@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That still doesn’t explain how he spins them around each other.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

When and why did foghorn-leghorn become an internet sensation?

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No, they’s referring to the internal workings of AI models, which are essentially a series of incredibly high-dimension matrices with extra bits around them to make them work. Individual concepts are embedded as vectors in the space that these models work in. That’s why linear algebra is brought up so frequently in discussions of AI.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

From my perspective as an algebraist, you seem to be splitting hairs when you’re making a distinction between vectors and n-tuples of real numbers. Furthermore, he’s referencing a specific 3blue1brown video. I’m not saying their conclusion is correct; they’s dead wrong but that doesn’t mean their understanding is so shallow that they’re simply repeating a word they heard to sound smart.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The weirdest part about this to me, as a mathematician with limited programming experience, is the idea of using quadrilaterals instead of triangles. You can make any polygon out of triangles, but the same absolutely cannot be said of quadrilaterals. Why would anyone do that?

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I wonder if he measures success size the same way he measures hand size.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If the election goes as well as we can reasonably hope, it might be possible to fix the Supreme Court situation. The biggest obstacle is the Democrats actually taking the W and doing what people want instead of waving their arms and panicking because they’ve won.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ve made friends (as in IRL; we hike, shared classes, and go to conventions together) with multiple people who post their own lewds online for money and attention.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t argue with people who deny Genocide because their worldview requires them to ignore reality.

For anyone wondering: I was curious as to what their exact motivation was, and I found them claiming that the Holdomor didn’t happen. .ml user don’t be a pro-genocide tankie challenge:

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Source: trust me, bro.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t believe that “responsibility” is a useful tool for navigating moral choices. It doesn’t matter who’s “responsible” for the trolly. If there’s someone on the tracks, and you consciously decided not to pull the lever, you chose for them to die.

If trans people are going to be killed, and you don’t vote, you chose to prioritize your time over their safety.

Responsibility is a myth invented to assuage guilt for inaction.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Voting 3rd party isn’t going to help Palestinians. If you want to vote for someone who isn’t a Democrat, you should start building a grass-roots electoral movement (the way Bernie Sanders) did now so you can do that next time.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh, you’re that weirdo who’s all about how the Holdomor was fake.

Yeah, it makes sense that you would misrepresent my argument like that. I’m still not arguing with a genocide denier.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I believe it. Biden has been publicly fed up with Israel’s shit for a while now. I predicted this exact response yesterday.

Leate_Wonceslace, (edited )
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

OMG you’re that 2 day old account that said NATO wants war.

GO outside and touch some grass. Why do I even bother.

Edit: just incase anyone is actually wondering, the way U.S. Treaties work means Biden is essentially legally obligated to continue providing aid until he is legally forbidden from doing so. The president does not have full control of foreign policy; although the president has some capacity to act independently, they are still bound by the will of congress.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Just ignore them, it’s a troll account.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You’re correct that the messenger does not change the truth of the message, but in this particular instance, they’re also simply incorrect irrelevant of their sincerity. They say that no one believes a thing and they got downvoted. That itself shows that in all likelihood most people who have seen the comment disagree, suggesting that at least some believe it. The only way to defend the statement is to try to argue that those people don’t count, which would be special pleading.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

My hope is that he’s building up to that. The continued escalation in criticism suggests that’s what he’s doing; immediately cutting off aid will signal to other allies that he’s capricious and having an insufficient legal justification will open him up to impeachment and removal. Of course, it could all be show for the base.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

intentionally misleading

Even if I am wrong, which is certainly possible, it is uncharitable of you to say that I’m being dishonest.

Biden bypassed Congress twice to give Israel more weapons.

I’m not terribly surprised to learn about that; early on, he was very supportive of Israel, and publicly appeared to view the situation differently than he appears to do so now. As such, when this happened is extremely important: if it was prior to the State of the Union Address, then it’s absolutely irrelevant to my evaluation of his current motivation and my prediction of his potential actions.

US law says arms transfers must stop if we have a credible concern the weapons are used for war crimes

Yes, I’m aware. As I state in another comment, my hope is that his current trend of escalating criticism is an effort to maneuver himself and the majority of congress into a position where he cut off aid without political backlash against his position by congress or against the united states from their allies. Time will tell if this is a show or if he’s sincere.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So you knew I was dishonest because of the content of the reply I gave when you said I was dishonest? 🤨

Sounds legit. Every part of your comment is without flaw. I’m sure you read all of mine; it’s the perfect response.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Weirdly, he’s refused to guess Elbereth Gilthoniel (Varda) twice last night, both times guessing Yavanna instead I think the problem is a little deeper.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

every single previous American president would have already stopped israeli by now

Sounds legit.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Biden literally can’t do worse

Sounds Legit.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No. I don’t have any obvious counter-evidence I’m aware of, but I don’t bare the burden of proof. You need to show evidence that every single other president would have done as you say. It’s a very big claim that requires a lot of evidence, and frankly I don’t believe it’s true.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I firmly believe

Without evidence

not commit actual genocide

Israel is currently in the process of committing an actual genocide. I think that’s why the Biden administration is holding an investigation; because if they can publish a finding that Israel is using American weapons they can then withhold aid without anyone being able to make legal trouble. Because of the way our treaties work, Biden is compelled to supply aid to Israel until he’s legally forbidden from doing so. In the meantime, there’s reports that he’s begun using back-door beurocratic BS to slow aid down as much as he’s legally able to.

