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It has yes, however the techniques Carmack used in Doom’s engine probably don’t have much of an impact on something like Cyberpunk 2077.


Right, so what is the point in bringing it up?

“Sony just released a new 150 megapixel mirrorless digital camera!”

“Cameras have been a thing since the 1800’s…”

baconisaveg, (edited )

Right, it needs the NPU because the data is stored and processed locally. Guess what, your computer/OS already knows everything you do.

Yet another nothing-burger for the internet to rage about.

I don’t use Windows for other reasons, but every useful application I use on a daily basis has some sort of history. Browsers remember pages I’ve visited, my editor has undo levels, terminal has a searchable scrollback buffer, my shell can recall pretty much every command I’ve ever run.

And yet none of them work together. I’ve been thinking about Recall though, and I think the only use case I would have would be to have it summarize my daily activities on a work machine. Quite often I join morning standups, or a standup after a long weekend, and I’m like “wtf did I do yesterday?”. I’d love to have an AI remind me I spent 3 hours on Teams dealing with a co-worker’s issue, or how long I spent researching something in order to reply to an e-mail.

Or when you notice you have a follow-up meeting on your calendar and you’ve completely forgotten what the action items you were supposed to handle from the meeting 2 weeks ago.

Basically there’s a ton of QOL activities computers could be doing that require some sort of artificial intelligence to index and retrieve in order to be useful. That involves allowing some sort of local AI access to that data, but as long as the crowd of smooth brained luddites keeps whining that goal is getting further away…


Have you looked at the list of affected countries? Are you really that upset that these titles aren’t available (for purchase) in places like Haiti and Afghanistan?


The amount of self-hosted AI integrations is only going to grow as well. I have a 3090 in a closet PC and I use it for everything from image generation to VSCode/Neovim code completion and code chat. One of the things I’d really like to see in the next few years is a wide variety of local AI driven self hosted Alexa replacements.

PlayStation official response to Helldivers 2 fans (

“Helldivers fans – we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward....


And here’s my response to Helldivers 2 fans:

"Eat shit you whiny, entitled, rage-bait eating bastards.


You mean I’ll no longer be able to play with people that have horrendous pings and should probably be more worried about their countries democracy than a satirical one inside a video game?

Oh no… anyways.


PSN has been around for 30 years, there’s no reason not to have one unless you’re an Xbox baby or just a real fucking crybaby. This was announced when the game launched, it was also announced that it was being temporarily disabled, and yet people still bought it. It says on the Steam store page a PSN account is required, are you all just that fucking stupid?

God damn I’m so fucking sick of this crybaby outrage culture.


I’ve looked at the list of places where PSN is supported. 73 countries covering the major markets in most of the world, and it’s not in places where local laws and regulations, or the cost of doing business, or just the political climate make it unfeasible.

Guess what? I don’t give a shit. So you can’t play Helldivers in Haiti or Afghanistan, guess what, it’s a video game and you’ve got bigger fucking problems.


Well, they really don’t like it when you call them a cunt here.


I really enjoyed that game, though I definitely saw why it struggled.


In other news, Jack Nicholson is seeking back royalties from everyone who’s ever done an impression of him shouting "You can’t handle the truth!’

Technology bad, degens gonna degen.


Parody is a protected form of speech.


Yes but to be fair, I don’t care about my employer either. I think I’d prefer a simple e-mail rather than listen to someone face-to-face or over the phone blow smoke up my ass about how much they regret having to do this.


Read that again. “Paying employees is the top risk to the economy.”

That shouldn’t really be surprising to anyone though. Employees are a huge expense.

If my rent goes up, or the cost of groceries keeps going up, that’s a huge risk to my financials as well. Yet no one expects me to just roll over and take it, I’ll look for a new place with lower rent, even it if means downsizing, and I’ll look for lower priced food items or even cut specific foods from my shopping list. And this is while I keep on spending my disposable income/entertainment budget, and putting money into my RRSP/TFSA, and keeping money in a savings account in case of an emergency. Just because I have reserves doesn’t mean I want to pay more for rent or food.

Companies are no different. Can you explain to me how it makes good financial sense when I do it, but when a company does it people freak out (even though they have no valid alternatives)?


I’ve said that for years now, bring back Swatch .beats!

It’s a shame it never caught on, especially in the internet age.


I don’t know about you, but I eat when I’m hungry.


