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There are so many outlandish claims in this comment with basically nothing backing it up

This 100%

I deleted my reply because it was too much but the original ign article on wukong is very tame. I can’t see why they’re so worked up to harass the author off the internet.

Some days beehaw not having downvotes is a real issue.


Did they also mistranslate the Chinese women commenting on trailers that the studio is gross and don’t want women playing their game?

It’s honestly tragic, if you read that article it’s primarily about the Chinese game industry culture with one game and studio used as an example because it’s a supposedly a AAA game to rival western studios.


We’re being asked to believe ign has slandered a large Chinese studio, entirely made up, and kept the article up regardless. It just doesn’t hold water. Harrassing some poor women off social media and writing long comments about everything being made up is easy, but ign are still standing by the article six months after it was published.


With the number of trackers on most sites you usually get a performance boost with an extension vetting each network call

FarceOfWill, (edited )

Star ruler as an disappointment is fair, but have you tried the totally different and now open sourced StarRuler2?

It’s a much better game, much tighter with a definite progress path for colonies shipping things to each other (later used by slipstream which is more pure management and might not fit your list)

It’s free, it’s worth a try I promise it’s very different to SR


I was about to start mouth foaming, but got to the end of the name distant worlds:universe

If anyone is giving these a go make absolutely certain you’re not buying distant worlds 2 by mistake.

FarceOfWill, (edited )

The precedent would be you have to explicitly say what you’re going to do in the first vote.

Every single person in the campaign was “oh we’d never leave the single market” and when that became an option afterwards it needed a new referendum.


It’s worth reading the article, and better articles are available in the UK press too.

The coverup came from ignorance, no one actually knew this was happening but the NHS staff had reason to reassure patients and just assumed everything was ok without looking hard.

NHS management also didn’t look.

When ministers tried to ask about it they got told everything was fine by their civil servants. And so they go out and tell the press everything is fine.

No one can start an investigation for the suspicions because it looks like admitting it’s happening, and they genuinely didn’t know it was. Because there had been no investigation.

“Standing back and viewing the response of the NHS and of government, the answer to the question ‘was there a cover-up?’ is that there has been. Not in the sense of a handful of people plotting in an orchestrated conspiracy to mislead, but in a way that was more subtle, more pervasive and more chilling in its implications. To save face and to save expense, there has been a hiding of much of the truth,” Langstaff wrote.

“Over decades successive governments repeated lines to take that were inaccurate, defensive and misleading. Its persistent refusal to hold a public inquiry, coupled with a defensive mindset that refused to countenance that wrong had been done, left people without answers, and without justice. This has also meant that many people who are chronically ill have felt obliged to devote their time and their energies to investigating and campaigning, often at great personal cost.”


We need one of the classic xkcd comics with ten examples of something, just this kind of junction in different countries.

The UK would have traffic lights and staggered pedestrian crossings.


I don’t know, does he realise how weak this visit made him look? It just looks like he’s scared to me.

Visiting a couple of 2nd or 3rd tier nations gives the appearance of someone not trying to get anything done, just bask in paid for glory from people too small to matter.

(Yes I’m from the UK and this entire comment is a dig at France. Come at me)


Dammit. Owned :(


Yeah ok, I need to explain my thinking a bit.

Visiting France only, then two client states, drags France down to the level of client state. Not the nation itself of course but it makes the visit look uninportant.

Why not Germany? Why visit the EU and only one of France and germany? Sure France is important but the way this has been done by China doesn’t give the appearance of a country seriously engaging with the global stage. It looks like they popped into France on the way to some friends. Or deliberately chose one of France and Germany to try and stir something.

Overall not a serious visit showing “disunity in Europe” but a poor attempt at stirring trouble and revealing how little china cares about anyone it can’t just buy and bully into obedience.


It doesn’t even need to be applied, saying it can happen and showing it once forces a massive logistical cost on Russia to protect itself by moving weak points further back, extending supply lines even more, or concentrating under any anti missile defences.

EU pulls its gun on China: The EU is accelerating its crackdown on what it sees as Beijing’s unfair support for companies that undermine European rivals (www.politico.eu)

Europe’s phoney war with China is at an end. After years of building up an improved arsenal for a trade war, Europe is now showing it is willing to get tough on Beijing....


No wait, your problem is xi is flooding the market with cheap homework so there’s no point in anyone else doing it. It’s easier to just use his that he’s practically giving away leading to everyone being dumb.

You want to… er… do your own homework so you can grow up strong and clever.

Ok no sorry I think the analogy is just wrong :)


They guy is going to be in power for a couple of months. Why would anyone listen to him?


The really grim thing about this ignorant comment is that everyone did

Russia has Crimea because they did negotiate last time. They surrendered land for peace. And that’s why it isn’t happening again


He writes all day. He can’t have time to listen to anyone with his volume of output :D


You’re right about a Russia/NATO war being unwinnable for Russia. Even the current military of Europe alone would be enough to see off Russia.

So, what is he warning us about? I see two (not exclusive) things he could be doing.

Trump winning in America would cause such stress on NATO it would fragment, and even if they kick America out it still looks weak so they want all of Europe to beat the 2% requirement to try and keep trump’s USA in NATO.

Second, he’s warning of war with china. This is where my money is.


