@aleph@lemm.ee avatar



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@aleph@lemm.ee avatar
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Is there any evidence that Hamas has taken new hostages since October 7th? Because AFAIK there isn’t.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

The temporal qualifier is inherent in the grammar of the statement. Perhaps you didn’t notice it?

In English, the present perfect continuous has/hasn’t been taking implies a frequent and repeated action since a fixed time in the past - in this case, presumably, the start of the current conflict until now.

Since Hamas only took civilian hostages on one occasion, i.e. October 7th, and not again since, it is not true to say that Hamas “has been taking hostages”. They took hostages. Once.

Israel, on the other hand, have been taking Palestinian civilians captive, repeatedly, since October 7th. That’s the difference.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

In that case, they would have used the present simple, “Hamas don’t take hostages”, but they didn’t.

I think you simply misunderstood the original statement.

aleph, (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Technically, Endeavour does have its own repos but they only contain a relatively small number of non-essential packages. But yeah, other than that it’s basically pre-configured Arch with great defaults.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

OP is clearly not that if their use case involves a homelab and docker containers. Arch is a perfectly valid suggestion here.

aleph, (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Exactly. It’s no surprise that someone running for president would try to handle the situation in this way. People expecting Biden to die on this hill by taking a moral stance don’t fully appreciate the power of the Pro-Israel lobby and how deeply it influences US policy in the Middle East.

Plus the fact that he has been staunchly in favor of Israel for his entire political career.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

I personally don’t see the Fedora team breaking away from Gnome just yet, but he makes some good points.

Starting in 2025, KDE Plasma’s release cycle switches to a semi-annual cadence that lines up with Fedora Linux releases, enabling a tight interlock of development and integration between Fedora and KDE.

This is the key change that might make such a move viable, imo. One of the key benefits of Gnome to point release distros, and Fedora in particular, is the predictable 6-month release cycle. If KDE achieve the same, then it will make the proposition a lot more attractive.

Tried Arch for the first time | My experience and impressions (lemmy.ml)

I used linux intermittently in the last 15 or so years, migrating from early Ubuntu versions, to Manjaro, Pop!_OS, Debian, etc. And decided to give Arch a try just recently; with all the memes around its high entry point, I was really expecting to struggle for a long time to set it up just as I want....

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

As a Photoshop replacement, there’s Photopea.

It’s not as heavy duty, but the layout/tools are pretty much the same so it feels significantly more intuitive of you’re used to the PS way of doing things than Krita, GIMP, etc .

aleph, (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar
  • Community-driven distro
  • Bleeding edge software
  • Rolling release instead of point release
  • Amazing software availability
  • Highly customizable
  • Documentation and community support
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Disagree, actually. The Endeavour defaults are really good and they have a really helpful, newbie-friendly forum.

Plus I have personally found the stereotype of Arch being difficult to maintain to not be true at all. I just installed the linux-lts kernel package and setup btrfs-assistant for system restore and it’s been quite low-maintenance. I had way more issues with Fedora, come to think of it.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

There are other distros with the same points, they’re not unique, save for the wiki.

Are there? Like what?

I've Installed multiple Linux Distros on my Editing Rig to see how well Davinci Resolve Studio works. Here are the results.

So a couple of weeks ago, I made this post asking for help from those who used Linux and Davinci Resolve, and their experience. To those who’s response was effectively “I use arch btw”, I hear you, but that wasn’t the question I wanted to ask....

aleph, (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Thanks for the write up. I also looked into running Resolve but the lack of AAC/MP4 support was the kicker.

Funnily enough, my personal experience aligns with yours - Fedora and I just seem to fundamentally dislike each other. I’ve tried it several times, as it looks good on paper, but I’ve had significantly had more issues with it than I ever have with Arch/EndeavourOS.

Mint and Endeavour are pretty much the only distros I’ll ever need, I’ve come to the conclusion.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Yeah, same. Whenever I try out another distro I find myself having to work harder to get things to set up the way I want, compared to Endeavour. Having the AUR at your fingertips makes you spoiled, for sure.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Understandable, although in my experience Endeavour has been as stable and easy to maintain as any point-release distro by simply 1) using the LTS kernel instead of the latest Arch kernel, and 2) using snapper/btrfs-assistant for backups, just in case.

