@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



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@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

What’s he building in there?

What the hell is he building in there?

He has subscriptions to those magazines

He never waves when he goes by

He’s hiding something from the rest of us

He’s all to himself, I think I know why

He took down the tire swing from the pepper tree

He has no children of his own, you see

He has no dog, he has no friends and his lawn is dying

And what about all those packages he sends?

What’s he building in there?

With that hook light on the stairs

What’s he building in there?

I’ll tell you one thing, he’s not building a playhouse for the children

What’s he building in there?

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

A spooky ghost!

Rock Star Blasts MAGA, Calls Trump 'Greatest Swindler in History' (www.newsweek.com)

Casey’s expletive-laden rant continued, “You’re being duped by a bunch of grifters and billionaires who don’t give a shit about you or your family. They care about their fucking tax breaks and the money they can put in their pocket. If you consider yourself a patriot and you’re spouting off that election-denying shit,...

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you consider yourself a patriot and you’re spouting off that election-denying shit, I will fight your ass outside if you want to.

I honestly mainly posted this because I wanted to say this:

Man, this sucks as a long-time Dropkick Murphy’s fan… He’s absolutely right about Trump and the right-wing grifters… BUT

Dude, Ken’s 54 with a fucking beer gut, he’s not fighting anybody without getting laid the fuck out. I’m in my 40’s and am in better shape than this guy, and know I would lose a fucking fight. I get that this is kind of how Dropkick Murphy’s have always rolled as a punk band… but like dude… you’re old…

Ken Casey being in his fifties and trying to act hard and like he could fight somebody is JUST AS PATHETIC as Trump trying to act young and hard and tough in his seventies.

It’s just like when I saw Clutch a while back when Neil Fallon was pushing fifty and he was all throughout the show acting like they had all stayed up all night drinking, and how hard partying they were… and like man, that shit just sounds pathetic and like you’ve got a fucking drinking problem when you’re pushing fifty. It’s been at least a decade, if not more, since it was “cool” for you to party that hard.

Old people need to grow the fuck up and accept that they are old.

This macho fighter bullshit is part of the fucking problem in this country. Grow up.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

A fight is just giving them what they want. They live and breathe on upsetting other people, so upsetting a liberal enough to fight is just pure joy to them.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


The Personal is Political.

Especially in regards to Linux, which with many of the most vocal adherents doing so because they reject corporate control over their lives and want to see the rest of the world do so as well. It is very much a political issue to them, and so it’s not surprising that you see it crop up just as much as politically oriented posts, because the Linux-posting is essentially the same thing. It’s “politics” for the nerd-set. Same with piracy. Some people involved with these have deep anti-corporate and anti-capitalist philosophical roots for their reasons behind why they live like that, and they’re often not afraid to “preach” it to others.

So yeah, shitposts sadly aren’t going to stop it anytime soon.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It’s always only had a handful of real devs dedicating time to it. A whole site like this is kind of a huge undertaking, especially when you’re deciding to build it from the ground up in a modern language like Rust, and on top of a relatively new API set, ActivityPub.

Even from early on, I remember lots of discussion from people with database management credentials who were basically pounding their heads going “why are you guys doing it this backwards way?” I don’t follow the development super closely so I don’t know if those issues were resolved or not. I just remember a lot of discussion on it when I was first on Lemmy on a different instance.

Anyway, the short point of what I’m saying is they probably have a plan that makes sense to them, but without more external poking on certain things, they will work on what they think is important first, which may not always line up with what the community thinks is important.

Once again, it’s a handful of folks doing front-end-dev, back-end-dev, database management and admining a very large instance.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Do not even bring your own electronics (phone, laptop) as it can be destroyed, stolen or lost by customs, TSA, and the airlines respectively.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So, Baldur’s Gate didn’t delve deeply into politics like, say, Disco Elysium did, however I agree with the sentiment of the article.

So very few stories that center LGBT+ characters are about who they are outside of LGBT+ trauma. The beauty of the story of Baldur’s Gate 3 is that it envisions that world, where people are allowed to have trauma, but that trauma is not related to their sexual orientation.

That’s huge, because while that trauma continues to be real, it’s good to be able to envision a world where that’s not the case. The characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 all clearly have lots of trauma, but hardly any of it relates to who they choose to have sex with and/or love, or how many partners they love. Their trauma is about who they are, but trauma related to their sexuality is nigh nonexistent. They are allowed to have trauma outside of that scope instead of being pigeonholed into that kind trauma.

