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Neither side wants people to talk to each other.

They want the 80s back where everyone got their opinion from a handful of giant media conglomerates.

Because no matter what happened, they always had the back of the wealthiest.

And AIPAC throws an insane amount of money at both political parties so they never lose these things.


It’s insane how when someone criticizes anything about Biden, the first move is accusing them of supporting trump, and when they have to clarify trump is obviously worse, everyone then acts like their criticisms of Biden becomes invalid.

Biden is better than trump. But we deserve better than either option.

“Shutting up and voting Biden” doesn’t help anything, and is what we give republicans shit for.


As soon as conservatives got Faux New, neoliberals have been trying to get the same unquestioning support from their voters.

The issue is if Dem voters wanted that shit, they’d be republicans.

The people running the DNC don’t understand basic psychology because when they finished their educations, psychology was still pretty new, and the only big studies was shit like Zimbardo that threw out the scientific method and had researchers meddling with experiments to get the desired result.

Imagine if Verizon hired a guy that stilled used a beeper instead of one of those newfangled mobile phones.

Sounds ridiculous, right?

But that’s what we’re doing with politics and psychology


Guys don’t worry, Mike Pence’s brother said he isn’t running again, so they’re counting him as one of the five…

And obviously the Pences are fine upstanding citizens…

If these asshats really wanted to stand against trump, all they gotta do is caucus with Dems.

But they won’t.

Also, why is Newsweek suddenly getting posted all the time now?


“He needs to say, ‘I’m for Israel, but I’m not for this extreme rightwing government.’ And that means if [Netanyahu] defies the United States, not allowing aid, or going into Rafah” – which Biden has said must not happen but Netanyahu has said will – “[then] no more weapons transfers … unconditionally.

“It means not protecting [Netanyahu] from the entire international community at the United Nations, it means recognising a Palestinian state. And those are the things I think some of the Arab American community want.”

Asked about a looming clash over Rafah, Khanna highlighted Netanyahu’s behaviour, refusing to heed Biden’s warning that the attack would represent a “red line”.

“What I disagree with and sort of the media narrative on this [is that] Netanyahu and Biden, somehow they’re equals,” Khanna said.

“They’re not. We’re the greatest superpower in the world. We’re giving Netanyahu weapons. He needs to be deferential with respect to the American president, whoever that is. And I find it insufferably arrogant for him to act as if he’s somehow an equal to the American president. And that’s just going to rub people the wrong way.


If the US didn’t support Israel, Israel wouldn’t still be around.

Unconditional support just makes them act like they’re always right.

Think of it like a toddler, if you only tell them good things and never punish them, you’re going to end up with an entitled little shit that constantly causes problems and if there’s any repercussions, then drag the parent into the fight while hurling insults from under their moms skirt.


To clarify:

They were asked if the economy was in recovery and 33% said it was.

The question isnt about how Biden is handling it, or even how the economy is doing.

They just asked people if they thought it was recovering.

The thing is, telling the average American the economy is doing great doesn’t work. Because for the average American shit sucks. “The economy” is all about billionaires doubling their billions.

The majority of Americans have so little money and assets, were just not a significant portion of “the economy”.

And with a common criticism being neither candidate cares about average Americans, this just gives them evidence.

They both have been separated from regular people for so long, they legitimately don’t understand what it’s like for a random voter.


The last time there was mutual disarment, we found out a lot of Russia’s nukes wouldn’t have been able to launch.

I forget the specifics, but it was a flaw with the missle that wasnt noticable until it was disassembled.

So if Russia launched, they’d have to launch a lot to guarantee at least one worked.

And as soon as they launch the first one, all major Russian cities/bases are getting glassed by multiple countries.

I think Putin would order it, but I think other Russians in his administration would stop it and either kill or arrest Putin. Because Putin would kill whoever stopped it if they didn’t take him out of power immediately after the order.

North Korea treats their leader like an actual god tho, they’d launch nukes if Kim said to. They have no problem dying for their leader.