Before I did #1, the most common problem I had was something breaking after a kernel update, but now my system has been running as a daily driver without any breakages or failed boots for over 8 months straight.

One of the devs over at the Endeavour forum did a write up that I think are some great tips to follow if you want to run a stable Arch installation:


@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Ah yeah, I have an AMD GPU so no issues. For Nvidia, you’re better off with Pop.

aleph, (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Am I living in a backwards world where Linux uses the invasive complicated way and Windows uses the private simple way?

I mean, you chose xfce and that’s a DE which makes you do everything the hard way anyway.

Both KDE and Gnome have the functionality you’re looking for straight out of the box.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Ah, that’s because GTK4 and libadwaita severely restricted custom theming. They may be ways around this but I have no idea because I use just adw-gtk3 as my theme so all my apps look uniform on Gnome.

So I guess you’ll either search for a way to hack this or just stick to GTK3 apps if you don’t want the stock GTK4 look.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Nah they got it right the first time.

aleph, (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Same. GRUB might offer wider compatibility and support legacy BIOS, but it’s a cantankerous, wheezy dinosaur compared to systemd-boot. I don’t know why more distros don’t at least offer the latter as an option during installation.

Russia and China Veto U.S.-Led Cease-Fire Resolution at U.N. (www.nytimes.com)

Edit: It looks like the argument here is that the US is not calling for an instant ceasefire, but instead saying that one is very important to have. China and Russia say it should be immediate. The US also tied it to hostage talks....

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

They’re right, though. The proposed resolution put a ceasefire wholly contingent on Hamas giving up their only bargaining chip (hostages) instead of outright calling for an immediate ceasefire.

Had it passed, Hamas would have simply ignored it and Israel would have felt justified in continuing its murderous ethnic cleansing campaign.

aleph, (edited )
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar
@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

The added benefit in the delay on Arch is that most maintained extensions will have already been made compatible by the time it hits the repos.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

And LosslessCut is a ffmpeg frontend, so that checks out.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

That’s an incredibly reductive oversimplification. The modern state of Israel exists due to the political Zionist movement which began in the 19th C and the sympathy for the Jewish people following Nazi Germany’s eugenicist attempt to wipe them out.

A couple of millennia before that, you had the conflicts of the competing tribes and civilizations in the Fertile Crescent, which resulted in the Jewish diaspora.

Religion has typically been weaponized to justify one group of people taking control of resources and land from another, but it has rarely been the root cause per se.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

This. It feels like what the new gnome-console ought to have been.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

To watch the Biden administration continue to pretend that they have any effect whatsoever in preventing Israel’s murderous rampage is just embarrassing at this point.

I can’t wait to see how they completely fail to hold Netanyahu to account this time …

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

That’s a yikes! from me, dawg.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Nice strawman.

What he could do, at the very least, is follow the tone already set by his VP, or even (dare I say it) threaten to pause US military support if the assault on Rafa goes ahead.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Yep - that prediction certainly aged like milk.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Fun fact: there are more Christian Zionists in the US than there are Jewish Zionists.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Right, but if you ask “to which religion does the average Zionist in the US belong?”, most people are going to say Judaism instead of Christianity.

I’d say many people don’t even know that Christian Zionists are even a thing.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

If you’re in the US, the Workpro line from Office Depot are pretty good. I picked up the Momentum for about $260 during a sale.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Agree completely. I’m not diminishing the horrific nature of the atrocities currently being carried out against the Palestinians, but let’s not get caught up in hyperbole.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

It’s also paradoxically driven by the success of the vaccines themselves. Some people think “what’s the point - when was the last time I heard of a kid dying of measles? It can’t be that serious.”

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Fractional scaling has been perfectly functional on Gnome’s Wayland implementation for some time already.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

That’s a problem with XWayland, not Wayland. Forcing electron apps to run using the latter generally fixes the problem.

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