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The response that it’s too hard has been weird to me. I’m not very good at these sorts of games but it hasn’t been terribly tricky compared to other parts of the base game. And I’m having a lot of fun with it.

I do think the advice of taking advantage of the balancing mechanics they literally put in the DLC to make it challenging and help mitigate that is solid.


I think the Dark Souls games have kinda earned an undue reputation for being unapproachably hard. They’re really not all that tricky once you learn that death isn’t a huge loss condition, just a step in the journey. I initially found them frustrating, but once I learned to not be bothered by dying and simply try again, I found an immense joy in exploring the worlds and challenges within.

Some bosses I beat first try, others will take me an afternoon or a few days to beat, but I have fun with it either way. Different strokes for different folks and all that, but I think Dark Souls and it’s like are good lessons on how to get over feeling bad about “losing” and just enjoy the game.

Plus, you can always explore areas to gather up whatever you need to level up and slowly get marginally stronger as you become more familiar with your character and tweak it to your liking.

TheAlbatross, (edited )

As someone who’s had to do cold calls as part of a sales pipeline,

  1. it’s spam,
  2. I wouldn’t say it’s spam on LinkedIn, that’s where I tell lies to get better jobs,
  3. if it’s B2B, I do not feel any shame, every business is a fuck

Edit: I’ll also add that B2B cold calls do work. If you have a good product or service and approach it the right way, you can generate plenty of business this way. That said, it’s wholly a numbers game. When I was training sales agents, they’d ask me “how do I get sales like you do?” and I’d tell em simply “Make more calls.” As I said elsewhere, I’m good at this. I had a roughly 2-3% conversation rate. Understand that means if I made a hundred calls, I made two to three sales. And that’s pretty damn good. Before we were more established and could drop that model, we found that cold calling generally had around a 1.4% conversion rate. It relies on you being chipper and persistent to the point of annoyance. Some people literally do break at one point and say stuff like “Well, I need to get something, and if I sign with you, will you stop calling me?”

It was always far more enjoyable to call established leads, people who already expressed and interest and just needed help making up their mind. Better on the customer, better on the agent, a better process overall.


I’m in the former group. Not just that, but I’m good at sales. Like, nicknamed The Closer and that sorta corporate motivational bullshit at one point good.

I will strike up conversations with people in a bar and make new friends waiting in lines. It’s a talent, but its also a skill that can be taught and learned. It’s a hat you wear to help you at work.

All that said, cold calls suck ass and they’re a nuisance on most any individual. I’d refuse to do them on non-business customers.

TheAlbatross, (edited )

Oh, one hundred percent. The way I treat people who have zero decision making ability differed greatly from purchasing agents or decision makers. They were largely in the same spot as me. It’s important to understand that the sales agents are also wage slaves, the tasks are just different.

Dealing with people like me was one of the stupid things they gotta do at work to make their pay and go home, just like me making 80+ calls an hour at some points was one of my stupid things. I wanted to get them off the phone as soon as possible, be that either by ending the call or getting passed onto someone who could buy. You can use that to build rapport and speed up the process. You can even make it jovial. The goal is to make the sales process as painless as possible while recognizing that being a pest is effective.

Sales agents who put the big pitch on the second they get someone to talk to em are not thinking straight and hindering themselves. Though, sometimes there’s parts of a service that simplifies their lives, which I’d mention while waiting for a decision maker or during another break.


Lmao there’s some truth to that, but it helps

TheAlbatross, (edited )

I made that kind of mistake often early on in my sales career. The product I sold had a specific use in a specific field by specific disciplines, and was required by law in certain regions.

I always felt like such a dick when I’d get to the purchasing agent, make my hurried nervous pitch because I’m so excited to get through to someone and they’d (often kindly) explain that they literally never have any use case for my product.

After a few of those, I became more aware of how to prune my “leads” (read: list of phone numbers) to make sure I was only reaching out to people who could even use the dang thing and inserted a few exploratory questions into the opening salvo to double check.

I’m glad I don’t have to do this via email, though. At least with the phone, I can hear tone and get quick, definite answers instead of just waiting on a reply.


Once played a barbarian who told everyone they were a wizard. They practiced time magic, and using their magic staff (great hammer), they took the very years of life away from their victims.

Had a bard companion who would advise people against telling him he’s not casting spells, he’s just hitting people very hard, as that enrages him and he goes into a “casting rage”

Shkshkshk, to 196 avatar

Used to be you could blow dust off a shelf. Now you can't. Because of woke.



It’s the oils in your home it’s fulla oils


The Pope and the Church aren’t friendly to the LGBT community?