It’s great at escaping LGBT+ trauma narratives, which are plentiful, and it also allows the LGBT+ characters to live out as fully fleshed out characters on their own, where they are themselves first, and their sexuality second. Too many narratives use LGBT+ status as an easy way to give a character trauma, and soon their sexuality becomes the centerpiece of their character, disallowing them growth outside of that pigeonhole. This narrative allows these characters to break free from that and become fully fleshed out characters, much like LGBT+ people in real life are so much more than their LGBT+ trauma.

Sure, it didn’t get into “politics,” in terms of heady theory and “taking sides.” It had something else “political” to say, and I for one, am glad for it.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean one of those two characters’ names is Silent Bob. Not saying much is kind of what that character is known for.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It could also easily be that they haven’t had a chance to record any voice lines for it yet. For a game like this, I would assume recording voice-lines would come pretty late in production, but I could be wrong.

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It’s called ripping off The Far Side, down to execution, writing and art style.

(To be clear, I’m not ragging on the artist, its okay to have influences, but this is pretty on the nose. I also haven’t seen any of their other art, it could be that this is a one-off Gary Larson reference)

The Far Side generally didn’t have anyone skinny in it, either.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Spin up your own server so the only person in control of your metadata is you.

Why it’s hard to write a good book about the tech world (www.economist.com)

WHEN PEOPLE ask Michael Moritz, a former journalist and prominent tech investor, what book they should read to understand Silicon Valley, he always recommends two. “They are not about Silicon Valley, but they have everything to do with Silicon Valley,” he says....

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Interesting premise, and after reading, a few thoughts about it.

For one, part of the reason writing about the tech world is difficult is because it’s inherently a set of new mediums.[^1] I’m with Marshall McLuhan and that we dump out new communications mediums before we have even really finished understanding how the previous mediums worked and how they affect society and societal interactions. Writing about it is hard because a lot of it is in flux, a lot of it is new technologies that outsiders don’t fully understand (thus people who do, like Kara Swisher, naturally being insiders), and we definitely don’t understand the long-term effects on human communication and society.

The internet exploded when US society was still dealing with the implications of Cable News and the 24-hour news cycle and “If it bleeds, it leads.” We hadn’t and still haven’t solved those issues or even attempted to address them. How can we expect to effectively discuss it in a world that still barely understands the implications of radio and television and while the internet/tech is still in many ways nascent technology despite maybe 70 years of tech growth? I don’t think we can and there are a dearth of writers like McLuhan around today to write about the tech sphere and its monopolies.

Further, as posited in the article, some of the best writing about the tech world and the internet is often not about it at all.

I myself would peg Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle as an early work that exhorts many of the philosophical ethos of the early open internet/underground internet/punk internet and modern meme culture and culture jamming in general. Prescient and profound to the modern moment, in my opinion, especially the re-surging Piracy and media-preservation movements.

“The spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images.”

I wonder how Debord would feel about individuals becoming part of the Spectacle, partaking in the act of mediating their social presence via images? That’s the simplest explanation of modern online profiles of individual people, that they are a marketing “brand” for the individual in a world increasingly dominated by Spectacle and Hyperreality.

[^1]: McLuhan would argue that something like the invention of the lightbulb spurred creation of new mediums. His example was an after-dark baseball game. Previously, the bleachers would have been empty and dark. After electric light, a baseball game could be held at night, creating a new medium. I say collection of mediums because while the internet is a backbone of multiple mediums while self-driving vehicles creates spaces for communication there previously were not similar to the baseball game example. This is my personal opinion and admittedly weak understanding of McLuhan.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

'MURICA, land of the endless access to money for the already-rich and politically connected.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Bobby Kotick is genuinely more evil than the current owners.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

They always do that. Do you remember /r/RandomActsofPizza on reddit circa like 2010 or something?

Within a year of “Feel Good” news articles showing up about that sub, Mars had copyrighted the phrase “Random Acts of Chocolate” and ran an ad campaign based on “buy one for a friend” trying to sell more chocolate.

Jesus Christ its been a decade and it still pisses me the fuck off that every unmitigated good social thing that happens is immediately used by corporations in weak attempts to exploit social good for profits.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Well, I guess the only solution is to steal their car and dump it in the local flooded quarry.

