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Facebook, if my feed is any indication.


I don’t spend enough time on Facebook to bother with any of that shit, I just notice it’s incredibly prevalent whenever I do happen to open it up


Sounds like a great way to make sure the number of marriages plummets even faster than it already has been


We already have that. You can spend your entire life in a loving relationship with somebody and still not have rights to medical information, power of attorney, or any of the numerous tax benefits that come along with marriage


If you don’t enjoy it, don’t discount the franchise. Personally I prefer civ 4 over civ 6, and civ 4 has the bonuses of 1) being the only video game to ever win a Grammy award and 2) extensive voice work by Leonard Nimoy

jaspersgroove, (edited )

Too clunky and slow paced for me compared to previous installments. Also not a huge fan of how the different victory conditions/requirements were balanced compared to older games. They just crammed too many new mechanics in there for the game to flow like it used to. If you’ve never played civ before these things may not even bother you since you have no previous experience with earlier installments to compare it to.


I finally played through it earlier this year, well worth the wait.


Except it would be reducing the influence of career politicians by increasing the influence of corporate plants. It would make political offices even more of a revolving door than they already are. Would also increase the number of people just going rogue on their last term because “what are you gonna do, not elect me again?”

A whole lot of other shit would need to change first before implementing term limits would make any sense to do. At the very least overturning the Citizens United decision and some sort of mechanism to help ensure that politicians actually govern according to the platform they run on. And arguably both of those things would do a lot more to help our current problems than term limits would…which means neither is ever going to happen.


Not when the new person goes straight from being on your payroll to being in office, then back to being on your payroll when they’re done.


They wasted all their former might far before that. There’s a reason the leading cause of death for young men in Russia is alcoholism. The people have no hope and no future while Putin lives.

jaspersgroove, (edited )

Obama deported more illegal immigrants than George W Bush and Donald Trump combined. Biden deported more illegals in his first 18 months than Trump did during his entire term.

Democrats being “weak on immigration” is nothing more than a racist dog whistle to stir up GOP voters.

Nobody wants illegal immigrants pouring over the border. That being said, some of us are a lot more understanding about it than others, because there would be a lot fewer people trying to cross if the CIA didn’t spend the last 60 years deliberately destabilizing South American governments. Fortunately, that’s not how most illegals get here. Most of them just overstay their visa after it expires. Which means that most of the time, deporting illegals involved lots of boring paperwork and happens one person at a time. There’s no drama in it, so it doesn’t really make the news like immigrants at the border do.

Democrats understand that simple fact. Republicans don’t.


Why not just run someone with some fucking empathy?

Because, unfortunately, that person will be seen as weak, and lose.

jaspersgroove, (edited )

Well you’re in luck, because America already lets in more immigrants than any other country on the planet.

If the best in the world isn’t good enough for you, I’m not sure what to tell you.


The deportation numbers are readily available on Wikipedia and official government websites. I tend to shy away from recommending news articles whenever there is an opportunity to go directly to the data itself. It takes a little more work but you avoid any potential spin or bias.


Not a day goes by that I don’t wish that Biden were as far to the left as the GOP pretends he is.

jaspersgroove, (edited )

Anybody who insists the parliamentary/multi party system is somehow better for the people of a given country need only look at…basically every country that has that system…to see that that isn’t necessarily the case.

“Let’s switch to a multiparty system, that way we can have four parties pretending to give a shit about us while catering to the demands of the rich instead of just two!”

The 3rd parties in the US are only on the side of the little guy because they are also the little guy. If you put them into power they will not stay on the side of the little guy.

Ranked choice voting would make a far bigger difference, as that would allow a greater diversity of opinion both within party platforms, and in the voting booth. And would also allow more 3rd party candidates to have an actual shot at winning elections.


Yeah that’s because they are ideologically a lot further to the left as a nation than the US is, not because of some arbitrary feature of how their government functions.

Poland's leader says the border with Belarus will be further fortified after a soldier is stabbed (apnews.com)

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Wednesday that its forces would further fortify the border with Belarus and can use “all available means” to defend the NATO nation’s frontier, after a soldier was seriously wounded with a knife by a migrant....

The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump (theintercept.com)

Just like Hitler before him, Trump is benefiting from the fact that journalism is an incremental, daily business. Every day, reporters have to find something new to write or broadcast. Trump keeps saying dangerous and crazy things, but that’s not new. He’s said it all before. His impeachments and the January 6 insurrection...


They grasp it just fine, but they make money of covering him and have enough of said money to insulate themselves from the consequences of their actions.


