@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think the old ZA/UM developers still have a chance to reform as a new company and work on something new. After a while, this new company can buy off the remains of a now-defunct ZA/UM, get back the rights to Disco Elysium and the Sacred and Terrible Air universe, and make another game or three for it.

But, it has to happen now, and we need to stop talking about ZA/UM. Focus on a new project. I don’t quite understand why we haven’t heard any news about this.

Is Kurvitz and team so depressed about the current situation to not attempt at picking things back up again? They have so much hype it’s unreal. So, it’s nowhere near as hard as just getting your name out there like ZA/UM and Disco Elysium, and it would never flop as hard as Sacred and Terrible Air. They’ve made it. They have recognizable names, and if they ever re-form, it would be all over the gaming sites.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Defund means to essentially get rid of a department or thing. The phrase “defend the police” means “get rid of the police”. It doesn’t matter if there’s some cartoon to re-explain away the phrase or a bunch of other people trying to re-define the English language. English is English, and words have meaning.

The “defund the police” movement failed because us liberals don’t fucking understand marketing. Like, at all. I can’t count the number of times some liberal movement crops up with their slogan and Republicans turn that slogan against them because nobody spent the ten minutes time to think about how that phrase or thing could be abused. For example, that brief time when the LGBT movement wanted to rename themselves to LGBTQIA2SUVWTFBBQ? Seriously?!?

It’s like naming your baby “Assman McAssface” and wondering why he gets bullied in school.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Some of the more extreme-minded liberals do a good enough job at sabotaging themselves and the movements they are a part of, without the need for malicious saboteurs. Like Atheist+ or progressive stack.

Then again, Russians orgs are out there, trying to influence politic movements and sabotage others. GamerGate was an entire sea of political actors, journalists, influencers, and Russian agents, trying to push their own narratives to the point of mass disinformation from both sides, with the general public on either side confused and angry at the other’s responses.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

American IP law

IP and copyright are two entirely different things.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Right, but when companies go after pirated games, they are going after them because of copyright, not patents or trademarks. The way copyrights are enforced and the way the law works is a lot different than how it works with patents and trademarks.

There is no “use it or lose it” clause for copyrights. If somebody is breaking copyright, you still have the right to enforce it for a long as the copyright is still valid, and don’t have to vigorously defend it to keep it.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What a waste. Eliminate even did a launch event for the game.

All of this talent poured into this thing, just to get fucked by the monetization model.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

WB already fucked things up before he arrived, and Zaslov has just made things worse.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You honestly, in your heart of hearts, believe that WB learns?

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Obviously, LTT doesn’t see the long-term benefit of retraining his team to not be attached to monthly subscription bullshit.

Short-term quarterly-profit energy.

Report: Warner Bros. Execs Thought Suicide Squad Would Make A Ton Of Money Despite Development Woes (kotaku.com)

Anyone who played Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League could probably guess that something went terribly wrong during development. Bloomberg now reports that the multiplayer bomb from a studio beloved for its single-player Batman: Arkham games was plagued by several issues leading up to its repeatedly delayed launch....

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s WB in a nutshell.

They just put out a Smash Bros competitor with a ton of characters, voice acting, looked like it had a lot of promise.

…and it’s free-to-play. Which means it’s loaded with microtransactions.

Imagine being one of those guys who puts in all of this effort for a game that is doomed to fail.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Gonna wait until it comes out before I play or look at any of this stuff.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

He threatens to sue. He doesn’t have the money or bandwidth to actually sue.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Whoa… I’ve had this on my wishlist for years. I was half afraid that it was just in development limbo. Didn’t realize the dev finally put out a demo.

This is the same guy that did Gunpoint and Heat Signature. Heat Signature especially was super inventive in its core gameplay loop. I’d expect no less from a tactical game like this one.

The animated screenshots remind me of some of the mechanics of Fights in Tight Places.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

There’s a lot of reading.

I mean, there’s a lot of reading, but almost all of it is voice acted. Wonderfully.

Disco Elysium is worth it for the voice acting alone. And that’s not even a tenth of the game.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“Oh, fuck, I might get entertained for 38 whole minutes. Can’t we just cut this down to 60 seconds, so that I can watch it on TikTok?”

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

One hour is typically my upper limit on long-form video essays, unless it’s a complicated topic I’m interested in, or it’s from a reputable source that I really really know is going to keep me entertained. For example, Folding Ideas’ NFT video really did need the two hours to explain it in depth, and he does a really good job at long-form essays, anyway.

