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It sounds like a clever provocation, and he probably made sure it catches attention before they can silently move it under the carpet. He didn’t do any crime, he even proposed compromises to make it seem OK and followed official procedures, so they can’t (now, publicly) presecute him by law, but it offended their homophobia that much they found nothing more clever than dropping him into a mental yard instead of, like, declining his idea for some made up reason. What’s that if not a high-risk high-reward prank activism? At least, we now know that the state of Pakistan loses it’s shit over him touching that nerve.

andrew_bidlaw, (edited )

Say classes that depend on a healer being active behind them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Right in the cuddles of death.

andrew_bidlaw, (edited )

Oh, and this time you’ve got some fun toys to play with like the Atlan, a “daunting skyscraper-sized mech capable of toppling Hell’s behemoths with titanic metal fists” and a Mecha Dragon to fly around on too.

And Doomguy has a shield (is he a coward?) and a morgenstern-hook like on Ethernal’s shotgun for more scripted actions, and probably more QTEs. And they dive deep into the ‘lore’ of Doom showing us some of his previous incarnation, so await cutscenes and tell-don’t-show about how gorgeous the Doomguy is instead of you actually being him.

Good good boomer shooter genre is here and old games are still accessible. Probably Machine Heads who remastered Quake and added their own episodes are more equipped to do real Doom games than the remains of Id.

ed: Doom: Arkham Slayer


Original Doom movie’s getting a sequel? Idk at what stage they are, but it’s probably the best they have at the moment.


Also causes the anxiety of scratching disks while using it.

NFS OST remade for kids

One of the weird realization for me as I learnt English and listened to authors who contributed to these games, is that many remastered their tracks to exclude swear words and obvious mentions of drugs, or was it EA specialists? NFS Underground and Most Wanted games were filled with rap and metal, but still got rated for teens...


I know about that, but these are not clean radio-friendly versions that were published on CDs by producers, they are special versions created for these games. That’s what irked me. And with DP’s track they’ve been done noticeably choppy by either artists or EA sound designers. That’s not something very important, but that exists.

One idiotic country blurs ciggaretes in the scene and grays out the rainbow for some reason. There’s probably no limit to censorship shenanigans.


I’m on call with your network provider to ban you from anything, anywhere, anywhen. There… you just crossed the line.


With the clearly stated lack of evidence, I have no problem imagining russian teachers to be worthy of the ЧМО ебаное title. It’s surprising that distribution of the worst people I know is unevenly collected under that profession. I’m still wondering why.


After watching TOS and TNG and being quite meh on every second episode, this show hits me as hard as the X-Files on my first watch. 90s shows are the millenials’ holy grail. I greatly enjoy that we don’t observe one crew, but have stellar, likeable or problematic favs in Ferengi, Bajoran and Cardassians. There the ‘gray moralty’ peaked.


I have identity problems and a low self-esteem ): I dislike my original name-handle, but I didn’t come up with anything better yet.

My favorite episode of it is the Kill Switch, s5e11, co-written by William Gibson, the dad of cyberpunk the genre. If you’d have a movie night, couple it with Field Trip and Via Negativa episodes, but don’t do any drugs because all three episodes are really weird on their own.

But other than big hits episodes it’s just as comfy as ST or SG. Season 2 has some more creepy monsters, but it’s all about dreaming of what if there’s another conspiracy behind the conspiracy and the truth about little green\gray men are somewhere out there. Bonus is that the series are gender-swapped compared to its’ predecessors, and Scully is the source of rational disbelief and practical objections, while Mulder always acts on his feels and values. Thanks to that, it feels somehow refreshing and validating.


Was this song there? I can’t remember.


Damn, I’ve never googled it. Nice.


It’s ‘name your own price’, so if you choose not to support the indie dev, it’s free. I’ve kinda liked that move since bandcamp.


I’m surprised Смута’s even been released unlike hundreds of such projects, but instead of dunking on this half-cooked product that can thank UE5 for it’s looks - the only thing reviewers mention in a positive light - one thought captures me more. That this game for some reason took the weirdest period possible for a hyperpatriotic game. I urge you to read about it, it has so much potential for the opposite. In my mind, a set of white subtitles flashes over black:

The mad king is dead.

Moscow is weak.

Would you be dare to take it?