Putin’s administration just loves money and life more than Putin.


They’re going to pull a Hillary and spend all the money for the party on the presidential race, and spend it poorly.

If Dems pull their head out their asses we could have control of the House, Senate, and Presidency again.

It’ll probably be wasted again, but there’s a good shot they’d at least pass a budget on time.


Biden doesn’t want a debate.

And trump doesn’t either.

So they’re both going to say they’re willing but can’t because of ______.

Last election I’m pretty sure was the first in modern history we didn’t get the standard 3, I’ll be surprised if we get 1 this time.


I mean, the guy who made vlc hasn’t charged for like 15 years now.

For most people the only time they open VLC is to view a file locally. I’m surprised they’re not also trying to become more like plex/jellyfin then pivot to ad supported streaming


An ABC News/Ipsos survey of 536 U.S. adults, conducted between March 8-9, found that 29 percent have a favorable view of the former president compared to 59 percent who view him unfavorably.

Sounds great till:

Some 33 percent viewed the incumbent favorably to 54 percent who viewed him unfavorably. In November, a similar poll put his unfavorability rating at 50 percent with his favorability unchanged, while in prior polls the two ratings have modulated around the same numbers.

We’re running two incredibly unpopular candidates…

Only 62% of voters approve of either candidate

Our system is broken


I hope everyone does.

But Bidens favorable numbers are stuck, and unfavourably keeps increasing.

We’re going to see a low turnout election. And thats only good for republicans.

The more people vote, the better Dems do. Which is why we shouldn’t be running a candidate less than a third of voters approve of.

If we’re stuck with Biden, his and his campaign need to at least start portraying him in better light, even if the change isn’t real.

If Biden stops funding Israel’s genocide, he’d win the election in a blowout, I just can’t see him doing it. He’ll risk trump winning instead.

So he’s got to do a shit ton of little things instead of that one big easy thing.


The people of Georgia likely remember 4 years ago when Biden was running around saying if we got 50 D Senators we could pass the whole party platform…

The whole country donated, we won both, and Biden promptly told us he could never change Manchins mind on anything, so trying would be a waste of time.

Which is all the more ridiculous considering Biden’s big thing in the primary was how he could get some of the party platform thru a Republican majority Senate.

That makes turnout lower, and when turnout is low, republicans have a chance at the presidency.

Polls aren’t everything, but we need to understand why Biden is so unpopular and take steps to fix it or else we’re all stuck with trump again.

Ignoring Biden’s issues only helps trump.

givesomefucks, (edited )

The thing is, it isn’t true. He took the biggest action on climate change in American history,

Did he?

America has literally never produced as much fossil fuels as we have when Biden has been president.

he forgave $138 billion in student loan

Sounds like a lot, but not even a rounding error in total student loan debt, and the system is still broken. Biden s excuse for not forgiving all, was saying it was pointless till college is cheaper. He did nothing to make college cheaper, and is throwing out crumbs.

he put in a bill to legalize marijuana federally (which the Republicans defeated)

He could order it descheduled and be done before the week is over… That’s what he said he’d do, he hasn’t done that. And before someone says “Biden can’t control federal agencies” he just forced all agencies to do a return to office because Republicans were complaining about telework.

and pardoned anyone in federal prison for marijuana,

Since he won’t deschedule, more people keep getting arrested.

he took massive action on the economy that was focused on the working class instead of Wall Street

Most of “the economy” is about the wealthiest accumulating a shit ton of wealth and record fossil fuels.production, that doesn’t help the working class, we’re still all fucked.

the point unemployment is the lowest it’s been in 20 year

It’s actually exactly the same as the month before Biden took office……/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm


None of the points you just made were true…

Most voters probably won’t recognize all of it was bullshit, but they’d recognize a few and doubt everything else.


that Biden “ran around” and lied and betrayed the voters of Georgia and doesn’t deserve a vote. Yes? Is that what you’re claiming, do I have it right?

