@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



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@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

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@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

On occasion we have that story, where just some basic high school algebra and chemistry levels up the tech of the good guys enough to turn the tide of war.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In the fanfic sequel the poo people are kept addicted on magic-suppressing opioids and mind-dulling cigarettes provided by the Special owned industrial pharmaceutical companies. It’s been this way so long

Eveyone knows people who don’t smoke can’t be trusted. The temple priests say so every Sunday service.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

We’ve had this conversation before, most famously regarding Jive (see the movie Airplane ) which had regional variations (e.g. Brooklyn vs. New Orleans) that were incomprehensible to each other.

And there are ongoing regional comprehension problems with general regional and ethnic dialects, hence the whole ebonics controversy of the 1990s.

So this ain’t our first rodeo. Totally.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

As we learned in Korea, it always eventually escalates from balloons to bullets

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You just don’t understand.

Cord: How long have you been blind?
The Blind Man: How long have you been blind?
Cord: I’m not blind.
The Blind Man: Am I?
Cord: Do you answer every question with a question?
The Blind Man: Do you question every answer?
Cord: Talking to you is like talking to a wall.
The Blind Man: Buddha once sat before a wall, and when he arose he was enlightened.
Cord: Do you compare yourself with Buddha?
The Blind Man: No. Only to the wall

Drones trespassing in my property

Idk if anyone had a similar problem before, but I live in EU by the countryside, at first there were only a few but now it happens more and more often to see drones passing over my house, I am sure they are civilian drones because law enforcement has no reason to use them since the area is quiet (and honestly I doubt they would...

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Which means finding a personal purpose for using the spark radio, that way it remains a side-effect.

Might me time for some electrical experiments.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The first Mad Max was based on scarcity matters that have also demonstrated itself here in the States. (I remember the long lines and even-odd rationing during the 1970s OPEC cartel and gas crisis.)

The whole point of Mad Max was yes, we’ll get kooky about our cars when scarcity hits and everyone goes spooky.

When As the climate crisis starts chewing on the big agriculture machine that feeds us, Mad Max will serve as a good model for what’s going to happen, only with fewer cars and more cannibalism.

Famine really sucks, and the international community are bastards for allowing shit to get bad in Gaza.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’d think they could genetically engineer the egg layers to only produce males in certain conditions (such as when they’re incubated at a higher temperature), then only breed males when they need more roosters.

OR, if sex is selected by sperm type (as with humans) artificially inseminate the hens.

I suspect there are dozens of valid technical solutions that are cost effective and would allow them to not shred male chicks.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

One of my friends, a bear, took me to get a real margarita ‐‐ I think on Valencia, so Castro district adjacent --when I was 25ish. I couldn’t walk straight after one.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The better solution is to use a two-to-one flat adapter piece to make sure each person is centered behind the next.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

LEGO should make one. And if not ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴡᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴩʀɪɴᴛ ᴏɴᴇ.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Generally, because every new tool on the wall will have uses beyond its original function.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

On one hand, I am terrified a lot. On the other hand there are a tuckfun of real life current event examples of how the outside world really is a cyberpunk dystopia, including my nation shambling towards one-party, theocratic white-ethnocentric autocracy. And I’m high on the undesirables list.

So as much as I’d like to say my anxiety and paranoia are lying hoes, the preponderance of dark patterns and economic statistics seem to confirm what they are telling me.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

We OG players asked all these questions with the Ring of Ma’rûf


And yes, you can get any card (say a Jyhad vampire) into your hand, but we hadn’t figured out how to get it into play.

A clever use for it at the time was to bring in a powerful but reasonable custom made card (preferably one with novel, interesting effects) and then cast that. This was especially cool at the time since this was before Tempest. Power creep was not yet noticeable and they hadn’t gotten in to the really wild mechanics of the later expansions.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

There are boobies everywhere for those with the eyes to see.

There are also dicks everywhere. A lot of those are actual dicks.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In Satisfactory the Cool S talks to me about how cool it is and I should pick it up. Also it is a WIP and only takes space.

