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However, even when the project had been given the go ahead, Klindžić said the team was “set up to fail from the start”, due to not having been allowed a pre-production period. “Whenever we raised concerns about this and expressed we needed more writers if the deadlines were to be met, we were accused of not wanting to do our jobs,” Klindžić said.

“Pretty much from the moment the writing team’s pitch was approved in August of 2022, the other teams started production,” Tuulik added. "We didn’t even really know what the story or the characters were gonna be, when art teams were already making first character and environment concepts. I’m sure you can see how this is a big problem, when you’re making a narrative-led game.

“Essentially, the writing team had to work double-time from day one to supply other disciplines with work, whilst trying to write the first dialogues and sketch out the rest of the game at the same time. The writing team consisted of myself and Dora at the time.” Another developer added: “I don’t know if Dora and Argo ever felt in control.”

Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and call the headline bullshit. It should also be noted that Disco Elysium had 8 writers, on top of Kurvitz, and Kurvitz himself still argued that he went through crunch. Current ZA/UM’s management is a disaster and nothing good is going to come from it unless a brick falls upon their heads, and they magically learn that making good games requires a lot of work, or if you’re a capitalist, a lot of investment.


Let’s cross fingers so that the two sides of the French left compromise on taking the good side on Ukraine, and the good side on Gaza, and not the other way around 🤞


Every time I see an article from The Daily Beast posted here it’s such an annoyingly clickbaity headline that I wish the whole thing would just burn.


Absolute bullshit move. If we’re going to help Ukraine, it shouldn’t be by forcing them to take a loan when they’re at their lowest, at their moment of highest need. They should just be given the Russian assets and be called a day.

In case anyone wants to argue we aren’t “forcing them”: if your only options are living amongst the rubble for years and selling your future, you are going to have to sell your future in order to be able to eat today.


That does sound less terrible.


“A couple of dudes amongst widespread protests across the country have done one reprehensible thing. This means the whole protest is illegitimate. Stop complaining about genocide and go back to work.”


I didn’t downvote, but I would argue that you can’t call someone a freedom fighter if their ideology or political position fundamentally opposes freedom, just because they are fighting for the cause of one particular oppressed group. To put a comparison: some Ukrainians that fought against the Soviet Union during WWII could have seen themselves as freedom fighters who were fighting for the right of self-determination of their nation (as they were fighting a dictatorship, and that was probably their main intention), but you absolutely cannot call yourself a freedom fighter when you’re helping the nazis occupy half of Europe.


Murdering and kidnapping civilians with the purpose of enacting their political goals does fit the label of terrorism. Then again, Israel does also murder and kidnap Palestinian civilians (and I mean kidnaps, because they don’t have the legal grounds to imprison people at the West Bank) for the sake of their political goals, and they don’t get called terrorists. So I call both Hamas and Israel terrorists, but a good general corollary is that there’s always political motivation behind someone using or not using that label.


Still, I hope my metaphor went across.


If you want a general ethical position on the issue that I have found consistent so far:

  • Hamas is fundamentally different from other liberation groups, in that Hamas doesn’t intend to integrate the descendants of colonizers into the country they want Palestine (the whole of it) to be. For instance, the ANC saw the white South Africans as South Africans - they were colonizers, sure, but they would be citizens of the country they intended to rule, so instead of targeting civilians, they attacked military targets and infrastructure.
  • We see everyday what the Israeli government does on this sub, any person who isn’t predisposed in their favor can easily understand that they’re a few steps away from going full nazi.
  • The vast majority of civilians on both sides are innocent, and don’t deserve to be brutalized.

So it isn’t really a matter of whether you prefer Israel or Hamas, it is first and foremost, a matter of making sure civilians aren’t subject to abuse, and are capable of living their lives freely and in peace. Of course, it also needs to be understood that the construct that is the political system of Israel-Palestine (this is, only Israel exists as a sovereign country, while “Palestine” is a couple of not too self-governed territories over which Israel practices sovereignity) provokes a continued abuse and misery that will ignite further conflict sooner or later. So while the first priority is getting a cease fire now, aiming for a real, practical 2 state solution or 1 state solution where both Palestinians and Israelis are free citizens without being subject to the whims of the other party is needed if we don’t want to have a similar mess in 5, 10 or 20 years.


For your own link:

The ANC repeated its position that the armed struggle against the country’s white-ruled government, which began in 1960, was a just war and that civilians had not been deliberately targeted.

