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Bibi is now Hitler Lite in my opinion. The number of deaths aren’t quite there or the level of cruelty, but the intent and mindset is exactly the same and he could easily get to that cruelty and deathcount if not stopped.


But it will be perfectly acceptable to put an oil well there which will be abandoned and left to rot after a few years I bet.


sells nuclear bomb to Joe down the street for massive profits

“Hey, don’t blame me for Kentucky exploding that’s all on Joe”


In an ideal world anyone making more than, let’s say for an example, $1 million in a year would pay 100% tax on anything more.

No one needs more than $1,000,000 a year for anything. No one works hard enough to actually deserve that. It’s just pure luck and/or screwing over other people to get more than that.

Unfortunately if one country implements that, all the rich people leave and go live somewhere else that doesn’t tax that much.


How can something exist if they haven’t made money in 20 years?

How.much debt does the company have that shareholders will be buying into.


Last year wasn’t too bad for fires, wouldn’t be surprised if this year were worse.

I think this year will be worse than 2016/2017 which were absolutely terrible.


Eh, guess I’m just thinking about British Columbia. We have bad fire years pretty much every second year but last year was surprisingly pleasant for us. Rest of Canada not so much, despite being pretty much an afterthought for most people almost every other year.


I mean, it was a lot.of area but mostly empty. There were a lot of people affected, don’t get me wrong, but forBC there were a lot more affected in plenty of other years.

Hectares burned isn’t a be-all-end-all measurement for devastation and hardship when it comes to wildfires. BC has had much worse fire seasons if you go by people affected.


Personally I think any sport which has rankings / championships should be separated by biological sex rather than gender.

Allow anyone to join “XY” teams but only allow female-at-birth to join “XX” teams. Unless it’s a just-for-fun league then anyone can join.

It does get complicated though with intersex and whatnot, but unfortunately life isn’t fair and some people draw the short straw. They can join the “XY” leagues if they are good enough.


In English we have a few gendered professions (waiter/waitress, actor/actress) and I feel like most people.lean towards the “male” term as the general term as well. In general it’s fine to call anyone an actor or a waiter but it would be weird to call a male actor an actress.


I always found percentage to be a bit stupid as a measure. If I’m eating by myself max I will tip is 10%. All they did was walk out a plate of food and refill the water a handful of times

2 people then 15%

If there’s like 8 people then maybe 15% + 1% per person.

For decent service you would expect from competent staff that is, if it’s excellent than a bit more and terrible a bit less.


I just find with two or more people there’s more to keep in mind for orders and stuff and remembering what kind of drinks someone has for topping up or refilling, plus the cooks (should) get a portion of the tip so they’ll be cooking twice as much food at the same time which is a little more difficult. In general it’s a little more work to serve more people because of time constraints and number of things to remember.

You can have 12 single people at 12 different tables and it would be a lot easier than 24 people paired up at 12 tables.


Require that if a company is too big too fail, in order to receive bail out money they have to completely rebrand into something else, and CEO, CFO, etc. and all board members need to quit without compensation.

Also, the government becomes the majority shareholder.


Well, I mean, people vote in these politicians, and the politicians are the people.

If no one runs for office that wants to change things, the people who do want change should probably put up someone as an option to vote for.

If they don’t win, the people chose not too change

It’s only a politicians fault if they campaign on the promise to change and then don’t do it.


In feudal times it was common for the Lord of the land to give money to the people living there.


They need to make 17,000 sales every month perpetually to cover the costs, and then those sales will cause the server costs to rise as more people start playing.

It’s a one time income to cover perpetual costs. They will probably either need to start raising prices, reduce server costs, or maybe start a subscription service eventually, or start doing micro transactions.

3 landlords among largest real estate holders in Ontario owe $144M, under bankruptcy protection: documents (

A small group of landlords who own hundreds of rental properties across the province have run out of money, owe over $144 million in unpaid loans and face dozens of lawsuits from creditors, according to documents filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice....


Can we limit how many corporations one person can have?

ONE per industry please. Don’t let people set up a nameless corp for each house to protect themselves from shitty business practices.


I would be in favour of limiting how many properties/parcels one corp can own (as long as there’s a limit to how many corps one person can own). But outright bans would probably be detrimental.

Lots of areas need to be bought up by corps in order to densify areas, like buying up 10 detached houses in a downtown area in order to merge it and build a large apartment building which can house 200 instead of 20.

It becomes a problem when one person owns ten corps each of which have a house each to rent out, or when one corp owns 300 properties.


Eh I would go with Starcraft Universe or Galaxy of StarCraft.

StarCraft would be boring if it were just a single world.

Actually world of Warcraft isn’t even a single world, it’s more like worlds of Warcraft now.


Well, I’m sure there are plenty out there that do want multiplayer only games.

Personally I avoid them like the plague. I would love it if Valorant, overwatch, etc came with a single player campaign that could be played offline, or an option to play against bots.

I hate people. Especially random competitive online people.


