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How hard’s the test? Maybe she’s done.


Close. The Thousand Islands are in the St Lawrence River.


For me, first and foremost is the fact that Chinese companies don’t have to operate by the same rules here as North American companies have to operate by in China. Until that’s fixed, I have no interest in letting them into our market. And that’s before we get into issues like some of the more valid arguments for a limited amount of protectionism.


Oh I’m not concerned about the safety and quality aspect. GM, Ford et al have put out plenty of unsafe shitboxes in the past. I’m talking about the fact the outside companies are flat out not allowed to operate in China without forming a partnership with a Chinese company. It’s a simple rule that fuckd things up royally once all the ramifications of that play out.


World wars don’t start until the superpowers are in direct conflict. That’s what defines a “World War”. There are always multiple conflicts going on around the globe.


Dumb question maybe, but why not just let them get older and then eat them?


That’s the morbidly hilarious part about Trump. He would probably have gotten away with everything, if he had simply learned the art of shutting the fuck up.


Uh, what actions is this particular museum director guilty of?


Hey, it’s just an innie with nowhere left to go.


Here’s a thought: do electric cars count as automatic or the most manual cars possible? On the one hand, there’s no clutch or stick shift, but on the other hand, if you want to change gears, you have to disassemble the transmission and change out the gears.


One of my issues with accepting cars sold by Chinese manufacturers, tariff free, is that it’s not a level playing field. If China wants unimpeded access to European (and North American) markets, then they should allow foreign manufacturers unimpeded access to the Chinese market. Currently, foreign automotive manufacturers cannot access the Chinese market without forming a partnership with a Chinese company, and they cannot own more than a 49% share of said Chinese company.


Not sure who you were listening to, but I seem to remember from the beginning that one of Israel’s stated goals was to remove Hamas from power. The hostages getting released was a condition for any pauses or ceasefires.


Their true goal is to erase Palestine period.

If you step back and try to take emotion out of your consideration, Israel’s actions don’t support that statement. Israel has enough military power to have completely erased Gaza months ago, without sending in a single ground troop, and there would have been absolutely nothing Hamas could do about it.

The situation as it stands right now is basically a textbook example of why the concept of war crimes exists. Taking hostages is a war crime, as is having your fighters not wear a distinct uniform. That second one is critical here, because when that law is broken, it turns civilians into targets.


I’m talking about what actually happens, not what is “right” or “allowable”. In a warzone, if your enemy looks like civilians, then civilians start looking like the enemy. That’s the reason why not wearing uniforms became a war crime in the first place. It drives up civilian casualties.


In what fucking universe do you live in where only one side of a given conflict commits war crimes?

Hate to break it to you, but there are no good guys in this conflict to cheer for.


Yes, because in a war, you totally have plenty of time to stop and do a thorough investigation into which one of the five guys within sight just shot at you. Everyone will just pause everything while you figure out who you are supposed to shoot back at.


It was a metaphor to continue a conversation about why having your combatants looking like and mixed in with the civilian population is bad. We’re talking in the abstract, not literal. Keep up.


I’m not justifying anything. I’m saying “Hamas is commiting war crimes and that is bad.” That is all I’m saying. There’s been no justifiable actions on either side for decades now.


Russia can end this war tomorrow. Any and all deaths are on them. Hell, if Russia would just stay out of their neighbours business, there would have been no civil war in the first place.

If Russia would quit invading their neighbours, their neighbours wouldn’t have had the motivation to join NATO in the first place (see Sweden and Finland as the most current examples).


“every single war it’s faught”

So that would be Afghanistan.

The Balkans were just generally on fire in the 90s and NATO enforced a no fly zone and sent peacekeeper forces after the fact.

There’s a few more peacekeeping missions and no-fly zones (Lybia for example), then some training missions, some humanitarian missions (Pakistan for example), a few air campaigns against non-state entities (“terrorists” but realistically that’s often just a matter of perspective), and a bunch of anti-piracy actions.

So it’s “every single war” with heavy emphasis on single.


Libya had the highest HDI of Africa before NATO’s “peace keeping”

Dude, at least visit Wikipedia before you argue. Lybia was an example of NATO enforcing a no-fly zone, not peacekeeping. And Lybia’s HDI was back to pre-civil war levels three years ago (ie the 2021 data matches the 2013 data).

Are you going to pretend that Muammer Gaddafi was a benevolent and beloved dictator, and that there’s no way Lybians would want him to fuck off all of their own?

it’s hard to separate the blame of NATO and just America

No it fucking isn’t. NATO lists all actions they’ve taken part of on their website. If the action is there, it was NATO, if it isn’t, it was not a NATO action.


They didn’t stand down because Russian troops on “vacation” kept getting lost. It was an invasion from the very start.


