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I’d use the neuralink to stay up all night figuring out how to prove Tuvok wrong and make casual condescending remarks to him about my intellectually superior understanding of things.


What really scares me is that Ireland was a prototype for british colonialism and the Palestinian genocide is clearly a similar a prototype, and it terrifies me what it is a prototype for.

Everybody who is cool with Palestinians getting slaughtered like this have no idea that this is a pilot project for authoritarian violence that will be administered in the future and everyone should be terrified because virtually everyone will be a target of it.


Cover it up probably


Wait… what happens if you use the Hamas recognition software on Netanyahu…….?


Diplomacy should always take precedence over added conflict though.

Then we should start doing diplomacy and actually put pressure on Netanyahu to stop the genocide.

Until then we aren’t doing diplomacy we are appeasing a genocide of at this point probably ~50,000 Palestinians.


It’s a waste of time — Especially in an election year with so much on the line and post-primaries — to criticize Biden and instead better to criticize the groups who continue to support Israel. When the polls shift, the administration will shift… As has already occurred.

It is clear as day that the only thing actually making Biden think twice about unconditionally supporting the mass slaughter of Palestinians is that he might actually lose the election because his opinions are so unpopular and brutal on the Palestinian genocide.

Right now is THE TIME to grind everything about the Democratic Party to a halt until Biden gets the message that halting the supply of weapons to an ongoing genocide is a non-negotiable aspect of getting leftist (and muslim) voters. He doesn’t give a shit though that much is clear, once the election is over if he wins than all the pressure to actually do anything other than say empty words goes away.


Its ok to be ignorant, but you have to understand we are talking about this like it is an unpaid loan or some material bullshit.

This is an entire people and their landscape being erased. Every moment of “increasing pressure” that doesn’t create material policy change is horrifically extending hell on earth.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Motor Town, I am hopelessly obsessed because I am an easy mark. Give me a game with realistic driving mechanics and tire grip modeling that doesn’t force me to go around in circles on a closed race track but rather lets me roam around an open world doing taxi jobs and other stuff and I will become utterly obsessed.

Especially on my steam deck the fact that I can just jump in and out of playing or set my car to autopilot and put the steam deck down while I do other stuff… it is the perfect chill cozy game for me because I can interface with the game any way I want from chill autopilot jobs to pushing 120mph while trying to weave through traffic and keep the car on the road.

It doesn’t run amazing on the steam deck, but it runs well enough the benefits of being able to walk around/chill on the couch while playing outweigh the occasional performance hiccups.

The best way I can describe Motor Town is like if old school Top Gear made a driving game where you can absolutely drive around like it’s Euro Truck Simulator and follow the rules, or you can throw a monster engine into a vehicle and drive it like an utter fucking madman. There are vehicles all the way from sports cars to dump trucks to tow trucks to 18 wheelers so when you get bored of one driving style you can just jump in a different category of vehicle and mix it up.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

I don’t know, the prices aren’t really a sale on any of the games I see popping up and honestly in terms of mechanics I still don’t think you can beat Slay The Spire and Monster Train.

edit Vault Of The Void and Tainted Grail look good too, Chrono Ark as well.


I do agree that Democrats need to punch back harder, though

Specifically, they desperately need to punch Netanyahu in the face and cut off arms shipments, because polling shows that people in the US are pissed as hell that we are enabling genocide and Netanyahu repeatedly publicly humiliates Biden in a way that could not be a more obvious sign that Netanyahu is banking on Trump winning.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

More than one in three Americans believe Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, a poll published on Wednesday has found.

According to the Economist/YouGov poll, roughly equal numbers of adults believe Israel’s military campaign against Palestinians, which is estimated to have killed more than 25,000 people since 7 October, amounts to genocide: 35% say it is, 36% say it isn’t, with 29% undecided.

Let me be clear, the undecided respondents weren’t sure if they should call what Israel is doing genocide not that they agree with it (which means if they are undecided about using such a strong word, they definitely don’t agree with it). This was from a poll more than a month old, the amount of evidence of Israel committing genocide on Palestinians has only been tragically mounting everyday, that poll taken in the US today in all likelihood would show even less support for children being slaughtered on mass.