I’ll give you something to cry about.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a child pirate I’m a mother I’m a sinner I’m a saint I do not feel ashamed.

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

*hats off

I pirate because media that comes from the rest of the world is hard to find in the USA, because they prioritize US media.

Y’all make great content, too. I often wish I had more legal avenues to get the stuff and pay the artists involved!

EDIT: I’m looking straight the fuck at you BBC, let me buy a god damned TV license or what-the-fuck-ever and use it from the US.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Exactly. Nobody cares. Just do it.

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Because its not that Matt Walsh.

It’s the nerdy redhead comedian known for things like Comedy Bang! Bang! and The Daily Show (he was a correspondent).


Further, if you go to the section that is pictured in this meme:


The link to Matt Walsh goes to the Wikipedia page I linked here. It’s absolutely a different “Matt Walsh.”

EDIT: I feel for Matt Walsh, the comedian. I too share a name with one of these right-wing chucklefucks. The only benefit seems to be that it’s hard to find me on the internet because this idiot comes up for every search for my name.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I thought this was a joke at first, but after finding the Wikipedia page… yep. They literally tried to pull a Groot with a fucking peanut mascot.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Excellent breakdown. This almost definitely only applies to the Deluxe Edition that is a physical copy.

Steam explicitly doesn’t let you give your account away or sell it, likely because they service so many different companies, that it would be impossible to handle the licensing changeover for all your games. It’s still frustrating, but it also makes a little sense, considering each game is often owned by a series of different companies.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Nancy Pelosi: “We’re capitalists, and that’s just the way it is.”

This was an important admission on her part. Corporations didn’t start accepting women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and the disabled by hiring them and marketing to them because they had some epiphany that these people were all humans who had intrinsic value simply from existing and being human, and as such they deserved respect. No, of course not, the reason they started accepting the “untouchables” was because their abject greed outweighed their bigotry. They wanted our money. The only color they actually care about is green. Capitalists never changed their minds or their bigotry, they just decided that making more money was worth it to hire women and blacks and gays and to also market to them so their paychecks would be recycled right back into the capitalist coffers.

There was a wild story the other day where someone actually did say this out loud.


As a tourist community, I want to shake every tourist upside down by their ankles to get money out of them,” he said. “Therefore, we should be open and inclusive of everyone, and everyone should feel comfortable to come here and spend their money.”

The real issue is that the majority of Democrats (especially the ones at the national level) are Corporate Democrats who absolutely have internalized all this. It’s why you got Nancy Pelosi doing useless fucking performative bullshit like kneeling while wearing Kente Cloths while real legislation is somehow always on the backburner or has some Blue Dog fuckwit blocking it. It seems the party always has a convenient scapegoat like Joe Manchin for why we can’t pass worthwhile shit when Democrats have a majority. (Last time around it was Joe Leiberman)

Thankfully, local races are not as abysmal and Democrats on the local level and at least in my area, the Democrats are progressive as hell. The national party is in a incompetent corporate death grip, and they are unlikely to let go any time soon. The national party has been bought and paid for by people who never cared we existed to begin with, they just wanted our cash.

Further, we’re in a no-win scenario. We either accept the abuse at the hands of the Democrats who are holding Trump and fascism over our heads like a cudgel to force us to vote for them even we don’t agree with what they’re doing or we accept that Democracy in America is Over and that Dictator Trump will take the reigns. The most maddening part about all of it is the implicit admission from the national Democratic Party that they will do nothing to stop Donald Trump because they don’t actually care about us, the citizens they supposedly represent. They will berate us if Trump wins, tell us we didn’t vote hard enough, and that it’s all our fault, while they quickly skip the country to avoid being fucking blackbagged and murdered by Trump Thugs. They’re more than happy to let us suffer the consequences while they skirt them, like always. Why?

“We’re capitalists, and that’s just the way it is.”

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No, you don’t understand, if you critique the Democrats, that means you must be voting Republican!

There’s literally no other possibility my small fucking mind can understand!

We’re supposed to be compliant and unquestioning of authority, and we’re supposed to recite everything our party says verbatim as though it was Truth Handed Down By God. /s

Oh wait, maybe we’re not supposed to be a glorified cult like the Trump cult… Maybe asking questions and critiquing is a good thing actually…

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Further, they don’t see that their unhinged behavior is literally being just like the Trump cult and demanding total submission to Trump.

