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Potato is a tuber.

Vegetable is a culinary classification, not a botanical one.


Ah yes, of course, doing something right obviously means none of the wrong happened.


There are many Christians whose faith does not involve pushing the law on others, but instead focus on the gospel and its inclusive nature.

These aren’t the loud ones who push regressive policies. Because the ones pushing regressive policies aren’t doing so because their religion tells them to, they’re making their religion fit whatever they feel the world should look like, picking and choosing which rules to follow or ignore based on their worldview, shaping their religion to fit their bigotry. They would hate Jesus, who preached paying taxes, being generous to the needy, and accepting sinners and those despised by the establishment of the time.


I’m not saying the open and affirming churches don’t fight for causes and social justice.

I’m just saying that they’re not the ones running governments and controlling rural populations. Those people don’t want to hear it. It’s just like how they abandoned Fox News for Newsmax and OAN when Fox called the election for Biden. To them, religion is a source of validation, not something to emulate or follow. They don’t want to be challenged.

There was an article a while back about a pastor who said someone in his congregation argued with him about something he said in his sermon, which had been Christ’s own words. The congregant said, “That’s not Christian, it’s too weak.” Or something to that effect.


Banning flavors was the most effective move to deter kids from vaping JUUL.

Just like how we ended underage drinking by banning adults from buying flavored vodka.

Oh, no, hang on, that flavored poison, though worse, isn’t unpopular.


I switched all my devices to Celsius, learned it, and haven’t looked back since.


I knew this would be the video. 😂

TheRealKuni, (edited )

That’s fine right up to when you’re complaining about the temperature to an american.

But I am an American. To learn Celsius I came up with a quick heuristic to do “accurate enough” conversions for the months between switching off Fahrenheit and getting to the point where I knew Celsius well enough.

So I can pretty quickly go from Celsius to Fahrenheit for my ignorant compatriots.

Edit: For anyone downvoting me, if it’s because I called people who don’t know Celsius “ignorant,” please understand I’m using this definition: “lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.”

Not this one: “lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated,” nor this one: “discourteous or rude.”

We are all ignorant about things we don’t know about. No shame in ignorance, it’s the default state of all living beings!


Stuck up asshole because I learned Celsius and like it? Alright.


LegalEagle said the same thing in the Nebula version of their video on the subject, but it’s a hair that really isn’t worth splitting.


I agree! And I’ve considered saying it a few times, but I don’t really understand the reasoning behind it and I figured better to not bother than to “um, akchually” this one. 😅

Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid | CNN Politics (

“The issue, now before Cannon in the Southern District of Florida federal court, is likely to remain in the political debate at least until Cannon holds a hearing on the legal power of the special counsel to prosecute a defendant, on June 21.”


And he’s got 3 members of the Supreme Court to back him up.

Only 3?

I assume Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett are guaranteed to back him. Kavanaugh likely will, and Roberts if he thinks he can get away with it while maintaining his thin veneer of legitimacy.


“Thin veneer of legitimacy.”

He doesn’t have legitimacy, but he likes to pretend he does. Enough that he sometimes votes against the other conservative justices when it’s going to be 5-4 vs 6-3 anyway.

Edit: As chief justice I think Roberts has a better understanding of the legacy of his court, and it has caused him to be at least somewhat less gung-ho about the blatant partisan nature of the court. But definitely not always.


What the fuck, Slotkin? Dangerous game you’re playing when you’re running for a senate seat in Michigan this year. Dearborn voters will remember this.


Bidet will save your life. Or at least your anus. And they’re so cheap these days!


Funny, because i live in a state that decriminalized marijuana and i just lost my job for testing positive for marijuana on a drug test.

That sounds to me like you violated the terms of your employment agreed upon by you and your employer when you entered into an employment contract with them. The federal government has little-to-no control over stuff like drug testing at non-governmental jobs.

Alcohol is legal, but if you test positive for alcohol in a piss test or breathalyzer there’s a good chance, depending on your employer, that you won’t be working for them.

