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Coming from someone who owns them-

Nah, it’s not worth it… at least, if you strictly look at “saving money” overall.

ROI is on average 10-25 years, depending on your current cost of energy. The components/inverters/etc, are usually rated for 20-25 years.

At least- this applies if you have a properly licensed contractor install everything. If you do everything yourself, its extremely worth it, and would achieve ROI in a decade or less.


If the ROI => 25 years, then it’s not worth it- because the hardware and equipment is considered deprecated at that point.

If it lasts 30 years, sure, its making good use of itself. But- everything is rated between 15-25 years. As such, after that period, it’s considered end of life, and no longer supported.

Now- I will note, it is not worth it for the “Rate I currently pay”, which is 0.08c/kwh. If next year, my electricity rates tripled, it would vastly reduce the amount of time until this solution reached ROI. And- I am betting that electricity does not get cheaper in the future, otherwise I would have not have pulled the trigger on a 50,000$ project, where the math told me it wasn’t the best idea.

Also, if you really want to see everything quantified- I plan on publishing all of the math, and numbers at the one year mark… which will be around march. -> static.xtremeownage.com/pages/…/Solar-Project/


How did you get that rate? We pay 33 cents, and it was 24 cents just a few months ago… wouldn’t be surprised if it goes up again next year and the year after since even 33 cents is government subsidised (so - there’s no cheaper option available).

All about location. There are supposedly many in my area on a different coop utility, who are only paying 0.03c/kwh.

Ooof. Why’d you do that? We simply put (a bit over) 5kW of panels on the roof, and a good 5kW inverter. One day of sun generates about as much power as we use in a week, and even if it’s overcast we still come out ahead.

I had a few other goals I wanted to accomplish-

  1. Reliability. The grid here isn’t the most stable, and blinks a few times per week. And, a time or two per year, we have an outage. This solution has handled this fantastically well, so well, that I don’t even notice when the grid has dropped unless I specifically go for it.
  2. Apart of this, was bringing some of my wiring/electrical up to code. This accounted for 10k of the price-tag… I relocated/replaced the mains panel across the house to a location more suitable then my daughter’s closet. Also- the panel itself, was pretty old, and needed to be modernized.

One more issue- my PV is undersized a bit. Adding another 3kw, would yield much better returns for me.

Its undersized, because if I oversized it, and sent more energy than I consumed, my lovely utility slaps on a 42$ fee… which is no-bueno.


I’m gonna wait a few years, until prices go waaay down… and I plan on doubling/tripling the PV capacity, which will make everything much more effective, as well.


Honestly, I am all good with getting rid of the drives.

I hardly ever touch CDs these days. I keep a spare USB reader, for making a backup copy of a music CD or movie DVD/Blueray, which I use, maybe twice a year.

I have boxes of DVDs and Blu-ray in the garage, and I don’t ever use them. Matter of fact, if I wanted to use them, I’d have to go find a blueray player to actually play them with.

I do all of my gaming on PC, and I don’t think I have physically purchased a game in over a decade. Steam/GoG are both quite nice.


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  • xtremeownage,

    Until GPU manufacturers can find something else to strive for

    Machine Learning / AI has been a MASSIVE driver for Nvidia, for quite some time now. And bitcoin…


    No… no its not.

    Other developers appreciate art.


    To give credit to CS, Its been out for 7 years at this point, and they have maintained updates for the core game. In addition, they have not locked any “critical” functionality behind a DLC, but rather, the DLCs just gave the game a different experience.

    As many hours as I have dumped into the original, I’d feel MUCH better paying 60$ for it, as opposed to half of the AAA crap out there, where I might be lucky to get 40 hours of gameplay.


    This was a great feature video, I really liked that they are making utilities more than just something you have to do but potentially something interesting.

    I agree. As someone who enjoys playing factory and logistics games- (factorio, satisfactory, creeper world, ftb minecraft, etc…), I fully welcome the additional control over utilities, and the additional challenges and elements of gameplay.


    Can confirm- playing that game, if you don’t have enough friends online to make a full team- is painful… Very painful.

