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Didn’t they transfer the debt to Asmodee since that was the subsidiary that was profitable enough to handle it without going under?


The issue is that the design of the MOBA genre inherently encourages players to be toxic


Holy shit, it is. I’m really hoping that includes mobile, since it’s the only thing keeping me using a Chromium browser


And if they don’t want to always use that specific account, they can set it up for family sharing


I guarantee that you’ll get crickets for 99% of those emails


And Ubisoft can go fuck themselves with a cactus


You can do that with a pc as well


This community is literally called “PC Gaming”. They went out of their way to come here and type up a false reason to claim that consoles are better.


You can make PC’s with comparable price and performance of a console. Especially when you facotr in the cost of subscriptions to use online services. Content creators just rarely cover that because it doesn’t get them views


Honestly, I think that’s more perception than reality. Consoles are just “plug in and play” right out of the box, you have to get accounts set up and games installed. If you buy a prebuilt PC with the OS installed, there’s not a significantly different amount of setup needed in comparison.


The difference is that MS and Sony have started porting their games to PC this generation. There’s very few console exclusives left apart from Nintendo

mnemonicmonkeys, (edited )

The PC would’ve survived even without that though.

PC gaming survival hasn’t been in question for decades. I think it’s more about people wondering when consoles are going to start dying off, and we might be getting there soon


$1,000,000 depending on context, isn’t enough to comfortably live on forever.

Not forever, but earning $1M over the span of a 2-3 years sets you up for a ton of success.

For comparison, engineers can expect to earn and average of $2.5-3.5M over the span of their careers in the US, depending on which type of engineer they are.


Yahtzee Croshaw is almost finished with Starstruck Vagabond, which is supposed to be Stardew Valley on a spaceship. That being said, Yahtzee has already said he will won’t be doing continual updates like Concerned Ape. He’s only going to do bug fixes so he can move on to other games he wants to make


Most of his games are experimental. He did a video series where he made 1 game per month for an entire year back when he still worked for The Escapist. I haven’t played any of them, but from his videos they were all interesting ideas at least. I think those are still available on

He also has a satirical game called Hatfall, which was mainly to poke fun at how many games have “fall” on the title. This one can be found on Steam if you’re curious. My guess is that that’s his actual preference for games. He’s written a few books and they were all satirical comedies too.


He has hired a few contractors to help build out features like co-op, (though the first few versions were entirely him on his own). That would eat into profits a bit, but even if he paid each of them $100k for their work there are few enough for it to be a drop in the bucket


If it’s literally the first thing on startup, anyone annoyed can just refund it


Which is still legal. It’s just the flimsy excuse they used to file the lawsuit, and the Yuzu debs didn’t have the energy/money to fight it


Japan actually has a rather conservative culture, particularly in politics, so comparing them to US Republicans os very apt



It costs them money to include, so they’ll take it out eventually


Don’t forget that SCUF are patent trolls. Them threatening action against Valve for the back buttons on the Ste controller is a major reason why it got axed


Also earlier this year they stole purchased content from millions of their customers


Comedy is just tragedy + time


You have to put in an actual support ticket. There’s examples of people who wrote something like “The publusher is forcing me to sign up to a 3rd party and I do not consent”




Yeah, in the fine print that nobody reads


Just like the people who lost access to the Discovery Channel content when Sony lost the rights to distribute? Wait a minute…

CAD Software Suggestion

I am currently on win10 but have been toying with mint and liking it. I intend on fully switching over soon. I have also been toying with the idea of some simple 3D modeling, like making custom parts for projects around my house. Maybe using a CAD software to generate stls for a 3D print or using it to spec out parts for a...


As an engineer, I’ve tried FreeCAD and it’s awful. Just get a hobbyist license for Fusion360 and run it in WINE


Fusion works with WINE


Well, they’ve already announce that they’re just doing a slightly upgraded switch for their next console


because all the words are capitalized.

That’s how titles work


I think it didn’t work with GB/C games though for some reason.

GBC cartridges require an extra notch that wasn’t included on GBA cartridges. You physically can’t fit a GBC cartridge into a DS without a dremel tool


Personally, I’ve never felt the urge to try because it’d ruin a GBC cartridge and my GBA SP still works fine to this day


Yeah, it’s not pay to win, so much as pay to unlock faster. Plus it’s co-op, so that’s not a huge deal


Apart from the non-binary players, I don’t see a reason why the trans players can’t just play as their chosen gender. The only thing I can think of to break the immersion is having kids, and even then the game doesn’t do much to differentiate adopted vs birth children


You’ve pretty much summed up my take on this. Trying to exaggerate the number of people affected doesn’t help when you game things out. At best, it doesn’t negatively affect your chances, and at worse you can peev off people that would otherwise be willing to help.


Anyways, agreed they just seem to be trying to be over-the-top with the wording, but understandable that someone making a petition would feel pressured to write like that.

I get why someone might exaggerate the need of their petition, but overall it’s still a bad idea. The best case scenario is that nobody cares about the hyperbole, but at worse you’re alienating people that would otherwise be open to helping.

Not to mention the fact that SDV has been out for 10 years now. It’s not like the person making the petition hasn’t had time to sit down and think this out. Not only that, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t already a mod that already did 99% of what they’re requesting. They could have picked a mod (or written it themselves) and asked for ConcernedApe to work with the mod author to merge it into the game, potentially reducing the work he has to do and thereby making it more likely to happen


Eh, while I usually love Frosts’s videos, some of his arguments in here are incorrect. I still agree with his conclusion, he just did a sub-par job of making its case.


Revolt is still a thing, though apparently they’re trying to rebuild voice chat




Don’t forget some of the Linux prebuilt manufacturers


That investor needs a reality check on how hard it can be to attract and maintain real talent pools.

Unfortunately investors in publuc stock don’t give a shit about lingterm investment. They just want stock value to go up this quarter so they can sell their shares at a profit and move on to the next stock

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