But the ANC statement said some of its guerrillas weren’t sufficiently trained and “were never thoroughly under the discipline of the ANC.”

Avoiding harming civilians was a deliberate modus operandi of the ANC, the same way that Hamas deliberately kidnapped civilians. They cannot be blamed for attacking military bases - they should be blamed for attacking that which was neither military bases nor infrastructure.

Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal (

Following the UN Security Council vote to approve a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza, U.S. officials and other international allies of Israel are cynically placing blame on Hamas for a stall in current ceasefire negotiations — even as Israel has insisted on indefinitely continuing its massacre in Gaza and Hamas has said its main...


when they’re the ones that pushed Israel for so long that it finally snapped?

I guess Israel has never treated Palestinians unfairly, huh?🙄


Regardless of whatever changes each side wants, stopping the shooting and bombardments would be a gesture that would represent actual intent in reaching a real ceasefire.


If you understand the extent to which Israel has been harming Palestinians through history, framing the current conflict as:

[Hamas are] the ones that pushed Israel for so long that it finally snapped

is brutally dishonest.

You know that you don’t have to support terrorists just to condemn a genocide, right?

I don’t support terrorists. In a fair world, the Hamas leaders who ordered attacking civilian population should rot in prison. But I’m going to fight fake narratives that pretend that the Israeli government doesn’t have the lion’s share of responsibility in this situation or that they aren’t even worse terrorists than Hamas.


“Oh shit, we’re finally getting backed into a corner to end the conflict I was using to remain in power. Now, hold on a second…”

Someone should tell Netanyahu that picking fight after fight to solve your own domestic issues has an ever growing chance of you ending up in the hospital. Or the morgue.


Hamas’ reason for their attack on October was very likely to blow up the negotiations between Israel and other Arab countries to normalize diplomatic relations. Even if they also wanted the conflict to legitimize themselves in front of Gazans, I doubt Gazans need any more bombs to fall upon their heads to get the message.

I don’t think it’s impossible for them to tense the cord and try and get more out of the negotiations, but they don’t really have anything to gain from extending the hostilities.

SuddenDownpour, (edited )

The fact that I’m mostly using Western media to support my claim that: “Hamas isn’t at the endless levels of monstruosity to gleefully wish for more deaths of their own people” isn’t the negative you think it is. But when you were born you had already lost the plot, so no surprises here.


Furthermore: we shouldn’t care too much about the speed at which Earth heats or cools down on its own. If we know we’re a significant factor alongside its natural processes, we should still contribute to the NET temperature being one that’s appropriate for human life. If the Earth was heating up this fast naturally, we should still try to cool it down by artificial means, if possible.

SuddenDownpour, (edited )

Science in the real world is done with Kelvin.

Edit: Oh shit, you aren’t @LostMyMind. Sorry about that.


If there’s a silver lining to this, is that the people of one of the most populous countries in Earth are going to become far more likely to support policies against climate change.

Israel says Hamas weaponised rape. Does the evidence add up? (

The Israeli government insists that Hamas formally sanctioned sexual assault on October 7, 2023. But investigators say the evidence does not stand up to scrutiny. Catherine Philp and Gabrielle Weiniger report on eight months of claim and counter-claim...


To any zionist who’s found their way into this comments section. Do you think that Israeli soldiers and leadership should be judged for the sexual assault of Palestinians with the same severity as Hamas members who committed, allowed or promoted sexual violence against their captured prisoners? Who should conduct the appropriate investigation and trial?

UN experts demand investigation into claims Israeli forces killed, raped and sexually assaulted Palestinian women and girls

Palestinians ‘beaten and sexually assaulted’ at Israeli detention centres, UN report claims

Israel’s use of rape against Palestinian detainees from Gaza exposed


in case it’s directed in my direction

I mean zionists specifically because I see some from time to time justifying the extreme damage Israel has committed against civilians, some making a lot of effort to paint Hamas as a bunch of barbarians to further support that position. I only remember seeing you in this thread, and from your posts in it, you don’t seem to be doing that.

That’s, honestly, my whole point in getting all up in arms about “let’s not worry about that rape because of which side is doing it” narratives like OP’s.