No, I’m explaining why Biden doesn’t have the support he had 4 years ago…

While we still have time for Biden’s campaign team to do something.

If you plan a picnic and it rains, are you going to go yell at the weatherman who predicted it because he said it was going to happen?

He tried to warn you. And by your logic that means he not only wanted it to happen, he somehow caused it to happen…


Your links are bad, they make people login to some random instance to view.

Although I doubt I’m missing much, wanted to let you know you’re doing links wrong.

Not sure why you couldn’t get my link to work, or where your numbers are coming from. Mine are from an official government website that tracks unemployment…


Yeah. Article is bragging about 3 national polls, where Biden is winning by 3% at most…

Because of the system, Dems need popular vote, to make up for the flyover states going conservative and be worth more due to electoral college

If Biden was polling 5% over trump nationally, we should be concerned.

And I have zero faith in the DNC and people running Joe’s campaign to focus on the right states to win the electoral college.


Against an incumbent trump when people believed Biden’s campaign promises…

This time being the incumbent hurts Biden. 4 years ago if someone said Biden would be supporting a genocide, trying to codify Trump’s border policies, and calling migrants “illegals” I’d have laughed in their face.

Biden is less popular now then when all most voters knew about him was he was Obama’s VP.

Dude took 36 years to win his first presidential primary, he wasn’t that popular to begin with.


The “incumbent advantage” is often misunderstood. Because a weak incumbent gets primaried.

So the DNC says primarying a candidate hurts them, and why NH didn’t get delegates this year.

The reality is only weak incumbents get primaried. Whether they get challenged or not in the primary doesn’t make them weaker or stronger.

By taking a primary away, we’re not helping a candidate, we’re throwing away the option to run a more popular candidate. Which hurts the party and every American if it means trump is elected.

It’s like saying the only reason trump got caught on his tax fraud was he ran for president. Running for president brought attention to it, but he cheated on taxes decades before running and could have been prosecuted at any time.

An actual primary wouldn’t have made Biden unpopular, it would have just made how unpopular he is more public, while giving him a public stage to move left to his voters and win some over for the general.

Hiding it doesn’t make it better, it just gives people a false sense of security, which ironically often leads to lower turnout.

And as always:

Low turnout is how republicans become presidents


a) because they assume the Nikki Haley vote will flip to Biden

If Biden moves far enough right to grab a handful of Haley voters… Hed lose 10x the votes he gains.

The most we should try to get republicans to do is abstain, the payoff for courting Republican votes has never been worth it.

Biden is definitely trying to get Haley voters, it’s just a god awful strategy


I saw a Jordan Klepper clip yesterday where he talked to Haley voters…

Most said Trump was terrible, that 1/6 was a violent insurrection, but that they’d still have to “pick the lesser of two evils” and vote trump because they’d never vote Democrat.

It just doesn’t make any sense.

Neither Haley voters or Biden’s campaign team. None of what they’re doing makes sense.


Hes more popular for me

Well, less then a third of Americans hold a favorable opinion of Biden like you do…

Just slightly better than trumps numbers.…

I hope it’s enough, and I do feel a lot more comfortable now then a week ago. We just need Biden to stop reaching out to Haley voters and start trying to get liberal votes on his side.

It’s just insane to me that less than two thirds of the country hold a favorable opinion of either candidate. No matter what happens, the majority of the country will be unhappy with it.

That means depressed turnout, and those are the only elections republicans have a chance at winning. I’d rather not give them that chance


Did trump win as an incumbent?

No, because he was incredibly unpopular.

Both Biden and trump are currently sitting just under 1/3 favorably.

Being an unpopular incumbent hurt trump in 2020, and it will hurt Biden in 2024.


Too bad he won’t do anything. At most he’ll say he’s “looking into it” and hope people eventually stop asking.

Like, you’ve been president for four years Joe, half that time Dems had the House and Senate… Did you just realize this was something that needs addressed?

