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I’d say the real losers with this “spending battle” are the innocent children living in Gaza…

Fuck anyone that takes AIPAC money, I can’t “hold my nose” anymore.

If you take AIPAC money, you’ll never get my vote again.


Biden has zero chance of winning my state, like he does with lots of states.

I’m not selling out my morales for nothing in return. I don’t think the DNC will give a shit, they’re going to keep doing whatever the fuck they want.

But I do now understand why Biden’s most feverent supporters have been imitating ostriches and wanting to ignore problems. I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror either.

And the children of Gaza will continue to suffer, but the MAGAts will Stack all brown children at the border on that mountain of suffering.

Are you talking about what Obama started, trump continued, and now Biden is still doing?

Just another example how “not a Republican” isn’t enough and voting “blue no matter who” fucks us all.

Have standards besides a D next to someone’s name or we’re all fucked.


Bruh, what do you think Biden’s been telling them?


I remember…

Biden won his election saying he can work with a Republican Senate.

GA runoffs got donations from all over, even me.

We got both seats for a Dem Senate…

And Biden promptly told us it changes nothing because he can’t even change a democrats mind so it would be pointless to try…

If you’re trying to get people to vote Biden, you should stop mentioning that homie.


“America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump.”

Definitely true.

But America also deserves someone better than Biden.

We have two shit tier options, and no matter who wins, America loses.


Yeah, but I’m in of the more than 50% of states Biden has zero chance of winning.

The only time my state has went D in recent history was when a young progressive outsider won the Dem primary. And in the 16 years since the DNC has taken a lot of steps to ensure that never happens again.

Most recently taking NH’s delegates away.

If the DNC wants to win my state, they’re going to have to stop running neoliberals, regardless of how I personally vote.

But the DNC doesn’t want to win if it means a progressive candidate.

So you can blame one random voter for having morals, or you can blame the DNC for not giving voters what they want for easy wins.

What do you think is more productive?


Ok man, if Biden loses my state by one vote and trump becomes president you can 100% blame me…

Last time he lost my state by about half a million tho, so I think I’m safe…


Man, you remember when only Republicans made fun of people for having morals and not just blinding voting for your team?

It wasn’t that long ago…


No matter how much Biden gives Israel, they’ll always treat him like a little bitch, and Biden will always do what they tell him to.

Because they know they can get away with it.

I can’t understand why people act like it’s no big deal, if the president of America has more loyalty to another country, it should be disqualifying. I don’t care what letter is next to their last name.

No matter who gets elected in a couple months, America won’t be their priority.


The United States abstained, allowing it to pass.

Oh wow, look at the absolute bare fucking minimum…

Now Israel is surely in trouble after a non binding resolution…


I dunno, let me just go check the presidents cell phone and email, I’ll get right back to you…

Because obviously you just made a reasonable request


For most of their lives, Israel has been a priority in US foreign politics.

Biden has gone record multiple times saying his unwavering support for Israel is from when he was a very small child his dad said they were the good guys…

I believe him when he says that, and I believe someone like that should not be anywhere near a political office. He’s clearly mental unstable if that’s the truth, and a liar if it isn’t.

An entire lifetime has passed by since then. It’s just absolutely fucking insane, but that’s what he says.

. I also assure you that nothing the US does either way will appreciably change anything over there.

You don’t think if Israel got billions of dollars a year less for defense spending and didn’t have the biggest kid on the block defending them nothing would change?

If they acted like this without the US behind them, they’d be wiped off the map.

If the US left them, even for a brief period like a year, they’d be forced to actually pursue peace.

Israel agrees to US-brokered Hamas hostage deal outline, hundreds of prisoners set for early release (

Jerusalem raises offer for return of 40 hostages but demands veto rights over identities of prisoners to be released from Israeli jails; willingness to accommodate daily return of thousands of Palestinians to northern Gaza; ‘We’re waiting for Hamas’ response,’ senior official says...


If Biden’s admin supports it, it probably sucks…

I have zero faith in either of political parties at this point, they both seem to love genocides now that they know voters dont have an option


“I’ve not said that,” said Jordan, who is on the record pushing conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. “What I’ve said is there were concerns about the 2020 election; I think Americans agree with that.”

“No, they don’t,” said Stahl.

This is how you need to talk to republicans.

Be firm, short, and too the point.

