle.

Like, watch it again and see. You might not have noticed it, at first. The…raised butt flaps? Ass-gina hybrid genitalia flaps? Whatever they are, they’re rotated. It annoyed me so much. But now I’m like “this is fine. It makes it funnier.” I made peace with it.


I wonder if you could modify the 3D printer file, so that it’s secretly also a cocktail shaker.

EDIT: “Can I interest anyone in a Jamaharon on the Beach?”

Can someone explain to me why Honkai: Star Rail is treated as something other than trash? I keep seeing posts about it, all over.

It’s a free-to-play mobile gacha game. Therefore, it is trash. That point simply cannot be argued. It’s not up for debate. If you’re here to debate that point, please don’t even bother. All mobile games are trash. All free-to-play games are trash. All gacha games are trash. Again: there is no debate about that....


I don’t have to play any mobile F2P gacha games, in order to know that they’re trash. That whole category of “games” is morally and ethically unacceptable.

Individuals can like whatever they want, but that doesn’t change the moral and ethical implications. It is never okay to associate with gacha games, on any level.


I actually got my answer. Apparently, there really are elements in the game that would have been valid, if they were in an actual game, instead of a money-sucking, immoral racketeering enterprise.

I wanted to know if that was the case, or if it was just about anime perverts getting off on anime tiddys.


whatever reason

Ain’t no “whatever” about it, my dude. Have I not explained my reasons enough for you to have a basic understanding of them?

And I literally was curious. I was wondering if this game had any nuggets of actual unique (wasted) potential, or if it’s just particularly successful at playing the psychological trickery of: ANIME TITS --> SLOT MACHINE ELEMENTS --> MORE ANIME TITS --> A TINY SLICE OF GAMELIKE ACTIVITY --> MORE TITS --> MORE GAMBLING --> MORE TITS, etc.


Its ok to let people like the things they enjoy

Not when those things are destructive and unethical.

You a big fan of slavery, too? It’s alright with you if people like kidnapping and forced labor? That’s fine?

No. Ethics exist. Gacha games are not acceptable, from a moral and ethical standpoint. If you like that shit, you’re not okay.


What other blatantly unethical shit are you into? Slavery? Dumping radioactive and chemical waste into nature preserves? Do you have to see all examples of that shit on a case-by-case basis, to see if you’re cool with it?


I’m prejudiced against gacha games in the same way that I’m prejudiced against slavery, murder, kidnapping, rape, etc. These are all things that are unethical and immoral. We SHOULD be prejudiced against things that are unethical and immoral. That’s how being a good person works.


You’ve yet to articulate what’s unethical

Getting. People. Addicted. To. Fucking. Gambling. And. Taking. Their. Fucking. Money.

That’s the goddamned unethical part, chief.

I mean, are you fucking serious? I had to spell that shit out for you, word for fucking word? I can’t even figure out the degree to which you’re fucking gaslighting me. Which is the point, I suppose. Congratulations.


My main problem is with F2P mobile games that have any kind of gambling mechanics associated with them, or any games that are set up to get you to pay endlessly for the privilege of playing the game, even though it’s not marketed as a subscription service game.

World of Warships, World of Tanks, and War Thunder are the big non-mobile offenders, in this regard.

Games like Fortnite and Apex are just on the acceptable side of things, because they’re mainly selling cosmetics. They’re not claiming to be free, then blocking off large sections of the game behind grind-fests, which you can then get rid of with paywalls. As far as I know, you can play all the Apex and Fortnite you want, and the only temptation to spend money is based on “oooh, I want that cool-looking thing.”

Resisting the impulse to buy a cool-looking thing is everyone’s own responsibility. Therefore, selling cool-looking things isn’t unethical. Getting someone addicted to gambling and/or using Skinnerian conditioning to slowly acclimatize them to paying for a “free” game is NOT okay.


other people spending money on the game doesn’t impact you

So you’re just confirming that you’re a psychopath/sociopath.


I realize this is a completely foreign concept to you, so I’ll try to explain it in very simple terms, one final time:

I am not going to support a game with a gambling-based structure, because I care about other humans. I refuse to support unethical developers who are exploiting gambling addicts. That’s completely separate from whether I’m going to spend money on the game myself, or whether I’m theoretically able to get everything I want from the game, without the gambling ever affecting me.

