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They did market it. A lot.

Itā€™s just that the gameā€™s trailers were wildly forgettable.


That one is a special case. Yes, it got completely annihilated in numbers by even the goose goose duck clone, but, the thing is, the majority of its userbase just started playing on Mobile (where the game is free) well before the game left its popularity peak. So, the steam numbers are hardly representative of its playerbase, and the appā€™s download count shows it.

PUBG did not have a similar story at the time of its release, but does right now. Itā€™s one of the most played games in the worldā€¦ On chinese phones, so, uh, kind of invisible depending where weā€™re looking for. To put it into perspective: PUBG straight up dethroned the biggest, most profitable shooter in the world Crossfire, by splitting the population, and the takeaway there most people would have is ā€œWhat the hell is a Crossfire???ā€.

DrQuint, (edited )

The equivalent community seeded on the site that starts with R and ends with eddit recently (a month ago) made it a rule that people canā€™t make ā€œtherapyā€ posts which means people posting topics canā€™t make them primarily about their grievances with personal time or with the industry. And the baseline quality of topics in that place went way higher.

I think thereā€™s a lesson to take from that: Try and not give a shit. Just find games you like, and play and talk about them. Make that the top priority, and make these concerns secondary - and youā€™ll have a higher quality time with the hobby.

I personally have 0 idea why the news circles gave two weeks of attention to something like Suicide Squad. Game looked bad, reviewed bad, openly had manipulative features built in AND attached to update promises, and then releases and, whoa, turns out, surprise surprise, it IS bad. And yet, two weeks. Two weeks of random place just bringing up the bad game that is bad with a lukewarm stance. Fucking even Skill Up, which I avidly consume content of, gave it a whole hour of attention split across two weekly roundups. That is unhealthy. Games do NOT deserve attention just because theyā€™re marketed. And, in no way I can convinced of otherwise: Itā€™s objectively stupid to give it that. I just skipped any discussions related to it, will probably skip any discussion related to turtle rock, the studio, henceforth that doesnā€™t start with ā€œthey made a return to form! XYZ is the best game theyā€™ve made!ā€ and my life feels unsurprisingly unaffected and I feel personally, unsurprisingly, less stupid.

Stop using gitlab.com for projects - Credit card info required for new registrations

If your IP (and possible your browser) looks ā€œsuspiciousā€ or has been used by other users before, you need to add additional information for registration on gitlab.com, which includes your mobile phone number and possibly credit card information. Since it is not possible to contribute or even report issues on open source...


Donā€™t even need to make it about code. I once asked what a term meant in a page full of a certain well known FOSS applicationā€™s benchmarks page. It gave me a lot of garbage that was unrelated because it made an assumption about the term, exactly the assumption I was trying to avoid. I try to deviate it away from that, and it fails to say anything coherent and then loops back and gives that initial attempt as the answer again. I was stuck unable from stopping it from hallucinating.

How? Why?

Basically, it was information you could only find by looking at the github code, and it was pretty straightforward - but the LLM sees ā€œbenchmarkā€ and it must therefore make a bajillion assumptions.

Even if asked not to.

I have a conclusion to make. It does do the code thing too, and it is directly related. Once asked about a library, and it found a post where someone was ASKING if XYZ was what a piece of code was for - and it gave it out as if it was the answer. It wasnā€™t. And this is the root of the problem:

AIā€™s never say ā€œI donā€™t knowā€.

It must ALWAYS know. It must ALWAYS assume something, anything, because not knowing is a crime and it wonā€™t commit it.

And that makes them shit.


Manic Miner for the ZX Spectrum.

It was shit. And I donā€™t have to tell you why. Just look it up, sound on, that bit is mandatory.

My first ever gamer was a disappointment lmao. I did get super into the Megadrive and everything was fixed. But man.


They filled the ā€œTotalbiscuit reads the weekly gaming newsā€ niche and for that, they have my continued support and attention.


I can always just skip those bits.

But it is annoying that they will talk Destiny updates for several minutes, but wonā€™t mention other games in passing. Like, I donā€™t actually care about competitive Pokemon, but they just removed the Sleep Clause, which is like, the one and only thing people actually know about competitive Pokemon. Youā€™d think theyā€™d at least make a small comment on it, specially with all the attention Palworld got, but nah. For a multiplayer game to get a mention it seems to need to be owned by Blizzard or Epic.


No one going to point out users self-host their servers?


Itā€™s updates for the cybersecurity that exists strictly only because it is connected to the internet which in turn is something that exists strictly only because thereā€™s software updates.

Megaman Battle Network was prophetic. Terrorist will flood your house using a phone.


Earlier on Lemmyā€™s life, there was someone here telling people of how many fake reddit stories they had written to places like Am I The Asshole using numerous alts.

And how they were convinced of doing it because they were an editor, and they were used to seeing so much badly written anecdotes with no respect for narrative or proper focus on details of importanceā€¦ Until Reddit hapenned and flipped that. It was a source of far too many interesting and well edited stories and something was off. They were certain that the average person with a story to tell was far less educated in English, far less capable of shorthanding detail, than what Reddit had to offer on average, and the answer was that people were just using it as a creative writing exercise platform. So, they used it that way too, since they wanted to bea fiction writer.


Thatā€™s partially to blame for all 196 communities having this weird ā€œif you know you knowā€ approach to writing their mission statement and rules. Iā€™ve seen numerous people ask wth is 196 because of how vague the communities they saw were.

But, particularly about the social politics, hereā€™s also the thing I think. Trans rights are human rights. Communities fall under two categories: Welcoming to trans people, versus inherently evil. So I donā€™t think that a community is pro-trans should ever have to be stated. It should be assume, and whoever has a problem with it should go fuck off from society, Satan has a place for them.


The first panel should have been the sun, and the last panel could have been the sun again. Thanks for all the low entropy energy rays Sun, very cool of you. All life owes you.

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