
Pronouns: any. You can’t get it wrong

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The best thing to do with a tarball is to bzip it


My government agency when hiring all the roles in an IT team put those sort of stupid ranges in the headline, but if you drill down to a specific role you see the actual range


Melee area effect weapons. There’s a wand of fireball in Balders Gate 3 that is bent and has melee range. This is like that, but the fire is only analogous to fire and the effect lasts longer and does damage slower


So about 1d8 con damage instantly then 1d2 con daily.

psud, (edited )

@AtariDump is a nice guy (/girl/whatever) but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice when it comes to spotting users’ instances

(You were replying to, not at, though both are me)


My town built lots of roundabouts, and the population are used to them, but they have a problem with unbalanced traffic, and it’s been growing, so traffic has been getting more unbalanced - more people coming from directions the engineers who planned the road didn’t expect

The real problem, of course, is that though they are trying they are not able to replace the traffic with mass transit. The buses get stuck in the same traffic, light rail seems impossible, even with political will


We have a roundabout with a pond. The ducks like it, and they’re really disturbed


It’s a pretty easy switch, the differences are all mirrored

It took me about an hour of driving to get used to the other way


Where in Australia can you smoke inside a restaurant?

Incredibly, The Russian Air Force Has Lost Another Rare A-50 Radar Plane (

Incredibly, the Russian air force has lost another one of its rare Beriev A-50M/U Mainstay radar early-warning planes. Video that circulated online on Friday reportedly depicts the A-50’s burning wreckage in Krasnodar Krai, in Russia just east of the Sea of Azov....


We need a checklist like there is for Russian warships


America does supply the best racist symbols after WW2 era Germany


Sure, the North wanted consolidation. Of course the only reason the south seceded was because the federation said no more slaves

Many of the people in the North were as racist as the South, but the government was less so


What did the south secede from?


Thanks for that. Charlie Chaplin films are excellent


I feel the community is split between Voyager and DS9


Ctrl+shift+k and u? I’m pretty sure it’s Ctrl+k and +u


We don’t currently have such a supercontinent

The two supercontinent are Afro-eurasia and the Americas

Add the other response put it, the past single supercontinent when all the current continents were squashed together is called Pangea


It’s also a new way to compromise a machine you have physical access to


Admin or physical access.


You can make your own for just moderately expensive


If your budget stretches to a new laptop, framework make laptops (light weight or serious game machines) that come with Linux installed.

If you have no budget some second hand high end Chromebooks can be converted to mainstream Linux (video)

The other comments suggesting old ThinkPads are fine, but they’re heavier than I like to carry


Linux from scratch was my third Linux, after RedHat, and Debian. That seemed a reasonable point in an interested person’s Linux journey to try a difficult “learning” system


My partner’s Linux box runs fine and has had no faults that needed my help in the 10 years it’s been showing her news, email, and web

It’s a lot more stable than it was years and years ago


I’m fortnightly* helping some friends upgrade from win7 to more modern windows. They’re smart people, one’s an accountant, the other a school librarian. But since neither of their professions nor their hobbies are computer technical they need help

They’re currently at the step “ring Microsoft to troubleshoot the licence”

*They host the d&d game


It’s not all that bad. I’m sure there are as many youth keen to learn computers and they have easy access to all the tools they need to develop knowledge and skill

It’s just as we have become more knowledgeable, more capable, the difference between us and the normal people seems incredible.

But put us in an area needing different specialist knowledge and we’ll struggle like they do with computer technical stuff

We speak jargon. They don’t know the words, or if they do they use them wrong.

Also it sucks for us in IT work; when you are in an agile team and the manager two levels up doesn’t understand agile they do things like break up high performing teams (mine had been a team for four years - from the day the organisation decided to test agile) to share the people around so they can teach the others how to be high performing

Had they read anything about agile, they would know that longevity of a team is a good predictor for performances — but they wouldn’t read about agile, it’s an IT technical thing


I bet that company hires lawyers for law technical stuff.


Ubuntu, if I need to reset it, it’ll be Debian/gnome


I watched the process where a set of Unix machines we had were up for replacement. The first version of the request had as the preferred option IBM hardware and Linux, the second version - after it had been to the executives - had the preferred option as IBM hardware and AIX

Like the exec knew what either were, but they would have had a consultant check the proposal. Then they pretend to have respect for the professionals they employ


You know how you make the expertise in a large organisation?

You call for volunteers to run a pilot, move one team or a product to open source alternatives, learn what skills are needed in your tech people, what transition training is needed for staff

Have the pilot group select the desktop environment, change it if the choice generates too many tickets

Take that and roll it out more broadly, possibly aligned with new desktop hardware rollouts

Add to the good - you get to know that the US government couldn’t lean on a single American company for access to your organisation’s secrets


Windows to KDE is a smaller change than major windows version changes. Pre-ribbon office to newer office


That doesn’t work well since America is the common name for the US, and we can the continent the US, Canada, and Mexico share North America


America tends to build with the cheapest materials. So wood framed houses are clad in wood or plastic

Australia copied a lot from America. Our houses also are wood framed, but we use brick cladding and concrete tile roofs

New tech is more available now. If I were to build today it would be out of foamed plastic and reinforced concrete (as insulated concrete forms). And I’d use tilt/swing windows


Rent a place with air con installed?


With the weather outside today in my Australian town a nice 24°C temperature I have a window at each end of the house open.

At one end of the house the window tilts (bottom out), the window at the other end other slides.

The sliding window has much more space — half of the viewing area — open to the breeze than the tilting


The idea is protection from crime. You can have the window tilted and thieves theoretically cannot climb in through that window, where a swinging or sliding window while open allows someone to climb in through it

Of course in practice they’re less safe where they’re popular as there is a tool, a hook, which allows someone breaking in to hook the handle, pull the tilted window shut, and open it again in swinging mode, allowing them in

My understanding is sliding windows are the easiest to secure as you can bolt lock them at any point of openness. My sliding windows have bolt points at closed and at 5cm open


It is a security opening. People cannot climb through a tilted window

There are, of course, tools to defeat those windows since they’re popular.


Agreed. A sliding window can be securely locked partially open. Tilt swing windows aren’t secure enough to leave a window open while away


If you want to include the lot it’s “the Americas”


Not an issue in Australia, but I bet brick stops or slows bullets more than wood

Our brick construction doesn’t do well in earthquakes. If a roof is going to fall on you, you don’t want it made of tiles


The camel book was on perl. It had no hope of being taken seriously

This is the legit cover


“Family size” is a marketing term aimed at making the large size comfortable for women to buy

It’s not really about how it could feed a family, though it could


Smaller snakes taste good. So maybe? Probably no fat on it, and fat is where the flavour is


Ours didn’t (in the 1980s). They were hot in summer


Italian also has two distinct blues: azzurro for light and blu for dark

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