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It hasn’t made headlines though. Juststopoil goes after oil terminals, car manufacturers etc pretty often but it’s never reported on. The only protest that gets attention is souping painting or spraying cornflour on rocks.


They have spray painted those HQs as well, the news just doesn’t cover it much. So far the only way to raise awerness has been to do stuff like this. Also they intentionally haven’t damaged anything historic so this works with no issue, they know what they are doing.


In this case it’s actually dyed corn starch so this would literally wash off from the first rain. And yea, this actually gets attention, when they spray painted car dealerships of some of the heaviest polluters, protested oil companies and when a guy set himself on fire to protest climate change it gets almost no coverage.


This has been the most effective form of climate protest by far. When they block oil terminals or spray paint car dealerships no one will cover it making the protest pretty much useless, like a guy set himself on fire to protest climate change and that was barely covered. The stuff they do doesn’t actually cause any damage but the media actually covers it because they can spin it as rage bait against the protestors but at least it gets coverage.


When they block oil terminals, spray paint car dealerships of the heaviest polluters or set themselves on fire the news doesnt cover it so no one will even know, while this actually works.


It spreads awerness, no other climate protest has even managed that. Some people obviously fall for the news rage bait but if even 1% of people gain any awerness of climate change it will have been the most effective form of climate protests by far purely on what reach it has had.


The UK also has a weird hatred of trans people, I’d rather not get my opinions from there. Also the UK has been passing police state shit long before this.


I’m sure that’s why it’s also known as terf island.

FluffyPotato, (edited )

If you wanna measure your country against those that outright kills trans people then sure, there are worse ones but in Europe, most North America and most of Asia the UK is one of the worst places to be trans. Also both of your relevant politician parties have the same policy there.


The Labor party runs the same anti trans stuff as the Tories.


I’m sure you have some black friends too


The UK has become completely irrelevant on the global stage be grateful I capitalised the names. Like your economy is being out paced by fucking Poland, shame is the proper response there, not national pride.


Yes, I said literally every person in the UK wants to kill every trans person. That’s definitely what I said.

Obviously sarcasm but I feel like I need to mention it.


If dyed cornstarch could destroy anything on the stonehenge then it already would have been. You know it’s outside, right?


Are you? Something just left outside for a long ass time will take more damage than even a spray of lead paint can do. And this is just corn starch, not even paint.


Nice try, here in Estonia we hate Russians as much as the French hate anyone not French.

Like if you wanna defend your failing country that has a two party system worse than the US go for it but at least try facts instead of national pride, it doesn’t work if your country is being out paced by eastern Europe.


How about check the source of the quotes: www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo

The reporter first on the scene was concerned. The archaeologist was worried about the lichen growing on the stones, not the stones.


I’m not American and don’t much care about American politics but having a debate between 2 people both so old they can actually die on stage while age cooked their brains at least 5 years ago is a spectacle I’m not missing.


Murder is wrong and all but I’m perfectly fine with someone shooting someone as bad as Hitler. Corporations do financial and environmental crime on a daily basis, someone causing financial loss for them provokes no sympathy from me.


I thought this happened ages ago when take-two basically stole Private Division by just poaching enough employees that they were forced to sell.


I actually got permabanned from both without ever commenting on either. I think I argued with a few users from both under a post at .ml and that did it.


I have exactly the same issues with Sims 3. My PC is pretty much as powerful as it’s gonna get but Sims 3 with all the performance tweaks and mods just won’t run properly, it’s downright unplayable. Too bad it’s my favourite Sims.

Does anyone actually buy the Sims games? Like the full game costs a fortune, just sail the high seas, EA shouldn’t get a cent.


Fair enough, that’s a sense you build up over time with some plunder, or at least it was for me.

If you wanna try Sims 4 I’m using Sims 4 updater by anadius, that gets everything you need and keeps everything up to date (while having less of a footprint than Origin).


I tried playing Sims 3 again recently and holy hell is the performance bad. Like the FPS is running at whatever I cap it at but there are constant freezes and stuttering with no FPS drops even with all the recommended performance mods. I then remembered I stopped playing for that very reason ages ago and now my desktop is like 100x more powerful.


I really like 4X games but nothing new in that genre has really drawn me in. Stellaris was the last one that I really played a ton of and still do. I actually wanna start a new game with all the new expansions but playing without Gigastructures is heresy, hope it gets updated soon.