There’s a digital billboard six blocks away that lights up the wall on my 38th floor bedroom at night whenever it cycles through a white ad at 3am. Seriously? What the fuck.


until it’s night time and they is no… wind

Spot the person who’s never been to Alberta. It’s ALWAYS FUCKING WINDY HERE.


I just take taxi, go to hotels (using the owner site, never a 3rd party), and do groceries and cook at home.

You might be distancing yourself from the exploitation, but I guarantee you could still find it if you looked.


Not sure why comments like this get so many upvotes. What kind of fantasy world are you living in where rich people pay taxes? There are entire industries formed around helping people to avoid paying as much tax as possible.


Ah yes, the ol’ “we shouldn’t try to control access to something because there’s illegal methods to avoid it.” Why even bother requiring ID for gun/alcohol/tobacco sales when you can just get someone else to buy them for you?

What a silly argument.


I’m sure they do, they may not understand the technical details, but I’m not sure why you think people who make rules or pass laws would think the rules or laws won’t be broken or circumvented. It’s a law, not some magical contract. If your parents say “no Xbox until you’ve finished your homework”, they’re not amazed when they find you on the Xbox 20 minutes later, homework unfinished.

It’s been illegal to sell alcohol and porn to minors for decades now, do you think before the internet and VHS it was impossible for kids to find? Do you think the lawmakers back then were somehow baffled that the law they put in place, didn’t 100% prevent children from drinking and stiffening their socks?

Feds will stop investing in new road infrastructure, environment minister says (

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault says the federal government will stop investing in new road infrastructure — a comment that immediately drew the ire of the Opposition Conservatives and some premiers who said the climate activist turned politician is out of touch....

baconisaveg, (edited )

That’s exactly what I took from reading the original article. You’d have to want to see something else in order to see it some other way, or be an incompetent reader.

B.C. minister under fire for comments about Middle East before creation of Israeli state (

Speaking as part of a panel of Jewish public officials on Tuesday, Robinson answered a question in part by saying there is an “entire generation” of young adults who do not know about the Holocaust or understand that the region on which the state of Israel was created decades ago was previously “a crappy piece of land with...


She probably thinks the Native Americans are thankful that they now have all those nice reservations to live on as well, compared to the conditions they had before the Europeans came.

Canada's industry minister 'disappointed' in grocers' cost stabilization measures (

Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne says he's 'disappointed' in the lack of transparency Canadian grocery store giants have offered so far when it comes to tackling food inflation. He's sending a letter to Canada's Commissioner of Competition to express his dissatisfaction.


He should tax the fuck out of them

Ok, but realistically now, how would you even do that. What would be the law you’d implement to allow you to do that? That’s not how taxes work at all.


The gov’t can request info from the CRA on profits the big grocers make, compare them to pre-pandemic numbers and adjust their tax rate.

You can’t adjust the tax rates of INDIVIDUAL companies.


And we see what happens with every other law that tries something similar. The law spends months or years in deliberation, and eventually when it passes it’s not clear enough of what a ‘grocer’ is, or whether individually owned franchises count, etc.

That’s why none of this shit ever amounts to anything but noise.


the Government of Canada should consider introducing a windfall profits tax on large, price-setting corporations to disincentivize excess hikes in their profit margins for these items

Right, but it’s broader than just targeting 3 large grocery chains. AFAIK there’s no current law that allows the Government to tax an individual at a rate that isn’t on the books, and something like this is still years away (it’s just a recommendation after a year of study for starters).

It doesn’t help anyone struggling to put food on the table in the short term sadly, but hey let’s all just blast off into stupid land and suggest taxing them is the easy answer that will solve all of our problems. This isn’t Facebook, and the original poster’s suggestion was fucking retarded.


I’m well aware of that, I’m referring to the original poster’s thought thread.


You don’t need to go all the way to Somalia though, the Somalian gangs are already here trafficking drugs.


Look at all the downvotes… a simple google search would tell you it’s true.


Seriously. It was like, “yes, YES, wait what, hmm, absolutely, again what, uhh, wait but you said, well yeah”.


It doesn’t affect us day-to-day no, but honestly I like being part of a ‘Commonwealth’. I like feeling like I have something in common with Australia, or New Zealand, or the UK, even if I’ve only ever been to the UK for a few hours.

Your family name (for most people, unless you’re George Hitler) has no impact on your day-to-day, this to me seems like saying “We should just get rid of family names!”

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