

“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

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There were no other covid vaccines available there.


I agree that the California liberal establishment is not tackling the serious issues we have here, particularly with housing, but what kind of “forced intervention” are you hoping for from Republicans?


I’m glad to hear you say that. Intend to see the Republican view be more generally carceral. I think your ideas are fine, and in fact there’s a lot of basically that happening around the state. Ever since the pandemic, California has been converting hotels (along with some new construction) to ‘transitional’ housing. Part of this program is working with counselors and DHHS to help people with some of their underlying needs. I think this is pretty good, but needs a lot more funding, especially for the supportive services.

Unfortunately, homelessness is a huge and growing issue both inside and outside of California. There are a lot of systemic issues that contribute to the cycle of addiction and childhood trauma which I believe are at the heart of most of it. Add in poor job prospects and high cost of living (especially housing), and we have a ton of work to do to reverse this trend.


That’s what ACAB means though. You cannot trust cops, because there’s no real accountability for them. Why is there no accountability? Because their colleagues lie for them, their bosses lie for them, the prosecutors decline to prosecute them, judges trust them implicitly, their unions intimidate mayors and lobby politicians for more funding, tougher laws (for non-cops) and less accountability for themselves.

The system is so fucked up that reforming it seems like a waste of time. Actual “good cops” get squeezed out or worse. You might as well assume that ACAB, because the stakes are too high to assume otherwise.


Is the IDF also a terrorist organization? How about the US military? I struggle to see any justifiable reason why Hamas should wear that label while the other two should not.


I don’t see a practical difference between targeting civilians directly, and a blatant disregard for civilian casualties. Like, if you drop a bomb on a wedding, because you’re trying to kill one non-civilian target, but you obviously know that 100 civilians will die-- then how is that any different than suicide bombing the same wedding? Are the civilian victims less dead? Do their families feel differently?


I think you’ve absorbed too many American movies. The idea that “Afghans learned that” is so fucked up for at least two reasons. One, are you saying it was terrorism until the civvies learned to avoid US targets? Two, how the fuck are rural Afghanis supposed to know who’s on the CIA kill list? The idea that they learned anything from being drone struck, besides what it feels like to have PTSD every time you go outside, is pretty silly.

The US military, much like most if not all other militaries will absolutely murder civilians if the objective requires it. You can’t just take their word for what the objective is either. And is the US military really handing out court martials over civilian casualties? Given that the vast majority of US caused civilian deaths have resulted from ATG ordnance, we should expect a lot of court martials of pilots and drone operators, no? I’d love to see an example of that if you have one!

I think it’s a matter of propaganda and aesthetics. If you kill civilians with an air force, that’s “collateral damage”. If you kill them with a truck bomb, that’s “terrorism”. After 9/11 there was at least a conversation about how squishy a word like ‘terrorism’ is, and how it was going to end up applied to anyone we needed it to.


The CIA is often in charge of designating drone targets.

Not everyone who is targeted is an “insurgent commander”

Even “insurgent commanders” have families who might not have much choice about their proximity.

US military prisons like Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were famously filled with victims of grudges and bounties. Basically the US pays informants for targets, and informants just point at whoever they want. Military “intelligence” has a lot of holes in it to rely on it as an authority on who lives or dies-- and that’s before we even get into “collateral”.

Speaking of “collateral”, yes that is a weasel word, much like “terrorist”. Don’t allow the perpetrator to define the terms for you. If there was one US general in the twin towers, would that have made the other 3k victims “collateral damage”?


I’m not saying they are all “just as bad” as one another. I’m trying to move us beyond the word “terrorism”. IDF is worse than Hamas because of the context. IDF is an occupying force.


Hamas and the variety of militias comprise the Palestinian armed resistance to Israeli occupation. They are made up mostly of orphans. They are not “the big bad”, they are Palestinians. I’m not going to justify everything they do, but neither will I condemn them. What is Palestine’s alternative?


Is the PLO offering any armed resistance to the genocide occurring right now? Does it offer any armed resistance to Israeli occupation generally? I cannot find any evidence that it is, but I would be happy to read anything that says otherwise.


So that’s a no then? I thought you said that armed resistance to Israeli violence was the job of the PLO. Now you dodge and call it bloodlust to understand the impulse to resist occupation.