Now maybe all of that is baseless rumors being spread by braindead Biden cheerleaders, but it’s also entirely possible that it’s true. You have no basis for your assertion that Biden is even doing worse than average, so stop trying to act like it’s an established fact.

TLDR: your argument is uncogent.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Everyone who disagrees with this Tankie: Remember to vote for Biden so Ukraine and Palestine are both able to survive their respective genocides.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
  1. It’s been less than half a year.
  2. Being the correct choice requires Biden only to be better than Trump.
  3. The person I was replying to is an obvious liar.
  4. The people of Ukraine and Trans Americans also hang in the balance.
  5. There are other considerations besides genocide to consider as well.
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t believe you, but if I did I’d advise you to ask a foreign policy expert.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Hillary Clinton’s “help” can only be a detriment.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

People in 2034 will be like “Whats a ‘homeowner’? A slutty kitten?”

Leate_Wonceslace, (edited )
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Less genocide is better than more genocide.

Arguing against less genocide is an activity that increases the ammount of genocide.

This is not a complicated choice and pretending otherwise makes the situation worse.

Edit: I’m reposting my full argument, because why not?

People need to understand that it’s possible to vote against genocide.

Donald Trump is Genocide at home and abroad.

Joe Biden is “only” Genocide abroad, and probably less of it.

Therefore, a vote for Joe Biden is a Vote against genocide.

No, it doesn’t matter that he’s an active participant in the apparatus that’s creating the genocide, because if he’s in office there’s less genocide. Which is the important part, and pretending otherwise is sophistry. If you abstain from voting, you are increasing the likelihood of more genocide and if you discourage others from voting, you are an active participant in the overall social apparatus that is probabilistically increasing the amount of genocide.

The utility calculation is dead simple: more votes for Biden in key states makes more genocide less likely, and discouraging people from voting for Biden makes more genocide more likely. Therefore, discouraging people from voting for Biden is a pro-genocide strategy and voting for Biden in battleground states is an anti-genocide strategy. You should vote for Biden unless you live in a solid blue state, and even then it’s not a bad idea.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not sure how much of what drugs you’re talking, but it’s obviously the wrong ammount.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I actually know someone who says this, or at least they used to.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m a transhumanist; my endgame is the abolition of all hardships including involuntary death. I want as many as possible among the those alive today to experience the universe beyond the fading of the last stellar remnants. That means clawing and fighting in every way I can and know how to allow as many people alive now to continue living. That means less genocide is better than more genocide, which in turn means that the immediate goal is making a Biden victory as likely as possible as I prepare more long-term projects. The long-term projects eliminate genocide. The Short term projects mitigate genocide. More successful short term projects increases the likelihood of more successful long-term projects.

In short: it is incredibly small-minded, presumptuous, and uncharitable of you to assume that I think voting is the only part of this massive game. Fuck off.

Leate_Wonceslace, (edited )
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This reply is so bad I’m comfortable not giving an actual response.

Edit: I should’ve just said “ratio”. 😂

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I love happy roadkill, and I’m familiar with this comic. I’d have gone with the one where the elephant is reaching down the donkey’s pants, though; it gets your message across more poignantly.

The the two parties form a bulwark against mainstream progressive political action. This is an inarguable fact, and if the option were between the DNC and green party, I’d vote green. The GOP is currently in a state of extreme disunity; it’s in a condition strikingly similar to the whigs prior to their dissolution and so losing Texas will likely cause the party to fracture as well as giving Biden a guaranteed victory. Once the GOP is made irrelevant, a left-wing electoral movement may be able (with the help of non-electoral leftist activitists) to form a genuine left-wing party, which will make direct action easier and our ultimate victory just that much closer and more likely.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

And spending even more time arguing about it isn’t a distraction because…

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ll admit that I hadn’t considered the possibility of the democratic party fracturing. I disagree that it’s more likely; the democrats are expecting defeat, don’t seem to be as fed up with each other, and I think a victory is likely to strengthen the party rather than strain it. However, it definitely bears consideration and I’ll try to figure out likely scenarios with the assumption that it does occur. Thank you for bringing the possibility to my attention.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh, you’re saying that the Democrats fracturing is likely given the GOP’s collapse. (I had thought you meant that it’s more likely to collapse than the GOP.) Yes, that’s certainly a possibility. The extreme flank of the Democrats and the moderate flank of the GOP uniting is likely, but this still provides us the opportunity that I’m hoping for. This scenario should result in a less powerful fascist faction, a more distinct progressive faction, and a more condensed conservative/neoliberal faction; fertile ground for progressives and leftist to grow our movement. Given the backlash against Trump and the loyalty of his remaining base I expect that if this happens the fascist faction will be locked in to supporting their own for a while, which will pull votes away from the neoliberal faction. Ideally, we’ll see deep blue states turn green and red states start to turn blue.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

However, this crate landed on Palestinians. Helping the people under the crate seems important.

What does that even mean in the context of the previous metaphor? The crate itself doesn’t represent anything; the actions that the crate is subjected to represent acts that are not done to something.

There is a flaw in making a collective choice individualistic.

Yea; that’s why talking about yourself doesn’t change the ethics of the situation. Good👏 Job!👏

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