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Watch out! Your kids are reading horror comics

Don’t bother talking to them and reading a comic with them to see what it’s about or why your child likes it. Just get mad!

Problem solved


The Finals Season 3 1000%

I absolutely love the first two seasons. I haven’t enjoyed a game like this in years.

It’s a bit sweaty but I feel like it can be pretty casual (out of ranked). Like the difference between playing a casual game of soccer or basketball compared to a competitive match of either. It takes strategy, teamwork and good game sense/skills to win a match as opposed to strictly kills. Idk, it’s super cool and people should give it a shot


I don’t think I understand your comment. Are you saying you think those men only let them go out because they expected them to get a good paying job and now they can’t? Or like because of the masseuse thing?


I’m honestly not a fan of the government deciding which version of a religion is correct, and I’m even less into the gov enforcing targeted dress codes. It seems super authoritarian to me and I can’t really see how it could be a good thing.

I’d consider myself anti-theist but still, I don’t see how you can live in a free society and let the government have that power

That said, I’m open to learning how this could be a positive/negative and whether or not it would create a group of second class citizens.


Ah, gotcha. Makes sense now. Thanks for the reply. I totally agree


It’s a candidate’s job to try to gain favor from the convention, just as it’s the convention’s job to remain impartial.

“No you don’t understand, political candidates are supposed to be slimy and dishonest!”

Your insufferable attitude aside, that’s an insane position to take and it’s ridiculous you said that without providing anything to defend it like it’s common knowledge or something to be desired in a presidential candidate - especially after you were so anal about things that were explicitly spelled out for you and which you still struggled to understand


You’re not making sense, dude. And your analogy is wack, too.

It’s their job to break the rules/cheat? Is it a sportsball player’s job to try and break their rivals’ legs?

Do you blame workers when they lose their jobs when factory jobs are shipped overseas?

I’d be happy to place some blame on lazy/disinterested citizens, complicit corporate media networks, the effect of legalized bribery in politics, but to go the other way and actually say you support candidates doing whatever it takes to win is gross

  1. he doesn’t know much about anything himself

Yeah, I’ve actually been looking into trying Linux as my entire personality as well


I’m a bit dense as well, so you’re among friends (not sure I fully get ur reply, tbh)

I was mostly piggybacking on your popular comment to poke fun at people that seem to take their choice of OS a bit too seriously. That “as well” at the end feels odd; it was meant more like the “too” at the end of “and I probably would’ve got away with it too.”


Ok, I’ll bite. What exactly is fascist about this post?


Hasn’t Fetterman been getting tons of criticism for being exactly that, being to the right of most leftists/liberals? Do you think that’s overblown and he’s still mostly on the side of the left?

I hope you can tell how clueless many of us feel having read your initial comments. You’re not doing a great job of communicating what you think and why. Granted, you don’t have to, and it’s a bit annoying how much patience is required, but if you don’t others will likely not care to ask you to explain. Anyway, just a thought as I’ve been realizing I need to get better at communicating - I’m probably overdoing it now ;)


Sorry, if this feels legit impossible to believe. I live in SoCal and literally everyone I know is struggling or has commented about how much more expensive rent is and how impossible it seems to get by compared to just a few years ago. Lots of people have to live with their parents/families now even though they work full time.

What do you or “economists” call it when no one (exaggerating here in case it’s not obvious) in a city/state can afford rent to live on their own like they used to be able to? Put another way, what do you call it when six figures used to mean stability and now it means paycheck to paycheck for many families?

You’re seriously saying people are just confused about their finances? What about all the articles about people not buying new cars and not buying this or that anymore? Why do economists think that is? That’s just a coincidence?


In the telephone survey of 1,818 adults Aug. 10-14, 71% of Americans described the economy as either not so good or poor. And 51% said it’s getting worse.

But 60% said their financial situation is good or excellent.

Come the fuck on dude. How can you possibly believe that? And who’s upvoting all your comments?