You ought to be cognizant of your own habits with regard to your employer’s drug testing policy. Marijuana can show up in a piss test for weeks if you’re a heavy or frequent user. If you know you regularly or randomly get tested, don’t partake or find a different job.

That’s not the Democratic party’s fault, that’s between you and your employer. Stupid? Sure. Unfair? Absolutely. A useless policy that pushes people out of jobs for no good reason? You betcha. Doesn’t change the contract you entered into when you took the job.


Yep. I have this brownie pan, it does an excellent job, but I wouldn’t have gotten it if I had found the four-edge-per-brownie pans first.


Yeah, I like the Keys. It’s a weird vibe there, but Marathon and Key West are worth keeping. Especially the turtle hospital in Marathon. You can see turtles get surgery! And until a couple years ago they had a turtle named Bubble Butt, for whom “Bubble Butt Syndrome” was named! Sadly Bubble Butt passed away in April of 2022.

Edit: Also, when my wife and I toured the hospital, they had a whole bunch of juvenile turtles who had been shocked by rapid temperature changes and then rescued and sent to a whole bunch of turtle hospitals around the world for rehabilitation. This rehabilitation essentially consisted of slowly changing the temperature of the water they were in until it matched the temperature outside so they could be released.

Since they had a lot of these, they didn’t bother to name them but instead numbered them. One of them was numbered “404,” and the tour guide was thrilled when my wife said, “I couldn’t find the turtle in this tub.” She (the tour guide) said she had made that joke a few times but no one had gotten it. 😂


I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic.


Gods I love Going Postal. I remember reading it when I was much younger (almost two decades ago) and loving it, but had forgotten enough of it that it almost felt new during my current reread of the Discworld series. Now I’m on Making Money and it’s just as good.

GNU Terry Pratchett


I’m not sure where the one in the image comes from, it isn’t listed in the Emojipedia page.


Won’t someone please think of these super important churches and their totally-not-coincidentally wealthy pastors?

For the record, a remarkably small percentage of pastors are actually wealthy. Lots of churches have a pretty poor financial outlook these days, and many pastors struggle.

That’s not to say there aren’t rich assholes fleecing (pun intended) their flock, and obviously fuck televangelists, but it’s not the norm for a pastor to be wealthy.

Edit: (Not disagreeing with the stuff about modern Christianity failing utterly to understand itself though.)


Yeah, but 1517 isn’t exactly recent memory.


If one person pays all or a majority of the mortgage on a property, why do they then have to split that property 50% with somebody who contributed nothing?

Because marriage is a partnership and generally the people who “contributed nothing” are the ones who gave up or significantly delayed or harmed their careers to take up the home front in the marriage.

I know a woman whose wealthy husband told her to sell her small business because she didn’t need to work. A few years later when he divorced her for a younger woman and the prenup says she gets very little, she’s out on her ass with years of no work experience and no more small business.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. This isn’t true everywhere or for every home, but yeah, I pay less on my mortgage than some friends did for a two-bedroom apartment in more or less the same area.

It’s seriously unfair.


Nah, that obvious solution is equally corporate. I cannot tell you how often I’ve had to pull out this question in meetings with software management:

“It takes a combined orchestra and chorus of 120 people 70 minutes to play Beethoven’s 9th symphony. If we double the number of performers, how long will it take?”


Could also be a software developer who misunderstood the concept of rubber duck debugging.


You are confused because you think that there is one solution that always works for every situation.

That’s funny, I don’t remember them saying that part. My memory must be slipping.


Holy shit. I’m not sure people understand how big a deal this is for Ottawa County.

Ottawa County contains the town that voted to close its library over LGBT books. Ottawa County is where Betsy DeVos lives. Ottawa County had their commission taken over by a far right group called Ottawa Impact that tried to oust the county health officer and replace her with someone completely unqualified because of mask requirements.