Like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Try to explain anything with facts or logic and it goes right over their heads. They respond well to authority and are mostly cowards. So just like Jordan, they’ll quickly shut down.

If you try to use facts and logic, they argue against what you said with no logical consistency. If you just tell them they’re wrong, they have to try and come up with facts and logic to prove theyre right rather than just fight what you said.

Which is a lot harder.


No, it still works.

The county I grew up in voted 95% trump the last two elections… I know how they think, I had to grow up with them.


They love progressive policies tho, that’s how Obama won multiple red states in 08 out of nowhere.

They dont love neoliberals who act like Republicans without the hate.

That’s what the DNC doesnt get. These voters like the hate, not Republican policy.

So Dems adopting Republican policy accomplishes nothing but depressing their own voters turnout and helping Republicans normalize their shitty policies.


We’ll never be able to out hate republican politicians, trying only alienates Dem voters.

But it’s not impossible to reach them, when Manchin acts too much like a fool, Bernie and I think AOC too go down to WV and explain what Manchin is blocking, then Manchin’s voters get him to switch.

Like, reaching them ain’t an impossible task no one’s figured out, the rub is without the hate, you have to be serious about helping them. Republican politicians lie about the help, but honest about the hate.

Dems need to be honest about the help and they’ll win all types of red states. It’s just neoliberals addicted to do or money aren’t gonna be able to be honest about helping.

We all watched Obama do it in 08, but the DNC just isn’t willing to help Americans if it hurts their donor money.

So we run candidates voters don’t want and vote for them anyway, which just makes the DNC act up even more next cycle.

The current system isn’t working, it’s going to break soon. We can take it down in a controlled manner or wait for it to blow up and catch us off guard.


Biden attached a screengrab of Trump’s post earlier in the night on Truth Social.

Why the fuck does the media always act like it’s 81 year old Biden himself doing this stupid childish shit?

I know it’s way on the bottom of the list of shit to complain about Biden, but this one always gets me because it’s so fucking obvious. If they misrepresent stuff this stupid and obvious, maybe all those rumors about as soon as Biden is away from any type of recording device he magically starts acting a third his age are bullshit too.

And besides all that, lots of the country don’t want a US president who “trolls” people on Twitter. It’s like the people actually running Biden’s campaign and making decisions want to make Biden into a knockoff trump.


Yeah, that’s what a trump supporter would do.

Childishly make fun of people who have standards more than “the other team is worse”.


It goes right to the point that there is a well oiled Biden machine team


Last election it took over a billion dollars for Biden to beat Trump by 30k votes.

If his campaign team is that great, and it still costs that much…

Wouldn’t it be easy if the candidate was pretty much anyone besides Biden?

Beating trump isn’t hard, it just is when you run historically unpopular neoliberals that are more conservative than the party platform against him.


That if Biden really has “the best people” and it costs over a billion dollars to beat trump last time…

Running Biden again when he’s less popular seems like an incredibly stupid decision.

That the DNC has been doing incredibly stupid shit for decades, and show no signs of improving.

The wealthy bought both parties long ago, and things will never get better if people keep holding their noses and voting D no matter what.

We used to have primaries. But NH may never have one again.

I’d say it’s not complicated, but standards keep dropping. So if you still don’t get, be specific what’s giving you difficulty and I’ll put some to help you


So your plan is to ignore how our system works and say everything will be fine?

How’d that work out in 2016? For some reason I remember everything going to shit and missed our first female president.

Biden is doing worse in those handful of battleground states and it’s damn near a coin flip if he can beat trump.

Popular nationwide vote doesn’t mean shit. But this time Biden isn’t even leading nationally. More people want neither option than either trump or Biden. Neither are good candidates, they’re complete dog shit and shouldn’t be in the general. But neither party really let primaries happen this cycle.

So “technically” Biden won by less than 30k votes in a few states.


Biden has had a richer set of life experiences

He’s 81 fucking years old, not a 60 year old with experience.

He has multiple lifetimes of experience, which is a bad thing because someone at 81 isn’t as together as they were 20 years ago.

It’s just not how humans work, were not fucking tortoises…


Running a candidate that didn’t take a billion fucking dollars to beat Trump by 30k votes…

We’re just going in circles where you pretend running Biden is the only option.

It’s unlikely to work, even tho I hope it does. But it doesn’t seem like you want to acknowledge that.