But at least he’s actually saying the right stuff now instead of ranting about “illegals”


Yeah, not like we can have a president who thinks on his feet…

Better to have one that just says random offensive things without thinking.

trump does it intentionally, so it’s 100% cool for Biden to do it “accidentally” and I’m an asshole for wanting better for America.


Well, at least you learned what an implication is…

Figured you’d know already with a Dennis background.

I don’t think there’s anything else I can teach you, at least I’m done putting effort in.


Or we could just readdress healthcare since in 2008 we got a more conservative version of the Republican’s plan and then promptly forgot about ever improving it

We need actual progressives to get shit done, Biden and other “moderates” just won’t even try, and want us to be happy for crumbs.


At least two men who went to Russia expecting to work as “helpers” in the army have died while fighting at the front, their families have said.


They volunteered to help the Russian invasion of Ukraine…

And are mad that they’re having to help the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Sounds like a couple assholes got what they deserve and what they asked for. They wanted to “help” russia


They “volunteered” to help the Russian invasion, just not explicitly in a combat role.

They got there, and discovered the Russian military isn’t big on free will, and were sent into combat…

I don’t feel bad at all.

Because they signed up to help the Russian invasion in exchange for money.


I do, it’s the article your commenting on so I didn’t link it:

At least two men who went to Russia expecting to work as “helpers” in the army have died while fighting at the front, their families have said.

I think I’m just gonna block you now tho, don’t want to forget and then try to explain stuff again.

Have a good life, hope it gets better.


If the job was advertised by the IDF…

Yeah, but you’d still be making a bad choice taking a job with a foreign governments military while they actively commit a genocide.

I just got this article to go off of, but it literally says the job was in the Russian army.

givesomefucks, (edited )

Since that’s a video link:

“It’s not just that 30,000 people, two-thirds of them are women and children, have already been killed. We are looking at the possibility of hundreds of thousands of children starving to death,” Sanders said. According to Gaza’s Healthy Ministry, Israel’s bombardments and ground assaults have killed more than 30,000 people in the besieged strip, and others are dying of starvation.

“The United States of America cannot be complicit in this mass slaughter of children,” Sanders said Sunday during an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” The administration, he added, “can’t beg Netanyahu. You got to tell him ‘If you want any money, you have to change your policy. Allow the trucks to come in to feed the children.’”

Sanders, who also remains insistent that Hamas must be destroyed, has called on Biden to enforce the Foreign Assistance Act, which says that the U.S. will not send aid to any country that blocks or restricts the flow of U.S. humanitarian assistance.

“It turns out that Israel is in violation of the law. Stopping American humanitarian aid is in violation of the law. That should be clear. No more money to Netanyahu’s war machine to kill Palestinian children,” Sanders said Sunday.…/sanders-netanyahu-palestinians-isr…

The only thing Israel will listen to is is cutting their funding, and legally we are required to cut their funding.

But Biden won’t do it.

Like he’s said for 50 years, he’s a Zionist. He can’t criticize Israel no matter what


The U.S. officials say Biden — and many other senior officials at the White House and the State Department — are extremely frustrated by what they see as ungratefulness by Netanyahu.

Not the genocide…

They’re mad Netanyahu treats them like shit. He treats them like shit, because Biden has spent 50 years saying he’ll never stop supporting them.

Why would a fascist like Netanyahu ever respect someone like Biden?

And Biden still isn’t even doing the right thing. His only criticism of Israel is their actions make them lose world opinion, which makes it harder for world leaders to find them

He’s hurting Israel more than helping Israel, by making the rest of the world — it’s contrary to what Israel stands for. And I think it’s a big mistake."

But Biden said he’s “never gonna leave Israel. The defense of Israel is still critical.”

It’s the only complaint Biden ever has, and Netanyahu has never given a shit.

But Charlie Brown is going to keep trying to kick that football. It’s only been 50 years, be stupid to stop trying now.


Yeah, but it’s way harder under water.

