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I don’t know why people keep acting like Israel’s current government wants peace, they repeatedly keep saying that they don’t.

The viability of a U.S.-backed proposal to wind down the 8-month-long war in Gaza was cast into doubt on Monday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would only be willing to agree to a “partial” cease-fire deal that would not end the war, comments that sparked an uproar from families of hostages held by Hamas.

In an interview broadcast late Sunday on Israeli Channel 14, a conservative, pro-Netanyahu station, the Israeli leader said he was “prepared to make a partial deal – this is no secret — that will return to us some of the people,” referring to the roughly 120 hostages still held in the Gaza Strip. “But we are committed to continuing the war after a pause, in order to complete the goal of eliminating Hamas. I’m not willing to give up on that.”

Netanyahu’s comments did not deviate dramatically from what he has said previously about his terms for a deal. But they come at a sensitive time as Israel and Hamas appear to be moving further apart over the latest cease-fire proposal, and they could represent another setback for mediators trying to end the war.


Iran has a treaty with Russia…

You think trump would join against Russia in a war?

He’d try to nuke Israel if he thought that’s what Putin wants.

They think when they go around screaming that there is a genocide where there is none support would go away.

Just casually denying genocide?


At least someone is acting rationally about how Israel’s actions could lead to WW3

Brown said the U.S. continues to talk with Israeli leaders and warn against widening the conflict. He said a key message is “to think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well.”

Pentagon officials have said that Austin has also raised concerns about a broader conflict when he spoke to Gallant in a recent phone call.

“Given the amount of rocket fire we’ve seen going from both sides of the border, we’ve certainly been concerned about that situation, and both publicly and privately have been urging all parties to restore calm along that border, and again, to seek a diplomatic solution,” said Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, last week.


Israel can’t even genocide Gaza on their own…

If they start a war at the same time, they’ll lose immediately if they don’t drag America into it.

And Biden has spent 50 years saying that no matter what happens, he’ll never stop or even slow support to Israel.

Iran is allied with Russia and other local governments in the 4+1 treaty, so trump would likely join against Israel.

Either way, the US is gonna be involved if it happens, which isn’t a good thing.


Just weeks before the trip, as ABC News has previously reported, Trump allegedly had the lock on a closet in his residence changed while his attorney was in Mar-a-Lago’s basement searching for classified documents in a storage room that he was told contained all such documents. The FBI failed to check the locked closet in Trump’s residence when they searched the estate in August 2022, which some investigators later came to believe should have been done.

It would almost be funny that the FBI just took for granted whatever trump had wouldn’t have been locked up if this wasn’t so serious.

Like, we know what cops searching a regular house is like, wasn’t it J Cole surveillance that showed them closing doors just so they can break them down? That was just on rumors there was drugs somewhere in the house.

But when it’s trump and secret documents a lock on a closet is fucking insurmountable?!


This isn’t just a danger due to physical concerns or growth stunting.

It wires these kids brains for a resource scarce life. Which makes them think short term only.

People always talk about why everyone’s crashing out these days, this is why.


Here’s a general article, but there’s lots of academic studies available if you search:…/how-poverty-affects-th…

It doesn’t just have to be when young, poverty fucks your brain up because for the vast majority of human evolution, if you were hungry or didn’t have shelter, that was what you needed to focus on.

It’s Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

If you don’t know what that is, that’s a good place to start. Then read up how the absence effects people.


Oh for sure, the wealthy know all about this.

Despite everything they try to distract us with, it’s a class war and only one side has the energy after surviving to fight it.

The more normal people aware of it, the more progressives get elected, and the better our chances of living in a functional society again.


It’s generational too…

My mom had a very poor hillbilly childhood. My friends never understood why I have like 4-6 months worth of food in the pantry at all times instead of just buying as I eat.

Even in college when everyone was always broke, pantry just has to stay stocked. There always has to be a cushion.

I wouldn’t really call that food hoarding though, but it’s subjective


6 months is stretching it.

