@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar



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@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

The problem is the next place is a moving target. Enshitification is inevitable, the drive for money will eventually corrupt any good thing we make.

What we need is a platform owned by a public trust or a worker co-op made up of all the streamers. Hopefully roll out some micro direct payment system so you can give the content creators a bigger portion of the donations.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Why don’t public libraries host things for the people for free as a public service?

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

What would happen if you did a charge back if you bought one with a credit card?

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Switching away from first past the post voting allows people to vote for who represents them best while still counting their vote against those they dont want to win. Just search for videos on FPTP voting if you want an explanation on how and why the spoilereffect exists that makes third parties not viable.

Electoral reform is possible in each individual state (for now), we dont need federal reform! Maine and Alaska have already passed electoral reform.

So what’s the hold up with the rest of the states? Consider starring a campaign to change how we vote in your own state! Force our representatives to compete with fresh outside ideas. We deserve the best representation, not excuses.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck that, pass electoral reform so people can vote 3rd party with no spoiler effect and leave these dinosaur political parties in the past where they belong.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Republicans trying to dismantle democracy and install an authoritarian government?

Sounds serious.

So when are democrats dropping gun control? Clearly there is a imminent existential threat to our nation!


@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like passing comprehensive electoral reform is not only the right thing to do, but it is also crucial to the stability of the country. Republicans obviously hate democracy, and have passed legislation trying to ban switching away from first past the post voting. Do you REALLY want to use the same voting system republicans want? What’s the excuse blue states?

Consider watching a video on First Past the Post voting if you want to know more.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

“Foreign oligarchs are taking over!” - US oligarchs probably

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

FPTP stands for First Past The Post voting for anyone wondering what the acronym means.

Republican-passed bill removes role of Democratic governor if Senate vacancy occurs in Kentucky (apnews.com)

Kentucky lawmakers gave final approval Thursday to a bill stripping the state’s Democratic governor of any role in picking someone to occupy a U.S. Senate seat if a vacancy occurred in the home state of 82-year-old Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell....

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

I think people who are wealthy live longer, thus the “people get more conservative as they get older” meme.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

They are armed and organized. Are you?


@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

How’d Afghanistan go?

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Lol, forget January 6th 2021 so soon?


Iran murdering the protestors?

Who is protecting you? The police?

Nope: …wikipedia.org/…/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia

Forget the police violence of the George floydd protests?

Ya must have a bad memory.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Advocating for people to exercise their right to protect themselves is not advocating of violence. It’s being realistic about where we live, how we live our lives, and who lives by us.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

You want to lower gun violence? Legalize all drugs.

Don’t see many liquor stores shooting each other up over territory these days do ya?

Maybe the democrats arent serious about lowerung gun violence. Maybe democrats don’t really believe in bodily autonomy. Democrats want to tell me what I can do with my body.

No I don’t need to write a 100,000 word essay on how Republicans are worse. We all know it dipshits.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Isn’t the third type democrats?

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Armed queers bash back.


@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Religion was probably invented by some starving person telling a story to get some food for free.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Which pill let’s me vote for a political party that will legalize all drugs?

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Are you from Spain? Ever heard of Mondragon?


@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

“Elect the Liberal party, we will pass electoral reform!”

gets elected

“Opps, guess we sure screwed that up! Oh well, looks like yous votes for us or yous gets the conservatives again! LOL!”

We really are alike, no matter where we live eh?

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Is it still infrastructure week?

Republicans do not care about getting “slammed” or “destroyed” or “shamed”. They care about one thing, control. Power. And they’ll do anything to get it.

Create local support/defense networks, work towards electoral reform in our respective states, and find what peace we can while living in the conservative fascist multiverse.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Everybody Sucks Here.

No, I don’t need to write a 100 page comment about how some suck harder then others.

Switching away from first past the post voting makes third parties viable and eliminates the spoiler effect. Just search for videos on FPTP voting if you want an explanation on how and why first past the post voting makes third parties not viable.

Electoral reform is possible in each individual state (for now), we dont need federal reform! Maine and Alaska have already passed electoral reform.

So what’s the hold up with the rest of the states? Consider starring a campaign to chanfe how we vote in your own state! Force our representatives to compete with fresh outside ideas. We deserve the best representation, not excuses.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Possible genocide in the USA should one of the two viable presidential candidates gets elected?

Will the democrats stop pursuing gun control considering this imminent threat of genocide?


@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Yet another reason the working class must NEVER disarm.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Pass electoral reform in your state first, then you can vote third party with zero chance of a spoiler effect.

Check out a video on First Past the Post voting if you’d like to learn more.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

We aren’t Russia (for now). We can still effect change at the state level by getting rid of First Past The Post voting and passing comprehensive electoral reform.

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar


Oh boy. How about the recent fumble of electoral reform by the Liberal party in Canada eh?

“Oopsie poopsie, now you HAVE TO vote for us or yous gets the conservatives again! LOL!”

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from the Birmingham Jail

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