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We did that in Germany, and it’s now contaminating groundwater, as the very deep hole is flooding with water.


Didn’t you see yesterdays announcement?


That’s not fair. You didn’t mention at least 5 different women with bare feet!


And that somehow means we shouldn’t do OCR anymore, or image classification, or text to speech, or speech to text, or anomaly detection, or…?

Neural networks are really good at pattern recognition, e.g. finding manufacturing defects in expensive products. Why throw all of this away?


Let’s not forget that the PSN integration reduces performance, as in: deleting the PSN stuff from Ghost of Tsushima results in higher FPS.…/7093810588821950373/


You mean the Golden Snowflake Award-winning actor, who portrayed the titular character in The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee?


I’d agree with you if studios producing actual high-quality games (like Elden Ring or Baldur’s Gate 3) were hurting for money, but they don’t appear to be. So what is the justification for the higher price? All I see is more money being shoveled towards investors, or used to buy (and bleed out/close) smaller studios.


The newly appointed judges who helped overturn the decision also specifically stated in their confirmation hearings that Roe v. Wade was settled law:…/what-gorsuch-kavanaugh-and-barret…

My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play...


Having said that, it’s true that you actually can run some windows software through Wine but it’s a hack and it’s not going to work as well as it would on the OS it was designed for.

Most Steam games built for Windows run perfectly fine under Linux, many even better than on Windows. 10 years ago you’d have been correct, but the landscape has changed drastically.


I would also rather be a billionaire in a system where workers rights are respected, everyone has enough money and work is fairly paid. These people aren’t like us however - they want more and more and more and more, and as long as they see a chance to come out on top, they’ll take it. Musk would rather be a little bit richer in a dictatorship than have only his current wealth in a democracy. If you’re not like this, there’s no chance to become a billionaire.

📄 rule (

alt-textIt blows our hivemind that the United States doesn’t use the ISO 216 paper size standard (A4, A5 and the gang). Like, we consider ourselves worldly people and are aware of America’s little idiosyncrasies like mass incarceration, the widespread availability of assault weapons and not being able to transfer money via...


Not officially, but unofficially there’s 2A0, 4A0 and so on. Bigger than that is rarely used however.

[QUESTION] Flatpak or AUR?

I’ve been using arch for a while now and I always used Flatpaks for proprietary software that might do some creepy shit because Flatpaks are supposed to be sandboxed (e.g. Steam). And Flatpaks always worked flawlessly OOTB for me. AUR for things I trust. I’ve read on the internet how people prefer AUR over Flatpaks. Why? And...


Why would the app size be the lowest? I could maybe see that for one single AppImage (though I don’t expect a significant difference), but as soon as you have two or more apps, sharing dependencies would make Flatpaks smaller than AppImages.


And it’s pretty fun! You won’t get endless replayability like from other rogue likes, but it’s fun for 5-10 hours.


Don’t forget to dub over all the prince’s lines with “Hah! Hyah! Huah!”


If the right doesn’t nominate a candidate, who should debate?

I always see this - people on the right crying about having the same rules applied to them as everyone else. They want the same outcome without following the same rules.


Or by making the PSN account an optional feature, the way these shitty integrations almost always were.


Awesome, then Sony can ban those accounts for circumventing their ToS, meaning people can buy the same game multiple times. Very efficient!


Their ToS state:

3.2. During Account creation you must select the country or region of your residence and in which your account will be registered in. Once your account is created, you will not be able to change the country or region code associated with your account.…/psn-terms-of-service/

Since they explicitly say “you must select the country or region of your residence”, selecting a different country is against the ToS. Did you not bother to look them up before making your comment?


How about you stop licking Sony’s boots and accept that it’s not a viable solution to tell people “the only way to consume this media is for you to be in constant danger of being banned”?

They can remove your access to the game. That is unacceptable from a consumer rights perspective.


What if earnings don’t go up enough next quarter, and they see this as an opportunity to make more money? What if they expand PSN coverage and start enforcing their ToS then? You’re giving people advice that will likely result in them losing access to their purchases in the future. That’s bootlicking to me.


Sony is a public company. Companies exist to make money. If Sony thinks they can get more money by banning ToS-breaking PSN accounts (since people would have to buy games again to play them), they’ll do so.

Why do you think companies exist?


It would take a special kind of stupid to think a customer would come back to buying from you if you did something like that, but sure. If your hypothetical situation were actually possible, a corporation would probably do it.