After a stroke of psychotic and delusionary policies of Ivan IV, that country took a nosedive into a violent disorder when a lot of parties, including poles, several fake sons of a dead emperor and nobles taking their turn of establishing their rule, and the new dynasty of Romanovs who won in the end weren’t any better.

That makes an insanely good ground for a macchiavellian powergrab simulator as well as a sim of administrating a rogue land that’s fed up with that bullshit. A medieval New Vegas, if you will. With no laws but the ones you can establish.

That’s the least fitting setting for their imperialistic masturbation.


There are whole businesses around buying stuff on Steam\PSN adverised in every second games-related video on YT. I wonder if they can be specifically targeted. I’m sad I can’t legally buy some titles I followed but, well, that doesn’t even make it to get into my top 100 problems chart. I’m surprised local servers are still there and I’m allowed to dig through my backlog. For some reason, I don’t feel sorry about these 20k.


Not OP.

Steve Huffman is a pissy piggy boy because he killed the API (just to sell this now exclusive data for cheap), like his hero Muskie did. Many of us ended up here not because of our data being sold, but because he gated how we can use the platform, besides other weird decisions. There’s no monopoly on hoarding Lemmy’s data, it belongs to everyone, and everyone can scrap it. What irks me and others is that he claimed it as his property, what is probably right by their EULA, but hasn’t been done in years Reddit existed.


Flooding the one specific bunker on the other hand… Not an easy task, but I feel that’s how it would end.


Why exist. Falling is a lie. We roll untill my body rots and falls apart.


You can get men, but you [ ] to [ ] from [ ]. It’s that simple.


Because they produce it anyway for various companies and then have their specific product lines, equipment, everything they aren’t ordered to destroy and can reuse? Because IP laws are in a weird place there and many international relations are decided by the party, that have local production interests’ in mind? Because they are actually good at R&D but as an economy oriented towards global market they choose to play safe and instead produce X but cheaper, dumping the price, as most of us won’t buy anything original coming from there with that rep you yourself state?

Forgotten Weapons channel (that has a dedicated c/ommunity on Lemmy) reviewed a couple of their old brandless Type-something guns and the thing with them wasn’t that they were blindly copying soviet guns, but tested and mixed components and ideas from different ones to achieve their goals, with one of them being standartization, and using the factories that are already running with small correction to their work rather than starting from the scratch. They adapt what works and produce it in bazillions of units.

I’m not a China fanboy and dislike their regime, but there couldn’t have been a strong chinese economy without western companies chasing after cheap labor there. This golem was on clay feet before, but after a while it gained some independence. Not many companies who entered there balls deep can pull it off without a significant loss.

I know nothing of Chinese, but there should be a common name for their vagina dentata politics that make even pronounced enemies been dependant on them.


Why do you always come up with a fitting response. Your meme game is off the charts.


He had never used Twitter though.

I feel like he’d want The Red Button put on the side of his bed and never told it isn’t connected to anything.


Beat me to it

before I beat some meet

to compensate.

It’s not haiku but I’m not a poet as well.


Breaking: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Gay Frogs And Love The Lemmynade


OP means, a hosting website and a constructor using engine. VPS solves it completely, but they don’t find paying for hosting worth it.


In spite of you saying it’s not for you, I think that finding a cheap hosting for your blog is the easiest solution there. With some effort you can export your site onto an actual free WP engine they sit above. Then, with plugins, here come autoreposts to other social media and whatever you want. Low traffic means you can choose an options with the lowest price.

As a bonus you can also host your portfolio page, get personalized email addresses, a VPN server to wherever it’s hosted, and basically an environment you can put anything to, even your own Lemmy instance.

On the latter - the population of federated platform is very small but super loyal, and also lacking content. So I feel that even if you won’t consider making or renting your own server, establishing your blog here can get you a lot of interactions. Probably, some admins won’t mind if you make your own /c/ommunity for that as long as it’s not abandoned.


You are welcome. Hope you’d get the most from whatever you choose (:


It’s probably they don’t want to dive nose deep into all individual cases and local shenanigans* about that and probable scams that can occur. You can take other person’s account if you have both password and email access, they don’t oppose that under the table, but they don’t want to be a party in account transit because it makes them responsible for that.

