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Every time I think of actually subscribing to the WP or NYT I remember how their political analysis is just utter crap.


Very Extreme Globalist Donald Trump never actually cared about his followers.


Everybody still supporting Treason Trump has just been promoted from Bootlicker to Globalist Bootlicker.


Bringing in immigrants to lower American wages and bust unions has always been a right wing thing. There is video of Ted Cruz saying he wants to increase the number of H1-B visas by 500%.


They love anything the orange felon does.

Actually not in the particular case. None of Treason Trump’s original supporters from 2016 will like this if they learn about it. Whenever I talk to them that was always the #1 thing they say. Pretending to be against immigrants lowering wages was Treason Trump’s original con to hook dupes. This was why they thought opportunist Trump was “anti-Establishment” and other politicians way milder immigration policies made them “Globalists”. It is the later opportunists who supported Treason Trump for self-serving reasons that don’t care about anything he says or does.


He could paint it as taking down the “ivory tower intellectuals”

That wouldn’t work at all. Treason Trump supporters care about themselves and only themselves. This affects all Americans in a huge way, and they would know it, if/when they learn about it. Being an immigration expansionist extremist completely undercuts Treason Trump’s original propaganda of being “anti-establishment” and painting other politicians way milder policies as “globalists”.


Most immigrants will be nonwhite. This is because Convicted Criminal Treason Trump desperately wants money from other billionaires, and other billionaires desperately want to lower American wages.


When I tried to ballpark it looking at my starships poster they seemed like they might be about the same. But you could be right, the Breen Dreadnaught could be certainly be the bigger ship.

btaf45, (edited )

People would do well to remember just how much Ronnie Raygun ruined this country and set us on the path to the loser that is donnie.

Long before this article came out I was thinking about far the GOP has come between Ronald Reagan’s time and the sheer decadence and depravity of today’s GOP. Then I realized that the seeds of today’s GOP corruption went all the way back to Reagan. I remember Reagan defending Chief Justice Renquest’s daughter from a corruption scandal at the very opening of an otherwise legitimate nationwide TV address about a crisis. Reagan himself had appointed William Renquest to be Chief Justice. Janet Renquest later went on to have a bunch of other scandals.


Nazi insurgent spills Convicted Criminal and Sex Offender Treason Trump’s latest neofascist plans to steal our 240 year old democracy away from proud Americans.


Because Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump always attacks and slanders our longstanding core values of democracy and the rule of law every f*cking time he loses a court case or election. And because Loser Trump is a Loser it happens every single day.


Would be awesome to have a t-shirt or bumper sticker with these 2 lines.

  1. Baal
  2. Yahweh

Edit: or even better, deface every public copy of the 10 commandments by writing this on it.


In the case of the supreme court it is painfully obvious. It’s because Thomas likes to live like a billionaire and Alito hates gays.


Don’t worry a mystery investor will come and put billions in Trump’s pockets anytime now.

Are you suggesting that there was actually no need to spend $8 billion to build a site comparable to lemmy?


dies in office,

That’s like a 1% chance.

we get President Harris, who is the party pick in '28 and she loses terribly because nobody likes her

Why wouldn’t people “like her”? If “nobody likes her” she would get 0% of the primary vote. She will likely be the Dem front runner in 2028, but we will have to see who runs.


We need to stop autopicking the next candidate just because they were VP.

The system does not allow “autopicking”. Either she gets the most votes, or she doesn’t.


America will survive the biggest attack on democracy in 240 years and punish the neofascist insurgents. That is an excellent outcome.


Apparently Yahweh has nothing better to do then talk to this pillow crackhead.


The general consensus is that a convicted felon and sex offender and neofascist traitor should not be anywhere near the white house.


I have to assume they’re White, they hate Whites, and vote for Biden

I have to assume Biden is popular with whites and blacks and everybody who doesn’t make asinine assumptions and is not racist and/or neofascist and doesn’t want to vote for a Certified Sex Offender and Convicted Felon


The general consensus as to why white, black, and all kinds of Americans are leaving the Republican Party is because Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump is a threat to democracy and the rule of law and repeatly slanders our great country and attacks our longstanding core values every f*cking time he loses court cases and elections.


People have serious issues and want to be heard,

That’s why Biden has spoken at dozens of churches.

but Biden is too busy dining with George Clooney in California than campaigning in Michigan……/trump-tells-billionaires-ll-keep-ta…

[Trump tells billionaires he’ll keep their taxes low at $50 million fundraising gala]


Damn right! The GOP wants to overthrow 240 years of democracy and Dems have been known to use the wrong brand of mustard.


Take notice, all those tribalistic rightwing cultists who are obsessed with their feelings because they have inferiority complexes. You have a mental illness. Mature adults aren’t obsessed with people’s feelings. Neither yours nor mine.

