@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar



I play guitar, watch USMLR and NHL, occasionally brew beer, enjoy live music and travel, and practice sarcasm.

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@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. We just have to vote for him! Pretty simple really.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Curious indeed.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah that was pretty messed up. Guess we need to swing, or something.

I bit confused on github fork

So, this is my situation: I’ve forked this repository which contains dotfile and script for hyprland. I changed some files and now, if I want to sync all the commits made on the original repository to my repository github says “This branch has conflicts that must be resolved”. My question is: can I merge only the commits...

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

You can still merge the whole upstream branch manually with a local clone, and git will stop on each conflict for you to resolve them. Then when it’s done you can push the merged branch to your fork.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Conservatives thought Colbert was one of them at first. Then again, they didn’t know Rage Against the Machine hated them or The Boys was mocking them, either.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

He’s the ubermensch!

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I thought the Democractic committee members and/or Pelosi said that Congress no longer has a “jail” in which the Sergeant at Arms could hold an arrestee.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I suspect we’re generally in agreement about all this, but … Trump was, in fact, also indicted in federal court (in DC) over his role in the insurrection. And his recent conviction in NY was related to his campaign finance violations (the payments to Michale Cohen for Stormy Daniels were to benefit his campaign but not reported to the FEC as such, making the alteration of business records the cover-up of a crime).

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I use MKVtoolnix for reboxing files (naturally it outputs MKV). I would assume ffmpeg can do the slicing that you want but it’s just a library with a CLI. So if you search for ffmpeg GUIs you can probably find one to your liking.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

The president does not have authority to just add more judges. The size of the court is set by federal law and requires an act of Congress to change it.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think a Republican governor helping Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012 would have been quietly accepted.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I was referring to the hemming and hawing from the sidelines, especially from the birther crowd in Congress and right-wing media.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Right, but the fact that it was noteworthy in the news cycle then that McCain had that level of decorum against his own voting base is what I was speaking to. DeWine came out with tact and decorum to handle this non-issue, too. Voters back then were hanging and burning Obama in effigy.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Third parties in the US will never be a reality without election reform. That in turn will have to be preceded by high voter turnout to push state legislatures more progressive.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Is finally doing what we should have done a long time ago better that not doing it? Absolutely

So … it quite literally is progress. Not enough progress, but progress none-the-less.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I know, dude. I agree with you that it’s not enough, and the media needs to do better. I’m just saying let’s give him due credit for what he has done, because the opposition will almost certainly regress if given the chance.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

There were two viral outbreaks during Biden’s term as VP: H1N1 in 2009 and Ebola in 2014. At no point does the article quote Biden as mentioning COVID. The article doesn’t even attribute what event they’re quoting from.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. 😕 They were originally coated on the interior so there wasn’t direct exposure of the lead to the water. But lack of funding (in some cases deliberate, see Flint, MI) for maintenance leads to the coating wearing away, resulting in contamination of the water. There’s plenty of Starving The Beast going on with things like this (also see bridges collapsing and public schools failing) by conservatives to try and grift on replacing public infrastructure with private ownership. Pretty disgusting.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Appreciate the clarification/correction.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Same underlying deliberate underfunding problem.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Low turnout will never steer a party away from the status quo. The only message it sends is that you don’t vote, so there’s no point spending any effort trying to connect with you.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah if it wasn’t for Trump and Project 2025 literally out there saying they want to end democracy, I would be saying go vote and just leave blank every race where you don’t like any of the candidates. Then it’s public record that you will vote so suddenly your opinion matters. Have to win the state legislatures to get election reform. Then we will see viable third parties at the local level and grow to national.

Best "convertible" or 2-in-1 device to run Linux on?

The last device I own that doesn’t run an open source operating system is an iPad. I basically use it as a laptop most of the time with a keyboard case, but I do like being able to take just the screen to use as a drawing/note-taking tablet. I treat it more like a “convertible” device rather than a tablet alone....