But the pantry and freezer stays full. Like zombie survival type rationing I could probably go 6 months. But that all stays good forever, whatever I use I just re-up and put it at the back and move it all up.

Beats having to do home canning like I had to help with growing up tho lol.


The arrival of the USS Theodore Roosevelt strike group in Busan came a day after South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador to protest a major deal between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un this week.

The agreement pledges mutual defense assistance in the event of war. South Korea says the deal poses a threat to its security and warned that it could consider sending arms to Ukraine to help fight off the Russian invasion as a response — a move that would surely ruin its relations with Moscow.

Hezbollah is also part of the 4+1 treaty involving other Middle East countries and Russia. And Israel is ramping up attacks against them. Russia signing with NK could draw them into that too.


Russia is using Israel to threaten WW3. They’ll likely push for parts of Ukraine in exchange to giving Israel land from its Middle East allies.

givesomefucks, (edited )

“I wish that he would be a statesman and do what is right for Israel. We all love Israel,” former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said recently on CNN about Netanyahu. “We need to help them and not have him stand in the way of that for such a long time.”

She added, “I think it’s going to invite more of what we have seen in terms of discontent among our own.”

  1. We don’t “all love Israel”.
  2. It’s incredibly concerning leadership understands this hurts the party but won’t even do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Hell, it’s not even for the wrong reasons. As they keep saying, it’s vital that we stop republicans. But for some reason that’s not enough of a reason to stop supporting genocidal maniacs threatening WW3


Shit, it’s the problem over there too…

They literally all worship the same God but too many people are still wanting to kill each other over the details

It was true when Emo Phillips said it, it’s still true today.

Even if one religion dominates large sections of the globe, over time it will fracture and create conflict again.


There is a very real chance that Biden’s unquestioning support of Israel will lead to WW3.

Bibi knows whatever happens, Biden will always have his back. He can’t get that loyalty from any other US president, he’s counting on every other country recognizing that, but with the way Israel is acting they all assume Israel won’t stop with their current victims.

It’s stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly.

givesomefucks, (edited )

You can stick your head in sand at the beach, but with climate change the tides may be unpredictable.

But I thought when I typed this:

It’s stand together now, or watch each other fall slowly

I thought it was clear I was talking about the countries unfortunate enough to share a border with a country ruled by a power hungry madman actively invading other countries.

With the way this is splitting, both sides are going to have at least one.

Geopolitically speaking, there’s no “good side” which I guess history is like when you’re unfortunate enough to live thru it.


This isn’t happening in a vacuum.

Hezbollah and Russia have a defense treaty with some others like Iraq and Iran. Russia and NK just signed one.

Russia is losing in Ukraine, and none of the countries next to Israel can stand against a US backed Israel.

WW2 was because some minor dude got shot and treaties pulled everyone in. What’s going on now could definitely make WW3 pop off, it doesn’t take much historically


and Donald Trump will be 1000000x worse

Who’s disagreeing with you?


he is the only choice

The DNC hasn’t held their convention yet…


It’s almost two months away still.

Biden is not the nominee yet and there is still time to run someone who not only has a better shot at beating trump. But would be better in office as well.

The DNC are the ones who set that date, they choose when someone becomes the nominee. If you think they should have set it earlier, remember Biden appointed Jamie Harrison to run it.


So, you agree that he’s not the nominee because the convention when the nominee is named is almost two months away still?

Just want to clarify that you’re admitting you’re wrong.


He will be the nominee,

Unless we change him out for someone who will not only stop supporting a genocide, but because of that will stand a better chance at beating trump.

We good now?

You understand we’re not stuck with Biden, that there’s time for better options, and you haven’t insulted me in a couple replies now.

I’m pretty proud of this, greatly exceed all expectations!



I thought we were there, where did I lose you?

  1. Biden is not the Dem candidate
  2. The candidate will be named Aug 24th
  3. Beating trump is the most important thing
  4. Dem voters are more left leaning than Biden
  5. A candidate voters want, would get more votes
  6. We should run the candidate with the best shot of beating trump.

If you can tell me which of those you don’t think are true we can try and work it out.

