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Because for the bulk of users, unless they are power users, all they need to know is that things didn’t work.

Things actually useful to have on the BSOD:

  • distro-specific instructions for submitting a bug report
  • option to reboot
  • option to show debug info
  • option to show a qr code that submits a bug report
  • and, if configured by the distro or system admin, debug info

Any information given would obviously be for use with another device.

QR code, for example. These are instructions or information about the crash, not links (except the QR code, which would obviously be read by another device).

bastion, (edited )

Except in rare circumstances, mostly human ones, animals (including humans) don’t want to die, and die anyways.

The best we can give them is a fervent (typo) decent life and a humane death. The meat industry is atrocious at this, and carbon dioxide is a terrible idea - particularly when nitrogen is readily available, humane, and cheap.


Nature will undoubtedly provide a grisly and cruel death. Animals don’t have a concept of “long, well-lived life full of meaning.” They do have a direct experience of “having food and shelter and being generally free of pain is enjoyable.”

It doesn’t matter if it’s in their prime (before they decline and life becomes difficult) or of it’s after their prime - except that if you wait too long, life starts to suck pretty bad.

If you want to end predation, you’ll have an eternal task on your hands.

bastion, (edited )

It was three distinct points. But it wouldn’t matter if I did reason it out for you - your stance is emotive, and you won’t agree with me unless that viewpoint underlying your stance changes, and it won’t change due to someone reasoning it out for you.

The slow grind of time, and the steady erosion by nature may cause you to change, though. Fortunately, whether it does or not, it’s basically irrelevant to me whether or not you believe or act as I do.

Edit, in response to your edit:

You sure do assume a lot about me. But, so it goes. Again - I’m not really concerned with whether you think like I do or not. You can even hate me if you like. I don’t expect you to come to my viewpoint by anything I say. My viewpoint is different than yours, and that suits me fine. Such is diversity.


Trillium is great. I’ve been scrolling through here to see if anyone mentioned it, and was gonna put it out there if nobody had.

I haven’t tried it out on android (if that even exists), though.


I was wondering about that…


Privately held. That means there’s a chance that someone can go good with it.


Nailed it.

There’s a legal obligation to extract the most value for your shareholders. This doesn’t apply in sole proprietorships or partnerships with a more centralized ownership, where there’s the realistic potential to have a conversation with one of the others (or internally) and say things like “let’s do y, because doing x would be fucked, even if it made me more money.”

In a publicly traded company, you can literally be sued by your shareholders for not putting profits first. This puts a background pressure that slants the odds in favor of enshitification. And whole industries are based on utilizing slightly uneven odds, so that has a real impact.

As you said - without being publicly traded, people can still be evil, but they aren’t nearly as likely.

Resistance is rule (what is this ruleshid Microsoft?) (

Description: Microsoft ad with a man on the right doing a hand sign associated with star trek and wearing a white t-shirt and black glasses with thick borders. On the left the text reads white on black " Resistance is futile - get AI-ready with Azure" Blue button says “learn more”.


Kidding is irrelevant. Your interpretation is irrelevant. Surrender is inevitable. You will be assimilated.

Yeah, it’s like a Star Wars themed ad saying “feel the power of the dark side of the force! Use your hate, buy Microsoft things!”

It’s ironic how unironic it is.


Love the love, hate the hate. It’s a good default.


Third and fourth-gen nuclear addresses these issues to a very, very significant degree.

Like, less than 1% of the current waste stream, and waste that lasts around 300 years (as opposed to the current 27,000 (fucking) years.


His actual reasoning:

Anyone who puts me in the top 100 in their heart is not to be trusted.


Unless the site has has an overriding license, it does indeed put burden on the AI trainers to exclude it.

However, will they do so unless legally forced to do so? Probably not. And they probably will treat it on a case-by-case basis.


On this spot, on April 27, 2024, the internet functioned acceptably. The details of this historic moment are described below:

Two strangers narrowly evaded having a flame war, but cool heads prevailed. Strongly-vested yet differing opinions were discussed, and no argument resulted. An extremely improbable event (n=0.00000234242069), both conversationalists walked away with a moderate degree of happiness, and no further discussion was had.


But… But… You taste like batteries…


Nice to see a sane take.




Classic “don’t let prefect be the enemy of good.”

When people reduce their commercial meat intake in favor of veggies, or humanely raised and slaughtered meat, they are having a beneficial effect. Period.


Yep. She the better life they have, the better for you, too.

I don’t eat much meat, but I enjoy it. I also do my own slaughtering and butchering for most of my meat.