Demanding total submission to the whims of Biden isn’t any better. Cool guys, you’ve just proved you’re just as out of touch and following talking points as Trump idiots do. Good job on making yourself look like a thoughtless idiot, real winner behavior there.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

When valid critique is labeled “endless bullshit” we can tell you’re a little bit biased about this opinion.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You’re a better person than me, hats off to ya.

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

And I feel a lot of the hate against Biden has galvanized right around the time the primary season started which seems convenient for Trump.

Look, Netanyahu is in the bag for Trump, and temps have been rising about US helping administer a fucking genocide since last October.

Do you think that it’s a coincidence that the Netanyahu administration had warning (even from the US intelligence community!) that this attack would happen, and somehow missed it all, and the attack happened anyway?

Because I fucking don’t. I know Netanyahu has dictatorial desires, much like Trump, and he personally would much prefer Trump in office.

So maybe you can circle back around to understanding that us critiquing Biden about Gaza is because of right-wing-shit-fuckery. Biden didn’t have to hand weapons over to a Netanyahu government, he could have called out Netanyahu by name and said he wouldn’t work with a leader who is a serial liar and a genocidal maniac. Netanyahu in particular was extremely supportive of the War in Iraq in the early 2000s, and was instrumental in helping promote the idea (the LIE) that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. He screamed bloody murder at Obama when it came to the Iran peace deal, claiming we couldn’t trust Iran, because you know, he’s only been claiming Iran is trying to build nukes for… checks notes… like thirty fucking years. Literally going all the way back to 1992.

Why is Biden taking this chucklefuck seriously to begin with? Why are you? Why aren’t you questioning the convenient timing of this and further questioning why the Democrats aren’t pointing that out themselves instead of doing exactly like they did during the Iraq War and falling all over themselves to not be seen as “Soft On Terrorism” so they signed off on all kinds of dumb horrible shit.

Because it certainly screams to me “handshake deal between Trump and Netanyahu to fuck Biden with his base by forcing US to ‘help’ Israel, knowing full well how badly that relationship is viewed by most US citizens now.” It’s absolutely “convenient” for Trump, because it was probably the plan all along. It’s Bidens fucking fault for god damned falling for it.

EDIT: Added a few sources for some claims, but Netanyahu has been around far long enough for people to know his fucking game.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Clearly they are not. It seems like a weak attempt to try to “catch” a commenter out as a bot driven by AI?

Once again, the idea that real people with real opinions that differ from theirs exist is an impossibility, and thus there must be a nefarious reason for them having this opinion. They’re either a Republican, or a Russian, or a bot, or a or a or a…

It seems they have sunk to the level of where, since they feel they can no longer trust that things on the internet are real, have decided only things that fit their ideologies could be a reality, and anything otherwise leads them into frothing-at-the-mouth madness.

I understand that the internet is a scary place filled with misinformation but hot damn it’s a bad coping mechanism to assume the worst of everyone you encounter who has a different hot take than you.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah because people on totally diffetent servers are absolutely the same person.

Like, it was a specious accusation on reddit, but it at least made sense since we were all on one centralized site.

This has devolved straight into conspiracy theory.

How is that any better than MAGA conspiracy theory?

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

And you’re still in a sad conspiracy hole where your fear has eaten your rationality and reason. I’m sorry you are suffering.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Insults from the clearly unhinged also don’t work.

Also wow the projection here!

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If being boring is my worst crime I think I’m doing pretty okay. At least I’m not such a fucking loon that I’m literally trying to gaslight people about the idea that multiple people are the same person on an internet forum while claiming it’s the other side doing the gaslighting. I’ll have to admit, it’s not boring. It’s just fucking insanity. Once again, I’m sorry you’re suffering.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Your inability to feel that people who are broken deserve sympathy, and not rejection, speaks pretty loudly to how you’re a lot more right wing than you think. I can and do think you’re a fucking loon but also still feel sorry for you. *shrugs Maybe go to a counselor or something, man.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yes, I do believe Republicans would be worse than Democrats on every single issue possible, and a Democratic administration might actually do some helpful things.

Which literally has nothing to do with also holding Democrats feet to the fire and expecting them to do better.