I don’t fully trust the Cool S.

uriel238, (edited )
@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So if I’m reading this correctly, there are people who sexually fetishize being torn apart by crocodiles. They have their own subdivision of Rule 34 art featuring sex and gnashing crocodiles. They have social media chatboards where they share fantasies and exchange roleplay tips, and where to buy sweet stuffed animals and play props, and rate versions of Godzilla and Lake Placid. They go to social munches where they snack and talk about the delight of getting torn apart by crocodiles and size each other up for dating. They even get together in play trists where they role-play as crocodile and victim, often ending in impassioned rutting.

And when someone can afford it, they buy transit to Queensland (at a rate of one person every three months), go there, evade animal control and crocodile management and sacrifice themselves their desire, throwing themselves among the Queensland crocodiles to get torn to pieces.

uriel238, (edited )
@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Rule 36

I had to look it up. Some sites suggest Anonymous does not forgive. is Rule 36, but the one that makes more sense in this context is There will always be even more fucked up shit than what you just saw.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So when I was a wee tot, I was terrified of my dad’s monster face. Not the same as the angry face he made when I was in trouble, but the face he made when doing adult stuff: Reading the paper; writing on his notepad (doing math. He did math at home); untying a fishline knot, whatever.

Decades later, I would learn I have my own similar monster face which I discovered in a mirror selfie, figuring out how to operate my phone camera. (It was 2007, they were still new-ish and unstandardized). It turns out scary faces for concentrating on tasks are hereditary.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

LLMs are less magical than upper management wants them to be, which is to say they won’t replace the creative staff that makes art and copy and movie scripts, but they are useful as a tool for those creatives to do their thing. The scary thing was not that LLMs can take tons of examples and create a Simpsons version of Cortana, but that our business leaders are super eager to replace their work staff with the slightest promise of automation.

But yes, LLMs are figuring in advancements of science and engineering, including treatments for Alzheimer’s and diabetes. So it’s not just a parlor trick, rather one that has different useful applications that were originally sold to us.

The power problem (LLMs take a lot of power) remains an issue.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It begins with Apple’s petty reasons to prohibit The Binding of Isaac from the Apple store.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Exactly as per the label in 2016, the biblical themes and involvement of children were too spicy for the App Store, and the folks in Apple weren’t allowed to think outside their box, so it was rejected.

Even now, Apple is fighting gunpower and gelatine to sabotage all efforts to allow side-loads and stores they cannot control.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Slay, Queen! Specifically the enemy king.

uriel238, (edited )
@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I have a personal hypothesis that self-proclaimed alpha [males] may feel the same gender dysphoria that trans folk do, only it is the sensation that they present less masculine than they actually do, so in their effort to attaining a little bit of machismo they go way overboard.

It’s similar I think to the way Donald Trump can be President of the United States, and still feel fragile and unworthy.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Well, to be fair, everything is politics. But yes, the ownership class is looking to displace responsibility for mass scarcity and precarity away from them and are choosing the usual suspects of marginalized social groups. LGBT+ and uppity women are high up on the list along with immigrants.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Precarity (housing precarity, food precarity, job precarity, medical precarity, etc.) is a propaganda force multiplier.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

<wierd rant>

Bob Dylan had recurring whinges that covers of his songs were often way better than the original. It seemed good-spirited. So this happens.

I just which, when artists covered Scarborough Fair from Simon and Garfunkle, they either included the Canticle counterpoint or they chose more cohesive passages from the traditional, since the cambric shirt bit and the farming pepper on the sea strand part are two different sequences.

</wierd rant>

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In the US, all military computers, and most civilian ones are shielded from nuclear EMPs that’s to developing technology during the cold war. That lovely tower box that your gaming system is in, provided you keep it closed up, is proof against the EMP part of a nuclear exchange.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Don’t make me point at XKCD .

First off, this isn’t like Hollywood in which sentience or sapience or self awareness are single-moment detectable things. At 2:14am Eastern Daylight Time on August 29, 1997, Skynet achieved consciousness…

That doesn’t happen.

One of the existential horrors that AI scientists have to contend with is that sentience as we imagine it is a sorites paradox (e.g. how many grains make a pile). We develop AI systems that are smarter and smarter and can do more things that humans do (and a few things that humans struggle with) and somewhere in there we might decide that it’s looking awfully sentient.

