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I live 5 minutes from this. AMA I guess?

The Memphis pyramid was a sports arena and concert venue in the past, eventually the city built another venue that wasn’t shaped stupid so it sat abandoned for a decade or so before bass pro bought it.


The Luxor is ever so slightly bigger I believe.


They have a duck accelerator inside that fuses antiducks and posiducks together as a source of unlimited power.


Yeah it was a terrible concert venue and sports arena other than being a novelty shape.

Pretty much everyone in town loves the bass pro shop and we’re much happier to see it in use than abandoned like it was for so many years.


Surprisingly no, not that I’m aware of. If they have, it hasn’t made the news.

It’s quite steep and smooth in person, it would be very hard to climb. Probably impossible without ropes or mission impossible suction cups.


I grew up with gmod idiot box and dane cook bits animated with stick figures.

I think the kids today are doing just fine, at least on the memes front.


Hint: communism doesn’t work in practice on scales the size of nations. The ideology is too fragile and susceptible to corruption and outside influence and you end up with shit like this.

Before anyone says “it’s not real communism” that is the point. It’s useless if it’s too weak against other ideologies to be properly implemented.


Communism is an definitely an ideology. Literally first sentence from Wikipedia: “Communism […] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology…”

But yeah, it’s kinda suspicious that every nation scale attempt at communism has ended in failure or a system that is decidedly not communist, whether through internal strife or external influence.


I am familiar with marxist theory. The problems lie in what you just said. As Marx said, it is the natural progression of a society that has progressed through the stages of capitalism and entered post-scarcity. People who advocate for other channels of achieving communism are misguided, as post scarcity is a pretty hard requirement and a lack of that aspect opens the mechanisms of resource allocation up to exploitation. And unless you can somehow stop shitheads from being born, someone is going to be enough of one to take advantage.

Even the OG natural progression of society version of communism has issues. For one, you still have the shithead human problem. There’s always going to be people out there who want it all, and they’ll exploit whatever they can to get it. Communism, being stateless, doesn’t have particularly good mechanisms for dealing with that.


Correct assessment. Absolutism in political systems is unproductive and leads to poor outcomes.


Then why don’t we let kids who can beat Super Mario Bros in their sleep (and thus from your perspective have demonstrated the skill required to learn how to drive) drive cars?

Well for one they can’t reach the pedals or see over the steering wheel, and the safety systems in the drivers seat are built for adult sized humans. I totally believe the average 10 y/o possesses the mental capacity to operate a motor vehicle though. I was riding dirt bikes around town at that age. Now, their risk assessment abilities might be off, but I’ve seen plenty of people way into adulthood that don’t seem to have those abilities either.


Buttons and dials aren’t cheap. Even in economy cars it probably costs the manufacturer a few bucks for each one, accounting for the switch itself and all the trim that goes with it.

It only takes a handful to outweigh the cost of the typical LCDs used in car systems.


Gotta love being called an evil shitlib for suggesting that Joe Biden isn’t turbo hitler and the current system, while flawed, can be improved and burning it all down would likely result in far more hardships than reforming what we’ve got.


Our spending bills have gotten absurdly bloated because it’s pretty much the only reliable way to actually pass legislation without getting trapped in filibuster land or having it killed by the speaker.

Congress has become a joke and their refusal to do anything effective has resulted in handing over way too much power to the court and executive branch. It breaks the checks and balances and huge amounts of the federal government dysfunction we see is rooted in that.


For about 3-4 years. I switched after sway added support for per-display VRR which xorg cannot do still (and probably will never be able to do due to core design limitations)

On AMD it’s been better than Xorg for a couple years now in my use case. No more tearing and latency issues, any games that don’t play nice have worked fine with gamescope.

With HDR support finally on the horizon it’ll be able to completely replace windows for me which I already barely use.

The only issue I regularly encounter is programs handling windowing strangely. Some programs like to switch themselves into my active workspace under certain circumstances which is mildly annoying but just requires that I press the hotkey to put them back where they belong a couple times a day.


It’s like people just memory holed the pandemic and forgot just how fucking bad it was. I won’t forget, it literally killed half my family and it’s Trump’s shitty handling of it that played a big part. The hospitals were so overloaded that my family members couldn’t receive the treatment they needed, in large part because of all the MAGAts refusal to follow basic safety protocols that pumped the numbers way higher than they needed to be.


It also really enforces the whole binary gender role thing which is not a great message. I’m a straight cis dude but I shouldn’t be locked into all the straight cis dude tropes, and neither should anyone else be wholly defined by their gender identity and sexual orientation.


I’m tired of seeing this worn out point. What exactly would you propose he do that is:

  1. Actually possible for him to do
  2. Not going to make the situation worse
  3. Not something he is already doing

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like what Israel is doing either but the US has painted themselves into a corner long before the Biden admin. We can’t stop supporting Israel without basically ceding control of the region to Iran, and I guarantee Iran will do shit that will make Israel look like Mr. Rogers by comparison.

I’m not saying there’s nothing he could be doing better, but I don’t see any productive discussion from the people calling him Genocide Joe.

And all that aside, he’s still by far the preferable alternative to Don Cheeto who would likely actually be a genocide enabler.


I bought a valve index to play Half Life Alyx and Boneworks. I was so excited to see what new and exciting games would come next aaaaand… nothing remotely interesting has come out since.


Yeah seriously. As a dev, that 30% cut gets you a lot of stuff with absolutely no additional charges. Trying to roll your own distribution for your downloads could exceed that 30% by itself after you:

  • Host the files somewhere that can be downloaded anywhere close to as fast as steam’s servers
  • Handle payment processing fees
  • Develop and maintain a site with high reliability

And that’s only downloads. With steam you also get:

  • p2p networking tools
  • game server hosting
  • steam community integration
  • analytics
  • cloud saves
  • voip

And like 50 other things. It’s ridiculously good value unless you’re developing some super low rent single player indie title. Even then, just having it available on steam will get you way more sales to make up for it.

Sure, epic charges 10% but you basically only get distribution and some super half baked community features.

skulkingaround, (edited )

This is kind of a bad translation tbf. It is literally correct but not figuratively. It’s more like “Nobody can escape the finality of death.”

Caveat: I don’t know Japanese but I have seen this frame discussed before. I’ve also heard some other odd death related sayings in JP media, like “He wouldn’t die even if you killed him.”


If you want to play every new AAA release on release, sure, something like gamepass/ps plus is cheaper. You can also get gamepass on PC fwiw, so it’s not really a good argument for consoles. I usually just wait for games to go on sale for $10-20, plus it gives time for the games to actually get patched and function properly. I’ve also been dumping thousands of hours into the same 3 or 4 games for the last decade, so really I could have spent nothing on PC gaming other than a few hundo on a new GPU a couple years ago.

And for most people, you need to have a PC anyway. Consoles are not good at doing your taxes or editing documents. So the alternative to a gaming PC isn’t just a console, it’s a console and a weaker PC bundled together. The price difference between a budget laptop and a kickass gaming rig is going to be less than the price of console.


How many games are actually steam exclusive on PC though, not counting 50 cent shovelware crap? A good chunk of the best selling PC games ever (minecraft for example) are not even available on steam.

I just went through the top 10 on steam and other than counter strike, which is literally made by valve, all of them are available elsewhere.


Unreal was obscenely expensive and way more difficult until UE4 though, long after unity had gained traction.

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