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if AI can’t find its market (which for all the hype it hasn’t thus far)

AIs market is every market, which is why it seems like AI isn’t “doing much.” The primary benefit of AI in its current form is finding and driving efficiencies.

It’s much more like the internet in the early 90s than it is the block chain. AI hasn’t had its “dot com bubble” begin yet, because right now it’s all targeted services.

SCB, (edited )

It is not doing that today.

It is absolutely doing that today. From medicine to fucking call center QA.

That you don’t know about it is further evidence of my claim - AI is currently being leveraged within existing toolsets that you also do not know about.

One Verint system can do the jobs of multiple QA professionals while also handling WFM tasks that previously required 1-3 more jobs, all of which are innately high-paying due to being so specialized.

I use Synthesia every day to make training content (well, my intern does, but still). This content would take a minimum of 4 people to produce without the existing software. I know because we considered building that team and went with Synthesia instead. These aren’t plugs either - there are competitors to both of the above that are continuing to push features forward.

AI is absolutely paying for itself.


I prefer D:OS 1s story and played-through world to D:OS 2’s, but D:OS 2 has a lot more polish. Both are excellent games and worth your time.

The Hill: Powerful Members of Congress are dead set on killing UFO Transparency (

Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) aimed to establish a process with the ostensible goal of revealing the existence of “non-human intelligence” to the public. But the legislation, which is co-sponsored by three Republican and two Democratic senators, is now in jeopardy....


Until the DoD can account for the 2 trillion dollars they can’t account for this audit, I have 0 interest in entertaining the obstruction of these officials.

That’s American taxpayer money and we don’t even get “classified aerospace research” as a line item


Good luck, because the gear is scattered among your inactive companions, or the chests that might be locked to you in co-op.

This has explicitly been changed this patch.

It’s just inconvenience kept for the sake of following some arbitrary rules.

It’s on one hand a BG throwback and more.importantly a minor impediment to the time-tested tactic in Larian games of “barrelmancy.” Look up some Telekinesis runs on Divinity:Original Sin to see why.


Movement and combat in every Witcher game is so unpleasant for me that I find them unplayable. I’ve literally gone through YouTube “Choose Your Own Adventure” style videos of the games because the stories are great but I hate how Geralt moves.


As opposed to the heavy resistance Hamas is currently putting up?

If Israel wanted a genocide they could easily accomplish it. They clearly do not. This entire line of argumentation is beyond stupid.


Free gravel for life. Just become a gravel wholesaler. Corner the market instantly.


Sometimes good things are just good things my man.


“I hate when companies make money. Like when they licensed out this balls-out awesome video game”


The only people who are against drugs are people who’ve never done drugs and people who were really bad at doing drugs


Hey dude socialists don’t believe that people can make rational choices and it isn’t worth engaging them in serious discussions


F2P with microtransactions isn’t inherently bad. Legends of Runeterra is that way and is maybe the best-done F2P model I’ve ever seen.


Specifically, this is from the launch of Shadows of Luclin (3rd full expansion), and showcases the new “Luclin Models” that are still used on Live today, 20 more expansions later.

Obligatory, “Fuck the great timesink in the sky” for SoL. At least it had some cool raids, gated behind all those timesinks.


I always thought replika was a sex chatbot? Is/was it “more” than that?


Shareholders provide economic value (it’s literally in the name) and are not rent-seeking by definition


Shareholders are key investors and are the principal drivers of M&A and infrastructure investment.

Disagreeing with the idea that companies exist to drive shareholder returns does not change the actual purpose of shareholders, nor suddenly cause them to be rent-seekers.


I don’t tilt at these windmills for the people arguing nonsense, but for people scrolling by.

Why are there points of no return?

The points at which the game transition between acts seem a bit arbitrary (mainly for Act I to Act II), and I don’t see a narrative or mechanical reason to lock us out of previous maps and quests. As far as I remember, previous Baldur’s Gate games didn’t have this kind of points of no return. Why do you think they did it?...


There isn’t a point of no return between A1 and A2. Rather, you need to do certain A1 events prior to A2 or those events resolve without you (e.g. Goblin Attack, several others).

You can travel back to A1 while in A2. Only A3 prevents back-travel, and that’s for well-established story reasons.

I generally prefer having control of the timing rather than having it being tied to X amount of rests or something (notable exceptions for certain quests existing, of course).

BG2 and ToB both had notable points of no return. Paying the fee in Athkatla to recruit allies is one, any time you ever travel with Saemon is one, leaving the besieged city is one in TOB, etc. There were also a number of time-dependent quests, most notably those involving a certain dragon/drow situation.


It’s when you go to Nightsong that it locks you out, and to be fair, the game does clearly warn you there are consequences for that - and depending on your actions, a 3rd party just straight up moves the story along, so it makes sense.

If you’re struggling at the forge, remember that you can just not hit the boss with anyone but a bait character, and that bait character doesn’t have to actually survive the encounter, meaning if you position well, you can just melt and smash the boss over and over without touching it (after the first hit or two) and it’s a free win.

Took me numerous tries before I learned that one.


Per NASA, accurate global readings go back to 1880 and historical localized temperatures go back to the 1650s

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