Please explain to me how this situation is not possible. You’ve been obviously wrong before without looking things up, so I’d love an actual explanation beyond “nu-uh”. It takes a special kind of stupid to think that children who want to play their favorite games wouldn’t re-buy them if access were taken away, especially if it was “their fault” for “breaking ToS”.

Besides, aren’t we talking about PC players who aren’t even buying from Sony?

You’re absolutely right - the publisher of a game has zero income from any purchases. How could I be so stupid to forget that all publishers are doing their work for the good of the people, they would NEVER take a single cent from any purchase. Sony happens to be the publisher of the games we’re talking about, but THEY WOULD NEVER.


Customer buys a bunch of games from the PS Store using a foreign account.

No, customer buys a bunch of games from Steam, and links their Steam account to a foreign PSN account. Sony bans them, and the player can’t play their Playstation games on Steam games online anymore.

Right… So anyway, I’m talking about where you buy a game from, not who makes it. On PC, your PSN account itself isn’t tied to your purchases, just PS services like trophy and friends lists, right? Exclusively PC players don’t actually have much to care about there, right? On PC, if your psn account gets removed, what’s stopping you from just making a new one?

Sony. Their whole argument for introducing the PSN requirement to Helldivers was the ability to ban hackers and the like. This wouldn’t make any sense if you could just switch the PSN account. They can ban your purchase, even when you bought it on Steam. That’s the whole point.


We’ve been over this before… Sony is a company. Companies exist to make money. Sony controls whether you can unlink an account. Sony can choose not to let you unlink your account.

Do you think everyone else is just stupid, and no hacker ever thought of unlinking their account and creating a new one? Or Sony is stupid and doesn’t realise hackers can create a new account? I don’t understand how you completely skip over arguments in the comments you’re replying to.

And therein lies the bootlicking. You’re assuming Sony will play nice and let you keep playing, no questions asked - while they almost took away the ability to play an online game months after launch for players in hundreds of countries, which was only thwarted by massive protests. Yet you stand there and say “nooo, they’d never do that”.


Man I’m so sick of people getting blinded by rage. Alright, if you’re just going to go in circles, I might as well repeat myself as well. Companies exist to make money. If they fuck over their customers, those customers leave. Others follow. Congrats. You lose money. Basic logic 101.

And easily disproven by Sony’s recent actions with Helldivers 2. If you were right, they wouldn’t have thought about rolling out the PSN requirement, and they’d still sell the game world-wide. But you’re not.

Again, I’m not a bootlicker. I just don’t automatically assume malice when something could more easily explained by incompetence.

When one party gains a monetary advantage through their “incompetence” and keeps repeating such “incompetencies”, then yes, you are a bootlicker.

Also, way to go ignoring what I said about rockstar and Ubisoft accounts.

Because it doesn’t matter… Come on, this is not that hard.

I guess Sony won’t let you unlink from a steam account based on what, how you feel?

Sony already has the ability to not let you unlink, as shown from the hacker example. So why are you so sure they won’t use the same mechanism to make more money in the future? Because of how you feel? Bootlickers often feel like companies won’t do evil things for profit, sadly they are almost always wrong.


“Whoops, companies keep doing amoral shit to squeeze more profits from their customers, but it’s totally accidental, every single time”

Enjoy your boots - I sincerely hope that for every person you influenced towards giving corporations the benefit of the doubt, you lose an equal amount of money through legal yet amoral business practices.

9 years later, I finally played fallout 4

Having dropped New Vegas in the past due to lost interest, I decided to try this game out finally since a friend of mine was having a fallout 3 playthrough himself. It was it 8 bucks, so I figured why not. I have to say, I put way more hours into this game than both other Bethesda games I’ve played through (Skyrim and...


What? I’ve never seen people say that, FNV is widely regarded as the best 3D Fallout game.


I’m pretty sure they’re playing Fallout 4, considering they explicitly said they tried FNV before…


Yes, their edit states they are now trying FNV again. Their post, containing the part you quoted, was neither part of the edit nor referencing FNV. Please, just read it again.


Their whole post is talking about Fallout 4. What is more likely:

  • they are talking about Fallout 4
  • they are confusing Fallout 4 with Fallout New Vegas, a game they played previously and just said they’d try again after having played Fallout 4, having freshly installed and modded it, still not noticing that they already played through the game just before, while also confusing the online coverage for a totally different game

Please, just think for a moment.