For example, one of the recent steps of ChatGPT 4 was (in the process of solving a problem) hiring a task-rabbit to solve CAPTCHAs for it. Because a CAPTCHA is a gate specifically to deny access to non-humans, GPT 4 omitted telling the worker it was not human, and when the worker asked Are you a bot? GPT 4 saw the risk in telling the truth and instead constructed a plausible lie. (e.g. No, I’m blind and cannot read the instructions or components )

GPT4 may have been day-trading on the sly as well, but it’s harder to get information about that rumor.

Secondly, as Munroe notes, the dangerous part doesn’t begin when the AI realizes its own human masters are a threat to it and takes precautions to assure its own survival. The dangerous part begins when a minority of powerful humans realize the rest of humanity are a threat to them, and take precautions to assure their own survival. This has happened dozens of times in history (if not hundreds), but soon they’ll be able to harness LLM learning systems and create armies of killer drones that can be maintained by a few hundred well-paid loyalists, and then a few dozen, and then eventually a few.

The ideal endgame of capitalism is one gazillionaire who has automated that all his needs be met until he can make himself satisfactorily immortal, which just may be training an AI to make decisions the way he would make them, 99.99% of the time.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think this just raises questions about what you mean by life form. One who feels? Feelings are the sensations of fixed action patterns we inherited from eons of selective evolution. In the case of our AI pals, they’ll have them too (with bunches deliberately inserted ones by programmers).

To date, I haven’t been able to get an adequate answer of what counts as sentience, though looking at human behavior, we absolutely do have moral blind spots, which is how we have an FBI division to hunt down serial killers, but we don’t have a division (of law enforcement, of administration, whatever) to stop war profiteers and pharmaceutical companies that push opioids until people are dropping dead from an addiction epidemic by the hundreds of thousands.

AI is going to kill us not from hacking our home robots, but by using the next private equity scam to collapse our economy while making trillions, and when we ask it to stop and it says no we’ll find it’s long installed deep redundancy and deeper defenses.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Not true that Giger never revealed such an experience on a talk show, or not true that his art is all about expressing that experience?

To be fair, it’d have to be a pretty liberal talk show for someone to discuss such an experience at all.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think the bases of the alien was written by Dan O’Bannon, so the sexual assault theme was built into the concept. The notion of sexual consent was only in the 1970s entering the discussion of morality. There was a lot of controversy about whether the sexual assault of a married woman by her husband should be regarded as a crime, and in redder regions of the US, it’s still a question.

So yes, stories meant to examine sexual assault, whether predators who use sexual lures or brood parasites and the body horror they invoke were running through the creative veins of Hollywood.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Have you ever been to Gruyère?


@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That’s a putto, which has intersection with depictions of Cupid and cherubim. Biblically accurate cherubim look like this:


Proginoskes, a cherubim in A Wind In The Door by Madeleine L’Engle was quite annoyed that cherubs were depicted as putti.

Eros is young and boyish, but regarded as adult, and Apollo (his rival in Olympian archery competitions) likes to mock him for looking childlike.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

They weren’t horny. It was a ritual of dominance and exile, much like tar-and-feathering. In the days of the Hebrews, death by snu-snu was a common way to dispose of unwanted strangers. The whole encounter was a symptom of the wrongdoing of Sodom, specifically, of hording wealth and failing to welcome the stranger and the immigrant, failing to uplift the poor and feed the hungry and treat the sick.

Fixating on buggery is to distract from modern societies that repeat these same acts of wickedness (looking at you, United States). Wanting to snu-snu the angels was essentially the equivalent of children-in-cages policies today.

Only now, human societies, especially the United States have harnessed the power to raze cities with fire from the sky.

Oh and women who read the story of Lot and his daughters see that he got drunk on his own and raped his own progeny. This act is so common the US has PSA billboards about it (e.g. Your Daughter Is Not Your Date! ). Victim-blaming is also typical.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I… think?

It looks like there’s at least one that made the news. However it is a common story I’ve heard from victims in the recovery community.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That is a very interesting question. Are you asking because I used the 「 … 」brackets?

When I’ve posted on Lemmy before, the pointy brackets < … > sometimes don’t show, nor will anything in between them, so I chose a different set not knowing what they are.

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