    Don’t play this game solo. Don’t play it with strangers. You will have a bad time.


    6 hours in, have not left the first solar system yet…

    BUT, here is the 5th iteration of my starting ship.

    (Just scrapped a ship graveyard.)



    I’ll be happy if cars can drive down a 5 lane interstate, in a lane other then the far-most right lane.

    It takes a ton of optimization to get multi-lane highways and interstates to be properly utilized… If I recall, I used traffic manager to only allow drivers taking the next exit to use the right lane, as the mechanics… are very finicky.

    Edit- and appears, they heard the call.

    Lane Usage

    In Cities: Skylines II vehicles use more lanes. They try to optimize road usage to allow as smooth traffic as possible, occupying all available lanes as they travel to their destination. This means that if one lane in a multilane road is filled with vehicles waiting at the traffic lights, new cars arriving at the intersection choose the other empty lane(s) to fill the intersection evenly.

    On multilane roads, vehicles can overtake slower vehicles when the simulation notices that the other lanes are less used. Vehicles also switch lanes to avoid completely blocked lanes due to a traffic accident, a traffic jam, or a stopped vehicle, such as an ambulance picking up a patient. Additionally, vehicles will try to give room for the emergency vehicle by switching to other lanes when possible.


    Path of exile, is a unicorn.

    Every season brings on new unique challenges. The playerbase is nice. And- there are a billion and two different ways to build a character. That was one thing that game did better then any other game- the sheer amount of customization.

    Although- I think the complexity also drove away a lot of players too. But, I really enjoyed it.


    I played eve online for years, and years.

    In a single night, lost a FULLY pimped out Golem, A 90% pimped out T4 cruiser. Got pod-killed a few times, and lost YEARS (LITERALLY YEARS!!!) of skill-points.

    Then- I said F- that. Never touched it again.

    I guess these days, you don’t lose months or years of skill-points when you get podded. But- too late for me.

    Another game giveaway!

    Inspired by the previous post of a very generous Lemmy user, here are some games that I have keys for that I will not use (from Humble bundles of years ago). I don’t really know how I will choose who gets them, I feel like just using upvotes kinda awards the more creative or charismatic people. I’ll probably use some sort of...


    As the person for the previous giveaway, I will note- I have ANOTHER GIVEAWAY going currently. It will run until next monday.


    Old humble bundle games.

    If I recall- for 30$ a month, they used to offer a bunch of game keys. I ended up cancelling years ago, because.... well, most of the game keys were not that interesting.


    Beat Hazard - Won


    Basingstoke Won, PM Sent


    Void Bastards, Won. PM sent to @Crotaro


    Rise of industry won, PM Sent.

    (And damn, that was one of the ones I would have actually played!)

    That is, 5 of 5, sent!


    Heavy HO Won! (By popular demand.)

    PM Sent.


    You didn’t make it for this one, however, I am posting Another Giveaway on one of my communities. Feel free to try again.

    New giveaway will run until next monday.


    Thanls OP for thé giveaway!


    You were not high enough on this one, but, There is another


    If you change your mind- just edit the comment and let me know what ya want!


    Go post on the new giveaway here: lemmyonline.com/post/7869

    This one is closed / done.


    Game is still there, and still available!

    This one is gonna go until next Monday


    I did a few on reddit… but, it… wasn’t enjoyable.

    Had to follow 5,000 different rules to post. And, people wouldn’t even have the common courtesy to give an upvote. lol


    It is still there- however, this giveaway is closed/completed.

    However, Giveaway #2 is active. Go check it out


    I didn’t have that particular issue- mostly because I only did one or two on steamgifts.

    Between people not even being able to return an upvote- combined with the strict rules of the sub- Well… Lets just say- all of these games have been just chilling in my humble bundle for years.




    I need to stock up.

    Guess this is a good way to burn a few T of space on my NAS. Love GOG

    koteisaev, (edited ) to gaming
    @koteisaev@mastodon.online avatar


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    Give it time, perhaps some of these bugs will be ironed out...

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