Ah, now I see who you are. You embody the liberal ideal that dying nonviolently is nobler than violent resistance. So useful to have “military capacity” and not use it while your people are slaughtered and yours lands stolen, eh?


You talk of lust, but it seems like you have a fetish for the genocide of Palestinians.


Oh shit. Do you live Palestine?


How is it deflecting when you call me a “white savior” for having an outsider opinion about this genocide, if I hold your opinion to the same standard? Have you considered that the rank and file of Hamas live in Palestine? The ones that are fighting and dying? That they themselves are the children and orphans of Palestine?

I’m am sure that there is a variety of opinions among the Palestinian people, just as there are among the Israelis and Americans. I am aware of the limitations of my own perspective, but all I can do is apply my knowledge and principles to the situation as I see it. You’re doing the same, and I don’t really see any point in continuing this conversation. Take that as you will.

The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning. (lemmy.world)

Whenever AI is mentioned lots of people in the Linux space immediately react negatively. Creators like TheLinuxExperiment on YouTube always feel the need to add a disclaimer that “some people think AI is problematic” or something along those lines if an AI topic is discussed. I get that AI has many problems but at the same...


There are already a lot of open models and tools out there. I totally disagree that Linux distros or DEs should be looking to bake in AI features. People can run an LLM on their computer just like they run any other application.

Thinkpad recs?

I like used Thinkpads. I bought a T430s off eBay and used it for several years. Recently I got a T570 from work. It had a screen issue, so I bought a new screen. That didn’t fix it so I bought a new mobo, but it has a loose drive connector so won’t boot. Just now I killed it for good by putting an nvme in a sata slot lol....


Thanks for the recs. I am looking pretty hard at a T580 refurb on eBay right now. I am looking for a bit more modern processor than most of what you have suggested, I think.


Right on. If I was buying new, I’d be looking at Framework or Tuxedo.

electric_nan, (edited )

Yeah I can’t really justify the cost right now either. If I was more patient, I could just wait until we retire another Thinkpad at work :p


This will definitely work. I did this recently when upgrading a Steam Deck to a bigger drive. Other suggestions below are probably faster though.


These devices (CSS/Stingray) are going to see both your SIM IMSI number, and your device IMEI number. AFAIK, the MAC randomization that most modern phones do, is with your WiFi modem so that WiFi routers can’t track you.

If you put your SIM card into a new phone, and then login to your cell service provider portal with a computer or other device, you will observe that they know the model of phone you are using. They get this info from the IMEI when your phone talks to the tower. Since the CSS is a rogue tower, they get the same info.


Thanks for the links. There’s some new information in there that I’ll have to look further into. For one, I’ve never heard of security concerns about 5G versus 4G.

I also wasn’t aware of the TMSI at all. I still don’t fully understand some things about it which would be important considerations:

How is this randomized number assigned/correlated to the IMSI? Is it done by the tower?

It seems like the carrier can request the actual IMSI at any time. Can these CSS also do that? TMSI is supposed to protect against ‘eavesdroppers’ but these industrial a grade CSS might have greater capabilities than passive eavesdropping.

I am unsure if or how disabling roaming would protect you from CSS. For one, the spoofing might make your device think it isn’t roaming. Secondly, the CSS might still be aware of your device anyway, even if it doesn’t establish an open connection to it. The phone and the tower need some minimum communication to even determine if you’re roaming or not.


The guy getting raided has a shirt that says DPR. It says Dept of Parks and Recreation underneath, but we know it’s really for Dread Pirate Roberts, given the circumstances of his arrest.

U.S. company found liable of financing Colombian paramilitary death squad to advance its interests (www.latintimes.com)

A U.S. jury in Miami has ruled that Chiquita Brands International is liable for financing the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a paramilitary death squad designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. during Colombia’s civil war....


IMO yes, we are liable as a country. If justice were done, those most directly responsible for aiding the genocide would be held to criminal charges, and the country in general would be liable for compensatory damages.


Not sure how you reached that conclusion from what I wrote. By those directly responsible, I mean those who took (or failed to take) relevant actions regarding the genocide: I.e, Biden, Blinken, etc. We elected these ghouls to use our collective money to destroy a country, and who else’s money should go towards the reparations?