Around here when swine flu went through the country we basically lost the whole pork industry because the first priority was to eliminate the disease. Does the US want a pandemic to be named after them? Because it seems to head in that direction. I think Freedom Flu is a pretty catchy name personally.


Google has been unusable in English for at least 2 years now. Searching in Estonian makes Google behave like it did when it was still good. I wonder how long that’s going to last.


Is Sony saying piracy is justified by making it not possible to buy this game? I guess if I have to.


If your only option to play a game is moving to a different country then I’d say it’s the most justifiable. If you only have a PlayStation piracy won’t really help you play PC or XBox games though so I don’t see how that would help.


I’m sorry you misunderstood what I said. I was saying that Sony is encouraging piracy by making it impossible to play their games legaly in some regions, including mine.

Personally I don’t think piracy is wrong with the exception of indie devs. If you think you are fighting corporations by pirating then yea, that’s dumb but I haven’t heard that stance yet.


So what Sony is saying is that I should just pirate the game since there is no legal way to buy it?


Yea, I have zero hope that Sony has dropped this completely. They will most likely wait for the attention to die down and push it through, that’s just how these shit companies work. Even their wording is ambiguous enough to mean that.

Why Ukraine Should Keep Striking Russian Oil Refineries (www.foreignaffairs.com)

Washington’s criticism is misplaced: attacks on oil refineries will not have the effect on global energy markets that U.S. officials fear. These s​trikes reduce Russia’s ability to turn its oil into usable products; they do not affect the volume of oil it can extract or export. In fact, with less domestic refining...


Raising global oil prices should not really be a consideration when you’re fighting a war for your survival. Anything that can help Ukraine survive is good.


Personally I’d prefer if games used more stylized graphics like pixel art or hand drawn stuff. That’s not worse in graphical quality but better imho while not needing a supercomputer to run. Spiritfarer is still one of the prettiest games I have played and it runs on the switch.

Going with stylized graphics instead of trying to do photorealism also makes the game age way more gracefully. Bastion for example still looks amazing while there’s a reason Oblivion npcs are a meme.

Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens (www.pbs.org)

Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine....


The UK hasn’t been a major power in like at least 2 decades. If you mean NATO then Russia isn’t really a major power in comparison to NATO. Not that it’s important, Russia isn’t stupid enough to pick a fight with NATO.


It actually does, it’s something people get their accounts banned over.


The last time they showed any interest outside of Russia they got invaded by Russia so yea.


Haven’t you played Old World Blues? It was like the best DLC while also 100% jokes, even more jokes than Outer World while being the best DLC.


Never heard that criticism about Outer Worlds and I wouldn’t agree with it either. The story and world felt consistent to me.


Isn’t it #1 now since Hong Kong was gobbled up by China?


Fallout 4s writing was pretty objectively bad, the gameplay was a huge improvement though.

Fallout 3 was pretty disappointing to most people who were expecting something like Fallout 1 or 2 but the story was definitely more competent than Fallout 4, still mediocre though. Never heard anyone call it revolutionary.

New Vegas was made by Obsidian, not Bethesda and it’s a solid way to compare what good story looks like.


It’s weird how I the US every bill does like everything and I don’t think that’s good but also short form videos are absolute cancer and anything that reduced that is a good thing.

I hope Europe takes some inspiration from this and either forces all data harvesting companies be sold to a European owner or be banned.

Netanyahu aims to trap west into war across Middle East, warns Iranian diplomat (www.theguardian.com)

Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to trap the west into a total war across the Middle East that would have incalculable consequences for the region and the world, Iran’s top diplomat in the UK has claimed, in his first interview since Tehran launched an unprecedented missile and drone attack against Israel at the weekend....


By “the west” I assume this means the US and Germany because at this point do any other countries even really support Israel?


It’s just weird how people use “the west” and are just talking about the US. Gives off the vibes of some people calling China “the orient”.


Estonia sometimes gives out honorary citizenship for some stuff and if it was up to me one would go to Snowden. I have doubts that Russia would let him go at this point though.


Russia never followed the Minsk agreements. One of the main thing in the agreements Russia had to do was pull out their troops from Ukraine, they never did.


Neither did Ukrainians so what’s your point?

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