Or do you agree and just need help putting it together?


So you agree with all 6?

You just think Biden and the DNC aren’t doing everything they can to win?

I’d agree with that. So looks like we agree.

I’m just mad at the people in power for not doing everything they can to beat Trump…

And your mad at me for talking about it.


I disagree with your entire premise

C’mon mate…

I listed all the steps next to numbers so you could easily identify what you needed help with.

It’s starting to feel like you’re not being honest about why you feel like Biden has to be the nominee. Like there’s one position Biden holds and if we ran a candidate Dem voters want, the popular candidate likely wouldn’t hold that specific opinion.

I honestly thought I could help, but I don’t think there’s a way if you’re not being honest.

By all logic, we would be on the same page right now if all you wanted was to beat trump.


News alert, they don’t give a fuck about you or what you think.

That’s not news…

Biden appointed Jamie Harrison as head of the DNC.

The DNC took away NH’ s primary delegates because they keep voting progressive.

It’s blatantly obvious the DNC and Biden dont care what voters want and despite what they say are not doing all they can to prevent trump. That’s literally what you called me an idiot for and started this whole long chain …

I legitimately don’t understand why you’re upset at me for any of this unless you’re not being honest about why you want Biden and not a candidate more likely to beat Trump.

Why are you, Biden. And the DNC willing to risk trump?

Why aren’t you taking that risk seriously?

Dont you understand how bad trump would be?


Biden has been saying for 50 years nothing will ever stop his support of Israel…

Are you asking if I believe him when he says that?

Or that no other US president can be depended on for that level of commitment?


I’m asking if you believe no other president would support Israel more than Biden


Pretty much every other president from either party has had to put Israel in place at least once during their time in office.

trump is corrupt enough to support anything, but he’s unreliable. If you need him his price keeps going up till you can’t afford him. No one can rely on trump, I feel like I won’t get push ack on that.

There’s a lot of potential presidents in America.

We’re not talking potential, we’re talking actual US Presidents, there’s a finate number of them…


So you don’t see any possibility where Biden would step aside for the good of the country to stop trump?

Do you think he honestly believes he’s the best shot against trump? Or is just willing to risk it?


I’m saying if Israel didn’t have unconditional support from America, they wouldn’t be causing so much drama.

They’re the bully that picks on kids when the teacher is in the room, knowing the teacher will always take their side.

Biden is the teacher letting it happen.

Except in this scenario the bullying is a fucking genocide.

And you’re blaming another kid for standing up to the bully, and can’t figure out why the teachers actions are a problem. Is it Biden’s fault Israel is a bully? No, but it’s his fault the bully gets to do whatever they want, and is acting like it


You hold no other country responsible the way you hold the US

It’s the only nation I can vote in…

And we’re providing munitions for them to commit genocide against the laws of my country and international law…

Why shouldn’t I care?

What can I do about Israel directly?

And what aren’t you understanding about that? It’s pretty simple: try to change what’s possible for you to change



I explained it in the comment you replied to…

You replied with something completely random.

I’m sorry I can’t explain this in a way you can understand, but I don’t think I’m the real issue here. If you won’t read what I typed and ask about what you can’t understand I can’t help you.


It’s crazy they act like he’s the black sheep…

The mom raised them, and drove him across state lines.

The sister is just as big of a piece of shit, as evident in the video where Kyle curls up into the fetal positions and cries after some guys stopped him from beating a young girl his sister picked a fight with.

They’re all shit people.


He drove himself to Kenosha. Dominic Black acquired the rifle. It’s unclear whether it was Dominic Black or Rittenhouse who drove him home, but his mother was not in the car.

Well, if you’re right maybe you sour es so people believe you?


And LGBTQ were also victims of their genocide.

Like, the largest demographic of victims were Jewish, but there was a bunch of other groups getting the same treatment.

The difference is LGBTQ was hated by both sides. After Alan Turing contributed more to stopping the nazis than probably any other single person, England chemically castrated him due to his sexual preference which likely contributed to his suicide.

