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So, you’re not going to want to hear this but SCOTUS is the court you appeal to after you lose at your state supreme court. SCOTUS rarely takes the case and even more rarely sides with the convicted person. If they vacate Trump’s conviction it would be incredibly hypocritical considering their treatment of other people with real problems with their convictions.

“Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days (

From June 1 to June 11, Israeli forces killed over 800 Palestinians and wounded over 2,400 as they carried out bombardments and raids across Gaza, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported. This is an average of over 72 Palestinians killed each day at the hands of Israeli forces....


Hamas did accept the peace deal. And it evaporated. Again. Israel is the one consistently sinking deals. Even to the point of telling Biden they support one and then publicly humiliating him when he announces they’re on board.




Oh no. You misread that. They unanimously refused because of Standing. This is a reaction to the cases they ruled on where it turned out the plaintiffs were entirely theoretical. Kavanaugh laid out exactly the standard under which this group could get Standing and return to SCOTUS.

So this is far from dead. A decision on the merits will likely go as we all expect.


All the headlines out there are about Israel’s denial. Which is insane because they’ve been caught lying so many times in the last few months.


Seeing as he never served in the military I don’t think we really give a shit about his opinion on the VA’s flags.


Oh wow, slammed and probed! Don’t tell the Air Force they’ll get excited.


I think we had very different experiences filling that form out. The form itself is just the basis for the interview. They’ll ask why isn’t that trip to Canada mentioned on the new form, you’ll say you forgot and nobody will care because it was a trip to Canada.

The real advice is you can pull your exit and entry data from CBPS; your previous addresses from a credit agency; and your work history from the IRS or SSA.

Then the person assigned still isn’t the one to actually make a decision, just a recommendation. So if they say they don’t recommend you, but in the report it’s based on something like a minor date change for a job, nobody at the agency hiring you is going to care about that

That said, there might be questions if you magic up a new Cuban step father or something.

Maggoty, (edited )

It would be pretty hypocritical to give a Israel a genocide hall pass and then give Ukraine a full audit. So I’m not surprised.

Edit to add - Because the comments are already a dumpster fire, let me be clear. The Azov brigade was reformed years ago at this point. I’m mad that they’re still getting this level of scrutiny while we give Israel a pass to treat the Geneva Conventions like a checklist.


While I agree on the hypocrisy, there actually isn’t any evidence this unit is a problem. There was a significant reform process that changed much of the leadership and the die hard members left to form another militia unit.

Personally I find it insulting that it took this long after the reform process to green light this unit while Israel is given a blank check to MICmart.


To be fair in this particular point it does matter. US military aid is conditioned on a human rights basis unit by unit.

That said, Ukraine basically broke this unit down and rebuilt it to get rid of the extremists several years ago.


The article opens with exactly that. It’s not a mystery either. Biden never made more than a pro forma attempt to fulfill his campaign promises and is tacking hard right this election.


Wow. Threats. How original.


The second seemed like an asset rip to me. It wasn’t bad per se, it just wasn’t Battlestar Galactica.


I hate that I know exactly what you’re referring to.


No. Absolutely not. The problem here is age, not politics as a career. This is how you get monolithic parties where the internal politics between unelected party officials and billionaires run the country.


No they can’t. Money is political speech. Thank you SCOTUS.


The military retires officers of all ranks at 62. If you’re too old to sit in an office and command a division, you’re too old to sit in the oval office and command the entire military.


Being a felon is not a bar to federal office.

Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war (

The military leader of Hamas has said he believes he has gained the upper hand over Israel and that the spiralling civilian death toll in Gaza would work in the militant group’s favor, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing leaked messages the newspaper said it had seen....


Welcome to resistance ideology. When people are oppressed casualties become recruitment and death becomes duty. This happened with the Irish, the South Africans, the Algerians, the Native Americans, and on, and on, and on.

And your condemnation of it only works in their favor because it shows you do not understand the position they’re in.


Okay, he was and is a coward who browned a pair of pants the second anyone brought up the mere possibility he might be drafted.

And to be clear the people who refused to go, who burned their draft cards at protests, or even just stayed home until the police showed up aren’t in this picture. Trump proactively got a doctor to lie so he wouldn’t have to worry about it.


There’s multiple now, in case the original is in the laundry bin.


Show them Lindsay Graham saying D-Day was a failure. Next we need to set one of those idiots up to say something bad about a medal of honor winner. Shouldn’t be too hard. “Hey would you stand in front of an angry mob like Randy Shugart or Gary Gordon?”


The military actually rejected Trump pretty hard. Enough conservatives in the military refused to vote for him in 2020 that it went blue for the first time since at least the Dixie Flip in the sixties. They aren’t the group you should be worried about.


Buddy, you do calculus under fire and report back to me how well you do. By the way, if you take too long you die. If you get the wrong answer, your friend dies.


I don’t think I am. If you think everyone around you is dumb then I feel sorry for the people you’re supposed to lead.


Eh, only works for specific games. Medics and healers are purposely badass in a bunch of games specifically because of this attitude and the need to make sure people play the class.


So uhhh. On the premise that women can’t slam this thing as many times as they want without consequences so they also stand a risk of a gender swap…

Why would we not just keep pressing the button until we turned back?

Okay but all of that gone, 1 press, these are your chances, fuck yeah. In a fucking second. This isn’t a hard question unless you’re already wealthy.


Okay okay, I guess we can let you guys have the one win. :)


I’m glad you’re the UN with the internationally agreed definition.

Oh. Wait.


How the fuck is it fascism to use a feature of a democracy? You’ve gone completely off the cliff.


Trump has the advantage of being a challenger, he can just say shit. Biden needs to be pressured right now, to save people right now. Is that more clear to you?


How is voting only for people you actually want running the country in any way symbolic? Versus just always voting for a color. This is possibly the most ridiculous thing you’ve said to me in the last few weeks.


Yup. But also signposting the shit out of that and being willing to vote for him if he just stops supporting genocide.


Mr. Blank Field


Again. Your opinion. Not mine.


No. In no world is not voting for someone somehow a vote. You cannot coerce votes and still call it a democracy. The entire point is freedom to vote for your choice.


Yup it sure is.


My entire ideology here is not to support genocide. Everything else has been your projection.


Not with that attitude. According to you it’s already decided.


Unfortunately fear sells. And people like you are selling it hardcore. God forbid we hold anyone accountable, we might have to face team B being in office if team A doesn’t actually make themselves amenable to their voting base.


Trump isn’t the reason for Biden to be elected. That way lies authoritarianism of it’s own kind because it makes it impossible to hold anyone accountable. You might as well let the oligarchy directly tell you who to vote for.


If he wins while supporting a genocide then no amount of pressure after the election will work.


Oh yes I understand how you think voting works. You go in and pull the lever for whoever the party tells you or you get the stick again. But that’s not a democracy. In a democracy the party bends to the will of the people. Not the people to the party. Or else the Party gets the stick again.


Lmao. Real democracy is a temper tantrum? Are you sure you aren’t trying to stooge for an oligarchy?


Wow, first in my inbox, democracy is a kids temper tantrum and now you want to hold people “accountable” for voting.

The mask is coming off here.


I never said I’m not voting. I said I’m not voting for Biden. And being forced to vote for someone still isn’t a democracy, no matter how much make up you put on it.


Did you go check my reddit history? My liveleak history? Read my college papers? No? You’re ridiculous.

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