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People like you are why the Democratic party keeps forcing shit candidates down our throats. They count on obnoxious people like you to guilt others into voting for “the lesser of two evils”


You know there’s elections before the primaries right? The Democratic party has shown that it will resort to all means of corruption to give you the “establishment” candidate. And people like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils. Let the Democrats lose more elections they shouldn’t lose, eventually they learn they need to uphold the values of democracy to win an election.

If the Democratic party wasn’t corrupt to the core, it would have been Bernie. After that it would have been Andrew Yang. You keep voting these Republicans in Democrat clothing, nothing ever gets solved. Every democrat in history since I was born has promised to do something about immigration, nothing ever gets done. Why? Because it serves their interests to have a variable workforce that they can underpay and demean.


You’re missing a lot of context. You’re examining the contents of the effect, without looking at the cause.

The DNC rigged the primaries before any ballots were cast. They conspired against Bernie Sanders to have Hillary as the nominee and worked to sabotage Bernie’s run for presidency. Talking about exit poll statistics doesn’t really mean much. The corruption was already well underway.…/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774/


What’s mind boggling about it? Bernie Sanders wasn’t a prophet. He ran on a platform and we believed in his candidacy. Just because he bent over for Hillary doesn’t mean that suddenly now she’s a great candidate. If he had to bite down on the rag, I don’t fault him for that. But asking people to get on board “just this once” every election is just a carrot on the stick. It’s always “but this one is SUPER important, set yourself aside and pick the lesser evil, eventually we can get what we want.” There is no “eventually” and there never will be as long as you and others like you show that you’re willing to throw your ideals away because of this season’s boogieman


Yup. The corruption is blatant, and the worst part is, they don’t even hide it… the threat of impending doom keeps the voters subservient. Instead of pointing out the corruption, we equivocate. I’m not a nihilist or a pessimist and most certainly do not want Trump to win. But refusing to acknowledge the blatant corruption puts us right where we started.

Props to you for actually reading the article. If anyone else who replied to the comment had done the same, there wouldn’t be as many “what-about-isms”


It’s surprisingly easy to edit the HTML in your browser and make something like a tweet or an email look legit. Screenshots should never be taken at face value


Love it, the perfect touch would have been editing my username to “this is going well” lol


Undocumented is kind of a funny term, because the government basically says “we’re not giving you permission to legally acquire employment because you’re not supposed to be here, but if you DO find employment, pay taxes using this ITIN number(pseudo social)”


The argument isn’t as vague as it seems. The only way America is ever truly going to be great again is if we reduce military spending, strengthen education /social programs and tax the rich. It really is a war of the have and have nots, at the end of the day.


EoD is edge of darkness. It’s basically the most expensive version of the game which was originally offered and was supposed to include all subsequent dlc, hence the outrage(ridiculous pay to win features and price aside). SPT is a modded version of EFT(escape from tarkov) that let you play the game single player and added a bunch of cool stuff. BSG(Battlestate games, the publisher/dev studio) didn’t like that so they would copyright videos that used SPT. It’s a whole mess


Source? There’s no publicly available info on player counts other than BSGs word, so I’m calling BS


Yes but the comment i replied to is insinuating that EFT active players are up despite the community backlash


Agreed. I think we took self expression too far. Things like the Internet, hip hop, counter culture etc definitely changed how we express ourselves. I cringe at the idea of how I defended the use of words and phrases even as an adult, hiding behind defenses like “intent matters”. It wasn’t until I was in my late 20s that I started to think about how the things that I express might be harmful to others. Thankfully I don’t see many kids act like we acted. I even caution my son against the use of phrases that might be worded too strongly, such as something “being stupid”. If we can give our children a world to inherit, I think they can come closer than we’ve ever been to world peace.


Question about open ear headphones, how bad is sound leakage? I wouldn’t blast music with headphones on in the office but is even moderate listening volumes pretty noticeable?

Biden’s populist budget marks the overdue end of trickle-down economics (

A president’s budget proposal is seldom passed into law. Instead, it’s an expression of the priorities the president promises to fight for, often coming on the heels of an agenda laid out in the State of the Union address....


To give a simpler answer, not all profit is income. let’s say you own a small company and you earned 100k of profit in a year. If you want to take that 100k as income and pay yourself(the owner), you’re going to get taxed pretty high. But instead you could really use a new work truck, so you buy a company truck that goes as a business expense and pay yourself the remaining 50k.

Companies have a lot of options in ways to spend their earnings without it having be taxed as income.


It’s supposed to mean that enough outside pressure has mounted to force the kind of introspection where you reconsider everything you think you know or are. In a way, you are releasing your ‘self’ in exchange for becoming one with the larger picture.

So you might have someone that let’s say has a drinking problem… They think they are managing and are not cognizant of how their behavior or actions are impacting others. You have an intervention so that the person can learn the weight of the burdens he’s made other people shoulder, forcing introspection and a “come to Jesus moment”


Tipping is never going to go away, but I’d sure like it if they stopped promoting it on the POS.


Simple math, gotta cancel out the negative with your own negative and then affirm the positive


Played the shit out of tlou multiplayer. It felt like something that got added to the game with little effort or creativity and it came out amazing. When TLOU2 was released I was saddened to hear that there would be no multiplayer yet but that it was coming. It didn’t need to be much. It could have been the same multiplayer experience with some new maps. Uncharted3 and uncharted 4 multiplayer was great. The community really made the multiplayer what it was. That’s where NickEh30 started making content I loved watching SanchoWest on YouTube going over some of his favorite plays.

Really sucks that companies get away with this “we’ll finish out the game after the release” and there’s no consequence. It was promised.


My only problem with it is that it’s always on the homepage under recommended, despite the fact I’ve never watched any streams like that. Even if I tell the site “not interested” it still shows the content. I only get on twitch to watch content for one game and from a small number of creators.


I’ve always wondered this… I run a cheap PSU that came with my rig and I’ve never had issues with it

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