Everything you say now is suspect if you can believe that data is representative of most Americans. Not only that, you’re parroting the info everywhere like you’re confident in the data and knowledgeable on the subject, and yet it’s based on fucking phone interviews. What single, working mom do you think answers a random phone number and then is also willing to take an interview about the economy?


I won’t debate your take on phone interviews being representative of any American under 80; I think it’s ridiculous

About your anecdote, you’re saying you think some people earn double or triple at the same job? Surely not, right? So what about the people that still work at those jobs? How do you think life is going for them?


Vasquez was endorsed by several police groups. He won Tuesday’s nonpartisan primary election after returns showed him receiving more than 50% of the vote.

Wow. Most Americans are legit fuckin stupid

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


It’s like 2016 all over again. It’s fascinating how we learned absolutely nothing.

We’re fucked and there’s nothing we can do about it

I’ll vote for Biden, and do it proudly, but I’d never be so pathetic as to resort to whatever the fuck these grandstanding libs/Dems/definitely not progressives are doing when they try to “convince” people to support the candidate they support (read: try to feel morally superior for their vote) as they look down their noses at anyone that dares to ask, “Hey, did Clinton oppose gay marriage? Did she do enough to oppose the Iraq War when she was Secretary of State? Is it true she’s said some super racist shit in the past?”

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....


Isn’t that just showing an increase in income that’s like a tiny percentage? Didn’t that “raise” come during a period when inflation increased significantly and cancelled it all out?

Honestly, it’s super annoying that you replied all defensive as if anyone was attacking Biden. It’s hard to take anything you say seriously now. I’m voting for the piece of shit but it seems insane to pretend he’s actually trying to help poor Americans at the expense of corporations and their shareholders.

There’s an ongoing class war and there’s bipartisan support for the rich in all three branches of gov.


That wasn’t bad! Very relevant

Also, damn! Democrats are so fucked in Nov


This seems nuts. Is this not an insane opinion? You want entire dog breeds to go extinct? What are your thoughts on that one governor lady? lol


Yeah they’re here too. I think there’s a huge overlap in the demographics of reddit, this site, and really the entire Internet - white American dudes over ~35 . I’ve learned a lot about these people this demographic during my time on the web (mainly from places like reddit)


Idk why you think I’m upset. I’m more shocked than anything.

I would think most people tend to support conservation of different animals and whatnot, except for maybe mosquitoes (and even then I’d be hesitant). It’s also blowing my mind that you’re heavily upvoted. I had no idea some of y’all thought this way.

That said, I’m just going to assume I don’t fully understand what you’re saying since it seems so batshit crazy to me. It’s clear this isn’t really an honest, open dialogue anyway, and that’s totally fine


Thanks for sharing your POV. It’s definitely the first time I’ve heard something that radical about dogs, which are basically the most beloved living thing in the US, but I can somewhat understand where you’re coming from.

I’d definitely support making it more difficult to own a dog, but mostly because many of the dog owners I’ve met are borderline abusive to their pets (I’m mainly thinking of neglect here). I don’t think I could ever support a ban on entire breeds. That’s where it starts to seem crazy to me. Make it a felony to own a dog that bites someone or something but don’t make it a felony to simply own the dog. We don’t even have such laws for people that own guns or swords and surely those lead to more deaths/injuries than dogs.

Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid (

WASHINGTON, May 18 (Reuters) - Several top White House aides say they are confident protests across U.S. college campuses against Israel’s offensive in Gaza will not translate into significantly fewer votes for Joe Biden in November’s election, despite polls showing many Democrats are deeply unhappy about the president’s...


And this is why I punch myself in the balls! I’m some kind of a stable genius myself


Sounds about white. Jk, kinda

I was pretty far left by the end of high school. I only just missed voting for Obama and was all about that change! That was when I learned about things like our high income inequality, low social mobility, and rampant corporate profits

On a related note, I was super caught off guard by all the “libertarians” that hopped on that grifter, Ron Paul’s, train. Man what a time. So many heated discussions. Good times

Did you support Paul(s)? Any regerts?


