@experbia@lemmy.world avatar



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@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

no, the president (whoever it currently is) can do whatever he wants without any explanation needed as long as the Supreme Court (the majority selected by and loyal to trump) deems it an “official presidential action”. unfortunately, all actions Biden can take would obviously fall into the “unofficial” classification because, you know, reasons of some kind and definitely no corruption.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

is biden better than trump? yes. am I voting biden? yes, there’s no other real option. is he a feckless snivelling coward that only cares about people if they offer him a chance for power? yes. does he actually intend to do anything to improve our country and stave off a christofascist totalitarian takeover? hell no he doesn’t lmao

he won’t do a good god damn thing if the corporations who have their fists up his ass don’t force him to, and they don’t give a shit about any of this because when it all turns red come inauguration day, regulations and protections will be stripped away and they’ll have no restriction on how they can abuse us and our planet for their own gain.

he has this new power, and just like with the power he holds now, he won’t do anything with it that will actually move the needle and improve quality of life for anyone unless it serves his interest. the next guy will use it though. bend over, y’all.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

if you’re not American, I would understand that to be a reasonable suggestion. not how it works here, though.

under our system of voting, third party votes are less than worthless. I would rather that not be the case, but here we are.

If you’re American or if you’re not simply ignorant of that fact, I assume you’re salivating at the idea of getting a reluctant biden voter to vote third party to help secure your authoritarian party win.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

We get it, you’re not going to vote

not at all what I said. you have terrible reading comprehension. I specifically said I’m voting Biden.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

clearly a landing pad for alien anglers

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

like how a group of crows is a “murder”, I hold that a group of coffees is a “nebula”

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar


  • coffee - cream and sugar
  • toast - sourdough, buttered
  • hash browns - add Chipotle Tabasco
  • bacon - barely crispy
  • eggs - over easy, so I can dip my toast in the runny yolk
  • more coffee - more cream and more sugar

best breakfast. fite me.
might make breakfast for dinner tonight.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

nah, no pancakes :)

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

they’re sufficiently different in my opinion. one is bread, the other is potato. the hashbrowns, ideally a bit greasy, are little shredded potato vehicles for Chipotle hot sauce. the toast is a buttery bread vehicle for egg yolk.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

You are repeating a story designed for the rubes.

Trying to shame conservatives like this doesn’t work. They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities. It’s their entire identity. They see this and think “hell yeah, you don’t want me repeating the story?? I better do it harder anyway!” - it doesn’t matter that you are actually saying “btw this makes you look very dumb and gullible”, all they heard was “i don’t like this”, and since you’re The Enemy™, they love what you don’t and hate what you do, and they double down on whatever it was, to Win Harder™.

This is why they’ll often seem to take self-defeating or self-contradictory positions, and if you point that out, they take it as winning against you twice (instead of proving themselves wrong) and go straight to calling you a loser and patting themselves on the back.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

You’re utterly incapable of even considering people who disagree with you as fully human

I’ve said and believe nothing of the sort. you’re confusing my ideology with the fascist dehumanizing ideology your party espouses to justify inhuman practices against foreigners and domestic minorities.

surprised when [we] loathe and hate you

this doesn’t surprise me at all. your entire political ideology would collapse if you didn’t unconditionally loathe someone. you’re putting the cart before the horse.

certainty that everyone but you is stupid

well, if someone does things that are really stupid over and over, is told that they’re stupid and provided evidence accordingly, but continues to do so anyway… quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, probably is. it’s hard to see it otherwise. I actively try to remember there’s a real person with a rich internal life on the other end, despite what you think otherwise, and despite the lack of reciprocal consideration from Republicans.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

So you didn’t say “They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities?”

i did indeed say that. what I didn’t say - and what I was clearly referring to with that quote you’ve pulled about me not saying a thing - is that I don’t view them as human, as you insinuated I said. if that’s your interpretation, you are incorrect. perhaps you’ve gotten confused by which part of my response correlates to which part of your messages. or perhaps you’re intentionally misconstruing it to make it appear as though you’re “dunking on me”, as usual for arguments with conservatives.

I doubt you could even begin to explicate the conservative ideology in broad strokes

i doubt it too, because there is a constant fundamental disconnect between what conservatism purports to be and what it actually practices. I doubt it’s possible for you to explicate it either in a way that isn’t immediately contradicted with the actions taken by your leaders and community, too. the closest thing to a stable ideology conservatism has had in the past 20 years is “liberals are the enemy: do the opposite of whatever they say, even if we were telling you to do it 10 minutes ago”.

No you don’t. Stop bullshitting yourself.

perhaps I should have emphasized “try”. it gets harder with every interaction with yet another deranged conservative lunatic who wants to make me illegal or dead because my mere quiet existence is somehow a threat to their misplaced feelings of superiority. I’m only human.

i’m sleepy so let’s wrap it up like you all like to do: This has been fun, thanks for taking the L.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

sweet, a quantum immortality tester that prints money.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

idk, helldivers going from insanely popular to universally reviled is gonna hurt future deals with Sony. why would any indie or medium sized dev risk doing business with Sony when Sony will randomly push the “destroy game and profitability and reputation” button? this will decrease the number of people willing to publish titles through Sony. “oh you went with Sony? you must want to kill your game lmao”

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

I have reached the age where I find gags like this - and the massive cringe effect they inflict on young folks - fucking hilarious.

i’m comfortable with my fate. who ever really needed hair on their head anyway?

