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I wonder how much of these lawyers filings are dictated by Trump himself. "He’s looking at me funny – Get the judge to make him stop!’


Not so much a legal name, but it’s been convention that even after the person leaves office, they retain the title. After all, you can still describe him as the “45th President”.


I admit, I’m a bit conflicted by this. On the one hand, it’s kind of a dumb thing to put on a t-shirt, and seems to be a message that is only meant to trigger queer people. On the other hand, though, doesn’t he have a right to express himself? Is simply viewing a dumb slogan enough to cause enough distress that the slogan needs to be banned, on its own, without any other provocative action on the part of the student? (I admit that a student who thinks a shirt like this is OK might do other provocative things, but the article doesn’t mention any).

Let’s think about things that might merit a ban at school. A shirt with a swastika on it would qualify, even though the symbol has been around for centuries before the Nazis appropriated it, because the Nazis were so abhorrent that they ruined that symbol, like everything else they touched.

But, what about an athiest edgelord who decided to wear a “God is a lie” shirt? Or even a hockey-themed “Jesus Saves, Satan scores on the rebound!” Both of those shirts relate beliefs that are objectionable to certain Christians, and may cause them distress. Should the school ban those as well?

(And does it make a difference if the hockey shirt has a picture of Miroslav Šatan scoring that goal?)


Ah, the “Global Test”. Ask John Kerry what that’s worth here.


The opinions of Biden seem to be all over the map, which is weird since he is the incumbent, and we all ought to know where he stands. There are lots of people (like you) who see the progressive things he has managed to get accomplished, even with a divided Congress in these past two years. Yet, there are others who perceive him as a right-of-center false choice.

He has always had trouble defining himself, which I think is part of the reason he was a perennial Presidential Primary loser. His stutter didn’t help matters, nor his tendency to go off-script. But Trump’s ascendancy gave him the perfect opportunity to create a definition, even if that definition is “Not Trump”.


Sounds like a washed-up rock star who can’t stop touring and only plays his Greatest Hits while on tour because his fans don’t like his new stuff


It not clear to me from reading the article whether the concerned parties are election experts, or “election experts”.


I think his tears are making the frogs gay.


I always felt the name “Proud Boys” made them sound like a bunch of toddlers, who just made poo-poo in the potty for the very first time!

Look what I made, Mommy!


This is the best summary I could come up with:

Clarence Thomas is still a corrupt asshole.

The original article had a shitload of words, my summary only has seven. I’m an actual human, I swear!


He’s gotta be the dumbest Senator ever, even dumber than the guy who brought a snowball to the Senate to prove that climate change was a hoax, or the other Senator who said the Internet was a series of tubes.


At least we know he has no issues with his prostate


Ooh, I hadn’t heard of that. Yes, he was a House member, and claimed it was some subtle humor:



I posted this in another thread today, but I want to remind everyone that this all goes back to Roger Ailes, a Nixon advisor who thought that Nixon’s real problem was that he didn’t have his own news network who could attack his opposition and tell people what to think.


Trump has been saying that Biden is mentally unfit for office for the entire campaign. I always assume that everything Trump says is projection, though, so every time Biden is accused of having dementia by Trump it makes me more certain that Trump has it.

Same way he went around (and still goes around) saying his opponents need to be locked up, yet he is the one with the felony conviction.


Doubtful. If he loses this election we’ll suddenly find out that all this vicious slander about him being mentally unsound, incontinent, and syphilitic is actually true, and is justification for him to never see a day in an actual prison, even if he loses all his other cases.


Polls matter, until the next poll comes out. The only poll with any lasting effect is in November.


Oh, what meanies they were to poor little Donnie. Did they hurt your fee-fees, Donnie-kins? I’m sorry they didn’t want to play with you and said all those mean things like “Guilty”. But you won’t ever have to see them again, and the next time you see the Judge he may send you on a special trip to the island with all those big buildings on it with no windows.

Now come here, little guy. That diaper smells like it needs a change!


OTOH, Trump might decide that Donalds is “one of the good ones”…


“The only naked short-selling we endorse is when our principal owner sexually assaults women with his little toadstool”


We’re gonna milk the cow thing as much as we can, aren’t we? No matter how udderly ridiculous it all is…


Yeah, I think it’s Gouda 'nuff.

A new poll shows trouble for Biden with young voters, especially among voters of color (www.npr.org)

It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said...


Why would anyone block ozma? I think he’s a bit too “doom and gloom” about all this, and also is wrong that any other candidate that the DNC could put out could beat Trump. But the links he puts up are legit, and his positions do have some reasoning behind them, even if I disagree. There are other folks much more deserving of blocking.


No, the US is the defacto world power because the US Dollar is the default reserve currency.


2016 wasn’t a blowout, though. He won a lot more EC votes, but his margin in each state he won was paper thin, and Clinton won the popular vote.


Oh, which of you olds here immediately heard Springsteen belting “We Are The World” when you read that … I did.


Furthermore, that text in the article links to a fact-check, which says he is right.

What Biden Said: “The Russian military has been decimated. You don’t write about that. It’s been freaking decimated.”