I would phrase it another way, people that don’t vote against Trump simply don’t care as much about their fellow Muslim-, Mexican-, and gay-American citizens (and noncitizens, etc.) compared to other issues

I said it in 2016 and it’s still true today. It’s the US though; that’s literally always been true. It’s honestly time the rest of us realized it and accepted reality


Yeah, grifter maybe isn’t the best word to use. I just meant in the sense that libertarians seem to support policies that help themselves, even/especially if it’s at the expense of others.

That’s really good you were able to see the policies Rand supported were even worse


TRAC has been praised by fellows at the anti-immigration think tank Center for Immigration Studies for the quality of the data it provides on immigration as well as the Federal Courts and federal law enforcement organizations.

Do you happen to have any other sources?


In this context your comment means the violent from protestors/revolutionaries has already happened. That’s why everyone’s confused and asking for clarification


And here I needed instructions just to play with Legos! I remember wondering how others had such active imaginations

UN denies Gaza death toll of women and children has been revised down (

The UN has denied that the estimated death toll of women and children in the war in Gaza has been revised downward, pointing towards a confusion between the total numbers of dead bodies recorded, and the number of those who have so far been fully identified....




No one said that.

That said, it is a fact that there’s never been so much support for Palestinians


Oh well that’s convenient


Maybe, but a better question might be was George Washington a terrorist? What about Nat Turner?

Maybe, but I’m kinda on their sides


Did I?


I’m mostly with you, but if I tried to exercise and my legs broke, it’d be kinda wild to say the exercising “worked” because it exposed my shitty, unhealthy knees

That said, I’m all for changing up the narrative and using practical propaganda to expand support for protesters!


You’re completely right.

I think framing the success in terms of awareness raised is likely the best way to demonstrate the impact of a protest/movement.

Macklemore Attacks Joe Biden On Pro-Palestine Song "Hind's Hall" (

He hasn’t released on streaming yet or YouTube only insta and Twitter. Once it’s up on streaming he said all proceeds will go to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)....


Did you reply just to feel better about yourself or for attention? I really don’t understand your point. No one said anything to you and yet you seem so offended for something that never even applies to you. Don’t take this personally, friend, but that behavior’s kind of pathetic, imo

Psychodelic, (edited )

Are people really ignoring everything else the guy said just because he said he wouldn’t vote for Biden? That’s fuckin wild; I can’t imagine being so closed-minded

Edit: just saw this badass clip on insta:…


I’m with you like 80%.

I can’t, with a straight face, say, it’s okay if people stay out, but I can say I completely understand why they would.

I can’t imagine hard it must be for uninformed people to figure out what’s true at this point. I was able to do it, imo, during the early days of youtube when there wasn’t nearly as much misinformation, or straight-up fascist propaganda like there is nowadays, flowing freely. Now, I legit don’t think I could do it starting at 18 with the clear understanding that I was being lied to and misinformed by supposed experts - really just pundits on corporate media networks.


Ah, the old “no u” argument! Such a classic

NHS England to tell some transgender children to medically detransition or face safeguarding referrals (

New tory policy on trans kids just dropped: force them to transition or we take them from their families 🙃 They’re really hoping that all the trans kids kill themselves and some have due to law changes already. Bad news for them is that there’s never been world without trans people and there never will be.


Idk, I think it’s fair to say where that shitty ideology/culture came from. It didn’t start in England but it sure spread from there


Yea, it’s unfortunate how ignorant, and intellectually dishonest this conversation is, so far.

When I think of sanctions today, I think of Trump putting sanctions on Venezuela, tons of leftists saying that will disproportionately hurt the people living there, the country’s finances going belly up, then thousands of Venezuelan refugees looking for a new home, and then of course the US denying its involvement and refusing to help and acrually choosing to spend ridiculous amounts of money to make the situation worse for literally everyone.


Why is everyone speaking in hypotheticals/theory? Sanctions have been used in the past. Has it achieved the desired result? If we don’t know, maybe start with that

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