Biden is making a massive failure by standing behind Israel because while the mainstream media in the US is in lockstep behind Israel, in general USians aren’t fooled about what is happening here. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for voters in Israel, while Netanyahu isn’t necessarily well loved his policies are popular in the polling within Israel (which is something Israeli Jews are going to have to grapple with for decades to come, how could they have done something so awful in the name of swearing the holocaust would never happen again?).


If Democrats pivot hard against Netanyahu, they run the risk of Republican ads appealing to low-education voters that, “Biden is sympathetic to Hamas and has no sympathy for October 7th, undermining the defense of Israel and risking another terrorist attack! iS BiDen an aNtiSeMiTe!?”

No, Biden is convinced he lives in this reality but the polling in the US establishes quite firmly that this is a fantasy, Israel is speedrunning becoming a pariah state internationally and in the US and Biden refusing to reign in the genocide happening in Israel could very well cost him the election (and if it does, well maybe it should have).

dumpsterlid, (edited )

I feel that’s pretty concerning that the plurality says it’s not committing genocide and another 1/3 is unsure.

2/3rds of people in the US think Israel is either committing genocide or they are unwilling to say Israel is definitively NOT committing genocide (which, if you didn’t care or thought what they were doing was fine you wouldn’t say you were undecided on whether Israel is committing genocide, people don’t just throw that word around lightly).

There are very few issues in the US that are a safer bet and besides Netanyahu is quite openly signaling that he hopes Trump wins the election, and yet Biden keeps trying to sidle up to this guy like he is his ally. It isn’t just ethically wrong, it is an incredible unforced political blunder.

edit y’all wanna still argue that Biden is making a good choice here? Biden is stuck in the past and the US populous is screaming for Biden to stop directly enabling genocide. Biden is heading for disaster by being so incredibly out of touch on this issue, and I am really fucking tired of people saying “oh well, when we examine this much later then we will have a serious discussion about it” which is conveniently having the discussion after every single damn Palestinian is either killed or displaced from their homes in Gaza.




And ultimately: Does anyone here actually believe Biden wants to be associated with Genocide? Is he a homicidal maniac happy to see Palestinians suffer? I don’t get that impression.

Actually there is a lot of indicators that a lot of Biden’s cabinet vehemently disagree with Biden’s policy on the Palestinian genocide, Biden doesn’t want to be associated with genocide but at this point the only reasonable conclusion is that Biden is ideologically committed to Israel in a way that blinds him to empathizing with the Palestinian genocide.

This might be one of Biden’s few ideological positions (as opposed to just calculating the middle and taking that position which a politician like him normally does).


For instance, perhaps there are those waiting for the ICC’s verdict.

News flash, we won’t here that verdict until way wayyyyy wayyyyyyyyy after the genocide has already happened and the ruling is simply a matter of getting the history of mass murder right, not a matter of stopping mass murder.


What this part?

The only thing that really matters —for aforementioned unaddressed reasons pertaining to the predominantly Democratic voters believing it is genocide — is what swing-voters believe; and if they are undecided or believe Israel is not committing genocide, then they will be the most susceptible to the right-wing propaganda machine that is going to ramp up in the coming months.

Again this is just accepting the rightwing framing that Biden has to tack right to be popular and it is a notion that isn’t supported by evidence in many cases even though it is the prevailing wisdom.

Republicans are going to think Biden is doing a shit job no matter what he does. It’s like trying to make friends with Mitch McConnell and expecting to be able to mediate his positions by appealing to a desire for compromise. It doesn’t work, it just cedes the entire rhetorical conversation to conservatives while trying to appeal to a subset of people who are least likely to be meaningfully swayed.

For the rest of us, we want the genocide to stop now not for Biden to write Netanyahu a strongly worded letter.


First, the whole “Indica - Sativa” thing is a joke, the amount of genetics and number of factors that go into weed makes this distinction totally meaningless

Second for a lot of weed users the taste is important (and smell is taste for all intents and purposes), and it also allows people to directly assess the type of weed and it’s quality just as well if not better than staring at the weed in a bag.


If I was standing next to a disposed dictator from possibly the most brutal modern empire who was not overthrown but instead given control over a massive amount of real estate and just let free to do whatever they want as a filthy rich person… I would protect my balls too you don’t know what someone unhinged like that is going to do and you KNOW there isn’t going to be consequences for them so more than anyone else in the world they have zero fear about going for a nut kick.