Bias is a thing that applies to everyone, it’s also a social thing, not just a legal thing. If your bias makes it so you don’t actually listen to what other people are saying, then that is impacting you and others socially.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean, it doesn’t make sense to someone without a heart or compassion, I guess.

I’m not so sure I would be so proud of advertising that fact about myself, personally, but then… I have compassion.

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don’t expect them to do anything other than maybe be honest with themselves that Netanyahu isn’t operating good faith, and hasn’t been for thirty years. He’s a known quantity. He moaned about Obama’s peace deal with Iran and loved it when Trump nuked it. He has been claiming Iran is “three years away” from a nuclear weapon for literally fucking thirty years. He was instrumental in arguing that the US should invade Iraq and the lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was somehow tangentially related to 9/11. Why are we trusting Netanyahu of all people? To me it almost feels orchestrated by Netanyahu to fuck Biden in the general because he knew Biden would kowtow. They had warning about October 7th a year in fucking advance, including warning from US intelligence. Fucking convenient, huh? Netanyahu is and has been a genocidal maniac, so a chance to help his buddy Trump and also help himself to US weaponry probably seemed like a fucking No Brainer.

I’m going to vote for fucking Biden in the general because I’m not an idiot. I don’t spend a whole shitload of time critiquing Trump of all people because dude I’m old I’ve hated that worthless obese piece of shit since the 1980’s when he was the butt of jokes in fucking Bloom County.[^1] If you don’t already know why that dude is a dangerous maladjusted loser, you’re not getting sold otherwise by now. Why would I rant on and on about it when I’m fucking furious that Merrick fucking Garland has been slow walking this shit, literally waiting until Trump became so belligerent with protected secrets that he had to start an investigation. If I talk about that shit too much, it’ll give me a fucking heart attack because he’s a walking talking abomination that is proof in the pudding of a two tiered justice system that is too pussy and incapable of fucking jailing the fucker. And no offense, Democrat decisions like not prosecuting Bush for fucking war crimes when they had the chance plays into why they feel like they can’t touch Trump. We wouldn’t even step up for fucking war crimes. Further, Merrick Garland himself was another example trying to “work with” Republicans and all it has done is fuck us in the ass. We need an AG with balls, not this fucking pussy.

[^1]: “Donald Trump is accidentally and fatally injured by the anchor of his own yacht. Incredibly, surgeons turn to Bill the Cat as a donor body in which to insert Trump’s still-living brain. Trapped in Bill’s body, Trump finds himself disinherited from his financial empire and estranged from his wife Ivana. With nowhere else to turn, he takes Bill’s place in the Bloom County boarding house, making unsuccessful attempts to start from scratch and occasionally being given equally unsuccessful lessons on the value of life by Opus. This eventually culminates in Trump regaining power and using it to buy out Bloom County, firing the entire staff of characters in the process.”

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think I remember that Bloom County sequence too!

It was literally how he ended the daily strip Bloom County and transitioned to the much weirder and artsy weekly Sunday-only strip Outland. The strip ends with Trump buying Bloom County, firing all the characters, and paving the dandelion fields. Even as a kid I read it as a strong indictment on what people like Trump stood for, and it made me think badly of him.

Anyway yeah, thanks for hearing and listening. I’m really sorry the rest of your conversations haven’t gone as well.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Game studio finds out the hard way that media literacy doesn’t exist and the kind of unhinged freaks attracted to this hyper-authoritarian narrative are the absolute worst.

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This sounds like part of the plot of Pumaman…

Jane: So dinosaurs became extinct because they no longer knew how to love each other. Is that right?

Tony: Exactly. And I wouldn’t want our species to end the same way.

Puma Man He Flies Like a Moron

@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Vidalia… I mean Vidinho.

SnotFlickerman, (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Garfield knows how to party.

EDIT: Okay I give up, I failed. When I couldn’t find already-existing Garfield in the style of Tom of Finland, I tried to generate one with a stupid AI thing and failed. Who will pick up this torch, I wonder?

EDIT II: I come bearing gifts:


@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Some of the worst Republicans are pretty youthful! Matt fucking Gaetz, for example. Ron DeSantis for another! So yeah, exactly, age discrimination won’t help.

Kyrsten Sinema is also universally hated as a Democrat by this point, for good reason, she’s the worst, and she’s only a few years older than DeSantis. It’s not just the old people fucking us.

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