
I like the closing gap between the lowest earners. I just wish it wasn’t due to the middle class being dragged down.


Median wage of $45k per year is wild. Tough to live comfortably on that in most cities in this country.


This country is going down the drain fast.


70 (50 after tax) isn’t even enough to pay rent on in Toronto if you have student loans… This shit is wild.

marathon, avatar

The high inflation is mainly caused by the backlash of sanctions on Russia, which didn’t hurt Russia but us! Stupid economists advising Biden didn’t know shite.


Lmao no

marathon, avatar

Shows how little you know about why oil prices are so high right now. Sanctions didn’t work, Russia’s economy actually grew and has less inflation. Ukraine attacking their oil refineries hasn’t helped either.

marathon, avatar

I dunno why I’m being downvoted, these are verifiable facts! Do some serious research, people.


Ok, please provide your sources.


Talking points printed for comrades at the Russian troll farm


Lots of trolls on the Canadian sublemmies lately. Apparently Lemmy’s a big target now.

marathon, avatar

So you believe what we’re being told by the government and MSM? If so, you’re a damn fool.

marathon, avatar

Do your own damn research. I’m not here to spoon-feed you! Ukraine has been attacking Russian oil depots. When the supply of oil is constricted, guess what happens? Oil prices rise! I thought this was a serious Subreddit—apparently not.


You make the claims, you provide the research.

The burden of proof is on you.

marathon, avatar

No, it’s not. Before critiquing anything, it’s incumbent on YOU to have a knowledge of the subject. Not what you think, but what is factual. Do you actually know what’s been happening in Ukraine before Russia’s invasion? Do you know that we’re supporting an undemocratic fascist regime in Ukraine (Zelensky cancelled elections which are due May 21 of this year, and made opposition parties illegal)? Even the MSM before the invasion had articles concerning the Nazi fascist rise in Ukraine. Do some research! The first casualty in war is the truth. Canada has been sending mercs to fight in that war. It wasn’t an accident that a Nazi was honoured in our Parliament FFS! Read some history of the 2nd world war! Even our deputy PM Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather, from the Galician region, was a Nazi officer! Many inconvenient truths that folks like you either don’t know about or are ideologically invested, in this fallacy. Most Canadians are wilfully ignorant of foreign policy. Unfortunately.


Show us your research

marathon, avatar

An example of the reportage BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine:…/why-everything-youve-read-about-ukra… I have pages of more, but I’ll leave it serious readers to research. I just wish our election cycles in Canada involved more foreign affairs content. It doesn’t so Canadians are mostly ignorant of the world poltically.

mp3, avatar

There’s no way it could be because of that tiny pandemic that slowed down the economy, created shortages of all kind of products for more than a year causing a lasting effect that we still feel today, and changed the work environment paradigm where a massive amount of people can work from home.


Now THATS A hot take.

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