Again, I realize that your neurology isn’t correctly configured to experience empathy. You can’t be fixed.


The high percentage of psychopaths/sociopaths in this community is RAPIDLY educating me on that point. Rest assured.


Oh, so I’m supposed to know EXACTLY which kind of reptilian monster you are?

Doesn’t matter to me. You’re not a human. You’re an unfeeling beast, without the emotional capacity to care for other people. You’ve admitted that much, and that’s all I need to know. Everything else you’ve said makes total sense, now.


Whatever, Dexter.


Yeah, I realize that. I just strongly dislike admitting I’m wrong, especially to people who are, like, cartoonishly wrong themselves.


I see what you’re saying. It just gets to me, the fact that their starting point was basically “morals and ethics don’t exist. Everything is just personal preference.”

At that point, it’s like I’m compelled to give SOME KIND OF EXAMPLE of what a morally wrong thing might be.


The Girls Frontline game seems to occupy basically the same space as Fortnite, from what you’re saying. Also, I really appreciate the fact that you’re questioning my position in a constructive way, unlike a lot of the people here, who basically jumped at me, automatically taking a de facto position of defending all gacha games, no matter how predatory.

Being asked these questions in a constructive manner isn’t just more polite, it IS actually constructive. It’s helping me to refine and understand my own position. I strive to be consistent and logic-driven, in my opinions, but nobody’s perfect. I can admit that some of my views may be somewhat emotion-based, and can be specified and sharpened based on discussion.

I think the most important thing to avoid, if you don’t want to be playing a game that’s unethical (and maybe even dangerous) is anything that combines a stamina refilling, gameplay limiting mechanic AND a pay-to-roll gacha mechanic. The worst of those being the kind where the common characters (or weapons, mechs, cars, etc) are super-duper weak, compared to the rare and overpowered characters.

Either one of those mechanics can be bad, especially if it’s tied to spending money. Combining them together is extra bad. It’s even worse if the game continually markets itself as “free.”

If a game has no stamina-based playtime-limiting mechanic AND the unlockable characters/skins are entirely (or almost entirely) cosmetic, I figure it’s basically fine.


Hey, I didn’t mean to make it exclusively about anime titties. There are completely non-anime-related games that use exploitative gacha mechanics.

I’m referring to games that exploit gambling addicts. Do you understand that situation? The harm that is being caused by games openly exploiting people who can’t control themselves?

It’s exactly the same as serving alcohol to an alcoholic. If you do that shit, you’re an asshole.

And gacha games are even worse than actual casinos, for two reasons:

First, because they don’t involve the players winning money, the racketeers aren’t even putting any of their own cash at risk. Even with the house advantage, there’s always SOME chance that a real casino will lose money, every time someone pulls a slot machine lever. Gacha games, though, they don’t lose any money when you win a character, or a skin, or a weapon, or some fake gold pieces.

Secondly, because there’s no real money being won, gacha games evade existing laws against gambling. People are free to LOSE their money, all the way to zero, but they can’t win a cent, so it’s all nice and legal.

That shit is fucked up. Gacha games are built on savage exploitation. I’ll hasten to add that not all F2P games are based on the most awful version of this metric. Some games don’t encourage the gambling mentality nearly as much, and I should have given them credit, sooner. If you’re just able to buy skins or gold or whatever, it’s not as bad. As long as the game doesn’t come back in some other direction and get you by limiting your ability to play the game with artificial “stamina” mechanics, or whatever else, and pry exploitative amounts of money out of you, that way.


I’ve been glued to, ever since I finally broke down and decided “it’s not gonna get much cheaper than this” during the Steam sale.

It’s exactly, precisely what I thought it would be. Half completely freeform “let’s crash cars and watch them crumple in slow motion” and half “let’s do these scenarios.” Flip back and forth between the two, and it’s suddenly “oh, SHIT, how did three hours go by already???”

I’ll get around to poking my nose into the modding scene, soon enough, too. I haven’t even touched that side of it, yet.

Also, the game apparently has VR support, which I didn’t realize until I bought it. I haven’t bothered trying that out, since I also don’t have my driving wheel set up, at the moment. Driving games with a controller are basically the only category of VR content that can give me the ol’ lunch-launch-itis.

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