Besides the whole English royalty thing is such a lame game of Simon says where rich insular people copy the aesthetics of other rich insular people to accrue more power, it is just like high school, so there could easily be a “Royal Nutcracker” that royalty does when men are around them with their balls uncovered and nobody would bat an eye, not the British public, not the news media, not British politicians… they would all just sigh and say “That’s our queen!” and laugh at you as you reeled in pain.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

If I was I sure as hell hope that an intersectional feminist would slap me upside the face and point out that it is impossible for a person who is trans to be the Queen Of England without being an extremely problematic figure from the perspective of LGTBQ+ people and people fighting colonialism in general (which includes feminism inherently hence the intersectionality).

They would also point out that just using “they” instead of “he or she” does no great injustice to people who identify as one of the two accepted status quo genders because it gets people to immediately retort that a heterosexual person in a position of power was not gendered immediately in discussion and instead referred to with the pronoun “they”, which naturally leads to an opportunity to point out how creepy the structure of the english language is with it’s obsession to immediately box people and identities into male or female.

As a final point I would like to point out that any given trans person who identifies as a Queen is automatically cooler than the Queen Of England. If the trans person can create dope ass baked goods they are automatically 2x as cooler. If they can skateboard too than the effect is exponential leading to a minimum 8x coolness multiplier.


using a devastating neurological diseases as an insult, is wrong, but using it a a reason that he shouldn’t run a country is fair.

I don’t necessarily disagree but you also run the risk of distracting from the most dangerous part about him. He is a fascist, that is what is wildly dangerous about him and as much as it is fun to make fun of fascists for being dumbshits, it isn’t a lack of mental capacity that leads to fascism. Those two things are perpendicular and as tempting as it is to equate fascism with stupidity the far more terrifying truth is that it only really equates with ignorance.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

As long as we are arguing about the various reasons he is unfit to serve, and also being careful not to throw our trans friends under the bus in the process, I’m good!

Also Donald Trump is one of the straightest, most heterosexually normative men alive if we measure heterosexual masculinity in terms of insecurity, which I think is a reasonable way to quantify heterosexual masculinity. I mean, describing thermonuclear explosive yields of nuclear bombs in terms of kilotons of TNT is a reasonable way of talking about abstract regimes of force we can’t directly grasp, so why not kilotons of insecurity to describe the toxic yields of bigots?

edit gotta love the downvotes, I’m sorry if y’all can’t handle people punching up at heterosexual male identity, I know it is such a fragile thing and I am very sorry I should have been more careful not to break it :)

dumpsterlid, (edited )

I mean, that is basically one of the key points Thomas Pynchon makes in Gravity’s Rainbow but with V2 rockets instead of nuclear weapons and yes absolutely I think it is a great point!

Do you not think the mass brutality of warfare is inextricably linked with societal constructions of male heterosexuality? Like… who else is doing the killing and driving all the violence then? Sure anybody can be a soldier, not just heterosexual men but come on…. are you going to claim with a straight face that there isn’t a connection between male heterosexuality and state violence? Lol I hope you do, that is an absurd position to take and I welcome the amusing rhetorical gymnastics you will have to display to make that kind of argument!

dumpsterlid, (edited )

That insecurity is not inherent to straight men, but rather rampant among them

How brave of you to make the point “Not All Men!”

Why would we judge heterosexual masculinity by insecurity?


I don’t know, maybe because I am a heterosexual man and I have met countless heterosexual men and one of the most common threads that makes heterosexual men stand out from other people is their deeply ingrained insecurity and propensity to project it with regimes of control and violence?

And ok… to calm the all the men having temper tantrums I am not saying men are inherently…. well anything but is undeniable that the constructed male heterosexual identity is imbued with what I am describing. Our jobs as heterosexual men is to demolish that construction of violence that we were taught (which as you brought up, someone like Nick Offerman does effectively through characters), of course it isn’t inherent to “being a man” , unlike bigots I am not insulting the mental capacity of men by pretending like they don’t have a choice of how to behave, but rather pointing out that heteronormative masculinity is an extremely problematic construct that we must intentionally dismantle and rebuild in more healthy ways for everyone.

