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Fake rape charges dropped by the person claiming it happened.


If I had dirt on someone that speculated about drone killing me, I would have no problem releasing that dirt. WikiLeaks has never had to retract a story or cables because of bad information, even the DNC couldn’t refute the authenticity of the DNC cables.


Point out where he was charged with rape. Because if we’re basing an accusation of rape as actual rate then Biden is guilty of the exact same thing. Don’t assume that just because someone is critical of one white old senile piece of shit that they support the other white old senile piece of shit.


It was mostly blue states arresting and making homelessness illegal.


Demanding sources for information that is readily available is lazy. It’s it’s filled with arrogant hubris


I’ve seen a few people in other posts still trying to claim his stutter got the best of him.


You mean the one that doesn’t have the balls to ground an aircraft manufacturer that has planes falling out of the sky?


The same as Biden’s plan to victory. The only one not making it happen is voters, she is on enough states ballots to get to 270. A vote for Biden is a throwaway vote, last night was the nail in his presidential coffin


The only one denying that chance are voters. They could either vote for the potato that they just saw at the debate or they can vote for an alternative that can complete sentences. One that actually has viable policies to help the climate and the working class. Instead of hollow platitudes coming from capitalists.


If he’s able to do it now he’s been about to do it the last 3 years. He held their rights hostage for power


No it’s not. Anyone holding people’s rights hostage for power is psychopathic


Biden is holding peoples rights hostage


Either way rights are being taken


Then suddenly when they need votes they find the time


They did the right thing when they needed votes, not because it was the right thing to do.


Job growth doesn’t mean shit if it’s not accompanied by wage growth. They keep talking job numbers as if that alone pays the bills.


Still doesn’t mean shit if people can’t live on those wages.


Not when inflation has exceeded wage growth


There are 11,195,792 reasons they won’t admit Israel is committing war crimes

MLK and his vision on moderates in politics (

Martin Luther King was a well-known activist for Black peoples’ and worker’s rights. After many years of fighting racism and oppression from the establishment, he shared insights on some of his findings of the unjust opposition to rightful change, which may surprise a few of us who are still learning about his figure:...


And here we are 62 years after Letter From A Birmingham Jail fighting the same fights and having the same conversations about income inequality, racism, and basic human rights. Its as if the liberals that claim to support these issues are not doing shit. They tell us progress takes time, in the words of James Baldwin ‘how much time do you want for your progress?’

Biden’s D-Day Speech Nailed the Threat of Modern Fascism (

With these words Biden addressed the bitter irony that haunted the commemoration ceremonies. While D-Day occurred eight decades ago, America is now just five months from an election that could bring to power a man and a movement who embody and celebrate the twisted authoritarian values of the enemies we sought to defeat so long...


Sounds like projection. Accuse others, rightfully so, of the crimes yourself are committing.


Let it burn and maybe democrats will finally see they are contributing to the rightward fascism we are experiencing.

A 3rd party vote is not a protest vote, a protest vote is one cast against something, the way Democrats do.


Your method isn’t working, that’s like repeatedly banging your head on the wall wondering why the fuck you have a headache.


Hillary, and Hillary alone gave us Trump


Scratch a liberal…


Good, let the 2 of the duke it out to see who wins. Theres only room for 1 right wing party in the US.

Even if I did vote their actions reflect that they dont care what voters think, or that we have any influence on policy


I know things will be rough in the beginning. But something’s gotta give, this whole red fascist vs blue fascist thing isn’t working out for the working class. We are having the exact same conversations about wages housing, healthcare, education, etc for decades. These were the same issues MLK was fighting for 60 years ago. And we’ve gotten nowhere because white liberals, who he said was the largest stumbling block towards freedom, are too afraid to upset the apple cart. They are afraid of losing THEIR privilege to gain the rights of others


All hyperbole


My experience with decades of liberal hyperbole says yes.


Liberals claimed if Trump got reelected in 2020 he would start WWIII, the economy would crash, Roe would get overturned, rights would be lost. Trump didnt get elected and all those things still happened


That’s not unexpected, since Clinton and his DLC, the modus operandi has been to court the right wing vote, and as they do, the entire party shifts to the right to accommodate them.


She has never been right, SHE alone is the reason we have to contend with Trump.

“Everything she touches she screws up with hubris”

<span style="color:#323232;">  Colin Powell

Kinda like genocide not being a deterrent for democrats.

I could kill and starve millions of brown people around the world and not lose a single voter.

Paraphrasing Joe Biden


If Democrats did their job and held their politicians accountable an alternative wouldn’t be necessary. They are supporting their own oppressors and striking back at anyone trying to hold them accountable.


My solution is to no longer support either right wing party. Can’t claim to support progressive ideas while supporting the status quo that keeps everything the same.


The difference is republicans dont pretend to care.


Democrats havent done a damn thing to protect our community, endless lip service about rights and protections while doing nothing causes more harm


You are already a second class citizen to the US government. In this country you either have money or you dont. Anyone without it is treated as a second class citizen, and has no representation in government.


The thing is republicans dont have to cheat, the blue wing of fascism gives them everything they want. In rhetoric they are Pelosi ripping up her copy of Trumps SOTU, In action that very same day she gave him his requested military budget and threw in a few billion extra for good measure.


I understand how elections work, I also understand that voters have zero impact on policy or legislation. Thats a privilege reserved for the monied class.


Except in your bad up scenario, neighbor 1 provided the matches to neighbor 2.

YOU have 2 choices, neither of them is on list list. Theres a larger chance of you voting republican than me voting for either


There has been no facts, only conjecture


What’s your excuse for California with a bullet proof dem super majority who strikes down single payer every time it comes up? They are all owned by the same corporations

anticolonialist, (edited )

If a state with a bullet proof democrat super majority can’t fix things like healthcare, wages, housing, etc democrats on the federal level couldn’t do it either. They would find, like California does, a rotating villain to blame for not being able to govern.

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They won’t come into power without the blessing and funding of AIPAC.


In the meantime Pelosi has made $20m in stock trades last year.

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I love when liberals scream ‘whataboutism’ then invoke Trump in every conversation critical of Biden


Shes more corrupt then the lot of them combined

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