

Wise man say- forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. šŸ•

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This games title and logo make me think itā€™s about taking a nap. I think Iā€™ll sleep on this one.



Because thereā€™s more money to be made by releasing HD remakes that they charge you out the nose for.


Performance is the only issue I have with the DLC. I keep getting this flashing thing that happens for like a single frame or two. It looks like what happens when your graphics card is dying, but the only time it happens is when Iā€™m playing Elden Ring. It never happens any other time, and I play other, much more graphically and memory intensive games than this with zero issue. Iā€™ve tried turning down settings, but it persists. It does seem to do it less the longer I play, but with every new startup of the game, it does it often then less over time. It might be that Iā€™m still on an HDD and not SSD, but Iā€™m not replacing it because Iā€™m looking to replace my whole machine sometime in the near future.


Look, I personally consider myself a ā€œhardcoreā€ fan, but I donā€™t have a problem with legitimate criticisms. Things like the need for optimizations, bug fixes, etc. The criticisms of the DLC by other so-called ā€œhardcoreā€ fans, are not legitimate. The problem is, these people are straight fucking morons that canā€™t bother to learn the game in the first place. They think they can just run to the bosses with their over-leveled, NG+17 character and expect to use the same methods they used for the base game and beat it the first day itā€™s out. IT IS NOT THE SAME. The DLC is like playing a ā€œsequelā€ that letā€™s you load your character and equipment from the previous game so you can look cool, but your still starting from essentially zero. You HAVE to level up the new stuff to get back to where you were power-wise, which means you HAVE to explore, and you HAVE to change up how you approach things. You cannot just rush through the bosses to see the ending. You HAVE to play the game to be able to play the game, and the pissy babies canā€™t fucking grasp that.

The real problem with the ā€œcommunityā€ is that a huge, huge amount of its members are shitty, asshole children with shitty, asshole parents that buy them these games, which they shouldnā€™t be playing in the first place. The other big part of the community are the shitty neckbeards that are still children mentally.

All that said, if you genuinely suck at a game, that game isnā€™t for you. Thatā€™s why I quit playing Balatro. Not everyone is good at everything they try to do- like how my birth-giver was a home ec major (yes, that was actually a thing), but she canā€™t cook for shit. She can fuck up Kraft Dinner. But damn can she sew, and craft, and all the rest. (Sheā€™s still a narcissistic sociopath, so she can fuck right off.) So if you like the game, but canā€™t play it, maybe just watch a streamer or something so you can still enjoy it. Hell, my wife was so into Elden Ring just from watching me play that I bought it for her so she could play it. She tried. She really, really tried. But she just couldnā€™t do it. So we got a refund and she still loves watching me play so she can get to experience it. Not everything is, or needs to be, for everyone.


I had the honor of summoning him twice. It was truly a sight to behold.


I played it back when it first came out, and I still pick it up at least once or twice a year just to play it again. It is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played.

Did you get to encounter any other players on your journey? Also, if you collect all of the glyphs (the ones that extend your scarf) you get the white robe. It makes it so that your scarf recharges just from standing on a surface! (And itā€™s pretty!)


Oh, hey. I completely forgotā€¦ They have another game called Flower thatā€™s available on Steam. It came out before Journey. You play as the wind, collecting flower petals by waking up flowers. It may sound weird, but itā€™s super peaceful and relaxing.

The one before that, their first game, is called Flow, but it never got ported to PC, so youā€™ll need a PS4/5 to play it. You play as a microscopic organism that floats around eating other organisms, growing larger and more elaborate as you do, trying to get to the dark depths.

I love thatgamecompany. Their stuff is always so chill.


Come on, man. Iā€™m already not gonna make it through tomorrow. Iā€™ve been brushing up so I can git gud again, but the wait is killing me.


ME TOO! (Although mine was actually Wipeout 64) Holy shit this takes me back. Now I wanna listen to some Propellerheads. Sad they only released one album, but every track is a fuckin choon.


Yeah, itā€™s all just a little bit of history repeating, ya know?


Itā€™s not just that. Many games these days are so detailed, itā€™s like having a second job that you donā€™t get paid to do, but instead pay them to be ā€œallowedā€ to do. No thank you.


