
Just another Swedish programming sysadmin person.
Coffee is always the answer.

And beware my spaghet.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Both the rendezvous/mailbox and transport servers are available under an MIT license, though not every client makes it easy to use your own rendezvous.

I personally use the rymdport GUI client and the rust CLI.


Going to be really amazing to play Factorio again without knowing how to solve everything.


To quote Microsoft themselves on the feature;

“No content moderation” is the most important part here, it will happily steal any and all corporate secrets it can see, since Microsoft haven’t given it a way not to.


Well, things like the fact that snap is supposed to be a distro-agnostic packaging method despite being only truly supported on Ubuntu is annoying. The fact that its locked to the Canonical store is annoying. The fact that it requires a system daemon to function is annoying.

My main gripes with it stem from my job though, since at the university where I work snap has been an absolute travesty;
It overflows the mount table on multi-user systems.
It slows down startup a ridiculous amount even if barely any snaps are installed.
It can’t run user applications if your home drive is mounted over NFS with safe mount options.
It has no way to disable automatic updates during change critical times - like exams.

There’s plenty more issues we’ve had with it, but those are the main ones that keep causing us issues.
Notably Flatpak doesn’t have any of the listed issues, and it also supports both shared installations as well as internal repos, where we can put licensed or bulky software for courses - something which snap can’t support due to the centralized store design.


I’m currently sitting with an Aura 15 Gen 2, and I’m definitely happy with it.
I do wish they’d get their firmware onto LVFS, but that’s about my main complaint.


I think the only project I’ve seen so far where I’ve felt that a blockchain has actually been the correct choice is Alfis, which is a decentralized DNS that uses the blockchain as the public append-only ledger that it is, and it uses proof-of-work to add arbitrary costs to updates - to make spamming or namesquatting expensive.


If you build a linked list in C, and put the pointer to the next entry as the first element in your struct, then you only need a single variable (and two comparisons) to do sorted insertion into the list.


“We interrupt your regular scheduling to bring you this additional bit of Factorio hype.”


I can already imagine so many fun ways this could be used.


A lot of that data doesn’t actually exist, ostree hardlinks data blobs internally, so the actual size on disk is much smaller than most disk usage tools will show.


My guess is that drilling is going to cause the Vulcanus-version of pollution, since it makes sense that a volcanic planet wouldn’t have much problem with regular pollution.


It could be interesting with something like the old Pharaoh game and its receding riverbed farming, but you’d have to balance that compared to costs of resourcing in Factorio - or offer some reasonably simple way for the player to protect their resourcing operations against the rising lava.


Nothing quite beats setting up your first bot mall, seeing the swarm put to work making you everything you could ever need is just magical.
And then plopping down blueprints in map mode, making your factory expand in leaps and bounds while you get to do other fun things.

Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video (

Squadron 42 is the single player campaign of Star Citizen, that is supposed to launch as a separate game. It's basically a small portion of Star Citizen, but with a story and ending. I'm still not confident; waited too long for that.


I think they’ve mentioned how many devs are working on Squadron 42 exclusive content, but then you have all the content and features that are shared with Star Citizen, as well as the engine devs.
Not sure how you’d split things to get a proper number for only Squadron 42.


Does SC feel like a $70 game ready for release and formal critical/audience review?

To be fair, it’s a $45 game.


I hope you’ve joined the Linux User Group - LUG - Org in Star Citizen.

We’re steadily gunning for the top ten spot in org sizes. (Currently the 14th largest)


I personally burnt out after only 70 hours of in-game time, the way they kept releasing patches and DLC that added more and more levels of grind onto the game finally ended up absolutely killing all my enjoyment of the game.


Yep, but if you run out of storage space then The Factorio Way™ has always been to use some kind of destruction method - from handgunning a wooden box to using a mod to vaporize it into the ether.


I feel that the problem right now is that Starfield can be both considered a Game of the Year contender as well as an absolute waste of money and time for different people, and they can both be completely correct based on their personal preferences.

Personally, I’ve already played all the Starfield (~45h) I’m likely to play for a long while. It turns out that the majority of the gameplay - random exploration, radiant questing, etc - are things that absolutely bore me, and the crafting/construction/research systems are far too rudimentary, pointless / siloed from the rest of the game, and clunky to keep me particularly interested either. So for me it’s a very mid game, something I’d at best recommend picking up at a significantly discounted sale a few years from now - when there’s enough mods to actually make it interesting.
On the other hand, some people I’ve spoken to turn out to absolutely love the radiant questing and proc-gen worlds, a few of them now having more than twice as much time as me in the game - and still loving every second they can spend in it.

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