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Exactly. And why would they end the war without getting everything they demand from the other side? They aren’t losing, Hamas is losing. People don’t seem to understand the concept of leverage in negotiations. If Hamas wants to end the war, they need to completely surrender and return all the hostages


“Give a fuck” and stop spreading right wing propaganda, you’re doing your best to create complacency trying to paint a picture that Joe Biden is some awful president. He’s not, and he is the only choice you have if you actually “give a fuck” about WW3 or Palestine or anything else


Care to put money on Biden being the nominee? I’ll put $10k on it


Pedantry is unbecoming. He will be the nominee, and he will be your only choice, if you actually give a fuck. Which you don’t, you’re more interested in spreading right wing propaganda about how “bad” Joe Biden is


Keep living in a fantasy world bud. Again, wanna put $10k on it?


Jesus man, if you really think the DNC will replace their incumbent president with a different nominee, you’re living in a fantasy world. Doesn’t matter how much you think they should, they won’t.


I disagree with your entire premise, and your approach. Sitting around bitching about Biden won’t get you a different candidate, and you’re spreading Republican propaganda.


I’m realistic, you’re living in a fantasy world because you think bitching about Joe is going to influence the DNC. News alert, they don’t give a fuck about you or what you think.


Doesn’t Lebanon shoot rockets at Israel? Like pretty frequently?


So not really “invading random countries” like the person I responded to said, right? They’ve been fighting


By your logic though, Taiwan should be launching rockets into China because China regularly violates their airspace. It’s just not how normal countries interact with each other man, these people are psychos. Both sides


I asked hasn’t Lebanon been firing rockets at Israel for a while - you said Israel invades their airspace (implying that firing rockets into Israel was justified)


I was trying to point out that it wouldn’t be “invading random countries”. They’ve been fighting


When can we go back to putting people on trial for treason? This cunt needs to be on that list


Yeah but still, once I hit my “number”, I’m taking my small slice of the pie and living life. There isn’t a never ending drive to accumulate forever and ever. That’s just these psychos


Didn’t Romans put lead in their wine to make it sweeter?


A true big brain (rot) take. Keep trying genius


This is on Hamas to stop the violence. Israel has said over and over that they won’t stop until all hostages are released.

So all Hamas has to do is release the hostages they stole, and Gazans can eat normally again and live in peace again, and start negotiating a 2 state solution again.

Almost as if Hamas doesn’t want all of that…weird. Hamas has been weaponizing their own people to garner sympathy from liberals/leftists. And judging by the replies here, it’s worked. Pathetic


This news?

While we’re at it, how do you defend Hamas doing this?…

It’s almost like Hamas doesn’t care how many Palestinians are killed. Weird right?


Word well it says Hamas has been firing mortars from civilian areas, but I’m sure you already knew that! These animals don’t give a fuck about their own people, they’re using them as pawns to garner sympathy from fools in the West. Open your eyes bud.


Fool is as fool does. Have a great day!

slurpinderpin, (edited )

What’s the end goal here?

they seek a declaration from the court that defendants are violating their duty under customary international law

Here’s the nasty little secret about “international law” that people don’t seem to understand. The most powerful countries don’t have to abide by it. There are no mechanisms for enforcement. There aren’t world police who have international jurisdiction, there aren’t world courts that have international subpoena power. So the countries at the top can enforce it when it’s in their interest, and ignore it when it’s not. Them the rules of an anarchical system, “rules for thee not for me”


It’s American foreign policy… there’s a reason the US helped write the laws for the ICC and yet still doesn’t cooperate. Because they don’t have to. That’s the way it rolls when your military is larger and more capable than the next 5 combined. What are they gonna do?


Look at this man proudly defending a Convicted Felon. Someone who has been found guilty of committing crimes. Donald Trump. Not Joe Biden


And yet isn’t and hasn’t been indicted for anything criminal … unlike your guy Donald Trump. Who’s been convicted of 34 felonies. And has dozens more pending.

Being sued =/= anything criminal. Do you really not understand that??? Being sued is civil…

Donald Trump = Felon

Joe Biden = not even indicted for anything criminal


I’m saying he’s not going to jail. Ever. Unlike your guy, who’s been convicted of felonies. The actual criminal, as determined by a US court. Donald Trump. Not Joe Biden


Convicted Felon Don would give Russia carte blanche. I wonder why??


Hey college kids, here’s some summer reading ^


No mention of immigration? That’s a big reason


But but people here told me they’re just freedom fighters!


Literally just yesterday, someone responded to a comment of mine about the peace deal “there is a genocide going on, they’re just freedom fighters” in reference to Hamas. LMAO

slurpinderpin, (edited )

Oh its a common sentiment on this site - that wasn’t the first, or second, or third, time someone has said something similar. There’s a common thing here where people look at a losing side and think it’s a cause worthy of their support


Correct and agree.


Ok, fair enough


I guess its because freedom fighter has some sort of positive connotation to many. They may be fighting for freedom, but they’re also just terrorists


Yeah, not really a group of “freedom fighters” you’d expect people in the West to rally behind… yet here we are. Holding terrorists’ flags in NYC lol


I guess I was more pointing toward the dark irony of waving terrorist flags in NYC


Well no, the irony is that it’s the location of the largest terrorist attack… ever? Was that lost on you?


Nope, not Jewish or Israeli, don’t really care about it. Just looking at it from their perspective. They’re whooping the shit out of Hamas in a war currently, why would they stop unless they get everything they demand?


I don’t care about Zionism in the slightest. I’m interested in how international states interact with each other.

We all care about innocent people being killed. Israel and Hamas do not. So we need to take our emotions out of the equation and look at this situation from their perspectives. Israel will not stop killing people unless all of their demands are met. Hamas will not get anything they demand because they are currently being obliterated, they have no leverage in these negotiations


There is a war. One side is winning, the other is being decimated. Why would the winning side come to the table and make any concessions?

Take all the emotions out of it. Remove the actors and please answer my question.


How many women and children did the US kill in order to win WW2? War is dirty and messy and that’s why it fucking sucks. We all want it to end but sitting here trying to make an argument for why Hamas should get any of their demands is silly. Israel doesn’t care about killing innocent people to win this war, clearly. So if Hamas wants it to end, it will need to surrender unconditionally. Period. Or else Israel will just keep trucking

Is it horrible and sad? Of course. Is that going to change Israel’s tactics? Probably not. So you gotta square with reality, and if you want it to end, concessions will need to be made from your side


But we won’t. Because then we’d be handing power to whichever of our enemies wants more power (Russia, China?)

You have very limited, or perhaps zero, knowledge of how American foreign policy actually functions.


Lol. I wish everything in the world seemed so basic and straightforward to me. Ignorance truly is bliss I suppose

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