Fascists always prioritize the easiest targets first


And the only demographic of victims to get their own country…



I’m sorry, what are you confused about?

Jewish people made up about half the victims, and was the only demographic who then got their own country given to them after it was stolen from the indengious population.



The war wasn’t fought to stop genocide of any group, it was because Germany and their allies kept invading and attacking other countries.

This is what I’m complaining about.

People learn a feel good version of why WW2 happened in school and run with it. But it’s not really that accurate, it’s just what we tell kids in school.


The concept of there being an “indigenous population” on a land that humanity has occupied and fought over for 10000 years is laughable

Hold up…

You don’t think Africa has any indigenous populations?

You think a random collection of Europeans can say they deserve that land and take it?

Like, that’s apartheid South Africa mate… Even modern South Africa doesn’t defend that anymore, which is why they’re fighting Israel in the courts today.

And stolen? They lost a world war.


Are you saying that you think the native population of Israel fought with the Nazis?

Who told you that?

I don’t think you’re intentionally spreading misinformation, but that’s what you’re doing even if you somehow believe it


Eh, FDR and other US politicians wanted to enter the war for various reasons, including the oppression of Jews

And some wanted to join the Axis for the same reasons…

Not just their treatment of Jewish people, but all the groups.

The nazis inspiration for their treatment of targeted demographics was literally American treatment of slaves and indigenous peoples after all.

America didn’t join WW2 cause we wanted to wear a cape, the sole reason was Pearl Harbor.


Yes, there were plans for if we joined before we joined.

Like, that’s what a functional government does, plan things in case they happen.

Only planning for things you know will happen is absolute insanity.…/great-debate

While it did cross into the majority of Americans (68%) thinking we should join the Allies, it was due to the belief Germany wouldn’t stop with Europe.

Interventionists believed the United States did have good reasons to get involved in World War II, particularly in Europe. The democracies of Western Europe, they argued, were a critical line of defense against Hitler’s fast-growing strength. If no European power remained as a check against Nazi Germany, the United States could become isolated in a world where the seas and a significant amount of territory and resources were controlled by a single powerful dictator. It would be, as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt put it, like “living at the point of a gun,” and the buffer provided by the Pacific and Atlantic would be useless.

Pearl Harbor settled the debate on if America would be left alone.

It wasn’t for “various reasons”.


I didn’t expect you to read the link, that’s why I quoted part of it…

But I at least hoped you’d read that

If you refuse to read, there’s no point in trying to help you understand anything.


They didn’t just wipe out the people who lived there and move in new people…

Large scale immigration didn’t start happening till ethe mid 1800s when ethically European and Jewish people started immigrating enmass.

Partly because the Ottoman empire was friendly to ethnic and religious minorities.


When Rome first took it over, yeah, lots of people (Jewish and otherwise) were killed. But they werent just Jewish, they were also descended ethnically from people who had lived there for centuries.

Converting to a religion doesn’t magically change your ethnicity…

But that’s the only way what you’re saying makes any sense.


The NRA has been waning for a long time. Their member count is only so high be cause for a lot of the big gun shows, it’s free if you’re NRA. And an annual membership is sold onsite and costs less than one time entrance fee.

Their money is largely coming from large donations more to get republicans elected than anything about guns.

The inflated membership numbers is just smoke so they can maintain an air of legitimacy.

Lots of older people act like the “takeover” in the 70s never happened. Before that the NRA was mostly about hunting and argued against CCW. It’s actually pretty interesting how it all went down, and something relatively minor changed American politics for generations.


It was that they wanted to get republicans elected.

The “old guard” was going to move the national headquarters from DC to Colorado so they could make a compound with shooting ranges to give classes and shit

The “new guard” that staged the revolution canceled that, and sunk that money into lobbying and that’s been their primary expenditure pretty much ever since.

It’s always stunk to me as a Republican backed strategy to set up an intermediary for donation washing back when we still had campaign finance laws.

Like, shit was the same time as Watergate, shady shit was happening all over and it’s not like everything came to light.

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