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve run ChromeOS Flex on an old Surface Pro 3 and it was pretty good. However Flex doesn’t support the Linux containers or Android apps. I was tempted to try Fedora on it, but ended up trading it in as that battery wasn’t that reliable anymore. I think the Surface line is best option in the 2-in-1 space anymore. When I was looking at options last fall no other vendor really had anything under 13", which is just ridiculous to ever use as s tablet.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

And in the 1994 MTV video music awards Sandra Bullock read Adam Sandler’s lines off the teleprompter.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar
@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Just trying to help you realize that i’s a pretty innocuous error that isn’t really indicative of what you want it to be.

"If you don't vote <insert democrat> democracy will end" (harpers.org)

This article does a great job of explaining people’s frustration with having to vote for Biden again. It’s long, so here are some quotes. They’re totally cherry-picked, I’d recommend reading the whole thing (especially if you think the problem started with Biden, and that Clinton and Obama were ever good choices)....

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Letting it all burn down won’t usher in an utopic constitutional convention of the people where we right all the wrongs.

Sitting out the election process is exactly what the pro-status-quo representatives and governors want, because that makes it easier to manipulate a desired election result. We’ve seen quite plainly over the decades that low voter turnout does not motivate the parties themselves to push electoral reform or different candidates. Those will only come with high turnout in the party primaries to get progressives nominated and elected at the state level where the authority lies to set the election rules (such as getting away from first-past-the-post). It may even require voting in Republican primaries depending on the district.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I would love that. But only if it comes along with other things like all races have a “none of the above” option, some variety of ranked choice, and the winner must get 50%+1 of the eligible voters to win.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think someone whose tax filings are criminally incriminating should be allowed to hold any public office until after they’ve already been prosecuting and paid their debt to society.

Arizona Reinstates 160-Year-Old Abortion Ban (www.nytimes.com)

Arizona’s highest court on Tuesday upheld an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions, a decision that could have far-reaching consequences for women’s health care and election-year politics in a critical battleground state. The 1864 law, the court said in a 4-2 decision, “is now enforceable.” But the court put its ruling...

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

The ruling concerned a law that was on the books long before Arizona achieved statehood.

What the shit?! Seriously how is it not automatic the these laws are removed from legal code when a court ruling deems it unconstitutional?

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

It’s just a perfect example of why Roe should have been codified. and Lawrence and Obergfell and all the other ones Thomass wants to revisit, so all those unconstitutional laws left in place in regressive states can suddenly come back in effect.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

The Republicans already removed the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments during Trump’s term. Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed with a vote of 53 to 47 and the Democratic majority in the Senate is bigger now than it was then.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

It’s ridiculous that this would be an economical business plan.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

No it goes all the way back to the Puritans coming over because the Catholics weren’t repressing and persecuting enough for them ("they weren’t hurting the people they needed to be).

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Slackware. 3.x. I was studying computer science and wanted to have a similar system at home as in the lab.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

But then I look down ballot and its mostly a bunch of judges and like one department seat that had something to do with water.

You in Texas too? League of Women Voters, vote411.org, and ballotpedia.org are my first spots to go to find information. When I can’t find anything there, then I hit up Google. The reality is, though, that if I have to go to that effort to find out about a candidate, they’re probably not going to win anyway. At least where I am, thanks to gerrymandered districts, there are a lot of seats in the legislature where only one of the major parties runs a candidate. So it’s really in the primaries for those local positions that my vote has the most impact.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

For sure, yeah. I voted in the Republican primary this year. I’m fortunately in an urban area so at least for the most executive and legislative races I have a Democratic option in the general. There are a lot of judicial races though where I don’t.

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions (www.vox.com)

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Which actual candidate was either running in the Democratic Primary or has any statistical chance of winning the presidency without being either the Democratic or Republican nominee?

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

Overturning Roe took decades of targeted appointments to the federal judiciary and legal teams across multiple states refining their statutes and challenges.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

One will pardon every convicted felon from January 6th.

I doubt that. Trump will only pardon people for whom there is an economic advantage for him to do so.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

But he already played that up and left people out to dry in his 2016 campaign

J6 insurrectionists already hoped/expected Trump to issue pardons before he left office

But the same crowd still support him. So he knows already knows he doesn’t have to protect them. He pardoned a bunch of 2016 campaign insiders because they were a liability to him if the decided to turn on him. So I genuinely don’t think he will pardon anybody where there’s not a clear quid pro quo of how it directly benefits him.

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