The primary isn’t over, it’s not too late. The DNC and Biden have just been saying it was too late since before the primary started.


a name

AOC would be a walk in victory against trump. But you could also pick 90% of Congress with a D next to their name and have a better shot than Biden.


As soon as you say “AOC” you lose a decent chunk of independents


You believe the third of the country that dont vote because both parties are too similar are between the two parties policy wise…

There’s zero evidence of that

And when you ask them in polls, they say both parties are too right wing.

You’d see MASSIVE Republican turnout.

We’d see the same amount, they say Biden is a goddamn communist. The good part of them always saying that, is it literally doesn’t fucking matter how progressive the dem is.

None of what you’re saying is factually correct, but I guess we’re all entitled to opinions.

You also ignore the part I knew you would:

But you could also pick 90% of Congress with a D next to their name and have a better shot than Biden.

There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate, but it’s pretty hard to find one worse than Biden that still has a D next to their name.


You’re fucking exhausting.

And I’m sure you’re the type of person who thinks “winning” an exchange is replying last, so congrats! You’ll always “win” with me now because I’ll never see a single comment you ever make again.

Have fun “winning”


Biden is just as conservative and right leaning as any Republican

Nah. Biden is still better than today’s Republicans.

But that’s a recent development.

Republicans from 20 years ago though, Biden was buddies with the worst of the worst since then and still agrees with a lot of their views

But a Republican from 2004 shouldn’t be the Dem candidate in 2024.

And if we keep supporting candidates like Biden in the Dem party, the next one is going to be worse.

The DNC won’t take the message voters don’t like this, and they’re not letting us all have primaries anymore.

It’s really looking like the only choice is making a new party, it’s going to have to happen eventually so we might as well start the day after this election.

I love Bernie, but I think he’s wrong about having to change the party from within at this point. I don’t think the national DNC is worth saving or even possible to be saved.

Theyre too corrupted by wealthy donors and AIPAC. And their willing to shove terrible candidates like Hillary and Biden down our throats because trump is worse. The DNC hasn’t been acting rationale since a young Black man beat their favorite 16 years ago. People talk about Obama breaking trump at the Press dinner, but he broke the DNC a couple years before.

Old wealthy white people regardless of party really didn’t like a young black progressive being able to win in their system


And if you’re an American there’s no possibility your tax dollars help the victims or stop funding the perpetrators.

Because both of our only two options get a shit ton of political donations from Israel via AIPAC.

The few honest politicians left have spent literal decades trying to make AIPAC register as a foreign agent, but the people who decide that all take AIPAC money.

We investigated trump for Russia connections, but Israel bought both sides, so no one wants investigations into this


We could have just ran a popular candidate that helped people for four years instead of spending that time what to do about the unpopular candidate not being able to decisively beat the worst president in the history of America.

A random empty suit off the street would easily beat trump.

Probably would be handling genocides better too


but we’re kind of past the point where saying so is useful

Bruh, the general hasn’t even started…

It’s not too late to run someone that can beat trump.


the vast majority of Democratic voters seem to be in the “don’t challenge an encombant” camp.

Why would you think that?

The DNC canceled NH’s primary because it’s been going progressive. And less than a third of voters would be happy if Biden was president.

Voters didn’t get a say, lots of states haven’t even held.primaries yet


Still not seeing a plan.

No, you just keep ignoring it, I said it a long time ago…

A random empty suit off the street would easily beat trump

We run someone else in the general.

It cost a literal billion dollars for Biden to win his first presidential election. And that was by like 30k votes in a few states. He’s less popular now, especially in those states due to his actions in Israel.

Do you legitimately think a random American couldn’t be trump with a billion dollars?

Because it’s not going to be cheaper for Biden this time.


The DNC can list whoever they want there, regardless of what happens in any primary

The last three elections they’ve picked geriatric unpopular candidates and refuse to listen to voter feedback.

Sooner or later you need to realize:

  1. “vote blue no matter who” is fucking you
  2. The DNC needs voters more than voters need the DNC.

Hell, look at what Biden did in NH. He pulled out of the primary because the DNC yanked the delegates, then Biden spent a bunch on a write in campaign and bragged he “won”.

But I’m blocking right after I send this. You’re just repeating the same shit over and over again, it’s like talking to a brikwall.


There were actually elections, you know.