The Facts: This is a fair assessment, according to a Reuters report on a declassified U.S. intelligence assessment provided to Congress. The intelligence determined that Russia had 360,000 active military personnel when it invaded Ukraine in February of 2022. By December of last year, 315,000 Russian troops had been either killed or injured in the war—a reduction in troop strength by 87%.


The troops are replaceable from a military perspective, but I don’t think their mothers hold the same opinion.


It’s good even though it is a direct transcript, including all the times he says the wrong thing and catches himself. You can tell that he knows what he is talking about, but sometimes his mouth gets out in front of his brain.

I’d love to see Trump sit down for a similar interview with Time, along with a similar transcript, where everything that comes out of his mouth is written down, verbatim. But I don’t think he has the balls for that.


She added that only recently it became eligible to be fully insured, less than 48 hours before the incident.

That’s quite the coincidence…


In many states, driving a vehicle uninsured is a crime. They’re admitting they’ve been committing this crime for quite awhile?

The mandatory insurance tends to be liability insurance, for injuries. Insurance may not be mandatory on the cost of the vehicle itself. It would not surprise me if their insurer didn’t want to write a collision policy until some time had passed. (Particularly since they also seem to be living in it, I’m sure that has an affect on insurance.)

Do they have the proper license?

It’s not out of the realm of possibility that one of them had a CDL, there are all sorts of jobs that require them and the company would pay for the training. Heck, my local school district is always trying to find more bus drivers, they would pay for the CDL if you agreed to drive a bus full of snotnosed middle schoolers every day


Do you have a source for that? I know people were speculating he might not show up, but I haven’t seen reporting confirming one way or another.


The fairest thing might be a suspended sentence, if that’s allowed in NY. The judge could impose a 3-6 month sentence, but suspend it pending completion of 2-4 years’ probation. If Trump complies with the terms of the probation, he’s formally let off the hook for the jail time.

I don’t think any judge wants to be the one who throws a Presidential Candidate in jail, and this leaves that decision solely to Trump. And for all we talk that he probably wants to go to jail because he can get more Martyr points, in this case the jail would be Rikers Island, which is a horrible place. Trump probably has the low-down from Weissleberg about how bad it is there, even in isolation. If given that choice, Trump might actually comply with probation.


“I think Trump should drop his campaign. But if he doesn’t, I’m still voting for him, because I’ll vote for that felon over any liberal”


It’s very interesting to me that the main way that Conservatism is being held to account these days is through defamation lawsuits. They are extremely hard to prove here in the States, yet several key players have all been found liable. Fox News, Alex Jones, Giuliani, Trump are at the top of the list, and there are others like this.

It reminds me of Ronald Suskind’s article about the GWB administration, and how it was contemptuous of the Reality-Based Community

The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ […] ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’.

If it were up to these folks, history (and the facts it is based on) would be determined by the victors. But even these folks have gone too far “creating reality”. I’m glad we found a mechanism to hold these liars to account.


“It doesn’t matter, it was all AI generated by Antifa. Real Men Wear Diapers!”


It’s ironic, because his future will include lots of bars.


You’re off by a few years, but only a few.


“When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.”

D’Antonio also corroborated Trump’s statement with evidence — from Trump’s ex-wives.

“The little boy that still wants attention,” explained Marla Maples, Trump’s second wife.


When Republicans make a concerted effort , they call for violence against their opponents. When Democrats do it, they write strongly worded letters.


Today it is.


We’ve heard today about Trump supporters looking to murder the judge and the jury in that case, but in this other case liberals just fire up their word processors and direct reasoned legal analysis to the proper authorities.


… and this is why we are much better off with Joe Biden as the Democratic Nominee than Dean Phillips.


That entire quote is proof that Mike Johnson believes that justice is for the poors, and rich, well-connected people have different rules than the rest of us. If, for some weird reason, the Court does find tortured logic to take up the case, there should be immediate hearings into what, exactly, Mike Johnson said to these justices to incentivize them to make them take up the case. After all, he is admitting to trying to sway their opinion on it.

Netanyahu and Putin are both waiting for Trump (www.washingtonpost.com)

Netanyahu reportedly met this month with three foreign policy envoys working with former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump — who could yet win the election despite being convicted Thursday on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in his New York state hush money case....


If Trump wins, Biden will try to force things to a definitive conclusion before he leaves office

He’ll only have two months. What do you suppose he could do in two months that can resolve this conflict which has taken years?


I hadn’t heard about Johnson calling for that, so I looked it up:


“I think that the Justices on the court – I know many of them personally – I think they are deeply concerned about that, as we are. So I think they’ll set this straight,” the Louisiana Republican added.

I think that quote really puts into perspective that the GOP is no longer the party of law. If a jury hands down a decision we don’t like, we get our friends in high places to overturn it. I bet his kids never have to worry about traffic tickets, either, they all get magically “fixed” with the right phone call.

Trump’s allies are already plotting revenge, with one prospective Trump attorney general candidate telling Axios’ Zach Basu and Sophia Cai that GOP prosecutors should go after Democrats in response.

You know what? If Democrats break the law, then prosecutors should go after them! Somehow, though, I don’t think this is what they have in mind.

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