He wouldn’t have caught such a beating if the erection hadn’t gotten even larger during the beating.

jaspersgroove, (edited )

Electricity does not take the path of least resistance. It takes every path available, inversely proportional to that paths resistance.

When the voltage gets high enough, it will literally start ripping molecules apart in order to make its own path.

Also, nice meme, nerd.

jaspersgroove, (edited )

The definition I see most often used here on Lemmy is: Liberal - literally anybody who doesn’t have Xi Jinping’s and/or Vladimir Putin’s cock(s) alllllllll the way down their throat


For him to find a young, energetic, independent person to back, there would have to be one for him to find. AOC is probably the closest thing we have and she won’t be old enough to run for president until the next election cycle.


IMO the user interface/controls/gameplay of BG1 just feels so dated compared to modern games. If you didn’t play it back in the day and have that extra nostalgia bonus when you go to play it now, you may just find yourself thinking the game is super clunky and wondering what all the hype was about.

That being said, the story is second to none, and the story of BG2 is arguably as good or better. So if you don’t mind the somewhat-dated play style and want a good story, they could be right up your alley.


That was the plan from the start.

  • Take-Two, apparently

Some parts of the interface are actually pretty similar to the old Kings Quest/Quest for Glory games lol. For instance you still cycle through the cursor with a right click to look, talk, walk, and left left click to use the action shown by the cursor etc. The combat is substantially different, and sort of like KoTOR you can pause during combat and plan the next moves for all your party members. It also helps to have at least some understanding of AD&D’s combat system, THAC0 in particular, as that is what the combat is based on.

But yeah if you’ve been gaming long enough that you remember the golden age of Sierra games then you will probably be able to appreciate BG1 and 2


To be fair Trump doing literally fucking anything that someone other than Vladimir Putin asked him to do, without bitching about it, is incredibly newsworthy. In fact I’m not sure it’s ever happened before.


I just imagine what they’d be saying if the J6 people had stormed the Supreme Court while they were in session instead of storming Congress. Wonder if they would still feel the same lol.

Let Clarence Thomas hide in a fucking closet fearing for his life for a few hours, come out to shit-smeared walls, broken windows and a stolen laptop and then let’s see what he thinks about it.


The best part of the “Genocide Joe” cohort is they call him that - despite the fact that he hasn’t committed a genocide - while simultaneously virulently denying the very real and well-documented genocides committed by communist Russia and China.


Ah so despite the fact that you seem to be aware of what an actual genocide is you decide to call Biden that…why, exactly? Because it sounds clever? Because you along with 90% of the rest of the world allowed Donald Trump to lead you down to the level of grown ass adults referring to literally fucking everybody by childish, idiotic nicknames?

jaspersgroove, (edited )

I don’t deny there’s a genocide I just have a fucking brain in my skull and am capable of recognizing that Biden isn’t the person responsible for it because I don’t have my opinions spoon-fed to me by Russian bot-farms lol.


I’m sorry I didn’t realize Joe Biden was in full control of Congress - you know, the part of the government that fucking sets the budget and allocates spending. Do you think he is some kind of dictator? Cuz it sounds like that’s what you expect him to be.

There are fucking Schoolhouse Rock videos that display a more nuanced understanding of how the US government works than you do.


I am not a lawyer, but I believe you have to have evidence of a crime in order to charge somebody with a crime.


If you think this is the first time in American history that our politicians have resorted to petty name calling I’m going to have to assume your lessons in American history stopped sometime in the third grade, right after you traced your hand and colored it in with crayons to look like a turkey.


Hey, democrats tried “when they go low, we go high” for 40 years and look where that got them.

Now they’re trying “when they go low, we knee them in the fucking face.” I say good on them for trying something different for a change.

jaspersgroove, (edited )

I mean, IMO it’s good enough to get your moneys worth out of it, its a hell of a lot of fun actually. It’s just that the main storyline is relatively short and the gameplay loop after completing the main story is not engaging enough to make it one of those games that you end up sinking 500+ hours into. To me that puts it in the same tier as Subnautica.


Chrono Trigger is at least double the play time If you go after all the endings and get all the secrets and do all the side quests, to say nothing of the opportunity for grinding to level your characters that you just don’t get with SMRPG since you max out at level 32 iirc. You can do everything there is to do in SMRPG in a day. A long-ish day, but a day nonetheless.


I’ve never actually made it to max level, I just grind until I can solo Lavos with Crono, which I can usually consistently achieve by around level 70. It’s not an arbitrary grind, I have a specific goal in mind.


It’s insane because it’s still bullshit, 1 in 400 would mean that over 800,000 Americans get shot every day, and every single person in America gets shot every 13 months or so.

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