  • Is it legal what’s described in one’s last words, can these games be lawfully transfered as they are under both legal code and game licensing agreements? If there’s no more living relatives, would Steam transfer your purchases to the government? Or if the inheritance is disputable between two parties, should it decide anything there? They let anything happen as long as they aren’t involved.

Windows have swap too tho. It’s just no one tried to scam penguin-aligned users like that.

Putting the w10 logo over this classic XP wallpaper serves a purpose of generalizing, but ughhhghghhh.


In russian, there’s a phrase ‘Сейчас вылетит птичка’ ((Once the shutter is open…) The bird will fly out!) to make everyone be prepared for the shot.

Food Rule (

Inage Description: 4 panel comic, panel 1 contains a dog in heaven looking sad while an unidentified voice says “why so sad ?”, in panel 2 the dog says they are hungry while shedding a tear, in panel 3 the dog looks happy and says “finally some food” and in panel 4 there is a shaking scared pig while the hungry dog looks...


With an onion ring to compliment it even.


I mean, some game studios consult child psychologists and lawyers to better implement addictive gambling-like mechanics without being liable for that. Media does impact the consumer, and the bigger the initial predisposition, the worse the effect, and kids like shiny animated casino boxes. But violent games that do reach the market and aren’t dead on arrival are mild in that and can only supplement other, more real problems like mental health issues, trauma, neglect, bullying. And in 99.9% cases it’s just an excuse to push them under the carpet. Like, from drawing a line to what makes older demographics cause daily mass shootings. Not videogames, not even guns mostly, but the environment and culture as a whole.


We can log active processes and services, windows’ headers and states, their and mouse’s position, integrate it with one’s git versions’ and browser view’s history, history of all file relocations done by select programs or\and by user. If there’s an AI assistant like M$ Autopilot, also log every request and output in a text form, log keys, back up settings and configs. If we talk about screenshots, pure text table is as light as a feather and is easier to work with, so this 3sec delay looks like an overkill, even though they’d find a way to compress it. With enough data, it’s probably easier to take time and reconstruct an approximate screencap than hoard it.

I imagine dragging your position on a timeline across entire months may be a fun novelty. But I don’t see myself having a reason to use it and prefer to lose information over logging so much of it even if it’s secure.


Playing Devil’s advocate there, but there are probably three reasons: it’s expenaive, they want their best hand picked men and vessels to rattle the sabble without potential fuck ups, they need to toy the line between acting too small and too big so they are scary but no one thinks they are here for real and other countries should get involved.


An unfriendly reminder why they are separate.

Fallout Series (Why don’t I like it?)

I think my first Bethesda game was Skyrim and I love Skyrim. I’ve played through Skyrim when it first came out I played through it again in the DLC came out. I played through it again on the switch I have since played through it again on PC. I love Skyrim. I played it so many times and I know it’s a meme to keep re-releasing...


This also ties back to the survival aspects I mentioned earlier, because I also felt like equipment was much more important in Fallout…

Pretty much agreed with everything and this paragraph is probably why I am picking Fallout and (partially) TES3 for I like the opposite than you and OP, and both sides are valid. My journey is of sharp spikes of interests when I find a new shiny thing or mechanic, even if it’s not my speciality, rather than a smooth gradual progression that puts an accent on a character you nurture. On that distinction, it sound like playing the mechanical part of an RPG like an arcade\action game.


Al Capone was originally jailed for tax evasion. 45th would be jailed for being greedy and not giving up papers when even the first batch was discovered, cementing his intent. Both are criminals, but only one is a federal case level moron.


Right. There were probably battles around that but not giving up any ‘nazi gold’ is a long-standing rule that makes even the worst states keep their money here. Freezing the assets and letting the interest go is bigger than it seems.

Let's talk gamedesign blunders (pre MTX)

As most of us play games, we sometimes encounter elements or routines that suck all the fun from a shipped product. They can be a dealbreaker, so it’s better to be aware of them. I’d exclude platinum challenges and MTX as they are their own beasts, and start with a couple of examples I hated in older titles:...


That’s not small at all. You undid the failing concept that devs there couldn’t see or were too entangled with it to get rid of it. That’s really cool.


But he can start paying me if he wants me to call it X or whatever. I’d do so. For some $8 a day.

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