Bit off-topic in this comment chain (it would fit yours better) but: whenever I’ve seen someone or an organization pushing positions such as OP’s article, there are a few valid reasons:

  • Some media did rush to claim sexual violence far before they had any evidence of it, especially soon after the 7th of October, which should be scrutinized.
  • There are differences between: A) Sexual violence committed by an individual or a few, B) That violence being tolerated by their superiors, and C) That violence being supported by their superiors. This distinction is important, since a very large organization having monsters in its ranks isn’t statistically strange (and modern, well-run organizations make sure to punish those monsters and bringing them to one form of justice or another), but that organization not taking measures against those monsters or even promoting their behavior is far more serious.
  • Plenty of media has ignored and continues to ignore the previous differences, and now that there is evidence of A, they use it to claim C.
  • Those bad journalistic practices get used to promote violence against innocent Palestinians and support jingoistic horror.

Personally, I had no doubt that there would be monsters in Hamas who would abuse the prisoners in their captivity, but the organization itself has an interest in making sure that the prisoners who make it out alive say that they were treated humanely (as we’ve seen with some of them). Attacking civilians and taking them hostage is already really terrible to start with, but noting what’s being done out of logical political goals and what’s being done out of sheer sadism is important. If we compare Hamas with the Israeli government and army, we do currently already have evidence that the latter do at the very least tolerate abuse of Palestinian prisoners, apparently with gleeful support from much of Israel since they celebrate that violence by sharing it in social media.

Could there be people taking positions aesthetically close to mine who are, however, defending them in bad faith, as they just want to shield Hamas? There must be some, but the environment is heated enough that anyone who doesn’t take a nuanced enough position is going to be called out sooner than later. Although figuring out the most reasonable positions is far more important, in my view.

SuddenDownpour, (edited )

I think you should read the UN report, if you have not

I’ll give it a look later. You linked it in this thread, correct?

Do you have a source for this, like interviews with hostages where they said they were treated humanely, or something?

From the first few weeks of the conflict:…/freed-israeli-hostage-says-she-was-…

From her words, it looked like the conditions were terrible, but they made efforts to try and minimize the harm. It’s likely that the treatment they gave the hostages varied wildly.

Honestly, like I say, to me it’s not super complicated. Punish the guilty (which in large part means stop shielding Israel from prosecution for their crimes; certainly no one is making much of any attempt to shield Palestine from the consequences of Hamas’s crimes.) How to do that and how to arrive at peace is complex, but “is this war crime that whatever people did, a war crime” is a lot simpler: The answer is yes.

Agreed with everything here.


Always a good time to remember the old joke:

<<An agent of the CIA and an agent of the KGB are together at a bar, chatting after taking what’s probably too much alcohol given their occupations.

The CIA agent tells the Russian: “You know, I must admit that you guys are really good at propaganda. The way you paint capitalism is great. People swallow it everywhere!”

The KGB agent replies: “Thank you, thank you, we put a lot of work into it, but American propaganda is something else. It is so good that you guys think you don’t have propaganda!”

And the CIA agent says: “But we have no propaganda.”>>


The KGB agent admits that they’re propagandists, but the US propaganda runs so deep that the CIA agent isn’t even aware that they do have propaganda.


A separate thread about that would have been appreciated. It’s something terrible that should be called out, but posting it as a response to this is like replying: “Ok, and??? Some people of the country they’re invading are horrible anyway.”


Hey, what a great occasion to talk about the uselessness of these rankings.

Calling out media for outright lying is great, but the way their “bias” is judged is almost always tied to where they are perceived to be in a left-right spectrum, where being “centrist” is considered to be “not biased”, even though the political center is defined by a given society’s current political and ideological paradigm - not because it is “objective” or “unbiased”. This way, “lack of bias” becomes a slur to throw against anyone who doesn’t conform to the stablishment.

Furthermore: lack of bias is impossible. Adding to what the other comments are saying: if you wanted to comment and report on this hostage’s situation and experience without bias, you should dedicate similar amounts of time and effort to inform about every victim of this conflict, whether they’re died to a missile, they were taken hostage, they were taken to prison in the West Bank without legal guarantees, they died to direct fire, or they’re suffering hunger.

To illustrate this issue even more clearly: every few weeks if not more often, we get a report on an Israeli who is given a name, a face, a family, and a context of what’s their family context, and they’re usually young women. Media does report on the number of reported Palestinian victims (along with Israeli officials and their allies saying that the sources shouldn’t be trusted, no matter what the sources are), but how often are those victims given a name, a face and a story on their life?


