@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar



Still a very green banana.

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@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

both candidates are the age of my grandfather who lives with me because he needs care

no way either candidate has escaped the ravages of time

Biden and Trump both are selfishly keeping a younger generation from stepping in

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

a prolife Catholic with a prosecutor for a vice stood idly by as Roe v. Wade fell and the democrats immediately started asked for donations to help restore women’s rights on top of using the issue for this current election as a hot topic to talk about

the Republicans may be to blamed for a lot but atrophy is just as bad as actively participating in fascism

both parties are not the same with one actively destroying our society and the other sits by waiting for things to crumble so there will be things to campaign on and to make speeches about and fundraise on

verdantbanana, (edited )
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Democrats don’t align at all not perfectly, not imperfectly, not just a little but zero

a right leaning conservative religious Catholic with a prosecutor as vice does not align at all with progressive ideas

how the fuck is Biden and Harris progressive?

he sat back and asked for more donations while roe v wade fell

does nobody remember him bitching he did not want his kids on the bus with certain other people

what about the crime bills

what about the recent right leaning immigration policies

not being Trump is not progressive


nothing accomplished and Trump’s did not fare any better


The kind of blind support Trump and Biden have is how the US got to where it is today

football politics with nothing more needed than a “D” or an “R” and pick a color “Red” or “Blue” and blindly shout how your team is better than that piece of shit other party that constantly tries to make sure your team loses

too bad this election is already a lost

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

not allowed to vote thanks to politicians like Biden so guess just have to walk to the next town myself

and the only bus drivers people are screaming they want in the driver’s seat have reached the age their licenses should be suspended so might be safer walking anyway

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

yes please vote for the do nothing democrats that only promise and ask for funding

and don’t vote third party because that is a vote for the Republicans

Biden is not Trump

looks like the people are definitely losing this November with these same lines being chanted over and over

Biden has stated on record he wholly believes in Catholicism not just pieces of it and picked a prosecutor as a vice

how are they suppose help again?

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

have you seen how affordable things are now

this is kind of voters voting in the US right now

both party’s four years looked shitty and even worse the past four years

prices are skyrocketing and continuing their skyward advance towards space and beyond

personally got less healthcare today than a decade ago at a much more premium price tag

are you talking about the free Jesus clinics that have “What is your religion?” on the intake forms? those are still free the very very few of them in the US

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

what happens when people let the two party scam tell them there is no other options

this is what both sides are not the same looks like

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Roe v. Wade falling really is paying off for both parties

one gets money because it fell and the other gets money to try and restore rights indefinitely

two party scam

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

in the store today for a five pack of denver steaks which were about $10 beginning of last week

today when purchased the same pack it was about $20

same with every other grocery item in the store prices just keep going up and never down

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar


a Catholic president with a prosecutor for a vice president

the last four years have consisted of abortion rights being stripped, Cop City built to train police to subjugate citizens by razing a national forest, workers protested and were told to stop on threat of their livelihood with no change in worker’s rights or higher wages, immigration policies have deteriorated, food cost are astronomical and inflation is rising on everything without stopping, journalism is dying due to corporate buyout with journalist being silenced

but Biden who is a career politician going on almost half a century now who is running against a career donor is progressive

when was he ever progressive? what about Harris? have either of these two been progressive at any point in their careers?

Biden worked on laws and policies that would put people in jail and Harris worked her career enforcing such laws

If a Catholic and a Prosecutor with a resume of putting the citizens in their proper places is progressive then yes we are truly fisted in the ass and gaped with no chance in hell

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Biden during the last election said he would try to get the police under control and he ran on a green platform

cops getting a whole city built for them so they can train to keep citizens subjugated while razing a national forest to do so with Biden not saying or even trying to do anything not even making it a talking point during speeches this current election

not to mention this current policing and the current environmental issues that need attention in this country are in part due to bills he had a hand in such as the crime bill

so yes him as president and before that as a career politician do criticize Biden

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

and that is why we the people will lose this election as well

we either stop supporting bad candidates from any party or we get stuck with them

why the fuck does any want four years of Trump or Biden is wild

Both are too old and both are set on taking us way back in time

already lost women’s rights and worker’s rights

how much do y’all want to lose?

guess we will see in the next four years what we get to lose next already getting to the point crossing state borders is difficult

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

great more jobs and the minimum wage is still $7.25 federally and worker’s right are on a downward slide

break out that good champagne

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Yes and Trump’s

who do you think worked as one of the politicians who got us here?

who do you think one of the donors has been throughout the years to all these politicians?