Of course, with a cow, that gets to be far more than a one-person job.


Fun fact!


So I can legit just tell my vegan friends that they’re drunk when they say weird shit.

…now, for the rest of my friends…


There’s a standard. /usr was often a different partition.

<span style="color:#323232;">/bin - system binaries
</span><span style="color:#323232;">/sbin - system binaries that need superuser privileges
</span><span style="color:#323232;">/usr/bin - Normal binaries
</span><span style="color:#323232;">/usr/sbin - normal binaries that require superuser privileges
</span><span style="color:#323232;">/usr/local/bin - for executables that aren't 'packaged' - i.e., installed by you or some other program system-wide

Also, technically these will not just have binaries. I should have said executable, really, because scripts are there, too.


Yep. People differ from each other, and one common way is along gender lines. Doesn’t mean everyone of a particular gender is the same. …but, if there weren’t differences, there would be no need for identifying with one, or the other, or both, or neither.


True for gender sometimes, and true just for people in general most of the time. Generalization, whether about gender or gender-neutrality, or an any other area, can be useful when right, and harmful when wrong. Like any tool, forcible application is likely to break either the tool or what one applies it to.


Maybe, wait until they start their next game, and see if they’ve moved away from unity.

Maybe, do some research and find out what the specific situation is before you buy.

Maybe, don’t hurt the people who were hurt by the situation.

But definitely this comment is for others, not you, since your mind is made up.


I think this should be admissible in court.


Game tradeables are a great case for block chain, even of it’s just some in-house one. No creating of new tradable items except by some offline key. Otherwise, the store only deals in pre-printed items. Plus, there’s a history for everything.


Blockchain is a means of tracking information, typically virtual balances, usually with full history - but it varies in its level of decentralization.

While one of the big uses of blockchain is distributed trustless consensus, that is by far not the only use. It’s also great for inventory tracking - virtual or otherwise. Decentralization is just a kind-of bonus for redundancy, in such a case.

Systems already exist for blockchains - fast ones, too. They can use existing open-source code.

What benefit it provides is that only official Blizzard tokens are on the chain - each one signed (in batches, of course) offline by Blizzard in an official ‘printing’.

Someone discovers an exploit that gives them more tokens? The answer is ‘from where, and who signed them?’

Now, this doesn’t prevent someone who has a hacked system from getting screwed and losing all their items. But it does prevent magic item gain just because you fiddled with the interface in a certain way, and a counter went up.

It also means that, if you did somehow find a way to steal, the history of that is there, and the transactioms can be reversed.


What resources - a few VPSes running at moderate load?


Yep. Investing should tie you to a stock for at least a year - as soon as you decide to sell, the one-year timer starts.


Nah, that’s just actual inflation. You know the deficit that the government runs on now, and the bug private-sector and general-public bailouts of the last two decades?

Yeah, that’s just printing money. Selling the overall value of the dollar to make ends meet today.


Space Station 14.

Frontier station gameplay: This game is intentionally complex. Gettimg a space suit on? Don’t forget your oxygen mask. …and helmet. …and to make sure the oxygen’s on. …and that you have grav boots. …and that they’re on.

Grab an ore bag in one hand, pick in the other, and start breaking rocks. If you’re lucky, you can get with a good captain and make some dough.

But honestly, i usually get paid more working as a janitor for the station. Or as a bartender, mixing up various drinks, if it’s a good day and people are tipping well. I’ve been trying to run my own food truck, but it seems mostly what I do is die.

…but, then there’s sitting at the bar after a good run, drinking and playing music. You can join in a midi band, or play your own uploaded song. Dance with people, or drop banana peels and watch ‘em slip. It’s a good tune to be alive.

Regular SS14 play: Or, try to do the above. But the station is faced with some awful inevitable catastrophe. Serve drinks and secretly dose them with hallucinogens, until the zombies come, or terrorists with nukes, or alien artifacts that do… …Things. Or join sec and try to keep the station going by dealing with whatever threats there are (including errant bartenders slipping drugs into peoples’ drinks), or at least evacuate the people. …and anyone could be a bomb-packing terrorist.

Or be a hamster. Or, y’know… Anything you want to.


…but… Literally, benevolent, sectionalized dictatorship is the only response to the Tragedy of the Commons.

…that is to say, individual responsibility and exercise of power. Work primarily on responsibility until you’ve got one area covered - then expand your power. Know your limits, and don’t try to expand your power beyond what you’re capable of handling responsibly. Encourage others to do likewise. Steam is good because they haven’t sold out, but are managed by people who have genuine interest in the industry, and who are willing to exercise power responsibly.

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