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

so if you’re regularly annoyed (1/4), angry (2/4) and spiteful (3/4) about being forced to participate in this exploitative system designed to bleed you dry until you die, you’re ok still… but if you try to do anything about it (by arguing with or defying “authorities” in any way) you’re an insane person that needs to be locked up and given drugs? cool. that’s really convenient.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

so if you’re regularly annoyed (1/4), angry (2/4) and spiteful (3/4) about being forced to participate in this exploitative system designed to bleed you dry until you die, you’re ok still… but if you try to do anything about it (by arguing with or defying “authorities” in any way) you’re an insane person that needs to be locked up and given drugs? cool. that’s really convenient.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

I had kids that would do this at my school too. they’d sell them at a loss, technically - see, it was their parents money paying for it, but they would get paid cash by kids for discounted food items. it was essentially a way to launder the money your parent gave the school for your lunches into usable money, with a little bit of a loss yes, but at a big gain in versatility - for any kid, cash in hand is way better than dollar values in a school lunch system.

but I’d much rather have this “fraud” (of the kids’ parents maybe lol) than kids go hungry.

and this has nothing to do with the free school lunches either. those were always fixed meals given to you - not “lunch money dollars” you could choose to use as you see fit. so this is just a bunch of greedy old assholes wanting to starve some kids.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

it makes sense to his followers, which is his intent. he wants them riled up. they don’t see this as him experiencing the consequences of his own actions, they see this as a left wing democratic deep state attack on trump to try and prevent him from winning the upcoming election. they believe this “deep state” is afraid of trump because of how he’s obviously (/s) about to win a landslide election and finally flush all the “undesirables” out of power and turn america back into the racist wifebeating paradise of the 1970s. he wants them to be thinking about “defending him” from this “deep state attack”. he’s trying to solve his massive Impending financial apocalypse by gently prodding his followers into thinking about domestic terrorism.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

for real! I’ll use Google maps on my phone only if I’m going to a new place I haven’t been to before and I don’t have time to take a few moments to learn the route(s) ahead of time. that’s its convenience. but I hate being on that digital leash, being scolded by my phone if I take a different road to see where it leads or to stop for gas or a break. so, I tend to drive everywhere in my day-to-day without it, and my friends think it’s so weird.

one of my friends won’t start driving to the grocery store a few blocks away from his house without turning on his Garmin. he’s all “if I take a wrong turn I don’t want to have to pull over to look at the map!” like he can’t just turn around and get back onto the simple route he usually takes? same friend is among 3 of my friends who get visibly anxious when I drive them places without GPS and will pull up their phone in the passenger seat to “get directions for me”. had to tell all 3: “don’t give me directions unless I ask for them. I know where I am and where I’m going, I don’t need you telling me to make a turn 60s before each one.”

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

most of this is sensible but who seriously would ever do those nature’s valley bars dirty like this?? they’re so good.

i’m not mad, i’m just disappointed…

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

some folks gave up and ended up with an Xbox or PC. I helped a few friends build a gaming rig and get onto Steam after they got fed up getting sniped by bots on friggin best buy lol

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

for most Americans, fired also just means you’ve probably just become responsible for your own family’s ruin. for most of our working poor, being more than 10 minutes late is a quick route to eviction and years of more crippling debt for them and whoever else might be at home with them, which could well immediately destroy other’s major life plans like college for kids, moving somewhere cheaper, eldercare, even medical treatments or medication, etc.

this doesn’t make driving like this less dangerous or inadvisable, of course, but the folks saying what you’re saying should be aware that for a lot of folks, the certain risk of the firing is often similarly dire to the uncertain risk of driving like this.

if you knew your partner on your work health plan was going to suffer or die without continued treatment if you’re ever more than 10 minutes late to work, you’d probably consider driving like this too when you overslept because you’re sick or something. it only takes one little slip-up.

How can I launch a program from a bash XTerm and run a while loop at the same time?

I want to launch Oobabooga Textgen WebUI from the command line with its serial output. I also want to run a while loop that retrieves the Nvidia GPU memory available and temperature for display on the header bar with a 5 second sleep delay. How do I run both of those at the same time?

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

as already mentioned, ampersand allows you to “background” a task. but if you’d like the output from your program alongside the loop monitoring system info, consider using a terminal multiplexer like tmux.

on the terminal, this will let you open a “split screen” pane with another shell. you can use hotkeys to create, destroy, or move between views.

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

oh no
how did you find me

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

oh no
it’s me
i’m the naked window neighbor
i’m naked sitting on the edge of my bed right now after my shower. my bedroom window, right across from me, is open for fresh air.

look, it’s my own bedroom. the breeze is really nice. maybe don’t look in my windows? it’s not like i’m trying to give anyone a show, it’s just one of those things in life, like how guys all get naked together in a locker room without acknowledging it, or how airport security people fondle you angrily in ways not ordinarily permitted in polite society and nobody needs to bring it up after. you don’t have to look, is what i’m saying. sorry if you can’t help it. let’s just move on!

@experbia@lemmy.world avatar

it is. you’re correct.

us Americans, we seem to like to swerve deftly around many such useful civil universalities.

things you’d assume are vital to a peaceful, comfortable, safe people are often things that seem to baffle us.

i think this repeated swerving should disabuse anyone of any notion of the USA being a civilized nation, but somehow people keep classifying us as better than we are. lived here my whole life… not sure how someone could make that mistake, honestly. not unless they were really rich, I guess.

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