Biden and Trump both benefit from wages being low and worker’s rights stripped

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

an antiabortion, coat hanger loving catholic is was voted in with a prosecutor

someone who has said he is dedicated catholic

then women lose rights but somehow it is only the republican’s fault

maybe we need to quit voting in old conservative religious white guys period no matter the party

did people really think a Catholic was going to defend women’s right’s?


@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar


blaming both parties

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

so democrats never had the chance in almost the half of a century since roe v wade happened to do anything?

biden was a democrat politician during this time did he ever say anything then?

he has been on record saying he fully believes in Catholicism including being prolife and somehow that does not play into the current situation?

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

that is all people do and have done

why the two party system is able to exist

people blindly believe we have to live constrained to what these two parties are bought to sell us indefinitely

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

some younger people like me are not allowed to vote because of bipartisan policies and laws

quit blaming us for everybody refusing to vote better people in

not our fault y’all refuse to vote better

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

throwing a few scraps out to the desperate starved masses does not make Biden an LGBTQ advocate making history

Biden says his positions are deeply influenced by Catholic social teaching.


Biden is not progressive he a right leaning religious conservative with a prosecutor as a vice president and they have spent their careers putting citizens in their proper places

Being progressive and making history would be the democrats upping the minimum wage to $20 or more, protecting women’s rights, protecting voting rights, setting up a national healthcare system, getting the police under control

Everything that the Democrats already promise every election just to get elected

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Yes and do not expect perfect leaders but at least have them align more with what the citizens want

remember going to the mall when was younger with a same sex partner and getting the nasty looks and comments when we would hold hands or show any affection especially from the older conservative looking types

the world does not seem much different than back then some ways less progressive now if that is even possible

and it should be fucking different now know not the only one

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

not a gaffe it is age showing

he should have done the responsible thing and stepped aside for younger blood instead of selfishly holding on to power same as the Republicans

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Biden had his time as politician and vice president during the later years he could have just called it quits and left on a high note

instead he has just latched on and is refusing to let go same as the Republicans

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

has everyone forgot what Biden accomplished as a politician or Harris?

does it any of that and their current policies align with the voters?

and Republicans definitely should be asked the same questions

if laws and policies that align with religion and over policing and less human rights is what the goal is then hey lets vote Biden or Trump

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

article is clearly saying neither of the candidates should have been on the ballot

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

just younger black voters?

maybe the problem is religious Biden and prosecutor Harris not the voters

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

maybe Demopublicans could have picked people other than a past retirement far right religious Catholic and an overzealous prosecutor to represent citizens interests and defend them from fascism

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Critics point out that as a Schedule III drug, marijuana would remain regulated by the DEA. That means the roughly 15,000 cannabis dispensaries in the U.S. would have to register with the DEA like regular pharmacies and fulfill strict reporting requirements, something that they are loath to do and that the DEA is ill equipped to handle.

just like they killed safer tobacco consumption methods

now we will only have dispensaries that are able to “comply” with the rules

after four years of Trump thought the US would do better than a far right religious Catholic and Prosecutor

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

doing the right thing and a leader catching flak is supposed to be part of being a leader

if Biden would have done enough and not quartered assed everything and put the burden of everything on the citizens he would not even have to put effort in to win like any candidate

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

but Biden’s name is not Trump and the economy is doing fantastic and he is protecting the US from evil apps like TikTok and everything is sunshine and rainbows

this has to be fake news

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

The legislation next goes to President Joe Biden to sign it into law, who said he would sign the package Wednesday. Its passage is a significant victory for the US president, congressional Democrats and Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, who long pushed to send aid to Ukraine even as the right wing of his party increasingly soured on support for Kyiv.

“This vote reinforces America’s role as a beacon of democracy and the leader of the free world,” he said.

definitely not a victory for the US citizens though whose rights and civil liberties are endangered

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

That’s more than 9% of all outstanding federal student loan debt.

quarter assing it as usual but asking for more fundraising and votes like he did something

just like with everything else he does

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

so does this include the US dissidents not allowed to vote legally?

fuck that

politicians like Biden crafted and wrote laws over the years that culminated in mine and others votes being taken away

not our fault people keep voting Demopublicans in

we need to get rid of both these corporate bought parties

Study finds voters skeptical about fairness of elections. Many favor a strong, undemocratic leader (apnews.com)

Voters in 19 countries, including in three of the world’s largest democracies, are widely skeptical about whether their political elections are free and fair, and many favor a strong, undemocratic leader, according to a study released Thursday....