Fuck that is awful. That has always been the worst part of JJ, and I hope they don’t bring it back. All those poor animals suffering in the heat, including dog breeds like Huskies :(


Maybe they ought to? There’s quite a lot of potential votes out there. Also want to add that I always vote, and politicians never consider my opinion anyway.


Seems like a good way to ensure you have low turnout elections, with only die-hard party-heads participating. That way, elections are won or lost on how jazzed up you can get your base, and you never have to attract anyone new. That sounds bad enough, but I think who the politicians actually listen to are their donors. Anytime there is a conflict between what the donors want, and what the constituency wants… voters can get fucked.


Still the same small pool of voters.


Sure, but I’m saying that in addition to the ‘swing’ voters, there is a huuuge pool of people that never or rarely vote. These are potential voters, many of whom could be energized by the right policies.


I see a lot of problems.


I’m not avoiding anything. I’m saying, look this system is so shitty that half the people don’t even bother participating in it. You’ve taken a pretty bad example of a policy to point out why neither party could possibly attract disengaged citizens. How about taxing billionaires out of existence to fund QOL upgrades for the rest of us? I bet that would gain more votes than it would lose, but something tells me the billionaire segment of the electorate is the one that matters most.


“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!”


What about the ones that vote every single time, and still never get what they wanted?


So we’re back to the point where the system is hopelessly broken? Because what you just described is the system. You want to fantasize about non-voters just suddenly deciding to vote blue in overwhelming numbers. I fantasize about genuine, inspiring leaders and policies bringing more participation to the process. They’re both just fantasies though.


And I’m saying, that it’s a shitty system. You described how this very system has kept the democrats from getting anything done for decades. There are not enough swing voters to give them sustained control over those institutions. You also make an error in assuming that every non-voter you energize would mean losing one swing voter. There are also more than double the non-voters as there are swing voters.


I’m saying we’re both fantasizing. You keep talking about winning elections from the center, but it keeps resulting in gridlock and inability to deliver even on tepid, centrist policies. Yay. Also, there’s no way that most non voters are on the fringes lol. Most of them are absolutely disengaged from politics almost entirely.


Goddam. I am saying the fantasy is that this system of winning elections by fighting over the center doesn’t really lead anywhere good. You talked about how the dems haven’t had solid power for decades. So yes, they “win” elections sometimes, but then what? They haven’t won enough to get much done. The fantasy is that they ever will. Blame whoever you want for that, but it is what it is. I might blame the people who do politics professionally for not being good enough at it. You like to think that I don’t vote, but I have never said that, so you are just assuming.

You have this garbage system, and yet you totally write off disengaged voters as totally unworthy of any political attention. Don’t you think that just maybe, it is possible that a lot of people look at a system that just seems like bullshit to make rich richer and otherwise cause misery, and they just don’t see the point?


You probably shouldn’t respond anymore, since we are never going to understand each other. I assume that you are basically happy with the center and the political status quo.


I understand what you’re saying, I just don’t understand you. What strawman? I’m assuming that you’re happy in the center because that’s kind of how you’re talking. If you’re not happy in the center then ok. You and me consistently voting for centrists is not going to pull the democrats left.

The money (and the swing voter, apparently) is happiest with center-right policies, and if we vote “blue no matter who” that’s all we’ll get. So if the center (and the money) decide the elections, how will things ever move left? The minute some future dems start going left, they’ll lose the center, and with it the election.

There’s no way out of that dynamic without a lot of new voters to ensure victory for left policies, which I’m saying, dems are unlikely to attract with their center-right candidates and policy. Is this a chicken and the egg problem? Maybe, but it also seems like a lot of people are perfectly happy the way it is.




If you’re waiting for the FBI to suppress right wing paramilitary groups, you’re in for a predictable disappointment. We keep each other safe from these fuckers by showing up and backing them down.



Edit: I look forward to the ban on pugjesus for his incessant agenda-posting.


Ah yes, the law. It can be ignored when necessary and used as an excuse when convenient. How else could Biden be “striking a balance”? If he is bound by this law, why not condemn Israel’s genocide in strongest terms? That would be a balance, eh? And what about the law that says we can’t supply arms for an ongoing genocide? Ah right, he won’t call it a genocide-- conveniently sidestepping that law.


I hella want to hear his address constantly interrupted by the prison phone recorded voice.

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