Part of doing that is taking the piss out of heterosexual men drowning in insecurity that they impose on everyone else through sexism, driving massive pickups that are custom designed to kill children in a car accident, mass shootings (~99% of mass shooters in the US are, surprise!, heterosexual white men!) talking over other people constantly, pretending the ideas put forward by women are theirs, desiring to possess a partner as an object not a human being with a brain, confusing displays of the capacity for violence as a display of a confidence in their masculinity, taking up as much space as possible in public, demanding to settle disputes with other men through violence and using the threat of that those men will no longer be real men if they refuse….

….how much do I have to go on?

By making fun of the worst aspects of heterosexual men like Donald Trump I am punching up at a thing that needs some punching I think. If this were punching down at a vulnerable group without power in the societies they inhabit ok that would be a different conversation than punching up at the category of people that controls almost every power structure and power dynamic in society wouldn’t it?


As an American, good, if Mexico actually gets money because of our stupid lazy impulse to focus on blaming other countries as the problem instead of improving ourselves; well that is a damn welcome change of pace for Mexico I reckon.


Ohh I played those so long ago during a really difficult time of my life, they were definitely a fun escape and the story felt well suited to a point and click.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Yeah, if you are going to have intergalactic battleships that can eradicate planets I think it is super forward thinking to have an extremely empathetic therapist sitting right next to the captain.

It is too bad Sirtis’s character was never really given agency or allowed to be smart, but at least as Star Trek fans we all know who Deanna SHOULD be and can imagine how badass and effective she was at that especially with a captain like Picard who was fairly effective at getting input from his crew.

I think the most hilarious and best way to head canon Deanna is that we are watching a public record of Starfleet’s flagship diplomatic starship and that it mightttt be considered a bit controversial that the captain brings a semi-telepathic advisor into almost every interaction with outside groups and individuals that aren’t part of the federation and they almost NEVER openly reveal this to people they are interacting with even though that might really really really piss a lot of people off. In this head canon Picard leans on Deanna all the time for critical advice about assessing the intentions of groups and individuals and she more than Riker or Data effectively functions as the second in command on the ship. Unlike the way she is portrayed in the “public record” (the tv show) where she is frequently in high stakes meetings as eye candy but rarely gets to function as an expert advisor, in reality Deanna would quickly deduce the precise motivations and intentions of individuals in the vast majority of situations and would basically hand Picard the blueprints to what the villains of the episode were going to do.

I mean, how much deus ex machina stuff does Data do that ends up saving the day? How much of that was things Deanna figured out and Data was able to rapidly construct another method in parallel they could have figured out the truth and saved the day and implement it without highlighting that Deanna just fucking read everyone’s minds.

The official starfleet record that we get to see in TNG is that she always just got headaches when bad stuff happened and was totally helpless because again people might be a little upset if Starfleet was manipulating high stakes diplomatic situations with a psychic they didn’t tell the other people involved in negotiations they had.


Her crashing the ship twice, though, was dumb.

Say what you will about picard season 3 being “fan service”, but I loved when Deanna gets one of the bigger CGI shots in the series (and really, in terms of starship porn one of the best CGI shots in Star Trek period) to save the day by power sliding a starship.


And Picard’s dad is Gaius fucking Baltar?!?!?!?! NOOOOO!

This moment reminded me of when I saw Eat Pray Love and got to the end where the main character played by Julia Roberts rides off into the sunset on a romantic cruise with her true love who is played by Javier Bardem, the same actor who does an incredible performance as the serial killer in No Country For Old Men, which I had just watched recently, and I yelled at Julia Roberts “DO NOT RIDE IN A BOAT WITH THAT MAN”.


is this what cancel culture has come to?….

throws up hands in defeat

….People pointing out that it is potentially offensive to make disposable jokes about actual genocide and land theft of indigenous peoples just to make a lazy punchline!?!?