In less than half the states……/calendar

The primary is performative, the DNC has been openly admitting they’re not interested in fair primaries go like a decade now, even openly saying if they don’t get the results they want, they’ll ignore results.

You might not have realized it yet, but you personally don’t need to understand something for it to be true


I have a feeling all those crazy 2016 Clinton supporters were IP banned from most major social media sites.

So now they’re on Lemmy.

Theyre just as bad as trump voters. They don’t care about issues or what a candidate achieves if they win. They just want their “team” to win an election.

That’s their end goal, so if anyone ever says a negative thing about their teams candidate, they take it personal and say the worst thing you can ever do is admit any flaws.

It’s blind loyalty to a person. And that shit is fucking dangerous.

I just can’t support that shit. I paid attention in history class. If the only two political options are that far gone, there’s been other political parties in America before, and there can be again.


The absolute balls it takes for her to act like this while her husband not only denies help to the victims but funds the genocide.

They don’t give a fuck, and that’s not a compliment


First Lady Jill Biden’s keynote address at the Human Rights Campaign dinner in Los Angeles Saturday night was interrupted by protesters of the Israel–Hamas war.

I’m struggling to understand why Palestinians being victims of an ongoing genocide her husband has went around Congress to both fund the perpetrators and ban aid to the victims wouldn’t be relevant to a Human Rights Campaign…

There’s a simple answer why you and the Biden’s dont think Palestinians fit under that, but I figured id give you a chance to say it yourself


I’m still confused.

Are you saying they picked that name but don’t actually care about human rights?

It’s already pretty fucked up they’d ask her to speak at their event, but are they legitimately upset that someone took their event as an opportunity to talk about a huge human rights abuse?

Is this like a Susan G Kommen thing?

You know what, I’ll just Google for you:…

In the fall of 2014, HRC commissioned outside consultants to conduct a series of focus groups and surveys with the organization’s staff. In the report, which was obtained by BuzzFeed, staff of the organization described the working environment at HRC as “judgmental”, “exclusionary”, “sexist”, and “homogenous”. The report stated that “Leadership culture is experienced as homogenous — gay, white, male.”

Well, that doesn’t match your description…

But why wouldn’t they potentially care about Palestinians?

On February 3, 2024, a protest organized by ACT UP New York took place outside Human Rights Campaign’s 2024 Greater New York Dinner in Manhattan. The protestors publicly denounced HRC’s acceptance of donations from Northrop Grumman, a weapons manufacturer that supplied weapons to the Israeli military during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip (2023–present). The protestors additionally demanded HRC leadership to publicly call for an end to Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.[71

Maybe more if we keep reading?

In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Human Rights Campaign’s 32-person Board of Directors voted to endorse Hillary Clinton for president.[87] This resulted in considerable controversy,[88][89][90] causing thousands of users on HRC’s Facebook page to post comments critical of the decision.[91] Many cited HRC’s own “congressional scorecard” (which records a 100% rating for her rival for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders, while Clinton herself only scores 89%[92]) as inconsistent with their endorsement.[91] Additional scrutiny was also placed upon the connections Clinton herself has to the organization when it was revealed that HRC’s President, Chad Griffin, had previously been employed by Clinton’s husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton.[93]

And lots just throw in a little coverup for sexual assaults for good measure.

A report released in August 2021 following an independent investigation led by New York Attorney General Letitia “Tish” James described then HRC president Alphonso David’s efforts to cover up sexual harassment claims against Governor Andrew Cuomo (prior to joining HRC, David was chief counsel to Cuomo) and undermine the credibility of accusers. David allegedly released the full personnel file of accuser (and former Cuomo adviser) Lindsey Boylan to the governor’s office. Her file was then leaked to the press. David also assisted in drafting an unpublished letter in support of Cuomo and questioning Boylan’s motivations.[98] On September 6, 2021, David was fired as president of HRC.[99] In February 2022, David filed a lawsuit against the Human Rights Campaign, alleging discrimination. He argued that the organization underpaid him and eventually fired him because of his race, while also saying the organization has a “deserved reputation for unequal treatment of its non-white employees.”[100]

So yeah, sounds even worse than Susan G Kommen.


The organization was called that because gay rights are human rights

But apparently they only care about gay rights.

Not even LBTQ…

I don’t know why I had to repeat that after providing the link.

They lied about their name, you lied about who they represent.

