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All you are saying is, is that intelligence isnt as smart as we think, that human intelligence is actually pretty dumb. That doesnt change anything about the current situation even if thats true though.

So we all agree its actually human level intelligence now, what then? Can we stop developing it and do something else now?


Do you always argue the most boring parts of any issue as a rule? You win the argument, congratulations I hope it changes the world.


I think you might be projecting your own hostility there.

And you are just hijacking the AI conversation to argue about what the word intelligence means. I thought you wanted to talk about AI thats why I originally replied. When I realized you just wanted to apparently correct the public about their use of your favorite word, I decided this wasnt worth it.

Its sort of like you went to a bowling forum, and were very excited to discuss the mineral contents of the oil on the bowling lane, but got upset when noone cared to discuss with you because they just want to talk about bowling.


Hey I’m just one guy who didn’t like your opinion, did I really ruin this whole topic for you? Was there no other replier who gave you the debate you were looking for?

Seems to me like you think my opinion is just as stupid as I think yours is, let’s call it even? And for the record, we’ve both been hostile. At this point I’m only replying because this is interesting and I want to see what you say next.


I’m fine with being an asshole to you. I actually chose to, because I thought it was funny at the time. And now I think its funny how upset you’ve gotten over this.

Not sure if you’ve forgotten but I already conceded you were right: you just wanted to have an honest conversation about something you think is cool, but I think its stupid and I decided it was fun to tell you that. You definitely have nobler intentions and all that, I just simply don’t care about your point.

Also feel free to be hostile to me, I’ll be fine. I’m not sure what point you are trying to prove here besides “me good person, you bad person”.

I’m not going to stop replying, because this is fun for me. Take that for whatever but you don’t have to reply if you dislike me so much.


Anything new to add? Are you really going to be upset all day about this?


Last word! :D


Well I just figure I’ll come back like once a day and check on you.

Hey so why’d you choose racemaniac for your handle anyways? Is it just like generic thing-feeling or is there like some sort of story there maybe?


Dang that was a quick reply.

I can’t tell if you want to talk or not, seems like you do cause of how eager you were to respond, but then you didnt answer my question :( I just want to have an honest conversation about something I find interesting, why do you gotta make me feel bad?


I prefer 270° myself, its something about just how gorgeous that set of numbers looks, but also probably how close it looks like pacman about to absolutely chomp down on some ghost ass :)

What’s your favorite angle?


Most people are aware of the distinction and just plain don’t care.


How’s that any different that salary workers in the US that are exempt from OT protections and are required to work extra hours for free or else be subject to discipline, up to and including losing your job?

A lot of modern western countries do the same stuff and just hide it better or target groups that won’t speak out.


Seems like a stop gap, is there supposed to be some larger plan to turn Greece around?


America already permits forced unpaid overtime, especially on corporate positions. We just hide it better I guess?

Oh and we also permit slave labor, provided the “slave” is also a criminal of some kind.

I’m sure there’s other examples but that’s all I have at the moment.


Well I didn’t know about any of that and that’s all awful.

Makes me upset healing people has been twisted so much. Shocking there’s anyone left in the field under those conditions.


Thats not accurate at all. Shivering isles is oblivion and one of the best parts of the game.


Its almost like treating opinions as facts leads to bullshit replies like this one.

The poster has an opinion and explained it well. They actually think Skyrim and Oblivion are bad games, what’s so hard to believe?


They replied elsewhere, that victim is a personifying trait and that applying it to inanimate objects makes no sense.

While corporations can be the victim of an attack in the technical sense, we wouldnt feel bad for the corporation because a corporation has no feelings that could be hurt, or any hopes that could be dashed, or whatever other reason someone might feel bad for a victim of something.

In the table example, the table is a victim of the spilled drink but that is a meaningless distinction because a table that is a victim is exactly the same as that same table when its not a victim.

You could say that the owner(s) of the business are the victims however, as they do have hopes and dreams and ambitions that are affected by these things. While you might still conclude the owners aren’t owed any sympathy, its for different reasons than a table would receive no sympathy.


Pretty clear by the fact they keep asking for further clarification. Why’s everyone so afraid to try and engage further?


Why can’t anyone spot a grift anymore? The IA is hugely profitable, and is very clearly crafting PR statements designed to increase donations. Has noone had their trust abused before? If they were trying to make change around this subject they wouldnt be so dishonest in their messaging.

IA are not Robin Hood.


Is it your opinion that free things can’t be criticized? I dont understand the position, especially these days when free often comes with conditions. Not sure if true free exists.


I just learned about it from this post. Your perspective isnt the only one, not sure why shut down the conversation.

Dont have to play it? You didnt have to reply to their post either.


I dont consider something free if I am paying for it with my data.


Its not impossible to avoid shitty companies and software you know.


Haven’t seen someone slam dunk themselves in a while


Isn’t equality accepting that some LGBTQ people are assholes, just like the rest of us?


So, in your opinion, this is all okay because the alternative is war with Iran?

Why are you so sure that will happen if Palestine and Hamas survive? Are you concerned that it might be bias giving you so much confidence?

I have to say that it appears like you are just imagining a worse outcome (whether likely or not) and using it to justify a slightly less bad outcome.

Seems like shaky ground, no?