Ottawa County is home to a congressional district that hasn’t gone Democrat since the civil rights movement.

This is kind of huge.


Is this Holland michigan? With the windmills and shit?

Yes. I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. Specifically this commissioner represents parts of Holland Township and Park Township, apparently.


It’s a gorgeous county, with bike trails and lakeshore all over the place, but yeah, politically it’s awful. When I was buying my house there was one I looked at that happened to be just over the line into Ottawa County and that was one of the reasons I decided against it.


These YIMBY people go on and on about traffic deaths but never talk about the companies requiring a return to office that forces everyone to drive unnecessarily.

During COVID and the work from home (WFH) mandate, traffic deaths fell off a cliff due in large part to people not driving to work.

I’m not saying cars shouldn’t be smaller or cities walkable. I’m saying these people like YIMBYs are disingenuous about safety and the environment because a return to a WFH mandate would help immediately.

YIMBYs are simply shills for greedy developers that want to gentrify inner cities.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Are you seriously saying that someone arguing cars should be smaller to reduce traffic deaths are shills because they aren’t specifically arguing for your position, which is that everyone who can work from home should?

My brother in Christ, you are creating a false dilemma. You are George W saying “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

You are essentially saying, “If you want to reduce traffic deaths, your primary argument needs to be that we should all work from home. Otherwise you’re being paid to help gentrify cities.


Yes because they are doing it to the exclusion of policies that could be inacted TODAY

Saying we need smaller cars doesn’t preclude work from home. I love work from home and advocate for it. I also think we should have smaller cars. If I’m expressing the need for smaller cars it doesn’t mean I don’t also favor work from home policies.

The thing is WFH doesn’t benefit YIMBYs and their developer paymasters, it would only benefit working class people.

Where exactly do YIMBYs come into this? YIMBYs are often people who agree that changes are needed and welcome them in their area despite potential personal losses. For example someone who owns a house but votes to allow multi-family zoning in their neighborhood despite the loss of property value they’ll face, or someone who votes to have a homeless shelter or affordable housing near them.

People who want improved housing, public transportation, and pedestrian safety aren’t inherently opposed to work from home. Acting like they are is absurd and creating division where there is none and where it is unnecessary.

Affordable housing, public transit, and walkable cities benefit everyone, especially the working class.


We have a democratic republic, a form of representative government. While there is unfortunately a sometimes insurmountable amount of outsized power wielded by the ultrawealthy, we still can make change happen when the opportunity arises. That goes away if the flawed democracy we have goes away.

Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. A flawed democracy is better than no democracy.


We don’t have a democracy. The fact that nearly all of the primaries were cancelled this year and the dnc just decided to pick a winner is evidence that we don’t. we have a captilaist oligarchy in which no one reaches the high office unless the rich think it’s ok.

All this tells me is that you don’t understand what I said. You’re saying that because the systems in place can be used to limit the choices we have in frustrating ways, we don’t have choices.

But we still do have choices. It’s very rare that they’re the best ones, but they’re still choices. A choice between a genocide-supporting fascist and a genocide-supporting non-fascist is still a choice between a fascist and a non-fascist. That choice sucks, but it’s a choice worth making.


I highly recommend you watch this. Hollywood isn’t nearly as leftist or liberal as you think.

Some very powerful and very successful people in Hollywood/the entertainment industry are pretty conservative. And the industry really likes to pay lip service to left or liberal causes without actually doing shit.


Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few other people that see how awful the two party system is. You just wouldn’t guess it by looking at all the mindless red and blue(mainly blue) knights galloping around here. It doesn’t have to be that everyone just gets assigned a guy and then they go about pretending how they love the guy oh so very very much.

Of course having only two major parties is awful. No fucking shit. We all know that. First-past-the-post is a terrible voting system and needs to go.

But we also live in this thing called “the real world.” Here in the real world, we can’t do anything about FPTP or the two-party system in time for the 2024 election. In the real world, we’re facing a situation where one of two ancient men will be president. One of them is a fascist rapist, the other is a relatively standard politician.

