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Unity wasn’t innovating but I think it’s unfair to say that epic were not.


Sounds like Microsoft should buy them.


So what you’re saying is the missile fell over.


At one point in time Russia actually had their own computer system back in the '80s. So I guess just dust that off?

It died because it had non-square pixels, because that’s not stupid, and so was a pain to develop any games for.


Well it will be competitive. Because all its competition aren’t entering Russia anyway because of sanctions.


Every time I see an original Xbox I’m always amazed because in my memory it was a lot smaller. I used to carry that thing to and from school I have no idea how I managed that.


Sounds like he is very in touch, because that is one of the ways how U.S. culture is spreading throughout the world currently.

With the absolutely stonking caveat that the US government didn’t mandate that, it just happened naturally over time. Over decades and decades. Particularly helped by the US speaking English. In a lot of parts of the world English is a good second language.

But the only people who speak Russian is Russia. No one has Russian is their second language outside of a few Baltic states and even then often it’s a tertiary language, not a true second language. This is a huge limiter on their ability to spread culture.


What are they I doubt they’ll be even 10 nanometer


I’m pretty sure there is an English language compiler for it now, but I don’t know when that became available.


In October last year, David Moothappan saw a Facebook advertisement offering jobs as security guards in Russia

Oh well, that was definitely not an avoidable situation.

Hey I know I’m going to take a traditionally minimum wage job in a country on practically the opposite side of the planet from me known for it’s human rights abuses, and also one known to be currently engaged in a war, that it is losing. Yeah, can’t see any problems with that.


It kind of feels a bit weird being done officially.


I’m not paying $130 for a game unless it comes with an actual lightsaber.

What a stupid price. My guess is that it will be discounted very shortly after the release as no one is paying that much money


If the attack had been against a political or military target it would be more believable. Ukraine has nothing to gain by attacking civilian targets.


The one group of people I’m pretty certain it isn’t is the Russian security services. They don’t care about their people but staging a terrorist attack makes them look weak.

The Russians don’t need justification for the war they can just do it as their population is so cowed that the government can basically do whatever they want. They regularly murder political rivals and no one says boo.


I do love how despite the fact that the computer doesn’t have the capabilities of voice interfacing, it is nonetheless capable of accurately simulating the properties of a previously unknown substance based only on its input atomic structure.

That is some very niche software.


It gives me hope that maybe Picard took place in the alternate timeline. Although it kind of has something interesting to tell I don’t like how Picard made the Borg stupidly powerful. Basically no one should be able to survive them and yet somehow they basically are a non-threat like 95% of the time.


Correction. They’ve been accused of criminal activity but as far as I understand it they haven’t actually been found in guilty yet.


You don’t punish people prior to the completion of the investigation.

What if they turn out to be innocent you’ve now just violated their rights for no reason

Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some (

There is currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it as a rare game where they believe “politics” does not play a factor. Their faith was been shaken by an Arrowhead community manager they believed they found to be (gasp)...


There are still people who think that Starship Troopers should be taken seriously. This despite the fact that it has Neil Patrick Harris in it, a man who sings and dances in every possible opportunity.


Of course it’s age restricted so you’re not really supposed to watch it at 10. But anyway a 10-year-old isn’t really the target demographic, at that age you’re not going to have a developed understanding of politics yet so that’s not really a problem.

When I first watched the matrix I didn’t really understand what that was about either.


Porting games to run on ARM is apparently a pain so a lot of devs aren’t doing it. Instead they just use some kind of translation program so that ARM can understand x86 instructions rather than recoding the game to support it directly. Resulting in inferior performance but at least it does sort of work which is better than it was before.

I would not be surprised at all if Steam did something very similar.


Most of the time they’re either just googling a different skin or Bing in a different skin, which is why they are never any better.


Doesn’t matter because I had already seen everything


Yeah right sure because whistleblowers never suffer any consequences


I’m a bit concerned that someone somewhere thought that a game mix that contained Sea Of Thieves actually constituted a good proposition.

Sea of thieves is a solid 4/10 and marketers over here are treating it as some kind of high standard. It makes me question their credibility.

Oh never mind it’s IGN of course they said this. The new less about gaming than my mother.


Like you just did? Because going by Steam reviews my comment was justifiable


Now, when you say “in contact”…


Surely it only contains what was put into it though. If the cow eats food then it must have metabolized that food. Then you eat the cow.