I’d be perfectly fine with banning Facebook too. In fact, let’s just make the behavior itself illegal, regardless which site engages in it.

While we’re at it, let’s do something really fun, like making corporate board members legally responsible for their companies actions.

This type of stuff will take forever to get into law, so in the meantime, TikTok can fuck off.


People put far too much emphasis on hypocrisy. Being a hypocrite has nothing to do with whether you are right or wrong.

If a murderer says “murdering is wrong”, does him being a hypocrite make that statement any less true?


They should all be worshipped privately

Pretty sure the bible specifically mentions that too.


I can’t even fathom how much water it would take to put out 8 sq km of fire.

CAD Software Suggestion

I am currently on win10 but have been toying with mint and liking it. I intend on fully switching over soon. I have also been toying with the idea of some simple 3D modeling, like making custom parts for projects around my house. Maybe using a CAD software to generate stls for a 3D print or using it to spec out parts for a...


Not sure if Fusion360 supports Linux. Only other choice I can think of is FreeCAD.


Of course. It gets the clicks. Which in turn feeds the bullshit, which they report on, and get more clicks. It’s the circle of un-life.


A Russia - NATO war is extremely unlikely to become the type of global war that WWII was. There’s not anywhere near enough strength among Russia’s close allies, and China is extremely unlikely to go full out war with NATO. Their economy is too centered around being the manufacturing base for the rest of the developed world. They’re more likely to grab a chunk of eastern Russia while Russia is unable to do anything about it.


The first “W” in “WWII” stands for “World”. It was used to describe the wars because there were multiple countries on both sides that were roughly at parity with each other when it comes to military power. In a NATO vs Russia scenario, there aren’t military peers on both sides. NATO has multiple members that could likely win a war against Russia on their own, and Russia has no one.

It wouldn’t be a “World War”. It would be Russia lashing out one final time before it ceased to exist.

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established (

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.


It’s important to note that for most of its existence, “fighting against Israeli oppression” explicitly meant Israel no longer existing. This is the first time I can remember them even implying that they would accept a two state solution.


My first response was: “I’d be willing to watch any video proof for or against that assumption.” I think it may be time to re-evaluate my standards a bit.


The thing is, it can and will be abused either way

So you are in favour of banning cars, guns, alcohol, knives, hammers, axes, all the strong painkillers, rope, and all the other things I can think of that have been abused causing death?


These chuckle fucks in the media are driving people to Bitcoin Milhouse

That’s the point. The majority of our news media outlets lean that way.


For single player games, I absolutely agree. If you’re going to stop supporting the game, send out one last patch turning off any always online DRM and let people keep playing their game.

For multiplayer games, it seems like it’s a bit more complicated. Who should be shouldering the cost to keep the game servers alive?


Never understood the thought process behind these sovereign citizens. Let’s say you accept the initial premise that they are their own country not subject to Canadian laws… aaaand you’ve been conquered. And are now subject to Canadian laws.


Wait, Carhartt is a stereotype of the left wing now? I’ve always associated it with very blue collar, outdoors type work. The kinds of jobs that you wouldn’t typically associate with left wing extremism.


One example does not prove a trend.

Plus, I’m just talking about perception, not the reality of the actual political leanings of every single Carhartt customer.


The most annoying part of this is that even if he quits wasting our oxygen, it’s “too close to the election” for the Senate to do their jobs and confirm the replacement.


I think it’s one of those things where you could do it, but if you had the required money, you’d do something far easier and more luxurious.


I think you’re really overthinking it. I’d say the vast majority of people paying simply came across something they wanted to see, and paying for it is faster and easier (and safer) than trying to search it out for free.


So those employees got an average bonus of $13,000. Not nothing, but hardly c-suite insane levels of compensation.

Also, what do the relevant employee contracts look like? A lot of the time bonuses are built into the contract and tied to very specific metrics. If that is the case, the CBC would have to pay out that bonus, regardless of the overall state of the company.


The law doesn’t give a shit about optics. If it’s in the contract, they owe the money. This type of pay structure (base pay + defined bonus) is the norm across many industries, not just media.

Also, these aren’t exec bonuses. CBC does not have 1100 executives.


As much as I’d like that regime to disappear, I wouldn’t go so far as to invade Russia. Putin’s nuclear sabre rattling is obviously bullshit when it comes to Ukraine, but backing them that far into the corner with an invasion is probably one of the few things that brings a real nuclear risk. I’d be more for the “measured” response of hunting down and eliminating any Russian assets found outside Russian borders, perpetually until the Russian people chose a leader who is capable of living in civilized society.


Tik Tok in its entirety is cringe. Biden’s just fitting in.


Don’t bring soup into this. This is an argument between soggy leaf juice and burnt bean juice.

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