Color me shocked!


I think you should try it. I think an hour is appropriate for a lot of the story beats if you have a decent memory, though maybe an hour and a half would be better suited to some of the more involved parts. A lot of this is affected by your reading speed. There’s a lot of reading.

For what it’s worth, I also played it in bursts, but probably something like 2 hr sessions. There’s a lot of rough, serious material in that game and I found it a lot to process at once, so I took breaks between sessions fairly often.


After what they did to KSP2, I ain’t paying for another Take-Two game.


Crucially, I said paying for, but also, naw prolly not.


This review was written like 2 years before the first ep of Enterprise aired, right?


God, I can’t watch that episode without calling my dad after.


Yeah, it’s a shame that the sequel to Kerbal Space Program was treated like this. Fuck Take-Two for spoiling this and likely causing huge amounts of stress for the people at IG with all their corporate nonsense.

I understand Early Access programs operate under caveat emptor, but it’s nasty to see them used by large companies like Take-Two in this way.

Steam should bleed Take-Two like a pig and issue refunds for everyone who asks regardless of playtime.


You have weak teeth. My teeth could crush your teeth and still be hungry for other teeth.


Yes! I loved AC6 and I’m eager for more Armored Core. I’m glad it did well enough that they’re gonna make more


Custards and flans come to mind, pickled eggs are also wonderful and keep for a while. I’m partial to shakshuka, though it won’t use the eggs up as quickly as a frittata or quiche would.


It absolutely can be done by hand, though it may be the dish that convinces you that an electric mixer is worthwhile! 🤣

I’d say if you’ve made a hollandaise or whipped cream by hand, its a bit less work than that.

I often cheat a bit and make a simple custard from 3 eggs, 1 can of evaporated milk, 1 can of sweetened condensed milk and a teaspoon of vanilla extract, whisked together and baked in a water bath until still jiggly in the center, but otherwise set and that’s barely any effort. Make a caramel to coat the bottom of your baking vessel that you add before the custard mixture and call that a flan.


I think a few cold war era helicopters had lil desk fans in them that were only there to give a visual indicator to the pilot and gunner that the generator was offline and to remedy that issue.


I’m not so sure I’d call myself a “tankie”, but I’d like a $12k new car and if it were an EV, even better. I recently paid more for a used car! Cars, like everything else, have gotten so stupidly expensive. It would have been nice to see one thing actually become more affordable because I know wages ain’t gonna increase accordingly for a long time.


The more you cut an onion, the more cell walls you bust open, releasing more flavor. Grating works well for this, but a food processor will do a fairly good job, as would a grinder or mortar and pestle.

When I make curry, I usually just dice the onion, though, unless it’s supposed to be particularly onion forward, then I’m going to be using the mortar and pestle.

"If you don't vote <insert democrat> democracy will end" (

This article does a great job of explaining people’s frustration with having to vote for Biden again. It’s long, so here are some quotes. They’re totally cherry-picked, I’d recommend reading the whole thing (especially if you think the problem started with Biden, and that Clinton and Obama were ever good choices)....

TheAlbatross, (edited )

It’s honestly tiresome. I was caught up in the fervor of the Trump era, when it felt like the Democrats would finally, once it was their turn, start enacting fundamental changes to fix this mess of a country, but now that the combination of the pandemic stresses and the opportunity that results from chaos has died off, I more clearly remember the Obama administration and can watch the Biden administration affirm, they have no desire to make any changes necessary to truly help people or right the incredible wrongs of this nation.

I’m tired of liberal scolds who like to pretend Biden didn’t write the Clinton Crime Bill, hasn’t routinely granted more funding to police when possible, hasn’t increased the military budget and so on.

Tired of them acting like Biden will ever even attempt to fix the fundamental problems with this nation, like FPTP voting, lack of single payer healthcare, overly mitarized police and wanton expansion of civilian surveillance.

I know he’s one of the best President’s to date on climate and that people in the bottom quartile of income in the US have seen pay rises. It’s good, but it’s not enough. The Democrat’s method of incremental change feels like platitudes in the face of wanton use of power by the Republicans. As if they feel they need to be cautious and careful in their use of power to seem more legitimate in the public instead of wielding the office in a way that makes sweeping benefits to Americans.

I don’t think Biden is all that great, I have zero faith he’ll ever do anything to truly prevent this country from sliding to fascism in the future, he’ll just maintain the status quo and kick the ball to the next guy, just how every other Democrat does it and his successor surely will too.

So vote blue, whoopty doo, what else is there to do?


Don’t send me shit.