I think what is going on here is that this person would have to admit america has committed awful and repeated war crimes over the years, just like Israel is now.

You can tell because they use Americas past wars/incidents as a standard to compare against.

Their position is so unpopular here because most people here would never hold up America as a standard for international relations, unless to illustrate what NOT to do.


Why would you choose the killing civilians option rather than just saying they each need their own country? Israel needs to hold new elections, and Hamas will not be permitted to rule Palestine.

I understand the vitriol towards Hamas but I dont understand why all Palestinians are grouped in with Hamas.

If I were to follow that perspective, wouldnt I have to condemn all Israelis for the actions of their political leaders?


Regardless of who’s in charge of Gaza, the Palestinian people need somewhere to live.

Would you say the best option is to allow israel to clear out all of Gaza and the give it back to the Palestinian people? What about expanding the West Bank to accommodate the displaced people?

To me it sounds like the “genocide” option, or however you want to call it, is just the easy option. It requires the least amount of effort, as a huge amount of people no longer need to be respected, considered, or protected. The right thing to do would require compromise between the two nations, which can’t happen when one nation won’t admit the other exists.

Not to mention that Israel “moved in” to their current country not that long ago, you’d think they’d have compassion for a people who is oppressed greatly and hsd no safe place to call their own.

The one true thing about all people is how resilient and adaptable we are. It takes energy and effort to continue living a certain perspective, and if we put that energy into a different perspective as individuals and as a community (perspectives are infectious), it just takes time to change.

If you really think people can’t change then I could see why you would think what’s happening now is an alright solution.


A car ban with specific exceptions, like for disabled folk.

There, does that work for you?

Also, everything has positives and negatives, does not mean you should discount them as options entirely.


In my opinion, people should change as quickly as possible, I think thats going to be extremely important for humans across the board moving forward.

That said, I dont know how to apply that thought societally, everyone has different tolerances. And also, most people I meet resist change without thought, so my guess is it would be incredibly slow as everyone would be mostly concerned with making sure its not an inconvenient solution.

Just giving it a few minutes thought here, I want to say this is a problem that should be solved by local government, as that would be the largest scale where you could vary the approach by specific population needs.

Maybe some farm heavy states are going to essentially need most of their vehicles, who knows.

Probably first we need to all agree on the problem though…

Edit: idea! Maybe use federal government to set the goals and direction we should be heading in, and let local governments handle the how and how much a d how fast.

Rekorse, (edited )

I’m going to address work from home first because I think its already settled. Whether companies want to admit it or not, the general public now sees work from home as a benefit that converts to actual money. What this means, is its become an expected benefit in certain industries and its never going back. Companies that force large groups to come onsite arbitrarily are finding the negatives far outweigh the positives, as they now need to hire massively. The one caveat is companies that just use return to office as a way to fire people.

Essentially, its a right we benefit from now, although shitty companies will continue to do shitty things.

For the rest, ive yet to see a single person explain exactly how a city built for cars with very limited public transport, can effectively be changed into a public transportation/biking/walking city.

I’m not an architect or anything, but dont we need to move buildings? Destroy massive portions of cities? I dont know the answer but my feeling is its not talked about much because there aren’t any good plans.

Maybe we need to essentially create new big cities so that we have the opportunity to plan their building without cars.

Maybe we could wait for people to abandon cities to the point they are vacant enough we can shuffle people around until renovations complete?

Edit: is it wrong for me to think the government should be negating the negatives of these transitions? For example with the shuffling idea, the government could cover the costs of forcing people to move, even if it still is relatively close by. Maybe even make it fun, can choose groups of temporary housing near friends and family or coworkers if you like them. Cash infusions?


The fact you misrepresented their point to make it sound like a gotcha moment says more about you then the person you replied to.


You phrased it backwards, 12 of 13 contained lead but you said 1 of 13.

Probably a typo!


When I was looking for a cheap used car a few years ago, I just wanted something simple. I was only concerned with its gas mileage and that I could repair it if it broke down. Reliability is important but often is influenced by anecdote.

Anyways, luckily I wanted a manual, which are often the most basic version of a car, and I found a barebones Mitsubishi mirage that was years newer than the comparable american car for the same price, with less miles, and gets 40+ mpg.

Why? In my opinion, its cause the interior looks identical to any cheap american car from the 90s, old style radio and all, and a 3! Cylinder engine. Everything my wife hates about this car is a positive to me: simple, efficient, cheap. She things its ugly of course.

I think what the complaint here is, is that no American car company makes a simple, efficient, cheap car. They aren’t even trying to, and its extremely obvious.

My point here is, I hope they make them as cheap as they can, thats what I want.


It sorta sounds like a copout but being vegan on a day to day basis means checking what is in every little thing you eat or drink, I mean literally checking labels and searching ingredients. And then you have to apply this thought process to every other area animals are used:

-Bath supplies -cleaning supplies -clothing/shoes -transportation …and so on.

Best advice is to just pick whichever area you feel most knowledgeable or capable in, and become “vegan” in that category.

I’m not even entirely vegan, although its mainly because I’m still learning a lot about all the different ways animals come into our lives without realizing it.

P.s. almost forgot the parts vegans split on in some occasions, like with sugars or honey.

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