In the real world, the last time the fascist was in power he managed to secure a 6/9 majority on the US Supreme Court. He managed to undo decades of regulatory work. He tried to torch the post office so it could be spun off and privatized. He tried to ban Muslims from entering the country. He moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and would absolutely be worse for Gaza than Biden.

The choice between these two men is one where there is a clearly superior choice. Pretending that because both are distasteful you’re somehow superior for voting third party is absurd. Trump is so significantly worse than Biden that voting third party is a stupid, naive move that reflects a lack of understanding.


I actually don’t think that’s true, plenty of people dislike Biden. Earlier in the campaign it was all about how terrible our choices are. But the conversation has changed, and now if you don’t mention the “he’s the best choice” part, people will assume you’re part of the “vote third-party-because-both-sides-are-the-same” troll brigade that’s flooded the internet lately, which clearly either doesn’t understand FPTP, or (more likely) does understand and wants Trump to win.

that so many morons start to actually believe that other people see him as a good president.

To be fair, he’s not a terrible president. He’s managed to get some stuff done despite an obstructionist Congress. I wish he were farther to the left, and I wish he didn’t have the fairly awful history that comes to most career politicians. Also supporting the Israeli genocide is horrible, though given how fervently he would be attacked were he not to support them, it’s difficult. Politically he can’t really win (though of course ethically he’s absolutely doing the wrong thing).

I don’t like him. But we’ve had far worse presidents.

By the way, this “real world”/“it has to be this way” stuff is just a thing some places, it’s not a given for all human politics.

No shit, but it absolutely applies to this conversation and this topic and the importance of this election. Context matters.


I’m not sure how you haven’t seen it, but I can’t debate your subjective experience.

I will say that I don’t think there is such a thing as “Biden cult followers.” This isn’t MAGA. There are just people who desperately don’t want to see another Trump presidency (for good reason)!


Well, you hadn’t asked for a link. This individual is the one I’ve seen most recently, spending his time with the common troll tactic of pivoting and attacking insignificant parts of an argument to try to discredit the whole. Here he is advocating third party voting:


I’d say by sheer count the majority of Torx screws I’ve encountered have been for deck boards, not tiny tech screws. And they were excellent.


It’s like you’re expecting national policy to turn instantly based on protests. That’s now how the world works, unfortunately. Things take time.

It’s terrible, I’m not in any way trying to downplay the genocide that is happening. But Israel and the US have been firm allies for a long time. Change won’t come quickly. And it won’t come at all if Trump is elected.


Protesting does work. It just doesn’t result in immediate change. Nothing results in immediate change. Expecting it to is childish.


Ok then expand on this claim I know exactly what you mean. Be specific. Explain how we can know which protests will and won’t work and explain what time frame we can expect.

Ah, gotta call in the mods when I call you out? Fair enough, I wasn’t very civil (though I’m convinced you’re not arguing in good faith to begin with).

Let’s try again.

Roflmao, I have to do all that work to justify voting against fascism?

Kindly go ply your goalpost-moving trade elsewhere, perhaps under a bridge? That is where those who don’t argue in good faith are most welcome, as I understand it.

Have a nice day!


So you can’t. Got it.

Protesting doesn’t do shit.

You’re so right. That’s why nothing has ever changed. Women still can’t vote. PoC still use separate bathrooms. Sodomy is illegal and gay people can’t get married. How wise you are!

Again, kindly, civilly, and politely fuck off.


You’re under the impression all of these things were achieved with nothing more than people standing around with signs?

Wow, weird, I don’t remember saying that at all! Not sure where you got that notion.

No work stoppages? No violence? No protest votes?

Work stoppage is a form of protest. Violence, while not always necessary, has been useful in some occasions, but is often first used by the ruling class.

again I ask, what are you recommending we do?

I think I’ve already told you. Vote against fascism, and also, and this is the key one and most important: fuck off.

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