So basically cows are an inefficient way to turn grass into calories. But since there are other plant foods we can actually eat that isn’t much of an argument.


How is that an argument.

You could also put salt on beef as well, if people prepare food inappropriately that isn’t an indictment of the food itself, just the preparation of said food.


So you’re against it on the basis that it’s unpleasant.

That’s not a logical position that’s just an emotional one. Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean that it isn’t the correct answer. Also I don’t think they need our help, they’re perfectly capable of culling the animals on their own, since they already do, The cows are food stock after all.


How is that wasteful? It is not like you could sell them.


Yeah that’s a good point actually how was that never a conspiracy theory? It’s the most obvious one.

Covid was made up by Big Bog Role to sell more stock, no nanobots required


If Russia was going to attack NATO the place to do it would be on the Swedish border. As NATO not deployed that many forces in that area, mostly to avoid antagonising the Russians.

In the absence of any explicit threat though I don’t think NATO really needs to do anything very much.


the invasion would the stupid and hardly beneficial for Russia and the logical thing would be to not invade. But I will add that I said the exact same thing about the invasion of Ukraine and we know how that went.

The main difference here though is the consideration of NATO. If you attack Ukraine you’re attacking one country, if you attack NATO you’re attacking many, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, who have some of the largest military’s forces on the planet and access to nuclear weapons. Russia had reason to believe it might have actually win against Ukraine, there’s no possible way they can think that they could win against NATO.


They won’t do that if he’s actually invading though. NATO’s point is they won’t ever escalate a situation. That whole point is to try and prevent something like world war II happening again. So declining war on Russia while he’s attacking a non-nato country would be an escalation. But they’re all about responding in kind to an attack against them.


It isn’t a law. They haven’t bothered to go through any of the necessary processes to make it a law, because that would require a consultation phrase, instead they’ve just announced this. It amounts to absolutely nothing and everyone can safely ignore it.

This is just the insane rumbling of a failed government. No one pays any attention to anything they do anymore because it’s all so irrelevant.


Crunch is only necessary if something has already gone pretty seriously wrong, either it was feature creep or the time scales were unrealistic, or you pull a Bethesda and try to build a game that’s way outside the scope of your own ancient game engine.


The reason you can control drones is that it’s basically a full-on OS that can send to arbitrary system commands. If Russia wants it 100% home grown they’re going to have to develop their own architecture. What I suspect is it won’t actually be that home grown and will mostly be Linux based, but Putin doesn’t know the first thing about computer systems so it’ll be fun to watch someone have to tell him that.

It’s the same with North Korea, they claim to have their own PC OS but it’s just Windows XP with a custom skin.


So is iOS by that definition


China doesn’t have the capacity to make high performance computer chips.


Good then maybe they’d stop with all the gray market shit that they’re into. Stolen keys are worse for developers than piracy, and Russia is notorious for it (along with other countries).


Doesn’t really matter either way, he’s not coming back, the way the war is going he’ll probably be blown up at some point, and if he does survive he’ll be arrested. His nationality is basically not relevant.


Oh well I guess that’s definitive evidence then. Clothing is a unique unreplicatable item, everyone knows that.

Russia didn’t even believe these attacks were going to take place, I refuse to believe that they’re able to catch the culprits this quickly, there’s a level of organization and skill that they’ve never previously demonstrated.


Good god you have a problem. There was zero evidence that any ukrainians were involved in this, which is apparently all the evidence you need that they definitely were.

You have some sort of undiagnosed syndrome.


That’s not the definition of an ad hominem attack. That would require you to have made a statement that I misinterpreted I didn’t misinterpret your statement you just said a stupid comment.

“Even if” is not a negation of your utterly stupid comment. “Even if” implies that there is a possibility that it’s true, there is no such possibility.


It doesn’t really sound like a false flag because it doesn’t really help them and it actually makes them look weak. The security forces are so pathetic that an external security force was able to predict the attack and even told them with weeks worth of warning that this was about to happen.

I’m pretty confident that this attack is actually legitimate, actually happened, was committed by IS, and the Russian security forces are so ineffective that they allowed it to go ahead. But Russia is in “blame everything bad on the Ukrainians” mode. Is zero mystery or intrigue here.


If they didn’t attack Kazakhstan when they seized Bikinore then they’re not going to do anything to anybody else. They don’t have the manpower, let alone the equipment.

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