Sure, but there’s no reason to expect this when somebody explicitly mentions having previously played FNV. In doing so, you’re assuming OP to be a giant idiot.


Again: they stated they already played FNV before Fallout 4. You’re assuming they are confusing the game they are currently playing for one they played previously. Had OP not previously stated they’d already played FNV you’d have a point. As-is, you’re assuming they are too stupid to remember that the game they are playing right now is one they’ve already played previously and remember under a different name.


Not as a general rule. This might be the case in the US, but in Germany raw pork is a pretty normal thing to eat (“Mett”), and it’s safe.


You said earlier:

The reason it’s so rare is people finally stopped eating undercooked pork.

This is a blatant lie, as seen by the example of people eating raw pork and NOT getting sick.

It’s safe because of food regulations though…

Yes, of course. Did I say anything different?

Please stop talking about food safety

Please take a look in the mirror.


Mett is raw pork like a raw unfrozen fish from a fish market is sushi…

My guy, do you notice how you have to invert the comparison for it to make sense? Mett is raw pork. You said raw pork can’t be eaten safely. Mett can be eaten safely. It’s not that hard to understand - with proper regulations, raw pork is safe to eat.


I fucking love that somebody put in the time to draw that awesome first image. Somebody pretty darn talented saw the bottom image and thought “yeah, that would be cool” and took hours to produce that image. Amazing


teeth are liberal propaganda

do you have to clean any other bones?

stop supporting big teeth!

My /var/tmp folder is endlessly stacking up on "container_images_storage_xxxxxxxxxx" folders? (

The issue at hand: My /var/tmp folder is stacking up on literary hundreds of folders called “container_images_storage_xxxxxxxxxx”, where the x’s present a random number. Each folder contains the following files called 1, 2 and 3 as seen in thumbnail. Each folder seems to increase in size too, as the lowest I can see is the...


Don’t, atomic systems aren’t made for these kinds of changes.


I bought the game and played for roughly 3 hours. If you’ve seen their stream from the technical test, I got roughly as far in the meta-game as they did, but run-wise I got somewhere ~the middle of the third act. Right now I can see at least ~3-5 hours of unlockables I need to get resources for (and more is revealed after more runs/unlocks), and I haven’t tried most new boons yet.

It’s really good. There are three things I’ve noticed are missing (animations for one interactable in the hub world, portraits for 2 characters further in). Aside from that it feels similar quality-wise to the first game, which I last played a week ago, so it’s still fresh in my mind.

I’m sure new content will get slower soon and halt in a couple of hours, but wow is it polished already. There’s also an indication of a lot of additional content coming in the future, but that will have to wait for further patches.


Why wait until then? I’m rating what I’ve seen and played so far. I’ve gotten to the middle of the third stage in my first few runs yesterday. That’s far enough to get a good feeling for the gameplay, and to see a good part of the meta progression.

If later parts turn out to be bad, I can always change my review.


You’re completely ignoring that PSN isn’t available in most countries, meaning people can’t play the game anymore without breaking ToS. It’s not okay to sell a game in a country, and then change it so players can’t play the game without committing a bannable offense.

Yes it’s annoying, but at the same time everyone else does it and that’s hardly ever causing uproar.

Could you share 3 other cases where access was taken away after a couple of months? I can’t think of a single one.


Then what is your question? “Aside from the really bad parts, what’s so about this thing?” doesn’t make much sense.


Maybe try rephrasing your question, because I’m really not sure what you’re asking. Yes, some people are upset about having to create an account, but it’s specifically because of this being done months after release. Others are upset because they were told they weren’t allowed to play anymore, and yet more were upset for these people. Why are these not sufficient reasons?


However, when considering valid reasons for complaint, the main issue causing controversy seems the fact that it’s a Sony account, with plenty of comments and review bombing the game for reasons such as “I’m not making a Sony account!” rather than focusing on more sensible reasons like the sudden change or the effect it would have on part of the player base due to regional availability.

I think the core issue in this comment chain is explained here: you perceive the complaints to be only about the account requirement, while they’re mostly about the combination of the account requirement under the delayed implementation. Unless people explicitly say “I’m only angry about the account requirement, not the delayed implementation” you have to assume any complaints to be in this context, because people usually don’t repeat the whole context of whatever current thing everyone is talking about, especially while angry.

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