I might as well go cancel my dog next, nobody is safe.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

long response sorry___ I think smartphones could have done a massive amount of damage to consoles and ultimately will occupy a large section of gaming as they should. This has been forgotten and it shouldn’t, but mobile gaming really wasn’t a business movement to transfer existing video game development practices to a mobile environment, it was a business movement to apply corporate business practices to gaming. Mobile gaming wasn’t ever given a fair chance because there has always been a huge headwind of money shaping the mobile gaming industry into the toxic shithole it is. Not to mention the Apple and (more so) Google app stores have never valued creating reliable game suggestions and review databases that people actually trusted. Neither has either company given a shit about encouraging a cottage industry of mobile game critics, instead they have pretended like people are seriously going to keep looking for new games through the recommendations of an algorithm that is so obviously tuned to spit out crap and point you at the same old couple of popular slot machine microtransaction games over and over again. If you forget all that nonsense though and take a look at games like Call Of Duty Mobile, Farlight 84 and Pubg Newstate, touchscreen interfaces are getting extremely good for shooters and many mobile players have gotten extremely good at creating custom arrangements of buttons so they can use three or four fingers to play almost competitively as the average mouse and keyboard player (farrrr better than a controller player without gyro). Games like Call Of Duty Mobile and the now maddeningly defunct Apex Legends Mobile also allow the use of a controller hooked up via Bluetooth to your phone. Using an xbox x/s controller and the PowerA Moga gaming clip 2 you can mount your phone on your controller in a very sturdy fashion. You can then turn gyro input on your phone on too (which is normally for touchscreen users directly holding their phone). In this way I was able to aim in Apex Legends Mobile without auto-aim far more competitively than someone playing normal Apex Legends on console could do with a controller and no gyro even if they had auto-aim turned on. https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/71e67d42-ae38-4504-ac6b-3c097038a22a.webphttps://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/5967e1ba-715f-48fc-9c11-408063c8fa5f.jpegThis clip only costs about $17, so that with a used Xbox x/s controller for let’s say $35 gets you the ability to comfortably play Wreckfest on your phone anywhere in your house with your phones beautiful AMOLED screen at a close enough distance to give you a high fidelity viewing experience. The clip also easily pops off and can be stored in a pocket. You can’t argue the potential of mobile gaming especially if people continue to buy phones with fairly powerful processors and high quality screens. Sure I love gaming on a computer or a console, but those cost money and most people only need to drop <$50 on some peripherals to game with their phone. I game on a steamdeck and I am satisfied with that right now but in many ways the balance of my phone in a moga clip was better and anyways everybody already has a phone so it was dead easy to wrangle friends in on actually good mobile games. The problem is all the business/corporate bros in mobile gaming are keeping the industry from innovating or really even just replicating the experience of normal gaming because they have been hellbent on enshittifying mobile gaming from the start. We would ALL own Diablo Mobile if it was actually a phenomenal Diablo game that we could play with any friends we wanted and was satisfying to control on mobile. Blizzard just catastrophically shit the bed and made people feel icky for participating in this corporatization of gaming.


Isn’t it amazing this capability was basically right there from the beginning of mobile gaming?

It really shows badly corporate business practices utterly destroyed the ability of mobile gaming to innovate and improve as a medium for years and years. We might as well be almost 10 years behind where we should be in the evolution of the mobile gaming scene and it is honestly appalling.

I am so glad we have options like your gamesir x2! I use an Xbox controller just because I already had one, actually for awhile I was using a wired Xbox 360 controller which would sometimes work for games that weren’t even designed with controller input because compatibility is so good with 360 controllers lol.

How do you like the joysticks and buttons on the gamesir?


6600 lbs is a fuckton of weight to be moving around off road in situations with soft ground where tires might sink into loose sediment/mud. It just doesn’t make sense to build an offroad vehicle at that weight level unless you are only ever going to drive on rolling dirt forest service roads or on wide open arid and extremely firm terrain.

Yeah I know a big chunk of that is the battery, but that is the problem, if you want to design an actually capable electric offroad vehicle I think you need to start from the design standpoint that the platform needs to prioritize being lightweight, which directly points to a small old school wrangler type vehicle or to committing to a solution like the newest AWD toyota siennas that most efficiently makes use of the design constraints of having a large flat battery running along the base of the vehicle. I mean even those only weight 4800 lbs (though they are a hybrid not a dedicated EV and the battery isn’t actually that big but you can imagine a similar vehicle with a much bigger one).


Exactly an EV like this might actually be extremely practical for offroading as electric engines are so much simpler mechanically and you don’t need complex transmissions like you need with gas engines. You can beat the shit out of it more and you have unlimited torque. https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/3111881b-17a5-4728-b008-129599c8866f.jpeg

Or go smaller and have trailered EV polaris type vehicles that you can just plug in when you park them in your driveway/garage.