What part of my last sentence didn’t get through? Fuck, the whole point of this article is that voters feel like they must vote for the DNC candidate despite not liking them, but they still vote for them.

Fuck, it doesn’t even matter how I vote because of where I live and how our broken ass voting system works. It goes Blue regardless. Y’all keep acting like the popular vote matters. If you aren’t convincing majorities of people in particular counties of swing states to vote, it doesn’t matter.

I’m sick and tired of people acting like it’s the people’s job to vote for whoever the Party puts forth instead of the Party being responsible for putting forth a likable candidate. That the onus lies on the voting block, whose job it is to simply cast their ballots for the DNC, instead of the DNC being any fucking bit responsible for selecting a candidate people want to vote for.


For what it’s worth, the swearing ain’t at you in particular, some people just curse like sailors. And I ain’t doubting the death threats, “shit” in that instance refers to “anything”. And I don’t wanna see it because I’ve seen it before. I clearly understand the existential threat that Trump and the RNC as a whole poses.

I don’t think Biden is doing enough to combat that. And I think the general attitude of trying to convince the utterly insignificant number of internet leftists that Biden is good is putting a lot of effort into things that bear little fruit. I don’t think there’s some majority of leftist voters in any single county that could make a difference in a federal election. Many of them live in liberal strongholds and their vote for a 3rd party or a write in for Mickey Mouse won’t move the needle.


Been playing this with my boyfriend and it’s great fun for coop play. It runs fairly well on his steam deck, too.

We’re just about to beat it, though, so hearing there’s a NG+ mode is kind of exciting.

I wonder what the new edition will bring


Sucks to see Paramount mismanage the brand over and over again.

But, hey, I still got the 90’s shows on disc, so they can’t take that from me.


It’s a goddamn shame in what’s supposed to be a representative democracy that there are so many calls for those who supposedly should be the ones represented to change their views to conform with those who represent them and not the other way around.

But it’s power dynamics, innit? The Biden administration and their wealthy kind won’t be that harmed by a Trump administration, so they don’t have a lot of motivation to actually change anything. It’s those who stand to be horrifically harmed by Biden’s opponent who must swallow their morality and vote for monsters lest more harm come to them later on.


You’re making a lot of assumptions about my opinions and intended actions that just can’t be gleamed from a post kvetching about the sorry state the US finds itself in.

Maybe think about your own knee-jerk responses before you make up ones for others.


Not once did I say anything about who people should vote for. The only sentence I used that talked about voting was saying people will vote for Biden.

You’re making up opinions so you can argue against them. Isn’t there a phrase for that?


A Washington think tank that thinks the US and its allies should be allowed to conduct military actions without consequence? How novel!


The soups and sauces come in bags which are reheated in a steam table pan filled with water, then poured into a smaller steam table pan to be spooned out as needed.

All the dessert arrive pre-made and frozen and are heated to order.


The “New York” earthquake that took place where? It’s epicenter is WHERE?


Yeah don’t fix shit just waste time on petty bullshit.

Hell yeah democrats give us nothing slayyyyy


I thought AI generated images were banned?


This seems fine.


Combating fascism at embracing it are two wildly different things, any appearance otherwise is simply superficial


Add a lil fat to the pan. Small pat of butter or some olive oil will do. Heck, any lipid of your choosing, really.

Also, keep that metal spatula away from your nonstick cookware!!! You’ll scratch the coating, lose your nonstick surface and end up eating Teflon


They prolly pull in more donation money when they’re the powerless minority party making big promises they never dream of pursuing.


Naw naw naw. Blue temp lights for the morning that slowly change to warm tone lights around sunset.

The 10,000K is a bit much tho


Ideally, I want the bedroom light to be tied to my alarm clock and slowly increase in brightness towards 8,000K over 15 min before my alarm goes off and stay like that until, say, 4ish, depending on the time of year.

But generally, yeah, cooler Temps are nice for areas you’re working and getting things done. And I think the “plain” daylight color in the kitchen is nicer for food prep in general.


Hey that sounds insane. Do you know what the intended application was?

Also, if I can pick your brain a bit, off the top of your head can you suggest an out of the box system for controlling light temperature that doesn’t require IOT apps or something? Ideally set on a timer, but manual is fine too.

‘We definitely messed up’: why did Google AI tool make offensive historical images? (

Brin’s “We definitely messed up.”, at an AI “hackathon” event on 2 March, followed a slew of social media posts showing Gemini’s image generation tool depicting a variety of historical figures – including popes, founding fathers of the US and, most excruciatingly, German second world war soldiers – as people of...


It would appear that is exactly what I’m saying as long as the reader lacked any reading comprehension skills.

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