Iā€™ve been trying to play the first one after getting it a few months ago, but I can only play for a little bit at a time because itā€™s just soā€¦ heavy. Itā€™s so good at portraying Schizophrenia that it fucks with your head, and the controls donā€™t help, causing further madness. Every time I try to play a bit, I feel off afterwards, like my mind slipped away. I really want to play and finish it, but itā€™s taking some time.


Iā€™m playing with a controller. Itā€™s not that the controls are bad, theyā€™re just a little restrictive. Mostly itā€™s the psychological effect of the whole thing, but I feel like it wouldnā€™t be so bad if my movement wasnā€™t so restricted. At least it isnā€™t fighting the controls more than I fight enemies, like in the Witcher. I love that game but the controls are trash.


Too bad they wonā€™t get Mick for the soundtrack again, not after what iD did to him.



Sorry itā€™s reddit, but thatā€™s the best collection of summaries and links on it.


Little Kitty, Big City

Vampire Survivors



They finally putting Pentiment on Switch because Inkulinati released on it!


So Balatro is a Rogue-like and Elden Ring is a Rogue-lite?


Ah my bad, I forgot about the rng part. I was confusing the dying over and over to ā€œgit gudā€ with it. Yeah, Balatro is pure rng and you start from scratch every run. And I hate it. The rng fucks me every time lol.


Xenotilt is early access.

Moonring is early access. Hell, itā€™s technically some sort of beta-not-a-releaseā€¦thing.

I played Inkulinati in early access.

I played Potion Craft in early access.

They were not without their issues and bugs, but they were typically updated and fixed within reasonable amounts of time. (Sometimes too reasonableā€¦ Get some you time Dene!) If it was something game-breaking, it would get updated asap.

I guess the lesson here is small indy studios are usually a safe bet when it comes to early access if you do a little due diligence, but never trust the big corpos.


Get out the Steam Deck and play in bed. Problem solved!


Itā€™s already on Steam. Itā€™s on PSN. Itā€™s probably on Xbox and switch, too. It works just fine. There is absolutely no reason to remake this.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people?? I hope those responsible are found quickly and dealt with.


I am not the person you replied to, but yes, I am like that in person. It is very obvious you are a troll, and if this were in person, Iā€™d pop you in the mouth. Eat shit.


Thanks for the update, FromSoft! At least they let us know something.


They would do a lot better if Japanese companies would stop with the shitty DRM and provide actual support for the games they release.


Clickbait. There is no new information in this article. Also, DJ Professor K is not looking too good. They should keep the same style as the first two games, just crisp it up and make the world feel more populated, etc. Like how it improved from JSR to Future. The graphics improved and environments made bigger, but the way everything looked was the same style between both. JSR games are about the style, the vibe, and the music. That pic of Prof K doesnā€™t have that style or vibe.


Cyan already redid Myst in real-time, fully explorable 3D with VR support. They are planning on doing this with all of the Myst games (probably not Uru). This release was not started 13 years ago, but a group of fans, The Starry Expanse, have been trying to recreate Riven on their own. Cyan saw what they were doing and instead of pulling a Nintendo and suing them into oblivion, they worked out a collaboration a year before this was announced.


I just hope they donā€™t stop supporting NMS after this releases.


Sony needs to get their shit together and realize they could dominate the game world by keeping consoles for those that want the convenience/price, and also release their titles on PC. There are so many PS games I would buy; even more if they release some old titles, too.


I canā€™t wait till the threats turn into promises. Iā€™m so sick and fucking tired of the ā€œelitesā€ getting away with doing whatever they want. Iā€™m hungry; letā€™s eat.


Who the fuck threatened low level peons? Iā€™m saying EAT THE RICH. You know the CEO fucks that are doing this shit? Learn to read.


The thing with No Manā€™s Sky is that itā€™s supposed to be in the vein of old pulp sci-fi which was usually quite scientifically inaccurate and more fantasy and philosophy.


Whenā€™s the last time you played? I ask because there are ā€œdeadā€ systems - no conflict, no economy, not even a space station. If you havenā€™t played in a while, you might want to boot it up again. A lot has changed!


Conkerā€™s Bad Fur Day on N64 was definitely up there.


Having to piss out fires and flowers with tits will forever be in my memories lmfao!


I love me some honkus!


I still to this day sing that song from time to time. Absolute fucking masterpiece indeed.


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