As for Treason Trump, his neofascist War on Democracy is going against 246 years of American culture. Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump picked the worst country in the world to try to take people’s freedom away from them.


Where have I heard of things like that before…?

Germany in 1933. Which did not have a 246 year long culture of democracy and freedom like America does.


Good luck with what? Maintaining our 246 year record of democracy and the rule of law? Did you really think proud Americans would let some petty loser and con artist come along after hundreds of years and steal that from us?


America’s culture and history gives us an extra layer of protection against fascism that man other countries do not have.


Elections are still on, latest I checked.


I don’t think they had replicators. They were invented ~50 years after Enterprise.


but that fourth season was so damn good.

It was the best seaon of any Trek ever IMO.


The scenes in the isolation chamber in underwear applying gel to each other were totally unnecessary

I thought so at the time but later realized that was a key scene of the whole entire show. You missed a lot of the nuance. That was where T’pol developed her crush on Trip. Her crush on Trip was the only reason she became the first Vulcan to be able to stay aboard a human ship for longer than a few weeks. And T’pol’s presence on the ship advising Archer was what made Archer so successful in laying the groundwork of the entire federation.


Lmao, incredible event security.

What security? All they cared about is money. Anybody who paid their $500 got access.


Ignoring reality in favor of weird essentialism

Ignoring reality because Thomas likes to live like a billionaire and Alito hates gays.


That is such a great line because it is exactly what everybody wants to personally say to Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump


Almost every single time I ask about Hillary’s policy positions, the people who hate Hillary either spout some right wing conspiracy bs or they just talk about “vibes”.

They did exactly what Putin & the GOP hoped they would do. Think about “vibes” instead of the 5 different ways she was going to raise taxes on the wealthy.


I voted for Bernie also but there was no contested convention. Bernie was not contesting anything because he wasn’t a shit politician like Treason Trump. If you were “big mad” it is because that’s what Putin and the GOP wanted so that the end result was Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump giving a gigantic tax cut to the billionaire establishment elites.


Dude what a politicians does NOW matters a hell of a lot more than what they did 50 years ago lol.

and negate your own point.

And Biden being the VP of the first black president 100% negates him being against forced busing in the 1970’s. And everybody was against force busing in the 1970’s. It was a stupid policy then.


How did you not know that Biden has done way more to nullify student loan debt than every other president?

How did you not know that Biden got a Gaza cease fire passed by the US security council?

biden’s anti-gay votes

The president does not vote against anything. I said Biden is the most progressive PRESIDENT.

How can you not know that Biden has been more progressive on me2 or lgbtq THAN ANY OTHER PRESIDENT?

or is it simply because trump is so bad that the alternative is automatically good enough?

Well we know that Convicted Sec Offender Treason Trump was ranked worst of all presidents by historians. So a house plant would be better than Treason Trump. But doesn’t change the fact that Biden has been the most progressive president in the last 50 years.


But I should only pay attention to what a politician doing NOW, not what they’ve done in the past.

Yes. Now as in current term of office. Not 50 years ago. Biden’s rejected of forced busing 50 years ago does not have the slightest relevance to anything he does as president. Do you not understand how much political climates change in a huge way over 1/2 of a century?

and I didn’t even get to his support for the Iraq War

You mean when Biden was one of the very few senators who voted against the first Iraq was in 1993?

but I can’t judge them based on what they’ve done in the past

If you are complaining about something Biden did in the 1970’s, it’s just because you are on some ridiculous anti-Biden kick. Everybody knows it doesn’t have the slightest relevance to his presidential terms.

Explain how the hell your philosophy of ignoring what a candidate says and watching what they do while ignoring what they’ve done makes any kind of sense.

Watch what Biden has done as president. He’s been the most progressive president since FDR. Pretty simple.


he literally use to brag about getting the bill that created our student loan debt problem passed the senate.

He is literally the one and only president out of 46 president to cancel student loan debt.

but we can only judge him for 3 of them?

I judge President Biden compared to the previous 50 years of US presidents and the neofascist alternative waging war on democracy and the rule of law.


OK, you’re very clearly just avoiding that I said Biden was the most progressive president of the last 50 years, and not the most progressive senator. Good luck guy.


You mean the people that Biden got the UN Security Council to pass a cease fire resolution for?

Arabs are the people who aren’t doing shit for Gaza. How Egypt/Lebanon/Turkey etc aren’t taking in refuges from Gaza and shipping tons of aid in or even offering peacekeepers? Any or all of those countries could have easily done more than Biden but they didn’t lift a finger. Looks like Arabs don’t care anything at all about Palestinians judging by their actions.

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