
Linux users are inherently required to operate the operating system more than Windows or Mac. It’s something they spend time doing and therefore a frequent enough activity that some people talk about that activity.


Pssshhh, as if I’d talk about an OS that’s, Free, Open Source, has better drivers for most devices, instead of talking about … I use arch btw

Yerbouti, (edited )

Lol, 70℅ of my students base their personality on the fact they have iphones. Will you make a meme about people brainwashed by big capitalist business or do you prefer to complain about people actively using and contributing to free, fair and ethical alternative to corporate bullshit? I’m on Nobara btw. It comes will all codecs pre-installed and you have the option to use Gnome or Plasma.


You openly admit hating Apple so your perception is tainted.


Lol, what does having my “perception tainted” mean? I hate apple because it’s a soulless buisiness that exploits workers around the world and sell overpriced products. Those are facts, what’s tainted about that? I still have a Macbook for my job, probably the best laptop i ever had, but admitting they create good product doesnt make me an Apple fanboy.


it is actually (i use kde neon btw)


did someone say ads?


No, but hating a OS is.

fucking windows 10 mother fucking shit fuck OS god damnit.


Have you seen Windows 11 yet? It’s somehow worse…


I saw the writing on the wall when I was forced to use Windows 10 on a laptop.

Which is why I dont use windows anymore, lol


“Hey, you posted this topic here, so just wanted to let you know, Linux would solve literally every problem you just complained about.”

“A different operating system!? That’s not a personality!! Why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself and stop evangelizing! Reeeee!!!”


people are so desperate for an identity these days.


thank you OP. ffs, open source. we get it. next.

@MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

I will have you know my entire online persona on Lemmy is basically a 24/7 “Barbie” movie advertisement, thank you very much.

I use Arch BTW.


I like McDonald’s too


You’re my favorite one on Lemmy. Never change.

@potentiallynotfelix@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

iusearchlinux.fyi is my federation


I- U- Search Linux!


Honestly you Linux losers need to get on FreeBSD. Don’t you know big FOSS is stealing your browsing metrics to improve their products?


You might’ve been joking but the BSD community really can make the Linux community look like the Windows community.


We are the Linux desktop advertising budget


Just block the linux meme communities then.


That’s half the problem, they don’t contain themselves to those communities. If they find the faintest way to jam Linux into an active conversation, they’ll do it regardless of the community.


Then you’ve solved half your problem. Welcome to the real world. If most of it doesn’t annoy you, you may have bigger problems.

saintshenanigans, (edited )

I think you’re missing the idea a little. Yeah its not the biggest problem, but these guys don’t just suggest Linux, the people that just say they prefer it in context and to look into it are fine.

Its the high schoolers and early cs major - types who heard someone else suggest it, and now they’ve made it their entire personality and are physically incapable of refraining from going off about how much better Linux is than windows, while not particularly understanding what they’re even doing.

Example: When I started my programming degree there was one high school kid taking the courses, ANY time someone had an error with their IDE he would go off about how Linux doesn’t have any issues.

And then when the group went to go play games together, he’d attach himself to the party and spend like 20+ minutes crying about how the game didn’t run well cause devs only dev for windows while he struggled with his wine setup.


I blame the steamdeck


Ooo look at this rugged, world weary badass. You want to improve something? TOUGH. Life isn’t fair kid! Just grit your teeth and take it like the rest of us do-nothing insufferable fuckheads do!


More like that people are free to be annoying and there’s much much you can do about it. If you’re not mainstream enough, most memes are just junk noise.


Interesting. You could setup something like a linux VM (or an rPi) running a distro with privoxy to filter out mentions of Linux per domain(s)!


That’s nice, now face the wall.


Disliking Linux memes is not a personality trait, OP!!!

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