It’s just a lot of rich politically connected gay men who just so happen to be almost all white.

Who sell stickers and attend political fundraisers.

It’s a grift bro…

Indiana Law Requires Professors to Promote ‘Intellectual Diversity’ or Face Penalties (

Alice Pawley, a professor of engineering education at Purdue University, said that many faculty members in Indiana were angered by the new restrictions, and that “nobody trusts that this is actually going to be fairly applied.” Many felt discouraged about their job security, believing it would be at the mercy of trustees who...


Under the Indiana law, which goes into effect in July, university trustees may not grant tenure or a promotion to faculty members who are deemed “unlikely” to promote “intellectual diversity” or to expose students to works from a range of political views. Trustees also may withhold tenure or promotion from those who are found “likely” to bring unrelated political views into the courses they are teaching.

Before people dismiss this, Indiana is actually pretty big for engineering, medical/chemical, teaching, journalism, and even human sexuality.

Other colleges will step up, but this could potentially destroy scientific institutions that have been around for decades.

A bunch of important science has come out of Indiana for whatever strange reason.


Sometimes it makes sense tho, like Ohio and aerospace.

If you’re born and raised in Ohio, you’d want to get as far away from the planet as you could too.


If he grandstands on the UNRWA funding here the shutdown that would follow would be squarely on Biden.

You legitimately believe Biden is reluctant?

He literally led the charge and banned the aid himself till it could be passed legislatively…

President Joe Biden’s administration said in January it was temporarily pausing new funding to United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) after Israel accused 12 of the agency’s 13,000 employees in Gaza of participating in the deadly Oct. 7 Hamas attack.…/us-congress-deal-bars-us-funds-unrw…


I mean, it’s been happening for 30+ years……

The system is flawed but we just keep not fixing it.

Our reprenatastion varies a shit ton for a country that was supposed to be all about representation even though the founders all owned other humans as slaves.

And the wealthiest don’t have to spend much to buy one of those politicians who represent a small amount of people with an oversized amount of power. And the people with that oversized power are always going to vote to keep it.


Basically it’s a huge mess

Ridiculously expensive as well.

Sometimes we’ll hear about “they’ll get paid later, it’s fine”.

But to push all those payments out ASAP at a moments notice it costs millions in overtime. Just burning money for no reason.

We need to have general budgets for like a decade at a time. Build in adjustments for inflation, but if anything major changes during that decade, just have a process for doing amendments for that shit.

The basic ahit is safe and agencies can be proactive instead of reactive. Hell, require the budget be finalized a year before implementation even.

This shit sucks so bad it’s legitimately not hard to think of a better system


But we still don’t fix the system when we control the House, Senate, and presidency…

Believe me, I’m all about complaining about the inheirtant flaws of our system. Ignoring shit never works.

But we’ve had the political numbers to fix shit a couple times, and our only options to vote for besides Republicans just don’t fix it.

That tells me we need a higher standard than “not a Republican”.

I 100% know it won’t be quick or easy, but that’s the absolute worst reason to put something off. If it’s going to be hard and take a long time, we need to get fucking started.


Biden wants to defund UNRWA, that’s why he didn’t it on his own before Congress did with legislation.

That hurts him with voters with a sense of empathy.

Implying Biden is reluctant to defend UNRWA has zero basis in reality.

And the justification used to defend it is more flawed than what lead to the Iraq war.

Shit has consequences. And it’s often complicated, but I’m trying to communicate it as simply as possible.

It’s not “moving the goalposts” it’s addressing things as they come up because trying to cover everything in perfect detail wouldnt be a social media comment, it would be a serious of books so long no one is ever going to read it.

If different accounts bring up different specificities, they’re going to get different explanations. Because there’s lots of things that go into shit this complicated.


Why would Republicans stop when it works?

trump shut it down to build a border wall, and the next Dem president now also wants a wall. Either because he’s only saying it to try and get votes from Republicans, or he always wanted it but thought it would cost him votes. The only thing that changes is the Overton window’s march to the right…

The thing is, republicans keep being able to do it, because they keep getting elected.

They keep getting elected, because when we do vote them out, Democrats still don’t fix the system. Which depresses turnout. And with depressed turnout comes republicans in office.

It’s a very obvious cycle, and it’s pretty easy to break out of it:

Elect Dems willing to take action when they have the numbers.

We can’t do that without replacing some incumbents.

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