I punched a window and broke it back in the day, but that was a junk car from the 80s we were destroying. And I was outside of it with all the room in the world.

Trying to do it while seated inside would have been impossible, and underwater all that pressure against the other side spread out equally makes it really umpossible. It’s basically a giant cushion that absorbs and distributes the force. If you do break it, all that water pressure is going to push it straight in your face, and chances are you’re just going to let the water in, but not create a whole big enough to climb thru. Certainly not u til your car is full of water and pressure equalizes.

If you’re worried about this enough to carry a glass breaker, take a page from the Kia boys and make sure it’s ceramic. Even steel with a point is going to be difficult. But ceramic will shatter it with almost no effort. Gotta keep on bipping


She’s a fucking billionaire that spends holidays with Mitch McConnell.

No one she knows gives a single fuck about you or anyone you know.

And they’re actively hurting millions of people without a second thought.

Don’t waste your pity on someone like this


With modern society, yeah.

But no one hates every other Abrhamic religion more than the leader of one them.

And Islam is the biggest one. Judaism isn’t a threat to replace any form of Christianity, they don’t have the numbers.

But there’s about the same amount of Christians and Muslims in the world. For about 1300 years Christian leaders have been trying to stop Islam from becoming the majority.

That’s the most important thing in Abrhamic religions: doing what it takes to be the majority.

The Bible even says if a family member ever doubts Jesus, you’re to kill them immediately to prevent them from convincing others.

Which is a throw back to a schizophrenic guy named Abraham killing his family because they doubted the voices Abraham heard in his head.

All this shit traces back to some random crazy guy that demanded his family do exactly what he says without question. It’s like the one part that never changes


Big budget triple-A games don’t typically see such steep discounts so soon after launch,

Didn’t this just happen with WB last Batman game that didn’t have Batman in it?

Like just a year or so ago?


From the quote in the article he seemed surprised it was an issue…

The statement marks an apparent reversal from what Biden said Friday. While at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, the president was asked, “Do you regret using the word ‘illegal’ to describe immigrants last night, sir?”

“Well, I probably — I don’t re — technically not supposed to be here,” he responded.

Probably because he’s been hanging out with republicans again.

The Democrats told Biden that he needed to show more of the fire that was on display in a closed-door meeting with governors when Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte handed him a letter demanding more action on the southern border. Biden flashed a smile, according to two of the governors standing there.

"State of the Union,” Biden said, teasingly.…/index.html

Dude is 81 fucking years old, and all it takes is five minutes of face time with a Republican till he thinks he’s back in “the good old days” with Strom Thurmond and Mitch McConnell

He planned this stupid shit and legitimately thought it was a good move.

He’s completely out of touch with Dem voters


The US military doesn’t need a fucking pier.

Pull up a LHD and you could be driving them straight on the beach with the hover craft or setting them gently on the ground with helicopters.

We do this shit all the time.

Zero reason to be dropping from cargo planes or building a pier that’s only going to be able to handle small boats anyways


You could torture me into admitting I killed Abraham Lincoln, doesn’t mean I did it.

What does getting "delisted" off Steam means for games I already own?

Recently I’ve seen news about adult swim games going delisted probably off steam, one of my fav games is published by adult swim games and I want to know what will happen to it, will steam strike it off my list even if I have it installed? Will I still be able to back it up and restore its backups? Will I still be able to...


Pretty sure nothing changes for you.

Obviously in this case, no more updates. If there’s a server, it’s getting shut down. And no new players will buy it. So player count will decrease until it’s a dead game, even if multiplayer is peer to peer. But I doubt that’s the case.

givesomefucks, (edited )

The unscripted moment came when Biden brought up Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student who was murdered in Georgia. An undocumented immigrant has been charged with her killing. Biden called her “an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal.”

MTG was handing out buttons about this before SOTU, and everyone called her a racist fear monger, which is true.

Biden says this after all his other comments on the border and wanting to make Trump’s borders policies law…

And suddenly it’s not big deal.

More importantly, this wasn’t some slip of a tongue.