Yeah it is so stupid, but I mean so is the fact that there aren’t car companies selling toyota yaris like EV vehicles for stupid cheap everywhere that aren’t anything special but are even cheaper to run longterm than a yaris or honda fit. The usefulness of that type of vehicle is so incredibly obvious, but in the US at least battery refurbished and replacement of used EV batteries on say a 10 year old nissan leaf quickly outpaces the value of the vehicle. It doesn’t make any logical sense to me and I hope that there starts to be a much bigger industry and the price drops quickly from companies taking perfectly good older nissan leaf type vehicles and putting a new battery in them.

Of course, taking a step back electric cars aren’t the real answer, busses are (at least for most of the US).


Go play Xonotic for awhile and you can bathe in buttery smoothness no matter the computer you are playing on. The computer could be your shoe in fact or the back of your hand, it will run at 60fps either way.

Yes you could feel sad it doesn’t have a larger player base and isn’t the new competitive shooter everyone is obsessed with but it is also true that Xonotic is like pure unfiltered reaction and adrenaline compared to almost any other shooter especially modern ones. If you want to feel that smoothness of motion Xonotic can give it to you in spades in the way only a quake derivative multiplayer fps can.


I feel like Odos would say “you like this booty just wait til you see my next booty”


I would say “Juicy or Dry


Yeah I get you, its like you are watching the nuclear reactor meltdown at a powerplant and hoping that the main chamber blows up prematurely because it might stop the reaction from running away into a catastrophic irradiation of everybody.


Hey Donald look I put a stack on the couch right here, don’t worry bud you can drive later just go chill with your stack of BK’s for awhile and watch golf while you slobber burger juice all over your disgusting fascist face, spout heinously racist drivel and complain about women that won’t have sex with you because they correctly conclude that despite being a former US President you are a pathetic loser.

Go snuggle with your burgers now Don, just for awhile, also take these pills they make your skin tanner.

🍔 🍔 🍔 🛋️ 💤


I mean get some blue and white paint and just make it look like R2D2, problem solved!


Free public transit is awesome

dumpsterlid, (edited )

I can’t help but think that the people who came up with the idea that charging for transit is good because it keeps homeless off the trains aren’t actually interested in improving either transit or homelessness.

Congratulations your Mk II I-Don’t-Think-You-Assholes-Actually-Care Fire and Forget Torpedo scored a direct hit on your opponents Battleship HMS Austerity hitting the engine room and immediately (rhetorically) obliterating five whole subreddits of libertarians. https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/341af467-c3eb-4cbc-80ee-dee678bfe8d5.jpeg

Thank you for your service


It’s super effective, the commenter is an ADHD type Pokémon!

The commenter will not get anything productive done for the rest of the day and will instead go on a tangent researching meerkats.


Ok, I’ll take the criticism from Kira, but I feel like Odo spends all day sitting there conducting a manual dragnet of the texts of literally everybody on Deep Space 9 just in the off chance he discovers someone talking about something illegal and I really don’t think he has the grounds to throw me shade.


The horror of someone who believes deeply in eternity realizing in the very last moment of existence that there is no eternity, no nothing in fact, after this moment isn’t a fitting punishment for a villain?

I dunno, don’t knock it til you try it.


There is no good and evil naturally, just what we create

Which is love, which may wear scary forms, but it is always what gives us the power to sustain as beings through the fucking constant pain of suffering and injustice both within and without.

Billionaires should not exist.


Annihilation itself isn’t scary, it is the moment before it that is scary.


I hope this also kills the centrist obsession with “both sides”-ing every political controversy where people on the left are screaming at the top of their lungs “PLEASE SAVE THEM” and people on the right are screaming “KILL THEM ALL” and then sternly scolding the “please save them” crowd that this isn’t the right time and place for that kind of rhetoric and anyways it unnecessarily divides us and gives the “kill them all” people even more power.


Look we already had a manufactured public panic over evil disney villain types putting razor blades in candy or something for no reason in order to get us all onboard that Halloween is about supporting candy corporations.

You are going against the spirit of the holiday if you make homemade food or candy and offer it to kids because unlike massive corporations you can’t be trusted, after all massive corporations have a perfect track record of not hurting kids! This is America, trust your personal fav corporation over your neighbor :) and don’t disrespect American culture please.

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