I don’t understand why it takes so long for a PC version.

Were they not making it at the same time as the PlayStation version? Were they waiting to see if it was a success before starting?

Or were they simply milking it on PlayStation first to make sure PC sales didn’t interfere with PlayStation sales?


Companies that force people to use their supplies are “bad companies”

Make good products with competitive pricing and your customers will use your supplies. Easy.


I don’t know how they all manage to do it but EA, Ubisoft, and Rockstar are all my most hated companies of all time. They can make some good stuff, but I just absolutely hate how they all force people to jump through so much hoops just to play the games you pay them for.

They force you to make accounts with them and use their stupid launchers which never work properly and are just advertisements. There have been so many times I just wanted to play a game and then forgot my password to the account and got locked out or the launcher needed an update and I had to wait like 20 minutes.

Fuck all large game corporations.


I like it, played about 8 hours yesterday after buying it and looking forward to a few more hours this afternoon.

Haven’t experienced many bugs at all other than small things like my little penguin guys have trouble carrying wood to the storage.

Also I wish I could designate storage priorities to certain boxes for specific resources since they just go to the closest one and it makes it difficult to find stuff sometimes.

But that’s all stuff that can be polished out before full release and doesn’t affect the gameplay much right now.


Combat is real time, and you can’t really choose which move your pal uses. You fight alongside them at the same time with your own weapons and need to dodge the flames/tornados/electricity as well.

It’s hardly even a survival game though, more just a crafting game. You don’t need to worry much about food and thirst isn’t a thing. I get so many berries that everyone can survive off that. Hunger almost shouldn’t even be included as it’s more of an annoyance than a thing someone needs to actually focus on and worry about.


Even if made through the same process you aren’t paying the alcohol tax at the till so it should be a fair bit cheaper.

Unless it’s inherintly difficult to remove the alcohol which I can’t see since alcohol evaporates pretty easily but I’m no expert or a brewer.


In Canada I think it’s somewhere between 20-30%


Another musk failure


Yes I agree

But if we get enough people to label it as a failure instead of a secret success maybe elon’s ego will prevent him from doing it again in the future. The more failures the public can lay at his feet also means less political pressure to allow him to get away with shit like that.

So far twitter and hyperloop have been major disasters. Neurolink is probably just a matter of time. Maybe even starlink as it’s way too expensive for most casual uses at the moment, will depend on the price coming down.

Tesla build quality may come up to bit them in the ass in the long run too.

I do hope spaceX survives his blundering though.


I personally got an Excel sheet emailed to me from HR when I asked how much vacation time I had left.

She didn’t remove the sheets for everyone else though, so I was able to see how much vacation time and sick hours people all had accrued.

The one guy everyone was always pissed at for never being at work of course had like 3 hours of sick time accrued while everyone else had around 200-400 hours (it was union). He used every hour of sick time he accrued whether he was sick or not and let everyone else pick up his slack.


Some make me feel like I’m playing against a filthy cheat


Some of the stores near me have LEDs in the tags so if you’re looking for something and ask an employee they can look it up and turn on the light.

The price tag then flashes so you can find it easier.


Well most likely it won’t have any left on the shelf, especially if it were something listed in the weekly flyer.


Well, with a powerful enough computer you might be able to make a model which creates realistic worlds.

Put in some information like planet size, density, materials, temperatures, biomes, timescale, etc and generate away.

Would definitely take a lot of time and resources to get it perfected but after that every game would be able to make a unique and open world planet.


Personally I spent over a hundred hours in TW3 and finished all the DLC whereas I couldn’t get past the first few intro missions to CP2077. Gave it up in under 20 hours or so. Can’t even remember why the game just never stuck out as special in any way to me.


New maps? I found that I always gravitated towards one map as I disliked all the rest. Mostly just wanted a big open space to go crazy, not obstacles that I had to design around.


Unless it comes with Diablo V then hell no


I kept picking up useless shit because I thought I might be able to decorate my camp at some point and didn’t want to waste paintings and vases ):


Wish this was a game mode option as a standard part of the game.

Sort of sandbox but not.

I do like the games but one thing that really bugs me is that you lose because of “queen impatience”

Like, what? It’s just so petty and infuriating when you do lose because of it. That queen can hold on one more god damn season to get the last needed thing. She’d rather destroy an entire town though. Makes it difficult to want to complete the outposts for such a terrible ruler.


To me it sounds more like hitting f8 reload but being able to choose the f5 quicksave from any point in the game, not just the points that you remembered to save or your most recent f5?


How is a person who can’t manage their own meals and bedtime able to manage a company?


In between shooting the zombies and hard manual labour to ensure you can feed yourselves through winter


I hate how they plaster the brand names and logos on it though. Really ruins it for me.

Sure, tuck it away somewhere in the corner if you must but front and centre? No thanks.

I have a pet peeve against branding though, try to not even wear clothing with logos and shit.


Yeah there’s currently cities skylines II and another game that I’m currently waiting on dropping their price or stellar reviews before I buy them.

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