The Democrats told Biden that he needed to show more of the fire that was on display in a closed-door meeting with governors when Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte handed him a letter demanding more action on the southern border. Biden flashed a smile, according to two of the governors standing there.

"State of the Union,” Biden said, teasingly.…/index.html

Biden planned to “reach out” to these racist assholes


He’s laughing and joking about this with the psycho who got famous for body slamming a reporter during an election.

People want to say Biden s changed and he’s progressive, but he’s still the same guy who fought school busing to end desegregation during the day, and had drinks with Strom Thurmond at nights.

Hell, he was just talking about how great Mitch McConnel was.

President Biden acknowledged their disagreements but expressed trust in their relationship.

“I trusted him, we had a great relationship, we fought like hell. But he never, never, never misrepresented anything. I’m sorry to hear he’s stepping down,” Biden said.…/ar-BB1jcfZw

The guy that stole Obama’s SC seat while Biden was VP…

Even fucking McConnell knows enough to retire at 82, Biden’s 81 and signing up for four more years in the White House.

It’d be a joke if it wasn’t so serious. People just want to ignore all his shortcomings and pretend he’s something he’s obviously not.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Was common…

Like 60 years ago when Biden was in college.

George Santos is running for Congress (

Tonight, I want to announce that I will be returning to the arena of politics and challenging Nick [LaLota] for the battle over #NY1,” Santos told Semafor in a statement. “I look forward to debating him on the issues and on his weak record as a Republican. The fight for our majority is imperative for the survival of the...


Semafor is a really weird new site by the Buzzfeed guy who wants to “reinvent the news” by using AI curation and short articles with click bait headlines…

They’ve only been around a year or two. But I’ve noticed them getting posted a lot of Lemmy recently so I looked into them. It’s almost always headlines like this where it’s really hard not to click

They also have a “good relationship” with China.

They dont seem to be doing anything shitty right now.

But I feel it’s like how internet disrupters like Uber provide great service at a loss till people are used to them.

Once they get views, it’s all structured for “the algorithm” to push people towards certain views. If it’s slow enough and starts out unbiased. People wouldn’t even notice. Especially if the AI curating part is on a user by user basis.


That’s kind of my point.

If it came out with propaganda everyone would write them off immediately.

So “burn money” which in this case is no return in investment. Because if that’s whats going on, they’re there for propaganda, and not accomplishing it.

Right now the primary goal would be getting people to use and accept them.

Then the “AI curation” they brag about kicks in, and slowly but surely caters what someone reads to move them in the wanted direction.

It’s not far fetched to think one day two people might get the same story written two different ways, with two different sets of pictures/videos.

I dunno man, everything’s going to shit, when billionaires start talking about reinventing the news, being cynical feels like being reasonable.

Journalism especially has went from people trying to report the new, to people trying to make as much money as possible, to people with more money then they can spend trying to change minds to control votes and laws.

And it’s changed so fast, lots of voters still haven’t noticed.


Did you forget the Georgia runoffs?

Biden got elected because he claimed he could get Senate republicans to vote with Dems.

After the GA runoffs, we end up with a 50/50 senate with the VP as tiebreaker. And the House.

For two years.

And Biden literally said he couldn’t change anyone’s mind so it would be a waste of time if he tried.

That happened.


So, how much does Biden need in 2028?

And why isn’t he out there campaigning for himself and down ballot races?


So, how much does Biden need in 2028?

You think the result would be different with 52 Ds?

There’s a lot more people that will vote against progress in office. But they’re not all going to say it if they don’t have to.

But the point is Biden said he could work with a Republican majority. And wouldn’t try to change Manchin and Sinemas minds when they’re his own party.

He literally made statements that he couldn’t so he wouldn’t try.

Elect people who will shitcan the fillabster.

We do that by replacing incumbents. We need primaries to do that, and we have to fight against a shit ton of donor money, but we can do it.

As long as we keep having primaries. NH is already out of that…

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