But, I really don’t understand why some of these put out the 3-, 4-, 6-hour essays. To me, they just don’t know how to edit down their material, because no topic needs to take that long to explain.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

a better Elite Dangerous.

Elite Dangerous was released. This is not.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it (www.theguardian.com)

On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose...

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The way voters protest this sort of issue doesn’t follow logic or reason. People will happily not vote in protest, even if it means somebody far worse will win because of their actions. Cutting off their nose to spite their face.

I think the news needs to shame these kind of voters, instead of pushing this narrative that it’s Biden’s fault. Biden’s views are his own, and yeah, the news should try to highlight and change them. But, voter patterns of using “uncontested” or third-party candidates to sabotage the main electees is actively destroying Democrats’ chances of winning elections.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Or… you could… you know, watch the video yourself and be proven wrong.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No. That’s called Star Citizen, and it’s a scam at this point.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Microsoft’s not teasing Halo on Playstation out of desperation. They’ve nearly ended consoles.

Which is kind of a good thing. The console wars have been large irrelevant for the past 20 years, because PC already won.

Really, Steam won. And if Microsoft isn’t careful, all of that planning to shift gamers towards PCs will have them land squarely into the Steam/Linux ecosystem. It really depends on how hard Microsoft wants to abuse their near-monopoly with Windows 11.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Just absolutely greedy fucks that think entropy doesn’t exist and everything infinitely scales.

Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

It seems like every other week a game studio is massively laying off employees; sometimes after years of development. What I’m reading is that it’s a quick way to lower expenses and pad the investors’ pockets, flooding the market with developers and reducing their value, to then hire them back a few months later at lower...

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Would you like to code something for no money that would help people?

That’s open-source software in a nutshell.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

These are just logos, names, and brands. They have no real meaning behind them. The people and the company are still the same as it always was.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sigh, not this article again. No, they can’t “deepfake a person with one photo”. They can create a bad uncanny-valley 75% accurate version of one.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

<delay the time to hit Continue for comedic effect>


@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

obsidian agreed to the 18 month timeframe, which for a team like them should have been enough time given they had all of bethesda’s resources at hand and didnt need to create a whole lot of the assets

Sorry, but you must not be very familiar with game development to think that a mere 18 months would be enough time to churn out a AAA game. It needed 2-2.5 years at least.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

at the least then go ask obsidian why they didnt ask for a little more time.

You want Obsidian to ask the guys who would eventually stiff them over a single MetaCritic score point to give them more time? Obviously, there was a rather hostile relationship between the two.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Considering the glowing reviews on part 2, I’m surprised there’s any sort of “loss” here.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well, got this rather generic description of the game itself out of Gemini at least:

Sure, just take the all of the ingredients out of your sandwich and eat just the crust…

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Konami, if Silent Hill f isnt good, you better bury Silent Hill forever. Bring back Hybrid Heaven, you’ll probably have better success with that.

Strange that you believe Konami actually gave a shit after they fired Kojima and turned their primary attention to pachinko machines, so that Silent Hill fans can “HIT THE LEVER!”

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They will shown the people, and by extension, more moderate Republicans.

There is no such thing. The GOP has made sure of that for the past 15 years.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They did trade-off good, impactful stories for tight, action-packed gameplay. Neither Pyre’s nor Hades’ core stories have been that interesting, despite the excellent voice acting, music, and gameplay.

The fact that they are doing a sequel to Hades immediately suggests that the trend is going to continue, because that’s where the money’s at. It’s a rather risk-adverse decision.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I would disagree with the choice of words here, yes their stories are often not super deep or intricate, but I do believe they are extremely interesting, specifically because they are presented in such an appealing way.

I’m not talking about Supergiant as a whole. Bastion and Transistor had great stories. It’s just that, afterwards, they started to lose their ability to tell an impactful story, and dived head-first into worldbuilding (especially Pyre) and character development. Those sort of things are good to have, but not as the main focus of the story.

In Bastion and Transistor, worlds were falling apart. In Hades, some dude was pissy about his father and figured out who his real mother. <Insert Star Wars “family” meme here>

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Stop playing AAA games. They are just going to burn you in the end, or the beginning, usually.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They are proud members of the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party. Getting thrown under the bus and being surprised about it (or not) is their MO.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The promise copyright holders were supposed to uphold was that the public received it as public domain when the copyright ended. How the fuck can you receive anything as public domain when the media is completely lost after only 10% of the duration of the copyright?

This is just another obvious sign that the whole copyright system is completely broken. If copyright holders won’t retain the media long enough for the copyright to expire, and hold up their end of the bargain, then we have no obligation to uphold their copyright.

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