The us military is constantly experiencing warfare.
If anyone in that pic turns out to have been swimming naked it’ll be the chinese


Link to show invading is not trivial thediplomat.com/…/why-a-taiwan-invasion-would-loo…

Enforcing a blockade around an island full of long range anti ship and air defences, aided by the US military, is extremely hard. Also and more importantly it’s a very long dragged out war that gives Taiwan time to build allies, and the west to organise, which will make it harder and harder to enforce.

Finally you’re replying to someone saying the war will take a long time, which you initially disagree with then go on to talk about an embargo which more than agrees with it. It’s going to take ages to resolve if they attack and it’ll almost certainly include Russia distracting NATO in Europe. I dearly hope china sees sense and gets rid of xi before his desperation for personal achievements in his lifetime causes the nation and world a lot of pointless suffering


This is worse tho. You can’t just erase the bfg like this


I sometimes wonder if they’re just bad at it, so the astro turfing is obvious. The people posting have to be immersed in and understand the western site to blend in while remaining loyal to a very different kind of home communication and they often don’t manage it, and if they do that difference makes them stand out.

While we have dozens of western police show up in any discussion of police violence to explain that it’s really hard. Not even astroturfing, I think, just people being themselves. Aside from being obviously police their posting style blends in perfectly, if there were western astroturf campaigns I think they would blend perfectly and use much more subtle techniques


It took two hundred years or so to cause this, It might take longer to fully fix but that’s why we start right now.


I see the murders out in force in this thread, so keen to stop innocent civilians being killed they cheer on people…shooting at civilians.

Hamas attacking Israel civilians is wrong Israel attacking palastinian civilians is wrong Houthis attacking civilian sailors is wrong

Is not complicated and anyone who can’t see it needs to go outside and rub themselves in grass.


Unfair to tankies. He really is that awful.


Western military uses bombs and missiles from planes not artillery. There isn’t much artillery ammo because our military isn’t set up to use it.

Ukraine doesn’t have the air superiority to risk doing the same thing so the way they fight doesn’t match the way Europe or the us does.


This is a bit unfair, for all its gigantic problems the creation engine is much better at supporting modding than unity or unreal.

Perhaps a more deterministic scripting engine would be better but it’d be easy to lose the one thing that makes their games good. I still can’t believe they thought starfield would work with the modding tools MIA four months out


He once claimed that while food banks were necessary there were too many food banks due to do-gooders starting them to feel better about themselves. And that people could feed themselves on 30p a day if they knew how to budget.

This turned out to be a local food bank that managed to feed a load of people on £50 that worked out to 30p each for one meal. Obviously not something you can do at home however good your budgeting


Of course they “had ties”, international shipping ownership and flag choice is absolute chaos. You can justify almost anything to almost any vessel.

Attacking a civilian ship “Once registered in Britain” thousands of miles away from a country you claim to be blockading is absolutely not a valid target it’s an obvious war crime.

The defence of this shit undermines the entire opposition to Israel, the moral argument for stopping Israel from killing civilians is very clear but when the people arguing for it most strongly see attacking other civilians as perfectly fine the entire case starts to look like just a convenient cover for anti semetism.


I could line by line this but these are civilians working on a ship, they don’t choose anything, especially they don’t choose where the ship goes which is international waters not Yemeni waters. The attacks are on ships in international waters


You can earn 5k and spend 10k if you get a pay rise of 5k next month

In practice they spend a few percent more than they take in taxes and grow by a little more or less than that. COVID was a big jump in real debt but other than that it’s generally stable ish

It’s not obviously unsustainable


The thing is it’s profitable because they pay themselves less than they make in income. We don’t really know how sustainable their pay is


He has literal examples of head count increasing due to this use of ai, he’s not the idiot here.


Lack of anecdotes and data definitely isn’t data.

There’s an argument to be made here but the OP hasn’t made it, just asserted a well written evidenced post is written by an idiot


I think you have to look at the money here. The most charitable view for substack is their payment provider doesn’t ban Nazis, and their VC funders don’t want them to ban Nazis, and so they don’t really have a choice.

I think substack is well up for being a nazi bar based on what they’ve said so I’m happy to give them some blame but I won’t be letting the other two off the hook either.


And if sdv expanded isn’t enough there are two other big ones, ridgeside village and east scarp

Absolutely ridiculous numbers of npcs and story. Just watch out as not all farm layout mods will be compatible with everything.


Google does put pressure on delivery though, it sends notifications like oh you haven’t posted today, that’s not good and might mean you show up lower on searches.

I don’t think it’s enough myself but they are extremely controlling and I can see someone could want to argue it out.


Not claiming it’s true because I literally heard of this five minutes ago, but go fill your boots. The source is his sister.



It’s sad the closest recent other entry is like CK3 a totally different genre really

I miss the patrician series


You marry people based on how ugly they are and the size of their dowry. That’s solid the guild gameplay


Did you try it this time last year?

When everyone migrated there were a lot of “helpful” newbies enforcing rules that simply don’t exist. There are too many people like that still but not so many you can’t mute them all.


If we spent our lives reading every musk article shoved into our feeds we’d all starve from having no time to eat


But you can move to another server, you just can’t take old posts with you


You should try the sign up process, you don’t understand it. Explore tab shows you top posts on your instance to follow and no one posts links to masto comments because it doesn’t look good.

The only actually confusing thing is people trying to quote tweet when it isn’t possible, and maybe losing followers when there’s server defed drama. Thankfully there hasn’t been any recently.


Just follow them from *@bird.makeup, unless it’s talking back to them you value


What do you think you are leaving behind? Your posts? Do you often go back and edit yours??

You take your network with you which is what people want to bring.

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