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

democracy failing because leaders selling out so hard to corporations that the people consider other alternatives should be what the headline is

citizens should not be blamed for why the leaders and the country sucks

the bought and paid politicians should be blamed

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Biden already did something he made an executive order for more research on women’s health sure that will help with this

voting Catholic Joe back in will solve all our problems mean the guy’s name is not Trump who is just a bad of choice

US got here because all we do is baby steps and say well we will have to do better next time but for now got to hold our noses

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

what aggressive campaign strategy?

using the same one as Trump back and forth jabs

the article was more or less like all the Biden articles of late

look who has more funding

what happened to debates

this whole election just like this useless article has devolved to funding and about how much witty word jabs you can come up with

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar


both candidates are now just using word jabs back and forth with no debating

but both sides are not the same

both past retirement, neither have a future for the US that benefits the citizens (forgot Biden is responsible for women’s research forgot he is owed sucking), and both had poor performances while in office (forget again that was not Biden’s fault he had a bad presidency always Republicans fault just like it is the Democrat’s fault when Republicans are in office), both candidates had back breaking inflation during their terms neither one dealing with the $7.25 minimum wage (some still use the server minimum at $5.50 or lower), during both of these two candidate’s presidencies we lost rights

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

we need better candidates running but the democrats and republicans have the country locked in and has everybody fooled

this election has turned into a sham involving two candidates bashing each other back and forth

pure election theater designed to stir up the rank and file voters

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

that is what everybody said the last time and the time before that and the time before that

it has been afterwards for a hot minute and the corpse is in the process of putrefaction

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

yes agree these are different makes and models of vehicles

but the destinations of the vehicles are the same

until the citizens are able to come out with a vehicle of their own the destination now is corporate US led by elite puppet masters commanding their marionettes that wear red or blue shirts from on high and two different camps of citizens blindly throwing praise to their camp’s leaders who are the marionettes of the corporations all the while in the fringes between the camps lives the disenfranchised citizens shunned by both camps hungry and tired and just wanting things other than empty promises and gestures to sustain them and a place to call home that they feel they could contribute to and thrive

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

the workers of the US who the elites depend on would have to call out at least for day

if enough citizens revolted by not working just one day that would certainly start an upset

imagine if Biden or Trump’s leash holders started hemorrhaging resources and their stocks plunged

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

Biden absolutely won fair and square

He put in a lot of hard work as a career politician helping to craft and write laws that helped exclude people from voting and participating in this “democracy”

So yes he definitely won fair and square and on his on bootstraps

Biden is just as conservative and right leaning as any Republican he even voted for straight marriage only and supported segregation and is for overcrowding prisons with people he thinks are undesirables going as far as picking a prosecutor as his vice and ran on a platform that was in direct opposition to the views he held as a politician just to fool voters

know people are able to change their minds on their views but come on

2024 Pot versus Kettle


@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

thank you for expanding on the comment

that is what trying to say

neither party is supporting the forgotten fourth branch of government- the people

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

both Trump and Biden should do the right thing and step aside

Biden is using the fall of Roe v. Wade to raise funds and he signed some executive order on women’s health research or something that amounts to very little when he could have used the same amount of energy and paper restoring women’s rights

Trump did nothing to advance the country forward and is fund raising on extreme far right comments such as christian ideologies

not allowed to vote but if was allowed to definitely would not vote for either corporate owned party

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

obvious from the comments why better candidates will never win

people would rather vote for a system that consistently fails them and then blame other voters for why the country is in the shape it is in

Trump definitely should not win but that alone should not qualify Biden

wonder what would happen if all the other people like myself who are not allowed to vote and participate in this “democracy” were just for the sake of argument able to vote

Feel confident placing a wager that Trump and Biden both would lose by landslides in that scenario

Good reason why US makes sure that the dissidents here are unable to vote and participate

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

actually not on either corporate party’s side

bipartisan politics took my vote away so do not support either of those two parties

@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

instead putting effort into this


he could have just restored what the Supreme Court took away instead of signing executive orders for “more research on the matter”

go to playbook for democrats - research this problem but never find solutions

would it not have been the same amount of work and paper signing? or does he just need something to run on and fundraise for?

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