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Neither do the current governments, hence the rise of far right everywhere (not just Germany).

Left-wing policies would help solve many of these issues, but politicians would rather win the next election, than take a risk and stand for true change - especially if it goes against our billionaire/corporate overlords.


It’s much easier to just say bold shit for PR


Have they banned Russians?


Tbh it is a fine line in many cases, and there is no right answer. Every country can decide who to let in, and others have the right to form their opinion on it. I disagree with this one, as I would also disagree with banning all Russians, but I would highly support the targeted sanctioning and travel restriction of diplomats, politicians and oligarchs of both countries.


One of my best gaming memories as a kid, what an amazing deal the orange box was. It’s a real shame we were left hanging with the gut-punching cliffhanger of HL episode 2, and never finished the story.


So no Win11-only compatibility and copilot bloatware in Steam? What a sad day 🙁

slaacaa, (edited )

Loved that game, not perfect, but still a great experience

Edit: based on the quotes from the developer, Miller is an ungrateful idiot. Btw I haven’t seen the new movie, but seems to be full of CGI based on the trailer, which is literally the exact opposite of what made the last movie successful


Yeah that was abslutely disgusting. Business conflicts happen, and sometimes you must make unpopular choices, but blatantly misleading people and publicly throwing somebody under the bus is not acceptable


That looks like the 90s. Gulf War setting maybe?

Still, I will hold off for reviews, recent COD games have been absolute shit, and BO CW was very weak compared to the old BO games. I also had to refund MW on PS5 a few years ago, as it was literally always crashing my console, and they couldn’t fix it.


My favorite parts were the subtle sci-fi elements, like the characters teleporting between cities



slaacaa, (edited )
  1. Governments should only allow big mergers in exceptional circumstances
  2. Big conglomerates should be broken up

They are bad for the workers, and bad for the consumers. Half of the time, also bad for the shareholders (according to an old McK study). Lives are being ruined for billionaires to gamble for more billions.

slaacaa, (edited )

Finally, if someone asked me what the game journalism industry needs, it’s definitely more consolidation.

Tap for spoiler/s


After learning about the experiment where a woman lived in a house with a dolphin to teach it, and by the end of the project she was instructed to jerk off the dolphin to calm him down, I cannot be surprised anymore


Very sorry for the life of this lady.

Shitbulls should be banned.


Hey, waddup big T? Ready to hit them halfpipes?


You say you don’t go on reddit out of principle. Now can’t you understand someone not wanting users sit through a 2 second pointless marketing animation, out of a similar principle?


Things like these make might heart warm. They remind me of a time when video most games where about making a good experience for the users, not about endless MTX and soulless always online games that all try to be the same thing. Good to see that there are still some people in the industry, who carry own these principles.


I really hope this is true. The delay in US funding gave a huge advantage to Russia


I agree, but we all know that they are greedy and will use AI beyond its capabilities, fire some writers, quest designers and animators, and we’ll end up games with shitty dialogues and random quests.


It has a boring gameplay loop and characters, in my opinion. I also adored the first, but the second really bored me. Got it day 1, most beautiful game ever, but after 10-15 hrs I was just hiding from combat and clickling through converstations, just pushing to finish the story. I’m not even going to pick up the DLC.

slaacaa, (edited )

It will make the shareholders richer, as you can fire a few writers and animators to save costs, and still sell a the game with shittier dialogue

slaacaa, (edited )

Seems like Putin made a really good investment with funneling money into some Republican politicians’ pockets, the delay in the US funding might actually turn the war in his favor. I’m disgusted by the traitors in the West cheering for Russia, the literal evil empire from the pages of a comic book, trying destroy our way of life in Europe.


I mean, not much commitment needed from our side: I will see the gameplay and the reviews after launch. If I like it, I can buy it based on that and I have a good game to play during Xmas break. If not, I skip it, many interesting games to play


But they can, because it seems like most gamers have goldfish memory, and they forgot/forgave the shitty launch and first years

slaacaa, (edited )

Good demonstration of the current quality of journalism. “Cost X in revenue” doesn’t make any sense, as cost and revenue are the exact opposite things, the difference of which (if I simplify) make up the EBITDA that the quote from the company actually referenced for the 200 M USD negative impact.

I’m not expecting a game journalist be an ACCA certified accountant, but should be at least able to write an accurate title based on the available quotes and information.


This is a very good point. It also shows the delusion of the executives, thinking that their next shitty looter shooter will become the new Fortnite, not understanding the oversaturation of the market. People have limited hours to play per day, the only way they can play your game is if they stop playing something else.


We can rest assured that whatever decision Microsoft makes, it will turn out to be the wrong one (based on experience)


You’re confused because it doesn’t make sense, the journalist who wrote it doesn’t have even a basic understanding of business or finance


I’m always baffled how little some journalists understand the topics they write about. Still, isn’t there an editor who have read WSJ once, to ask for a correction of the headline?


For that they will have to make a successful game first

Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape (

I don’t think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I’m letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I...


It was a toxic server, PvP only. Glad it was banned


Glorious Victory ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

slaacaa, (edited )

The most depressing thing I’ve seen related to this topic. A small team that worked incredibly hard were lucky enough to achieve the impossible, and now they watch without any control as it is taken from them, for no other reason than greed.

Due to unchecked neoliberal capitalism, big companies like Sony already cover so much of the developed markets, that they have no way to naturally grow more. So they are forced to squeeze more out of what they already have, as stagnation is not accepted in this hellish system.

The line must go up, whatever the cost!

Edit: damn, Sony actually listened

slaacaa, (edited )

I understand that sales funnel logic, but I would still argue its actual financial impact would be marginal. It’s wishful thinking from Sony that just because you got your claws into a PC player by making a PSN account, they will start buying PS stuff. The data monetization is much more direct, but still, not much additional money to be made by a few (tens of / hundred) thousand extra registrations (especially as they had to be aware of refunds happening). These are definitely valid upsides, but I don’t think they are big/certain enough to make this call, and compensate for the negative consequences.

My gut / experience tells me this is mostly about the PSN account numbers, and some execs getting a gazillion dollar bonus if they can push it above certain target by the next report, even if they damage the revenues in the process.


Thanks, looks interesting, will take a look

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