Then they should demand that the state gets the fuck out of any marriage business. Unless they don’t believe in the separation of church and state, that is.


USSRboy sounds like a nickname for someone who enjoys Sino-Soviet cooperation propaganda posters a little too much

All the more power to him though.


Does he usually express it whenever gay marriage doesn’t form part of the discussion?


Fall from Heaven 2? Rise of Mankind? Caveman to Cosmos? Rhyes and Falls of Civilization? Dawn of Mankind? Planetfall? Mars Now? How about all of them at once?

Civ 4 was a goddamn library of 4X games. I still reinstall it after every few years.


90% of Gazans have been displaced from the homes they did live one year ago due to Israel’s invasion of Gaza, which is why the person you’re talking to says they’re refugees. Please get informed because flaunting your ignorance.


Hamas is already willing to agree to the US peace plan, so the only thing preventing the rest of the hostages making it to their homes is political will, and with much less risk.


Spain did successfully negotiate with ETA, and there is no more ETA today. Colombia’s government negotiated with the FARC, and the immense majority of the FARC have gotten peacefully integrated in their country’s parliamentary system.


People who get anxious at criticism of Biden should dedicate their energy to pressure the US government to grow some brain cells and stop behaving like lunatics, not at berating everyone who expresses angst at their complicity with genocide.

Democratic governments aren’t some force of nature that will do as they please no matter the consequences. You, as their constituents, can signal to them that their actions may make them lose the next election. If you want young people to vote for Biden, what’s more likely to do the trick, to endlessly argue with the few of them you’ll find on Lemmy, or to have Biden stop ruining his own image for no gain?


If being a victim of the Holocaust entitles you to your own government, how comes you’ve never argued for establishing a homeland of the Romani people?


For a person born in Germany, raised in Germany, taught to speak, read and write German, their homeland is Germany. German Jewish victims of the Holocaust ought to have been extraordinarily repaired, and given the pleasure of seeing their victimizers fallen in disgrace, tried, condemned and punished (part of which did happen), not told to pack their bags and leave to a country they’ve never set a foot in. The idea that someone who’s born in a specific ethnic group has their “homeland” at some special, historical place is an extremely ideological view that has much more to do with nazism than with the ideals of freedom and human rights.

By the way, you haven’t answered my question. In your racist worldview that ethnicities belong to specific strips of land, where do the Romani belong?


Can you connect two and two? I used German Jews as an example, didn’t say that Polish Jews or Russian Jews or French Jews should have been taken to Germany. Also you can migrate to a country, rather than occupy it and have the population that already lived there displaced, as the colonizers who founded the State of Israel did with Palestinians. I genuinely cannot believe you wrote this:

you are still having to deal woth the displacement aspect that you are currently using to build a case for genocide.

In good faith.

I’m also going to set aside your childish accusations of racism, because it isn’t true.

It is, you just don’t understand it yet. A Romani born in Spain who wants to live in Spain has one homeland: Spain. As of today, they have nothing in common with India, nor did they 50, 100, 150 or 400 years ago - much like Ashkenazi Jews didn’t have anything to do with Palestine in 1750. We just have the good sense to practice policies that allow for the healthiest pluralist society possible that respects both Romani and non-Romani, unlike 1940s dumbfuck Brits who thought that a sensible solution for Jews was to invite them to get the fuck out of Europe in a colonial project. Would you tell Italians living in the USA to leave to Italy during the time of the Italian mafias? Would you tell Arabs to go to the Middle East after the 9-11? If you don’t think telling an immigrant ethnicity to leave after or during a tumultuous period where they have or might be the target of hate is usually a good idea, dogmatically changing that principle to argue that it was sensible to ethnically cleanse Palestinians after WWII is indeed a racist bias. But I have faith you will eventually outgrow it, after one month or fifty.


It’s tribal as in “our group” (including Israel) versus international laws that ought to apply to everyone.


How does that work, exactly? Half the world countries are members of the ICC, and therefore, provide funding for it.


It’s good to see someone in such a high position standing for human values, even though the sanctions are likely going to fuck him.


How about you stop contributing to polarization and start treating those with opposing views with respect and work to find a common ground upon which you can build mutual trust and cooperation?

Because far right people oppose ALL of that, maybe??? You can’t just choose to cooperate with someone who wants to deprive you of your rights. It has to go both ways.


They’re just asking you to explain the metric you’re using.

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